use of org.syncany.plugins.transfer.StorageTestResult in project syncany by syncany.
the class InitCommand method printResults.
public void printResults(OperationResult operationResult) {
InitOperationResult concreteOperationResult = (InitOperationResult) operationResult;
if (concreteOperationResult.getResultCode() == InitResultCode.OK) {
out.println("Repository created, and local folder initialized. To share the same repository");
out.println("with others, you can share this link:");
printLink(concreteOperationResult.getGenLinkResult(), false);
if (concreteOperationResult.isAddedToDaemon()) {
out.println("To automatically sync this folder, simply restart the daemon with 'sy daemon restart'.");
} else if (concreteOperationResult.getResultCode() == InitResultCode.NOK_TEST_FAILED) {
StorageTestResult testResult = concreteOperationResult.getTestResult();
if (testResult.isRepoFileExists()) {
out.println("ERROR: Repository cannot be initialized, because it already exists ('syncany' file");
out.println(" exists). Are you sure that you want to create a new repo? Use 'sy connect'");
out.println(" to connect to an existing repository.");
} else if (!testResult.isTargetCanConnect()) {
out.println("ERROR: Repository cannot be initialized, because the connection to the storage backend failed.");
out.println(" Possible reasons for this could be connectivity issues (are you connect to the Internet?),");
out.println(" or invalid user credentials (are username/password valid?).");
} else if (!testResult.isTargetExists()) {
if (!operationOptions.isCreateTarget()) {
out.println("ERROR: Repository cannot be initialized, because the target does not exist and");
out.println(" the --create-target/-t option has not been enabled. Either create the target");
out.println(" manually or retry with the --create-target/-t option.");
} else {
out.println("ERROR: Repository cannot be initialized, because the target does not exist and");
out.println(" it cannot be created. Please check your permissions or create the target manually.");
} else if (!testResult.isTargetCanWrite()) {
out.println("ERROR: Repository cannot be initialized, because the target is not writable. This is probably");
out.println(" a permission issue (does the user have write permissions to the target?).");
} else {
out.println("ERROR: Repository cannot be initialized.");
} else {
out.println("ERROR: Cannot connect to repository. Unknown error code: " + concreteOperationResult.getResultCode());
use of org.syncany.plugins.transfer.StorageTestResult in project syncany by syncany.
the class ConnectCommand method printResults.
public void printResults(OperationResult operationResult) {
ConnectOperationResult concreteOperationResult = (ConnectOperationResult) operationResult;
if (concreteOperationResult.getResultCode() == ConnectResultCode.OK) {
out.println("Repository connected, and local folder initialized.");
out.println("You can now use 'sy up' and 'sy down' to sync your files.");
if (concreteOperationResult.isAddedToDaemon()) {
out.println("To automatically sync this folder, simply restart the daemon with 'sy daemon restart'.");
} else if (concreteOperationResult.getResultCode() == ConnectResultCode.NOK_TEST_FAILED) {
StorageTestResult testResult = concreteOperationResult.getTestResult();
if (!testResult.isTargetCanConnect()) {
out.println("ERROR: Cannot connect to the repository, because the connection to the storage backend failed.");
out.println(" Possible reasons for this could be connectivity issues (are you connect to the Internet?),");
out.println(" or invalid user credentials (are username/password valid?).");
} else if (!testResult.isTargetExists()) {
out.println("ERROR: Cannot connect to the repository, because the target does not exist.");
out.println(" Please check if it really exists and if you can read from it / write to it.");
} else if (!testResult.isTargetCanWrite()) {
out.println("ERROR: Cannot connect to the repository, because the target is not writable. This is probably");
out.println(" a permission issue (does the user have write permissions to the target?).");
} else if (!testResult.isRepoFileExists()) {
out.println("ERROR: Cannot connect to the repository, because no repo file was found ('syncany' file).");
out.println(" Are you sure that this is a valid Syncany repository? Use 'sy init' to create a new one.");
} else {
out.println("ERROR: Cannot connect to the repository.");
} else if (concreteOperationResult.getResultCode() == ConnectResultCode.NOK_DECRYPT_ERROR) {
out.println("ERROR: Invalid password or corrupt ciphertext.");
out.println("The reason for this might be an invalid password, or that the");
out.println("link/files have been tampered with.");
} else {
out.println("ERROR: Cannot connect to repository. Unknown error code: " + operationResult);
use of org.syncany.plugins.transfer.StorageTestResult in project syncany by syncany.
the class ConnectOperation method performRepoTest.
private boolean performRepoTest(TransferManager transferManager) {
StorageTestResult testResult = transferManager.test(false);
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Storage test result ist " + testResult);
if (testResult.isRepoFileExists()) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "--> OKAY: Repo file exists. We're good to go!");
return true;
} else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "--> NOT OKAY: Invalid target/repo state. Operation cannot be continued.");
return false;
use of org.syncany.plugins.transfer.StorageTestResult in project syncany by syncany.
the class InitOperation method performRepoTest.
private boolean performRepoTest() {
boolean testCreateTarget = options.isCreateTarget();
StorageTestResult testResult = transferManager.test(testCreateTarget);
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Storage test result ist " + testResult);
if (testResult.isTargetExists() && testResult.isTargetCanWrite() && !testResult.isRepoFileExists()) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "--> OKAY: Target exists and is writable, but repo doesn't exist. We're good to go!");
return true;
} else if (testCreateTarget && !testResult.isTargetExists() && testResult.isTargetCanCreate()) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "--> OKAY: Target does not exist, but can be created. We're good to go!");
return true;
} else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "--> NOT OKAY: Invalid target/repo state. Operation cannot be continued.");
return false;