use of org.syncany.chunk.FixedChunker in project syncany by syncany.
the class FixedOffsetChunkerTest method testExceptionInvalidDigestAlgorithm.
public void testExceptionInvalidDigestAlgorithm() {
boolean exceptionThrown = false;
try {
new FixedChunker(1337, "does-not-exist").createChunks(new File("/some/file"));
} catch (Exception e) {
exceptionThrown = true;
assertTrue("Exception expected.", exceptionThrown);
use of org.syncany.chunk.FixedChunker in project syncany by syncany.
the class FixedOffsetChunkerTest method testCreateChunksFrom5MBFileAndTestChunkSize.
public void testCreateChunksFrom5MBFileAndTestChunkSize() throws Exception {
// Test Constants
final int TOTAL_FILE_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
final int EXACT_CHUNK_SIZE = 512 * 1024;
// Setup
File inputRandom5MBFile = TestFileUtil.createRandomFileInDirectory(tempDir, TOTAL_FILE_SIZE);
File outputCopyOfRandom5MBFile = TestFileUtil.getRandomFilenameInDirectory(tempDir);
FileOutputStream outputCopyOfRandom5MBFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputCopyOfRandom5MBFile);
Chunker chunker = new FixedChunker(EXACT_CHUNK_SIZE, FixedChunker.DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALG);
// Create chunks
int actualChunkCount = 0;
Enumeration<Chunk> chunkEnumeration = chunker.createChunks(inputRandom5MBFile);
Chunk lastChunk = null;
while (chunkEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
lastChunk = chunkEnumeration.nextElement();
// Chunk size & checksum
assertEquals("Chunk does not have the expected size.", EXPECTED_CHUNK_SIZE, lastChunk.getSize());
assertNotNull("Chunk checksum should not be null.", lastChunk.getChecksum());
// Number of chunks
assertEquals("Unexpected number of chunks when chunking", EXPECTED_NUMBER_OF_CHUNKS, actualChunkCount);
// Checksums
byte[] inputFileChecksum = FileUtil.createChecksum(inputRandom5MBFile, FixedChunker.DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALG);
byte[] outputFileChecksum = FileUtil.createChecksum(outputCopyOfRandom5MBFile, FixedChunker.DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALG);
assertArrayEquals("Checksums of input and output file do not match.", inputFileChecksum, outputFileChecksum);
assertArrayEquals("Last chunk's getFileChecksum() should be the file checksum.", inputFileChecksum, lastChunk.getFileChecksum());
use of org.syncany.chunk.FixedChunker in project syncany by syncany.
the class FixedOffsetChunkerTest method testNextChunkEvenIfThereAreNone.
public void testNextChunkEvenIfThereAreNone() throws IOException {
// Test Constants
final int TOTAL_FILE_SIZE = 5 * 1024;
final int EXACT_CHUNK_SIZE = 512 * 1024;
// Setup
File inputFile = TestFileUtil.createRandomFileInDirectory(tempDir, TOTAL_FILE_SIZE);
Chunker chunker = new FixedChunker(EXACT_CHUNK_SIZE);
// Create chunks
Enumeration<Chunk> chunkEnumeration = chunker.createChunks(inputFile);
while (chunkEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
// This should lead to an IOException
assertNull("No chunk expected, but data received.", chunkEnumeration.nextElement());
assertFalse("hasElements() should return 'false' if no chunk available.", chunkEnumeration.hasMoreElements());
use of org.syncany.chunk.FixedChunker in project syncany by syncany.
the class FixedOffsetChunkerTest method testStringSerialization.
public void testStringSerialization() {
final int CHUNK_SIZE = 512 * 1024;
Chunker chunker = new FixedChunker(CHUNK_SIZE);
assertEquals("Other toString() result expected.", "Fixed-" + CHUNK_SIZE + "-" + FixedChunker.DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALG, chunker.toString());
use of org.syncany.chunk.FixedChunker in project syncany by syncany.
the class MultiChunkerTest method testChunkFileIntoMultiChunks.
public void testChunkFileIntoMultiChunks() throws Exception {
int minMultiChunkSize = 512;
int chunkSizeB = 16000;
Chunker[] chunkers = new Chunker[] { new FixedChunker(chunkSizeB) };
MultiChunker[] multiChunkers = new MultiChunker[] { //new CustomMultiChunker(minMultiChunkSize),
new ZipMultiChunker(minMultiChunkSize) };
for (Chunker chunker : chunkers) {
for (MultiChunker multiChunker : multiChunkers) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Running with " + chunker.getClass() + " and " + multiChunker.getClass());
chunkFileIntoMultiChunks(chunker, multiChunker, minMultiChunkSize);