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Example 1 with OAuthRequestFailedException

use of in project spring-security-oauth by spring-projects.

the class OAuthConsumerContextFilter method doFilter.

public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) servletResponse;
    OAuthSecurityContextImpl context = new OAuthSecurityContextImpl();
    Map<String, OAuthConsumerToken> rememberedTokens = getRememberMeServices().loadRememberedTokens(request, response);
    Map<String, OAuthConsumerToken> accessTokens = new TreeMap<String, OAuthConsumerToken>();
    Map<String, OAuthConsumerToken> requestTokens = new TreeMap<String, OAuthConsumerToken>();
    if (rememberedTokens != null) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, OAuthConsumerToken> tokenEntry : rememberedTokens.entrySet()) {
            OAuthConsumerToken token = tokenEntry.getValue();
            if (token != null) {
                if (token.isAccessToken()) {
                    accessTokens.put(tokenEntry.getKey(), token);
                } else {
                    requestTokens.put(tokenEntry.getKey(), token);
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Storing access tokens in request attribute '" + getAccessTokensRequestAttribute() + "'.");
    try {
        try {
            request.setAttribute(getAccessTokensRequestAttribute(), new ArrayList<OAuthConsumerToken>(accessTokens.values()));
            chain.doFilter(request, response);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
                ProtectedResourceDetails resourceThatNeedsAuthorization = checkForResourceThatNeedsAuthorization(e);
                String neededResourceId = resourceThatNeedsAuthorization.getId();
                while (!accessTokens.containsKey(neededResourceId)) {
                    OAuthConsumerToken token = requestTokens.remove(neededResourceId);
                    if (token == null) {
                        token = getTokenServices().getToken(neededResourceId);
                    String verifier = request.getParameter(OAuthProviderParameter.oauth_verifier.toString());
                    // if there is NO access token and (we're not using 1.0a or the verifier is not null)
                    if (token == null || (!token.isAccessToken() && (!resourceThatNeedsAuthorization.isUse10a() || verifier == null))) {
                        // if there's a request token, but no verifier, we'll assume that a previous oauth request failed and we need to get a new request token.
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("Obtaining request token for resource: " + neededResourceId);
                        // obtain authorization.
                        String callbackURL = response.encodeRedirectURL(getCallbackURL(request));
                        token = getConsumerSupport().getUnauthorizedRequestToken(neededResourceId, callbackURL);
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("Request token obtained for resource " + neededResourceId + ": " + token);
                        // okay, we've got a request token, now we need to authorize it.
                        requestTokens.put(neededResourceId, token);
                        getTokenServices().storeToken(neededResourceId, token);
                        String redirect = getUserAuthorizationRedirectURL(resourceThatNeedsAuthorization, token, callbackURL);
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("Redirecting request to " + redirect + " for user authorization of the request token for resource " + neededResourceId + ".");
                        request.setAttribute("", e);
                        this.redirectStrategy.sendRedirect(request, response, redirect);
                    } else if (!token.isAccessToken()) {
                        // we have a presumably authorized request token, let's try to get an access token with it.
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("Obtaining access token for resource: " + neededResourceId);
                        // authorize the request token and store it.
                        try {
                            token = getConsumerSupport().getAccessToken(token, verifier);
                        } finally {
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("Access token " + token + " obtained for resource " + neededResourceId + ". Now storing and using.");
                        getTokenServices().storeToken(neededResourceId, token);
                    accessTokens.put(neededResourceId, token);
                    try {
                        // try again
                        if (!response.isCommitted()) {
                            request.setAttribute(getAccessTokensRequestAttribute(), new ArrayList<OAuthConsumerToken>(accessTokens.values()));
                            chain.doFilter(request, response);
                        } else {
                            // dang. what do we do now?
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to reprocess filter chain with needed OAuth2 resources because the response is already committed.");
                    } catch (Exception e1) {
                        resourceThatNeedsAuthorization = checkForResourceThatNeedsAuthorization(e1);
                        neededResourceId = resourceThatNeedsAuthorization.getId();
            } catch (OAuthRequestFailedException eo) {
                fail(request, response, eo);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Throwable[] causeChain = getThrowableAnalyzer().determineCauseChain(ex);
                OAuthRequestFailedException rfe = (OAuthRequestFailedException) getThrowableAnalyzer().getFirstThrowableOfType(OAuthRequestFailedException.class, causeChain);
                if (rfe != null) {
                    fail(request, response, rfe);
                } else {
                    // Rethrow ServletExceptions and RuntimeExceptions as-is
                    if (ex instanceof ServletException) {
                        throw (ServletException) ex;
                    } else if (ex instanceof RuntimeException) {
                        throw (RuntimeException) ex;
                    // Wrap other Exceptions. These are not expected to happen
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
    } finally {
        HashMap<String, OAuthConsumerToken> tokensToRemember = new HashMap<String, OAuthConsumerToken>();
        getRememberMeServices().rememberTokens(tokensToRemember, request, response);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HttpServletResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) OAuthRequestFailedException( ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) AccessTokenRequiredException( OAuthRequestFailedException( IOException( UnsupportedEncodingException( OAuthConsumerToken( HttpServletRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) OAuthSecurityContextImpl( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) ProtectedResourceDetails(

Example 2 with OAuthRequestFailedException

use of in project spring-security-oauth by spring-projects.

the class OAuthConsumerContextFilter method checkForResourceThatNeedsAuthorization.

 * Check the given exception for the resource that needs authorization. If the exception was not thrown because a resource needed authorization, then rethrow
 * the exception.
 * @param ex The exception.
 * @return The resource that needed authorization (never null).
 * @throws ServletException in the case of an underlying Servlet API exception
 * @throws IOException in the case of general IO exceptions
protected ProtectedResourceDetails checkForResourceThatNeedsAuthorization(Exception ex) throws ServletException, IOException {
    Throwable[] causeChain = getThrowableAnalyzer().determineCauseChain(ex);
    AccessTokenRequiredException ase = (AccessTokenRequiredException) getThrowableAnalyzer().getFirstThrowableOfType(AccessTokenRequiredException.class, causeChain);
    ProtectedResourceDetails resourceThatNeedsAuthorization;
    if (ase != null) {
        resourceThatNeedsAuthorization = ase.getResource();
        if (resourceThatNeedsAuthorization == null) {
            throw new OAuthRequestFailedException(ase.getMessage());
    } else {
        // Rethrow ServletExceptions and RuntimeExceptions as-is
        if (ex instanceof ServletException) {
            throw (ServletException) ex;
        if (ex instanceof IOException) {
            throw (IOException) ex;
        } else if (ex instanceof RuntimeException) {
            throw (RuntimeException) ex;
        // Wrap other Exceptions. These are not expected to happen
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);
    return resourceThatNeedsAuthorization;
Also used : ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) AccessTokenRequiredException( IOException( OAuthRequestFailedException( ProtectedResourceDetails(

Example 3 with OAuthRequestFailedException

use of in project spring-security-oauth by spring-projects.

the class CoreOAuthConsumerSupport method openConnection.

 * Open a connection to the given URL.
 * @param requestTokenURL The request token URL.
 * @return The HTTP URL connection.
protected HttpURLConnection openConnection(URL requestTokenURL) {
    try {
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) requestTokenURL.openConnection(selectProxy(requestTokenURL));
        return connection;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new OAuthRequestFailedException("Failed to open an OAuth connection.", e);
Also used : OAuthRequestFailedException(

Example 4 with OAuthRequestFailedException

use of in project spring-security-oauth by spring-projects.

the class CoreOAuthConsumerSupport method loadOAuthParameters.

 * Loads the OAuth parameters for the given resource at the given URL and the given token. These parameters include
 * any query parameters on the URL since they are included in the signature. The oauth parameters are NOT encoded.
 * @param details      The resource details.
 * @param requestURL   The request URL.
 * @param requestToken The request token.
 * @param httpMethod   The http method.
 * @param additionalParameters Additional oauth parameters (outside of the core oauth spec).
 * @return The parameters.
protected Map<String, Set<CharSequence>> loadOAuthParameters(ProtectedResourceDetails details, URL requestURL, OAuthConsumerToken requestToken, String httpMethod, Map<String, String> additionalParameters) {
    Map<String, Set<CharSequence>> oauthParams = new TreeMap<String, Set<CharSequence>>();
    if (additionalParameters != null) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> additionalParam : additionalParameters.entrySet()) {
            Set<CharSequence> values = oauthParams.get(additionalParam.getKey());
            if (values == null) {
                values = new HashSet<CharSequence>();
                oauthParams.put(additionalParam.getKey(), values);
            if (additionalParam.getValue() != null) {
    String query = requestURL.getQuery();
    if (query != null) {
        StringTokenizer queryTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(query, "&");
        while (queryTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
            String token = (String) queryTokenizer.nextElement();
            CharSequence value = null;
            int equalsIndex = token.indexOf('=');
            if (equalsIndex < 0) {
                token = urlDecode(token);
            } else {
                value = new QueryParameterValue(urlDecode(token.substring(equalsIndex + 1)));
                token = urlDecode(token.substring(0, equalsIndex));
            Set<CharSequence> values = oauthParams.get(token);
            if (values == null) {
                values = new HashSet<CharSequence>();
                oauthParams.put(token, values);
            if (value != null) {
    String tokenSecret = requestToken == null ? null : requestToken.getSecret();
    String nonce = getNonceFactory().generateNonce();
    oauthParams.put(OAuthConsumerParameter.oauth_consumer_key.toString(), Collections.singleton((CharSequence) details.getConsumerKey()));
    if ((requestToken != null) && (requestToken.getValue() != null)) {
        oauthParams.put(OAuthConsumerParameter.oauth_token.toString(), Collections.singleton((CharSequence) requestToken.getValue()));
    oauthParams.put(OAuthConsumerParameter.oauth_nonce.toString(), Collections.singleton((CharSequence) nonce));
    oauthParams.put(OAuthConsumerParameter.oauth_signature_method.toString(), Collections.singleton((CharSequence) details.getSignatureMethod()));
    oauthParams.put(OAuthConsumerParameter.oauth_timestamp.toString(), Collections.singleton((CharSequence) String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)));
    oauthParams.put(OAuthConsumerParameter.oauth_version.toString(), Collections.singleton((CharSequence) "1.0"));
    String signatureBaseString = getSignatureBaseString(oauthParams, requestURL, httpMethod);
    OAuthSignatureMethod signatureMethod;
    try {
        signatureMethod = getSignatureFactory().getSignatureMethod(details.getSignatureMethod(), details.getSharedSecret(), tokenSecret);
    } catch (UnsupportedSignatureMethodException e) {
        throw new OAuthRequestFailedException(e.getMessage(), e);
    String signature = signatureMethod.sign(signatureBaseString);
    oauthParams.put(OAuthConsumerParameter.oauth_signature.toString(), Collections.singleton((CharSequence) signature));
    return oauthParams;
Also used : OAuthRequestFailedException( UnsupportedSignatureMethodException( OAuthSignatureMethod(

Example 5 with OAuthRequestFailedException

use of in project spring-security-oauth by spring-projects.

the class CoreOAuthConsumerSupport method configureURLForProtectedAccess.

 * Internal use of configuring the URL for protected access, the resource details already having been loaded.
 * @param url          The URL.
 * @param requestToken The request token.
 * @param details      The details.
 * @param httpMethod   The http method.
 * @param additionalParameters Any additional request parameters.
 * @return The configured URL.
protected URL configureURLForProtectedAccess(URL url, OAuthConsumerToken requestToken, ProtectedResourceDetails details, String httpMethod, Map<String, String> additionalParameters) {
    String file;
    if (!"POST".equalsIgnoreCase(httpMethod) && !"PUT".equalsIgnoreCase(httpMethod) && !details.isAcceptsAuthorizationHeader()) {
        StringBuilder fileb = new StringBuilder(url.getPath());
        String queryString = getOAuthQueryString(details, requestToken, url, httpMethod, additionalParameters);
        file = fileb.toString();
    } else {
        file = url.getFile();
    try {
        if ("http".equalsIgnoreCase(url.getProtocol())) {
            URLStreamHandler streamHandler = getStreamHandlerFactory().getHttpStreamHandler(details, requestToken, this, httpMethod, additionalParameters);
            return new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), file, streamHandler);
        } else if ("https".equalsIgnoreCase(url.getProtocol())) {
            URLStreamHandler streamHandler = getStreamHandlerFactory().getHttpsStreamHandler(details, requestToken, this, httpMethod, additionalParameters);
            return new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), file, streamHandler);
        } else {
            throw new OAuthRequestFailedException("Unsupported OAuth protocol: " + url.getProtocol());
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
Also used : OAuthRequestFailedException(


OAuthRequestFailedException ( OAuthConsumerToken ( ProtectedResourceDetails ( IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)2 ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)2 AccessTokenRequiredException ( InvalidOAuthRealmException ( ByteArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( MalformedURLException ( URL ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HttpServletRequest (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)1 HttpServletResponse (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)1 DecoderException (org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException)1 Test (org.junit.Test)1