use of org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface in project structr by structr.
the class ValidationTest method testDoublePropertyNotNullValidation.
public void testDoublePropertyNotNullValidation() {
final String keyName = "notnull";
final Class<NodeInterface> testType = createTypeWithProperty("Test", keyName, "+Double");
final PropertyKey key = StructrApp.key(testType, keyName);
if (key != null) {
// test failure
try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
app.create(testType, new NodeAttribute<>(key, null));
fail("Double property not null constraint violated!");
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
final List<ErrorToken> tokens = fex.getErrorBuffer().getErrorTokens();
final ErrorToken token = tokens.get(0);
assertEquals("Invalid double validation result", 1, tokens.size());
assertEquals("Invalid double validation result", 422, fex.getStatus());
assertEquals("Invalid double validation result", keyName, token.getProperty());
assertEquals("Invalid double validation result", "Test", token.getType());
assertEquals("Invalid double validation result", "must_not_be_empty", token.getToken());
use of org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface in project structr by structr.
the class ValidationTest method testEnumPropertyNotNullValidation.
public void testEnumPropertyNotNullValidation() {
final String keyName = "notnull";
final Class<NodeInterface> testType = createTypeWithProperty("Test", keyName, "+Enum(one, two, three)");
final PropertyKey key = StructrApp.key(testType, keyName);
// test failure
try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
app.create(testType, new NodeAttribute<>(key, null));
fail("Enum property not null constraint violated!");
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
final List<ErrorToken> tokens = fex.getErrorBuffer().getErrorTokens();
final ErrorToken token = tokens.get(0);
assertEquals("Invalid enum validation result", 1, tokens.size());
assertEquals("Invalid enum validation result", 422, fex.getStatus());
assertEquals("Invalid enum validation result", keyName, token.getProperty());
assertEquals("Invalid enum validation result", "Test", token.getType());
assertEquals("Invalid enum validation result", "must_not_be_empty", token.getToken());
use of org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface in project structr by structr.
the class ValidationTest method testDatePropertyUniquenessValidation.
// ----- date property validation tests -----
public void testDatePropertyUniquenessValidation() {
final String keyName = "unique";
final Class<NodeInterface> testType = createTypeWithProperty("Test", keyName, "Date!");
final PropertyKey key = StructrApp.key(testType, keyName);
final Date date = new Date();
String uuid = null;
if (key != null) {
// test failure
try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
uuid = app.create(testType, new NodeAttribute<>(key, date)).getUuid();
app.create(testType, new NodeAttribute<>(key, date));
fail("Date property uniqueness constraint violated!");
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
final List<ErrorToken> tokens = fex.getErrorBuffer().getErrorTokens();
final ErrorToken token = tokens.get(0);
assertEquals("Invalid date validation result", 1, tokens.size());
assertEquals("Invalid date validation result", 422, fex.getStatus());
assertEquals("Invalid date validation result", keyName, token.getProperty());
assertEquals("Invalid date validation result", "Test", token.getType());
assertEquals("Invalid date validation result", "already_taken", token.getToken());
assertEquals("Invalid date validation result", uuid, token.getDetail());
use of org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface in project structr by structr.
the class ValidationTest method testArrayPropertyUniquenessValidation.
public void testArrayPropertyUniquenessValidation() {
final String keyName = "stringArray";
final Class<NodeInterface> testType = createTypeWithProperty("Test", keyName, "String[]!");
final PropertyKey key = StructrApp.key(testType, keyName);
String uuid1 = null;
String uuid2 = null;
if (key != null) {
// test failure
try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
uuid1 = app.create(testType, new NodeAttribute<>(key, new String[] { "one", "two" })).getUuid();
uuid2 = app.create(testType, new NodeAttribute<>(key, new String[] { "one", "two" })).getUuid();
fail("Array property validation failed!");
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
final List<ErrorToken> tokens = fex.getErrorBuffer().getErrorTokens();
final ErrorToken token = tokens.get(0);
assertEquals("Invalid uniqueness validation result", 1, tokens.size());
assertEquals("Invalid uniqueness validation result", 422, fex.getStatus());
assertEquals("Invalid uniqueness validation result", keyName, token.getProperty());
assertEquals("Invalid uniqueness validation result", "Test", token.getType());
assertEquals("Invalid uniqueness validation result", "already_taken", token.getToken());
assertEquals("Invalid uniqueness validation result", uuid1, token.getDetail());
// test success
try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
app.create(testType, new NodeAttribute<>(key, new String[] { "one" }));
app.create(testType, new NodeAttribute<>(key, new String[] { "one", "two" }));
app.create(testType, new NodeAttribute<>(key, new String[] { "one", "two", "three" }));
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
fail("Array property validation error!");
use of org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface in project structr by structr.
the class ValidationTest method testLongPropertyRangeValidation5.
public void testLongPropertyRangeValidation5() {
final Class<NodeInterface> testType = createTypeWithProperty("Test", "range1", "+Long(]0,5[)");
final PropertyKey range1 = StructrApp.key(testType, "range1");
checkRangeSuccess(testType, range1, 1);
checkRangeSuccess(testType, range1, 2);
checkRangeSuccess(testType, range1, 3);
checkRangeSuccess(testType, range1, 4);
try {
checkRangeError(testType, range1, 0);
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
checkException(fex, 1, 422, "Test", "range1", "must_be_in_range");
try {
checkRangeError(testType, range1, 5);
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
checkException(fex, 1, 422, "Test", "range1", "must_be_in_range");
try {
checkRangeError(testType, range1, 6);
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
checkException(fex, 1, 422, "Test", "range1", "must_be_in_range");