use of org.structr.common.error.ArgumentTypeException in project structr by structr.
the class GetWCSDataFunction method apply.
public Object apply(final ActionContext ctx, final Object caller, final Object[] sources) throws FrameworkException {
try {
assertArrayHasMinLengthAndTypes(sources, 5, String.class, String.class, Geometry.class, Number.class, Number.class);
final Map<String, Object> data = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final String baseUrl = (String) sources[0];
final String coverageId = (String) sources[1];
final Geometry boundingBox = (Geometry) sources[2];
final Number min = (Number) sources[3];
final Number max = (Number) sources[4];
data.put("data", getFilteredCoverageGeometries(baseUrl, coverageId, boundingBox, min.doubleValue(), max.doubleValue()));
// when the enclosing resource endpoint is not a collection endpoint.. :(
return data;
} catch (ArgumentNullException pe) {
// silently ignore null arguments
return "";
} catch (ArgumentCountException pe) {
logParameterError(caller, sources, pe.getMessage(), ctx.isJavaScriptContext());
return usage(ctx.isJavaScriptContext());
} catch (ArgumentTypeException te) {
logParameterError(caller, sources, te.getMessage(), ctx.isJavaScriptContext());
return usage(ctx.isJavaScriptContext());
use of org.structr.common.error.ArgumentTypeException in project structr by structr.
the class GetWCSHistogramFunction method apply.
public Object apply(final ActionContext ctx, final Object caller, final Object[] sources) throws FrameworkException {
try {
assertArrayHasMinLengthAndTypes(sources, 3, String.class, String.class, Geometry.class, Number.class, Number.class, Number.class);
final String baseUrl = (String) sources[0];
final String coverageId = (String) sources[1];
final Geometry geometry = (Geometry) sources[2];
final GridCoverage2D coverage = getWCSCoverage(baseUrl, coverageId, geometry);
final CoverageProcessor processor = CoverageProcessor.getInstance();
final Operation operation = processor.getOperation("Histogram");
final ParameterValueGroup params = operation.getParameters();
final int numBins = sources.length > 3 ? parseInt(sources[3], 256) : 256;
final double lowValue = sources.length > 4 ? parseDouble(sources[4], 0.0) : 0.0;
final double cutoffPercentage = sources.length > 5 ? parseDouble(sources[5], 0.005) : 0.005;
final double[] extrema = getExtrema(coverage, 0);
params.parameter("numBins").setValue(new int[] { numBins });
params.parameter("lowValue").setValue(new double[] { lowValue });
params.parameter("highValue").setValue(new double[] { extrema[1] });
final NumberFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#,###,##0.00");
final GridCoverage2D result = (GridCoverage2D) processor.doOperation(params);
final Histogram histogram = (Histogram) result.getProperty("histogram");
final int[] bins = histogram.getBins(0);
final Double binWidth = histogram.getHighValue()[0] / (double) numBins;
final Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
List<String> binNames = new LinkedList<>();
List<Integer> binData = new LinkedList<>();
int lastIndex = 0;
int restBin = 0;
double maxCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bins.length; i++) {
final double d = i;
binNames.add(format.format(binWidth * d));
if (bins[i] > maxCount) {
maxCount = bins[i];
// combine all bins whose value is below a given threshold (maxCount * cutoffPercentage)
int threshold = Double.valueOf(maxCount * cutoffPercentage).intValue();
for (int i = 0; i < bins.length; i++) {
// find index of last bin with more than x elements
if (bins[i] > threshold) {
lastIndex = i;
// collect the sum of all the bins below the threshold
for (int i = lastIndex; i < bins.length; i++) {
restBin += bins[i];
binNames = binNames.subList(0, lastIndex);
binData = binData.subList(0, lastIndex);
// add a single bin with all the rest
binNames.add("> " + format.format(binWidth * lastIndex));
// remove all bins that have less than threshold elements
map.put("names", binNames);
map.put("bins", binData);
return map;
} catch (ArgumentNullException pe) {
// silently ignore null arguments
return "";
} catch (ArgumentCountException pe) {
logParameterError(caller, sources, pe.getMessage(), ctx.isJavaScriptContext());
return usage(ctx.isJavaScriptContext());
} catch (ArgumentTypeException te) {
logParameterError(caller, sources, te.getMessage(), ctx.isJavaScriptContext());
return usage(ctx.isJavaScriptContext());