Search in sources :

Example 1 with JsonInput

use of org.structr.core.JsonInput in project structr by structr.

the class JsonInputGSONAdapter method deserialize.

public static JsonInput deserialize(final JsonElement json, final JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
    final JsonInput wrapper = new JsonInput();
    if (json.isJsonObject()) {
        final JsonObject obj = json.getAsJsonObject();
        for (final Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : obj.entrySet()) {
            final String key = entry.getKey();
            final JsonElement elem = entry.getValue();
            if (elem.isJsonNull()) {
                wrapper.add(key, null);
            } else if (elem.isJsonObject()) {
                wrapper.add(key, deserialize(elem, context));
            } else if (elem.isJsonArray()) {
                final JsonArray array = elem.getAsJsonArray();
                final List list = new LinkedList();
                for (final JsonElement element : array) {
                    if (element.isJsonPrimitive()) {
                    } else if (element.isJsonObject()) {
                        // create map of values
                        list.add(deserialize(element, context));
                wrapper.add(key, list);
            } else if (elem.isJsonPrimitive()) {
                // wrapper.add(key, elem.getAsString());
                wrapper.add(key, fromPrimitive(elem.getAsJsonPrimitive()));
    } else if (json.isJsonArray()) {
        final JsonArray array = json.getAsJsonArray();
        for (final JsonElement elem : array) {
            if (elem.isJsonPrimitive()) {
                wrapper.add(elem.toString(), fromPrimitive(elem.getAsJsonPrimitive()));
            } else if (elem.isJsonObject()) {
                wrapper.add(elem.toString(), deserialize(elem, context));
            } else if (elem.isJsonArray()) {
                wrapper.add(elem.toString(), deserialize(elem, context));
    } else {
        // not one of the expected types => error
        throw new JsonSyntaxException("Invalid JSON, expecting object or array");
    return wrapper;
Also used : JsonArray( JsonInput(org.structr.core.JsonInput) IJsonInput(org.structr.core.IJsonInput) JsonSyntaxException( JsonElement( JsonObject( List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 2 with JsonInput

use of org.structr.core.JsonInput in project structr by structr.

the class CsvServlet method doPost.

protected void doPost(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    final String fieldSeparatorHeader = request.getHeader(DEFAULT_FIELD_SEPARATOR_HEADER_NAME);
    final char fieldSeparator = (fieldSeparatorHeader == null) ? DEFAULT_FIELD_SEPARATOR : fieldSeparatorHeader.charAt(0);
    final String quoteCharacterHeader = request.getHeader(DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER_HEADER_NAME);
    final char quoteCharacter = (quoteCharacterHeader == null) ? DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER : quoteCharacterHeader.charAt(0);
    final String doPeridicCommitHeader = request.getHeader(DEFAULT_PERIODIC_COMMIT_HEADER_NAME);
    final boolean doPeriodicCommit = (doPeridicCommitHeader == null) ? DEFAULT_PERIODIC_COMMIT : Boolean.parseBoolean(doPeridicCommitHeader);
    final String periodicCommitIntervalHeader = request.getHeader(DEFAULT_PERIODIC_COMMIT_INTERVAL_HEADER_NAME);
    final int periodicCommitInterval = (periodicCommitIntervalHeader == null) ? DEFAULT_PERIODIC_COMMIT_INTERVAL : Integer.parseInt(periodicCommitIntervalHeader);
    final String rangeHeader = request.getHeader(DEFAULT_RANGE_HEADER_NAME);
    final List<RestMethodResult> results = new LinkedList<>();
    final Authenticator authenticator;
    final Resource resource;
    try {
        // first thing to do!
        response.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8");
        // get reader before initalizing security context
        final Reader input = request.getReader();
        // isolate request authentication in a transaction
        try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) {
            authenticator = config.getAuthenticator();
            securityContext = authenticator.initializeAndExamineRequest(request, response);
        final App app = StructrApp.getInstance(securityContext);
        if (securityContext != null) {
            // isolate resource authentication
            try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
                resource = ResourceHelper.applyViewTransformation(request, securityContext, ResourceHelper.optimizeNestedResourceChain(securityContext, request, resourceMap, propertyView), propertyView);
                authenticator.checkResourceAccess(securityContext, request, resource.getResourceSignature(), propertyView.get(securityContext));
            // do not send websocket notifications for created objects
            final String username = securityContext.getUser(false).getName();
            final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            final Map<String, Object> data = new LinkedHashMap();
            data.put("type", "CSV_IMPORT_STATUS");
            data.put("subtype", "BEGIN");
            data.put("username", username);
            // isolate doPost
            boolean retry = true;
            while (retry) {
                retry = false;
                final Iterable<JsonInput> csv = CsvHelper.cleanAndParseCSV(securityContext, input, resource.getEntityClass(), fieldSeparator, quoteCharacter, rangeHeader);
                if (resource.createPostTransaction()) {
                    if (doPeriodicCommit) {
                        final List<JsonInput> list = new ArrayList<>();
                        final List<List<JsonInput>> chunkedCsv = ListUtils.partition(list, periodicCommitInterval);
                        final int totalChunkNo = chunkedCsv.size();
                        int currentChunkNo = 0;
                        for (final List<JsonInput> currentChunk : chunkedCsv) {
                            try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
                                for (final JsonInput propertySet : currentChunk) {
                                    handleCsvPropertySet(results, resource, propertySet);
                      "CSV: Finished importing chunk " + currentChunkNo + " / " + totalChunkNo);
                                final Map<String, Object> chunkMsgData = new LinkedHashMap();
                                chunkMsgData.put("type", "CSV_IMPORT_STATUS");
                                chunkMsgData.put("subtype", "CHUNK");
                                chunkMsgData.put("currentChunkNo", currentChunkNo);
                                chunkMsgData.put("totalChunkNo", totalChunkNo);
                                chunkMsgData.put("username", username);
                            } catch (RetryException ddex) {
                                retry = true;
                    } else {
                        try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
                            for (final JsonInput propertySet : csv) {
                                handleCsvPropertySet(results, resource, propertySet);
                        } catch (RetryException ddex) {
                            retry = true;
                } else {
                    if (doPeriodicCommit) {
                        logger.warn("Resource auto-creates POST transaction - can not commit periodically!");
                    try {
                        for (final JsonInput propertySet : csv) {
                            handleCsvPropertySet(results, resource, propertySet);
                    } catch (RetryException ddex) {
                        retry = true;
            final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00", DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH));
            final String duration = decimalFormat.format(((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0)) + "s";
  "CSV: Finished importing CSV data (Time: {})", duration);
            final Map<String, Object> endMsgData = new LinkedHashMap();
            endMsgData.put("type", "CSV_IMPORT_STATUS");
            endMsgData.put("subtype", "END");
            endMsgData.put("duration", duration);
            endMsgData.put("username", username);
            // set default value for property view
            propertyView.set(securityContext, config.getDefaultPropertyView());
            // isolate write output
            try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
                if (!results.isEmpty()) {
                    final RestMethodResult result = results.get(0);
                    final int resultCount = results.size();
                    if (result != null) {
                        if (resultCount > 1) {
                            for (final RestMethodResult r : results) {
                                final GraphObject objectCreated = r.getContent().get(0);
                                if (!result.getContent().contains(objectCreated)) {
                            // remove Location header if more than one object was
                            // written because it may only contain a single URL
                            result.addHeader("Location", null);
                        result.commitResponse(gson.get(), response);
        } else {
            // isolate write output
            try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
                new RestMethodResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN).commitResponse(gson.get(), response);
    } catch (FrameworkException frameworkException) {
        // set status & write JSON output
        gson.get().toJson(frameworkException, response.getWriter());
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException jsex) {
        logger.warn("POST: Invalid JSON syntax", jsex.getMessage());
        int code = HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
        response.getWriter().append(RestMethodResult.jsonError(code, "JsonSyntaxException in POST: " + jsex.getMessage()));
    } catch (JsonParseException jpex) {
        logger.warn("Unable to parse JSON string", jpex.getMessage());
        int code = HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
        response.getWriter().append(RestMethodResult.jsonError(code, "JsonParseException in POST: " + jpex.getMessage()));
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
        logger.warn("POST not supported");
        int code = HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
        response.getWriter().append(RestMethodResult.jsonError(code, "POST not supported: " + uoe.getMessage()));
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        logger.warn("Exception in POST", t);
        int code = HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
        response.getWriter().append(RestMethodResult.jsonError(code, "JsonSyntaxException in POST: " + t.getMessage()));
    } finally {
        try {
            // response.getWriter().flush();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            logger.warn("Unable to flush and close response: {}", t.getMessage());
Also used : App( StructrApp( DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Reader( GraphObject(org.structr.core.GraphObject) JsonParseException( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) JsonInput(org.structr.core.JsonInput) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Authenticator(org.structr.core.auth.Authenticator) Tx(org.structr.core.graph.Tx) FrameworkException(org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException) Resource( RetryException(org.structr.api.RetryException) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) JsonSyntaxException( GraphObject(org.structr.core.GraphObject) RestMethodResult(

Example 3 with JsonInput

use of org.structr.core.JsonInput in project structr by structr.

the class JsonRestServlet method doPost.

// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="POST">
protected void doPost(final HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    final List<RestMethodResult> results = new LinkedList<>();
    final SecurityContext securityContext;
    final Authenticator authenticator;
    final Resource resource;
    try {
        // first thing to do!
        response.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8");
        // get reader before initalizing security context
        final String input = IOUtils.toString(request.getReader());
        // isolate request authentication in a transaction
        try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) {
            authenticator = config.getAuthenticator();
            securityContext = authenticator.initializeAndExamineRequest(request, response);
        final App app = StructrApp.getInstance(securityContext);
        final IJsonInput jsonInput = cleanAndParseJsonString(app, input);
        if (securityContext != null) {
            // isolate resource authentication
            try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
                resource = ResourceHelper.applyViewTransformation(request, securityContext, ResourceHelper.optimizeNestedResourceChain(securityContext, request, resourceMap, propertyView), propertyView);
                authenticator.checkResourceAccess(securityContext, request, resource.getResourceSignature(), propertyView.get(securityContext));
            // isolate doPost
            boolean retry = true;
            while (retry) {
                if (resource.createPostTransaction()) {
                    try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
                        for (JsonInput propertySet : jsonInput.getJsonInputs()) {
                        retry = false;
                    } catch (RetryException ddex) {
                        retry = true;
                } else {
                    try {
                        for (JsonInput propertySet : jsonInput.getJsonInputs()) {
                        retry = false;
                    } catch (RetryException ddex) {
                        retry = true;
            // set default value for property view
            propertyView.set(securityContext, config.getDefaultPropertyView());
            // isolate write output
            try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
                if (!results.isEmpty()) {
                    final RestMethodResult result = results.get(0);
                    final int resultCount = results.size();
                    if (result != null) {
                        if (resultCount > 1) {
                            for (final RestMethodResult r : results) {
                                final GraphObject objectCreated = r.getContent().get(0);
                                if (!result.getContent().contains(objectCreated)) {
                            // remove Location header if more than one object was
                            // written because it may only contain a single URL
                            result.addHeader("Location", null);
                        result.commitResponse(gson.get(), response);
        } else {
            // isolate write output
            try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
                new RestMethodResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN).commitResponse(gson.get(), response);
    } catch (FrameworkException frameworkException) {
        // set status & write JSON output
        gson.get().toJson(frameworkException, response.getWriter());
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException jsex) {
        logger.warn("POST: Invalid JSON syntax", jsex.getMessage());
        int code = HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
        response.getWriter().append(RestMethodResult.jsonError(code, "JsonSyntaxException in POST: " + jsex.getMessage()));
    } catch (JsonParseException jpex) {
        logger.warn("Unable to parse JSON string", jpex.getMessage());
        int code = HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
        response.getWriter().append(RestMethodResult.jsonError(code, "JsonParseException in POST: " + jpex.getMessage()));
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
        logger.warn("POST not supported");
        int code = HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
        response.getWriter().append(RestMethodResult.jsonError(code, "POST not supported: " + uoe.getMessage()));
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        logger.warn("Exception in POST", t);
        int code = HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
        response.getWriter().append(RestMethodResult.jsonError(code, "JsonSyntaxException in POST: " + t.getMessage()));
    } finally {
        try {
            // response.getWriter().flush();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            logger.warn("Unable to flush and close response: {}", t.getMessage());
Also used : App( StructrApp( Tx(org.structr.core.graph.Tx) FrameworkException(org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException) Resource( StaticRelationshipResource( RetryException(org.structr.api.RetryException) GraphObject(org.structr.core.GraphObject) JsonParseException( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) JsonInput(org.structr.core.JsonInput) IJsonInput(org.structr.core.IJsonInput) JsonSyntaxException( SecurityContext(org.structr.common.SecurityContext) IJsonInput(org.structr.core.IJsonInput) RestMethodResult( Authenticator(org.structr.core.auth.Authenticator)

Example 4 with JsonInput

use of org.structr.core.JsonInput in project structr by structr.

the class CsvHelper method cleanAndParseCSV.

public static Iterable<JsonInput> cleanAndParseCSV(final SecurityContext securityContext, final Reader input, final Class type, final Character fieldSeparator, final Character quoteCharacter, final String range, final Map<String, String> propertyMapping) throws FrameworkException, IOException {
    final CSVReader reader;
    if (quoteCharacter == null) {
        reader = new CSVReader(input, fieldSeparator);
    } else {
        reader = new CSVReader(input, fieldSeparator, quoteCharacter, true);
    final String[] propertyNames = reader.readNext();
    return new Iterable<JsonInput>() {

        public Iterator<JsonInput> iterator() {
            final Iterator<JsonInput> iterator = new CsvIterator(reader, propertyNames, propertyMapping, type, securityContext.getUser(false).getName());
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(range)) {
                return new RangesIterator<>(iterator, range);
            } else {
                return iterator;
Also used : JsonInput(org.structr.core.JsonInput) RangesIterator(org.structr.api.util.RangesIterator) CSVReader(com.opencsv.CSVReader)

Example 5 with JsonInput

use of org.structr.core.JsonInput in project structr by structr.

the class JsonInputGSONAdapter method deserialize.

public IJsonInput deserialize(final JsonElement json, final Type typeOfT, final JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
    IJsonInput jsonInput = null;
    JsonInput wrapper = null;
    if (json.isJsonObject()) {
        jsonInput = new JsonSingleInput();
        wrapper = deserialize(json, context);
    } else if (json.isJsonArray()) {
        jsonInput = new JsonSingleInput();
        JsonArray array = json.getAsJsonArray();
        for (final JsonElement elem : array) {
            wrapper = deserialize(elem, context);
    } else {
        // not one of the expected types => error
        throw new JsonSyntaxException("Invalid JSON, expecting object or array");
    return jsonInput;
Also used : JsonArray( JsonInput(org.structr.core.JsonInput) IJsonInput(org.structr.core.IJsonInput) JsonSyntaxException( JsonSingleInput(org.structr.core.JsonSingleInput) JsonElement( IJsonInput(org.structr.core.IJsonInput)


JsonInput (org.structr.core.JsonInput)5 JsonSyntaxException ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)3 IJsonInput (org.structr.core.IJsonInput)3 JsonArray ( JsonElement ( JsonParseException ( List (java.util.List)2 RetryException (org.structr.api.RetryException)2 FrameworkException (org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException)2 GraphObject (org.structr.core.GraphObject)2 App ( StructrApp ( Authenticator (org.structr.core.auth.Authenticator)2 Tx (org.structr.core.graph.Tx)2 RestMethodResult ( Resource ( JsonObject ( CSVReader (com.opencsv.CSVReader)1 Reader (