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Example 1 with AbstractNode

use of org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode in project structr by structr.

the class SyncCommand method exportToFile.

// ----- static methods -----
 * Exports the whole structr database to a file with the given name.
 * @param graphDb
 * @param fileName
 * @param includeFiles
 * @throws FrameworkException
public static void exportToFile(final DatabaseService graphDb, final String fileName, final String query, final boolean includeFiles) throws FrameworkException {
    final App app = StructrApp.getInstance();
    try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
        final NodeFactory nodeFactory = new NodeFactory(SecurityContext.getSuperUserInstance());
        final RelationshipFactory relFactory = new RelationshipFactory(SecurityContext.getSuperUserInstance());
        final Set<AbstractNode> nodes = new HashSet<>();
        final Set<AbstractRelationship> rels = new HashSet<>();
        boolean conditionalIncludeFiles = includeFiles;
        if (query != null) {
  "Using Cypher query {} to determine export set, disabling export of files", query);
            conditionalIncludeFiles = false;
            final List<GraphObject> result = StructrApp.getInstance().cypher(query, null);
            for (final GraphObject obj : result) {
                if (obj.isNode()) {
                    nodes.add((AbstractNode) obj.getSyncNode());
                } else {
                    rels.add((AbstractRelationship) obj.getSyncRelationship());
  "Query returned {} nodes and {} relationships.", new Object[] { nodes.size(), rels.size() });
        } else {
        try (final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName)) {
            exportToStream(fos, nodes, rels, null, conditionalIncludeFiles);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        logger.warn("", t);
        throw new FrameworkException(500, t.getMessage());
Also used : App( StructrApp( FrameworkException(org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException) AbstractNode(org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode) AbstractRelationship(org.structr.core.entity.AbstractRelationship) GraphObject(org.structr.core.GraphObject) FileOutputStream( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 2 with AbstractNode

use of org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode in project structr by structr.

the class BulkChangeNodePropertyKeyCommand method execute.

// ~--- methods --------------------------------------------------------
public void execute(final Map<String, Object> properties) throws FrameworkException {
    final DatabaseService graphDb = (DatabaseService) arguments.get("graphDb");
    final SecurityContext superUserContext = SecurityContext.getSuperUserInstance();
    final NodeFactory nodeFactory = new NodeFactory(superUserContext);
    String type = null;
    final String oldKey = (String) properties.get("oldKey");
    final String newKey = (String) properties.get("newKey");
    if (graphDb != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(oldKey) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(newKey)) {
        Iterator<AbstractNode> nodeIterator = null;
        if (properties.containsKey(AbstractNode.type.dbName())) {
            type = (String) properties.get(AbstractNode.type.dbName());
            nodeIterator =, graphDb.getNodesByLabel(type)).iterator();
        } else {
            nodeIterator =, graphDb.getAllNodes()).iterator();
        final long count = bulkGraphOperation(securityContext, nodeIterator, 1000, "ChangeNodePropertyKey", new BulkGraphOperation<AbstractNode>() {

            public void handleGraphObject(SecurityContext securityContext, AbstractNode node) {
                for (Entry entry : properties.entrySet()) {
                    String key = (String) entry.getKey();
                    PropertyKey propertyKey = StructrApp.getConfiguration().getPropertyKeyForDatabaseName(node.getClass(), key);
                    if (propertyKey != null) {
                        Node dbNode = node.getNode();
                        if (dbNode.hasProperty(newKey)) {
                            logger.error("Node {} has already a property with key {}", new Object[] { node, newKey });
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Node has already a property of the new key");
                        if (dbNode.hasProperty(oldKey)) {
                            dbNode.setProperty(newKey, dbNode.getProperty(oldKey));

            public void handleThrowable(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t, AbstractNode node) {
                logger.warn("Unable to set properties of node {}: {}", new Object[] { node.getUuid(), t.getMessage() });

            public void handleTransactionFailure(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t) {
                logger.warn("Unable to set node properties: {}", t.getMessage());
        });"Fixed {} nodes ...", count);
    } else {"No values for oldKey and/or newKey found, aborting.");
Also used : AbstractNode(org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode) Node(org.structr.api.graph.Node) AbstractNode(org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode) DatabaseService(org.structr.api.DatabaseService) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) SecurityContext(org.structr.common.SecurityContext) PropertyKey(

Example 3 with AbstractNode

use of org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode in project structr by structr.

the class BulkCreateLabelsCommand method execute.

public void execute(Map<String, Object> attributes) {
    final String entityType = (String) attributes.get("type");
    final DatabaseService graphDb = (DatabaseService) arguments.get("graphDb");
    final SecurityContext superUserContext = SecurityContext.getSuperUserInstance();
    final NodeFactory nodeFactory = new NodeFactory(superUserContext);
    final boolean removeUnused = !attributes.containsKey("removeUnused");
    final Iterator<AbstractNode> nodeIterator =, Iterables.filter(new StructrAndSpatialPredicate(true, false, false), graphDb.getNodesByTypeProperty(entityType))).iterator();
    if (entityType == null) {
        info("Node type not set or no entity class found. Starting creation of labels for all nodes.");
    } else {
        info("Starting creation of labels for all nodes of type {}", entityType);
    final long count = bulkGraphOperation(securityContext, nodeIterator, 10000, "CreateLabels", new BulkGraphOperation<AbstractNode>() {

        public void handleGraphObject(SecurityContext securityContext, AbstractNode node) {
            TypeProperty.updateLabels(graphDb, node, node.getClass(), removeUnused);

        public void handleThrowable(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t, AbstractNode node) {
            warn("Unable to create labels for node {}: {}", node, t.getMessage());

        public void handleTransactionFailure(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t) {
            warn("Unable to create labels for node: {}", t.getMessage());
    info("Done with creating labels on {} nodes", count);
Also used : AbstractNode(org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode) SecurityContext(org.structr.common.SecurityContext) StructrAndSpatialPredicate(org.structr.common.StructrAndSpatialPredicate) DatabaseService(org.structr.api.DatabaseService)

Example 4 with AbstractNode

use of org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode in project structr by structr.

the class BulkDeleteCommand method bulkDelete.

public void bulkDelete(final Iterator<GraphObject> iterator) throws FrameworkException {
    final App app = StructrApp.getInstance(securityContext);
    final long count = bulkGraphOperation(securityContext, iterator, 1000, "DeleteObjects", new BulkGraphOperation<GraphObject>() {

        public void handleGraphObject(final SecurityContext securityContext, final GraphObject obj) {
            try {
                if (obj.isNode()) {
                    final AbstractNode node = (AbstractNode) obj;
                    if (!node.isGranted(Permission.delete, securityContext)) {
                        logger.warn("Could not delete {} because {} has no delete permission", obj.getUuid(), securityContext.getUser(false));
                    } else {
                        app.delete((NodeInterface) obj);
                } else {
                    app.delete((RelationshipInterface) obj);
            } catch (FrameworkException fex) {
                logger.warn("Unable to delete node {}: {}", obj.getUuid(), fex.toString());

        public void handleThrowable(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t, GraphObject node) {
            logger.warn("Unable to delete node {}", node.getUuid());

        public void handleTransactionFailure(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t) {
            logger.warn("Unable to delete nodes {}", t.toString());
    info("Done with deleting {} nodes", count);
Also used : StructrApp( App( FrameworkException(org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException) AbstractNode(org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode) SecurityContext(org.structr.common.SecurityContext) GraphObject(org.structr.core.GraphObject)

Example 5 with AbstractNode

use of org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode in project structr by structr.

the class BulkSetUuidCommand method execute.

// ~--- methods --------------------------------------------------------
public void execute(Map<String, Object> attributes) throws FrameworkException {
    final String nodeType = (String) attributes.get("type");
    final String relType = (String) attributes.get("relType");
    final Boolean allNodes = (Boolean) attributes.get("allNodes");
    final Boolean allRels = (Boolean) attributes.get("allRels");
    final DatabaseService graphDb = (DatabaseService) arguments.get("graphDb");
    final SecurityContext superUserContext = SecurityContext.getSuperUserInstance();
    final NodeFactory nodeFactory = new NodeFactory(superUserContext);
    final RelationshipFactory relFactory = new RelationshipFactory(superUserContext);
    if (nodeType != null || Boolean.TRUE.equals(allNodes)) {
        Iterator<AbstractNode> nodeIterator = null;
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(allNodes)) {
            nodeIterator =, graphDb.getAllNodes()).iterator();
            info("Start setting UUID on all nodes");
        } else {
            nodeIterator =, graphDb.getNodesByTypeProperty(nodeType)).iterator();
            info("Start setting UUID on nodes of type {}", new Object[] { nodeType });
        final long count = bulkGraphOperation(securityContext, nodeIterator, 1000, "SetNodeUuid", new BulkGraphOperation<AbstractNode>() {

            public void handleGraphObject(final SecurityContext securityContext, final AbstractNode node) {
                try {
                    if (node.getProperty( == null) {
                        node.setProperty(, NodeServiceCommand.getNextUuid());
                } catch (FrameworkException fex) {
                    logger.warn("Unable to set UUID of node {}", node, fex);

            public void handleThrowable(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t, AbstractNode node) {
                logger.warn("Unable to set UUID of node {}", node, t);

            public void handleTransactionFailure(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t) {
                logger.warn("Unable to set UUID on node", t);

            public boolean doValidation() {
                return false;
        info("Done with setting UUID on {} nodes", count);
    if (relType != null || Boolean.TRUE.equals(allRels)) {
        Iterator<AbstractRelationship> relIterator = null;
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(allRels)) {
            relIterator =, graphDb.getAllRelationships()).iterator();
            info("Start setting UUID on all rels", new Object[] { relType });
        } else {
            relIterator =, graphDb.getRelationshipsByType(relType)).iterator();
            info("Start setting UUID on rels of type {}", new Object[] { relType });
        final long count = bulkGraphOperation(securityContext, relIterator, 1000, "SetRelationshipUuid", new BulkGraphOperation<AbstractRelationship>() {

            public void handleGraphObject(SecurityContext securityContext, AbstractRelationship rel) {
                try {
                    if (rel.getProperty( == null) {
                        rel.setProperty(, NodeServiceCommand.getNextUuid());
                } catch (FrameworkException fex) {
                    logger.warn("Unable to set UUID of relationship {}: {}", new Object[] { rel, fex.getMessage() });

            public void handleThrowable(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t, AbstractRelationship rel) {
                logger.warn("Unable to set UUID of relationship {}: {}", rel, t.getMessage());

            public void handleTransactionFailure(SecurityContext securityContext, Throwable t) {
                logger.warn("Unable to set UUID on relationships {}", t.toString());

            public boolean doValidation() {
                return false;
        info("Done with setting UUID on {} relationships", count);
    info("Unable to determine entity type to set UUID.");
Also used : FrameworkException(org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException) AbstractNode(org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode) AbstractRelationship(org.structr.core.entity.AbstractRelationship) DatabaseService(org.structr.api.DatabaseService) SecurityContext(org.structr.common.SecurityContext)


AbstractNode (org.structr.core.entity.AbstractNode)62 FrameworkException (org.structr.common.error.FrameworkException)31 Tx (org.structr.core.graph.Tx)20 App ( StructrApp ( GraphObject (org.structr.core.GraphObject)17 SecurityContext (org.structr.common.SecurityContext)16 PropertyMap ( Result (org.structr.core.Result)10 Test (org.junit.Test)9 AbstractRelationship (org.structr.core.entity.AbstractRelationship)9 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)8 TestOne (org.structr.core.entity.TestOne)8 DatabaseService (org.structr.api.DatabaseService)7 NodeInterface (org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface)7 PropertyKey ( Principal (org.structr.core.entity.Principal)6 CmisObjectNotFoundException (org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisObjectNotFoundException)5 DOMNode (org.structr.web.entity.dom.DOMNode)5 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)4