use of org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface in project structr by structr.
the class OWLParserv2 method parse.
public void parse(final String fileName, final String blobsDirectory) {
boolean success = true;
try (final App app = StructrApp.getInstance()) {
final Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(new;
System.out.println("Parsing XML document..");
logger.println("Parsing XML document..");
// parse XML document
parseDocument(doc.getDocumentElement(), 0);
System.out.println("Filtering unwanted classes..");
logger.println("Filtering unwanted classes..");
// filter unwanted objects by their IDs
if (importSchema) {
// initialize class hierarchies
System.out.println("Resolving " + owlClassesByURI.size() + " OWL superclasses..");
logger.println("Resolving " + owlClassesByURI.size() + " OWL superclasses..");
for (final OWLClass owlClass : owlClassesByURI.values()) {
for (final OWLClass owlClass : owlClassesByURI.values()) {
for (final OWLClass owlClass : owlClassesByURI.values()) {
// initialize classes with datatype properties
System.out.println("Resolving " + owlPropertiesByURI.size() + " datatype properties..");
logger.println("Resolving " + owlPropertiesByURI.size() + " datatype properties..");
for (final OWLProperty owlProperty : owlPropertiesByURI.values()) {
final JsonSchema schema = StructrSchema.newInstance(URI.create("http://localhost/test/#"));
// create common base class
final JsonType baseType = schema.addType("BaseNode");
final JsonType nameType = schema.addType("LocalizedName");
baseType.addFunctionProperty("isFallbackLang", "ui").setContentType("application/x-structr-script").setReadFunction("(empty(get_or_null(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, substring(locale, 0, 2)))), 'name')))").setIndexed(true);
baseType.addFunctionProperty("localizedName", "ui").setContentType("application/x-structr-script").setReadFunction("(if (equal('zh', substring(locale, 0, 2)),(if (empty(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'zh')))),if (empty(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'en')))),get_or_null(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'de'))), 'name'),get(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'en'))), 'name')),get(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'zh'))), 'name'))),if (equal('de', substring(locale, 0, 2)),(if (empty(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'de')))),if (empty(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'en')))),get_or_null(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'zh'))), 'name'),get(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'en'))), 'name')),get(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'de'))), 'name'))),(if (empty(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'en')))),if (empty(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'de')))),get_or_null(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'zh'))), 'name'),get(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'de'))), 'name')),get(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'en'))), 'name'))))))").setIndexed(true);
baseType.addFunctionProperty("nameDE", "ui").setContentType("application/x-structr-script").setReadFunction("get_or_null(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'de'))), 'name')").setWriteFunction("(store('node', first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'de')))),if (empty(retrieve('node')),set(this, 'names', merge(this.names, create('LocalizedName', 'locale', 'de', 'name', value))),(if (empty(value),delete(retrieve('node')),set(retrieve('node'), 'name', value)))))").setIndexed(true);
baseType.addFunctionProperty("nameEN", "ui").setContentType("application/x-structr-script").setReadFunction("get_or_null(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'en'))), 'name')").setWriteFunction("(store('node', first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'en')))),if (empty(retrieve('node')),set(this, 'names', merge(this.names, create('LocalizedName', 'locale', 'en', 'name', value))),(if (empty(value),delete(retrieve('node')),set(retrieve('node'), 'name', value)))))").setIndexed(true);
baseType.addFunctionProperty("nameZH", "ui").setContentType("application/x-structr-script").setReadFunction("get_or_null(first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'zh'))), 'name')").setWriteFunction("(store('node', first(filter(this.names, equal(data.locale, 'zh')))),if (empty(retrieve('node')),set(this, 'names', merge(this.names, create('LocalizedName', 'locale', 'zh', 'name', value))),(if (empty(value),delete(retrieve('node')),set(retrieve('node'), 'name', value)))))").setIndexed(true);
final JsonReferenceType names = ((JsonObjectType) baseType).relate((JsonObjectType) nameType, "HasName", Cardinality.OneToMany);
final JsonReferenceType extensions = ((JsonObjectType) baseType).relate((JsonObjectType) baseType, "ExtendedBy", Cardinality.ManyToMany);
System.out.println("Creating schema..");
logger.println("Creating schema..");
try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) {
for (final OWLClass owlClass : owlClassesByURI.values()) {
final String name = owlClass.getStructrName(true);
if (name != null && schema.getType(name) == null && owlClass.isPrimary()) {
logger.println("Creating type " + name + "..");
StructrSchema.replaceDatabaseSchema(app, schema);
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
// resolve inheritance
System.out.println("Resolving class inheritance..");
logger.println("Resolving class inheritance..");
try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) {
for (final OWLClass owlClass : owlClassesByURI.values()) {
final String name = owlClass.getStructrName(true);
final JsonType type = schema.getType(name);
final OWLClass superclass = owlClass.getSuperclass();
// type can be null if it is inverseOf another type
if (type != null) {
if (superclass != null) {
final JsonType superType = schema.getType(superclass.getStructrName(true));
if (superType != null) {
} else {
} else {
for (final Name localizedName : owlClass.getNames()) {
app.create(Localization.class, new NodeAttribute(StructrApp.key(Localization.class, "name"), name), new NodeAttribute(StructrApp.key(Localization.class, "localizedName"),, new NodeAttribute(StructrApp.key(Localization.class, "locale"), localizedName.lang));
StructrSchema.replaceDatabaseSchema(app, schema);
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
// resolve relationship types
System.out.println("Resolving relationship types..");
logger.println("Resolving relationship types..");
try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) {
for (final OWLClass possibleOutgoingRelationshipType : owlClassesByURI.values()) {
final OWLClass possibleIncomingRelationshipType = possibleOutgoingRelationshipType.getInverse();
if (possibleOutgoingRelationshipType.isPrimary() && possibleIncomingRelationshipType != null) {
// this is a relationship
final List<OWLClass> sourceTypes = possibleOutgoingRelationshipType.getActualSourceTypes();
final List<OWLClass> targetTypes = possibleOutgoingRelationshipType.getActualTargetTypes();
for (final OWLClass sourceType : sourceTypes) {
for (final OWLClass targetType : targetTypes) {
final String sourceName = possibleOutgoingRelationshipType.getStructrName(false);
final String targetName = possibleIncomingRelationshipType.getStructrName(false);
final String sourceTypeName = sourceType.getStructrName(true);
final String targetTypeName = targetType.getStructrName(true);
final JsonType sourceJsonType = schema.getType(sourceTypeName);
final JsonType targetJsonType = schema.getType(targetTypeName);
if (sourceJsonType != null && targetJsonType != null) {
final String relationshipTypeName = possibleOutgoingRelationshipType.getStructrName(true);
final JsonObjectType relType = schema.addType(relationshipTypeName);
final JsonObjectType srcType = (JsonObjectType) sourceJsonType;
final JsonObjectType tgtType = (JsonObjectType) targetJsonType;
srcType.relate(relType, sourceName, Cardinality.OneToMany, sourceType.getStructrName(false), sourceName);
relType.relate(tgtType, targetName, Cardinality.ManyToOne, targetName, targetType.getStructrName(false));
StructrSchema.replaceDatabaseSchema(app, schema);
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
System.out.println("Adding properties to types");
logger.println("Adding properties to types");
try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) {
for (final OWLClass owlClass : owlClassesByURI.values()) {
final String typeName = owlClass.getStructrName(true);
JsonType type = schema.getType(typeName);
// type not found, try to set property on inverse type
if (type == null) {
final OWLClass inverse = owlClass.getInverse();
if (inverse != null) {
type = schema.getType(inverse.getStructrName(true));
if (type != null) {
for (final OWLProperty prop : owlClass.getAllProperties()) {
addProperty(type, prop, prop.getStructrName(false));
} else {
System.out.println("Class: no type found for " + owlClass.getId());
StructrSchema.replaceDatabaseSchema(app, schema);
System.out.println("Adding metdata to node types");
logger.println("Adding metdata to node types");
try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) {
for (final OWLClass owlClass : owlClassesByURI.values()) {
final String name = owlClass.getStructrName(true);
final SchemaNode schemaNode = app.nodeQuery(SchemaNode.class).andName(name).getFirst();
String icon = owlClass.getIcon();
if (schemaNode != null) {
// part after the second dash
if (icon != null && icon.contains("-")) {
// start with
final int pos = icon.indexOf("-", 7);
if (pos > -1) {
icon = icon.substring(pos + 1);
schemaNode.setProperty(SchemaNode.icon, icon);
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
// create instances
System.out.println("Resolving instances..");
logger.println("Resolving instances..");
final Iterator<OWLInstance> instancesIterator = owlInstances.values().iterator();
final List<OWLInstance> newInstances = new LinkedList<>();
int count = 0;
while (instancesIterator.hasNext()) {
try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) {
while (instancesIterator.hasNext()) {
final OWLInstance instance =;
final OWLClass owlType = instance.getType();
if (owlType != null) {
instance.resolveExtensions(app, owlClassesByFragment, owlInstances, newInstances);
if (++count == 100) {
count = 0;
// add newly created extension instances to global map
for (final OWLInstance newInstance : newInstances) {
owlInstances.put(newInstance.getId(), newInstance);
System.out.println("Resolving instance relationships..");
logger.println("Resolving instance relationships..");
final Iterator<OWLInstance> relationshipsIterator = owlInstances.values().iterator();
count = 0;
while (relationshipsIterator.hasNext()) {
try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) {
while (relationshipsIterator.hasNext()) {
final OWLInstance instance =;
final OWLClass owlType = instance.getType();
if (owlType != null) {
instance.resolveRelationships(schema, owlClassesByFragment, owlInstances, rdfDescriptions, owlPropertiesByName);
if (++count == 100) {
count = 0;
final blobs = new;
if (blobs.exists()) {
final ConfigurationProvider config = StructrApp.getConfiguration();
final List<Tuple<Class, PropertyKey>> mapping = createPropertyKeyMapping(config);
final Set<Path> files = new LinkedHashSet<>();
int count = 0;
// collect all files
Files.walkFileTree(blobs.toPath(), new Visitor(files));
if (createFileRelationships) {
System.out.println("Resolving file relationships..");
logger.println("Resolving file relationships..");
// iterate over files to identify relationships and extend schema
final Iterator<Path> pathIteratorForSchemaExtension = files.iterator();
try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) {
while (pathIteratorForSchemaExtension.hasNext()) {
final Path file =;
final String name = file.getFileName().toString();
final int pos = name.indexOf(".", 7);
final String idPart = name.substring(6, pos == -1 ? name.length() : pos);
if (name.startsWith("KBlob-") && name.length() > 23) {
for (final Tuple<Class, PropertyKey> entry : mapping) {
final Class type = entry.getKey();
final PropertyKey key = entry.getValue();
Object value = idPart;
if (key instanceof ArrayProperty) {
value = new String[] { idPart };
final Query<NodeInterface> query = app.nodeQuery().andType(type).and(key, value, false);
final List<NodeInterface> nodes = query.getAsList();
if (nodes.size() == 1) {
System.out.println(" ##########: " + nodes.size() + " results..");
// create schema relationship from schema type to file (once)
// import file
// link file
final SchemaNode schemaNode = app.nodeQuery(SchemaNode.class).andName(type.getSimpleName()).getFirst();
if (schemaNode != null) {
System.out.println(" ##########: found SchemaNode " + schemaNode.getUuid() + " (" + schemaNode.getName() + ")");
final SchemaNode fileSchemaNode = app.nodeQuery(SchemaNode.class).andName(File.class.getSimpleName()).getFirst();
if (fileSchemaNode != null) {
final String capitalJsonName = StringUtils.capitalize(key.jsonName());
final String targetJsonName = "has" + capitalJsonName;
final String sourceJsonName = "is" + capitalJsonName + "Of" + type.getSimpleName();
final SchemaRelationshipNode link = app.nodeQuery(SchemaRelationshipNode.class).and(SchemaRelationshipNode.sourceNode, schemaNode).and(SchemaRelationshipNode.targetNode, fileSchemaNode).and(SchemaRelationshipNode.relationshipType, key.jsonName()).getFirst();
if (link == null) {
System.out.println("Creating link from " + schemaNode + " to " + fileSchemaNode + ", " + sourceJsonName + ", " + targetJsonName);
app.create(SchemaRelationshipNode.class, new NodeAttribute(SchemaRelationshipNode.sourceNode, schemaNode), new NodeAttribute(SchemaRelationshipNode.targetNode, fileSchemaNode), new NodeAttribute(SchemaRelationshipNode.relationshipType, key.jsonName()), new NodeAttribute(SchemaRelationshipNode.sourceMultiplicity, "1"), new NodeAttribute(SchemaRelationshipNode.targetMultiplicity, key instanceof ArrayProperty ? "*" : "1"), new NodeAttribute(SchemaRelationshipNode.sourceJsonName, sourceJsonName), new NodeAttribute(SchemaRelationshipNode.targetJsonName, targetJsonName));
} else {
System.out.println("Link relationship already exists: " + link);
} else {
System.out.println("NO SchemaNode found for type File!");
} else {
System.out.println("NO SchemaNode found for type " + type.getSimpleName() + "!");
// no need to search further
// break;
if (importFiles) {
System.out.println("Importing files..");
logger.println("Importing files..");
final SecurityContext superUserSecurityContext = SecurityContext.getSuperUserInstance();
final Iterator<Path> pathIteratorForRelationshipCreation = files.iterator();
while (pathIteratorForRelationshipCreation.hasNext()) {
try (final Tx tx = StructrApp.getInstance().tx()) {
while (pathIteratorForRelationshipCreation.hasNext()) {
final Path file =;
final String name = file.getFileName().toString();
final int pos = name.indexOf(".", 7);
final String idPart = name.substring(6, pos == -1 ? name.length() : pos);
boolean found = false;
if (name.startsWith("KBlob-") && name.length() > 23) {
for (final Tuple<Class, PropertyKey> entry : mapping) {
final Class type = entry.getKey();
final PropertyKey key = entry.getValue();
final boolean isMultiple = (key instanceof ArrayProperty);
Object value = idPart;
if (isMultiple) {
value = new String[] { idPart };
final Query<NodeInterface> query = app.nodeQuery().andType(type).and(key, value, false);
final List<NodeInterface> nodes = query.getAsList();
if (nodes.size() == 1) {
final String capitalJsonName = StringUtils.capitalize(key.jsonName());
final String targetJsonName = "has" + capitalJsonName;
final NodeInterface node = nodes.get(0);
final PropertyKey fileRelationshipKey = StructrApp.key(type, targetJsonName);
if (fileRelationshipKey != null) {
try (final InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file.toFile())) {
// import file..
final Class fileType = ImageHelper.isImageType(name) ? Image.class : File.class;
if (isMultiple) {
final String[] possibleNames = (String[]) node.getProperty(key);
String actualName = name;
for (final String possibleName : possibleNames) {
if (possibleName.startsWith(name)) {
actualName = possibleName.substring(name.length() + 1);
logger.println(" Importing " + name + " => " + actualName);
final File importedFile = FileHelper.createFile(superUserSecurityContext, is, null, fileType, actualName);
final List<File> fileList = (List<File>) node.getProperty(fileRelationshipKey);
node.setProperty(fileRelationshipKey, fileList);
} else {
final String possibleName = (String) node.getProperty(key);
String actualName = name;
if (possibleName != null) {
actualName = possibleName.substring(name.length() + 1);
logger.println(" Importing " + name + " => " + actualName);
final File importedFile = FileHelper.createFile(superUserSecurityContext, is, null, fileType, actualName);
node.setProperty(fileRelationshipKey, importedFile);
} catch (Throwable t) {
} else {
System.out.println("############################# INVALID KEY " + type.getSimpleName() + "." + targetJsonName + ", not found??!");
logger.println("############################# INVALID KEY " + type.getSimpleName() + "." + targetJsonName + ", not found??!");
found = true;
// no need to search further
if (!found) {
System.out.println("Found NO document for file " + name + ", importing without association");
logger.println("Found NO document for file " + name + ", importing without association");
try (final InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file.toFile())) {
// import file..
final Class fileType = ImageHelper.isImageType(name) ? Image.class : File.class;
FileHelper.createFile(superUserSecurityContext, is, null, fileType, name);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (++count == 100) {
count = 0;
} catch (Throwable t) {
success = false;
if (success) {
System.out.println("Import successful");
logger.println("Import successful");
use of org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface in project structr by structr.
the class TextSearchModuleTest method createTestRelationships.
protected <T extends Relation> List<T> createTestRelationships(final Class<T> relType, final int number) throws FrameworkException {
List<GenericNode> nodes = createTestNodes(GenericNode.class, 2);
final NodeInterface startNode = nodes.get(0);
final NodeInterface endNode = nodes.get(1);
try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
List<T> rels = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
rels.add((T) app.create(startNode, endNode, relType));
return rels;
use of org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface in project structr by structr.
the class StructrPaymentModuleTest method cleanDatabase.
public void cleanDatabase() {
try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
final List<? extends NodeInterface> nodes = app.nodeQuery().getAsList();"Cleaning database: {} nodes", nodes.size());
for (final NodeInterface node : nodes) {
// delete remaining nodes without UUIDs etc.
app.cypher("MATCH (n)-[r]-(m) DELETE n, r, m", Collections.emptyMap());
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
logger.error("Exception while trying to clean database: {}", fex);
use of org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface in project structr by structr.
the class StructrXMPPModuleTest method createTestRelationships.
protected <T extends Relation> List<T> createTestRelationships(final Class<T> relType, final int number) throws FrameworkException {
List<GenericNode> nodes = createTestNodes(GenericNode.class, 2);
final NodeInterface startNode = nodes.get(0);
final NodeInterface endNode = nodes.get(1);
try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
List<T> rels = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
rels.add((T) app.create(startNode, endNode, relType));
return rels;
use of org.structr.core.graph.NodeInterface in project structr by structr.
the class StructrUiTest method cleanDatabase.
public void cleanDatabase() {
try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {
for (final NodeInterface node : app.nodeQuery().getAsList()) {
// delete remaining nodes without UUIDs etc.
app.cypher("MATCH (n)-[r]-(m) DELETE n, r, m", Collections.emptyMap());
} catch (FrameworkException fex) {
logger.error("Exception while trying to clean database: {}", fex);