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Example 1 with TransactionRemoteFile

use of org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile in project syncany by syncany.

the class UpOperation method attemptResumeTransactionRemoteFile.

private TransactionRemoteFile attemptResumeTransactionRemoteFile() throws StorageException, BlockingTransfersException {
    TransactionRemoteFile transactionRemoteFile = null;
    // They look for the matching transaction on the remote.
    List<TransactionRemoteFile> transactions = transferManager.getTransactionsByClient(config.getMachineName());
    // Not sure yet what these blocking structures are.
    if (transactions == null) {
        // We have blocking transactions
        throw new BlockingTransfersException();
    // There is no sign of the transaction on the remote. Clean up the local transaction.
    if (transactions.size() != 1) {
        logger.log(Level.INFO, "Unable to find (unique) transactionRemoteFile. Not resuming.");
    } else // Remote transaction file found.
        transactionRemoteFile = transactions.get(0);
    return transactionRemoteFile;
Also used : TransactionRemoteFile(org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile)

Example 2 with TransactionRemoteFile

use of org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile in project syncany by syncany.

the class RemoteTransaction method commit.

	 * Commits this transaction by performing the required upload and
	 * delete operations. The method first moves all files to the temporary
	 * remote location. If no errors occur, all files are moved to their
	 * final location.
	 * <p>The method first writes a {@link TransactionRemoteFile} containing
	 * all actions to be performed and then uploads this file. Then it uploads
	 * new files (added by {@link #upload(File, RemoteFile) upload()} and moves
	 * deleted files to a temporary location (deleted by {@link #delete(RemoteFile) delete()}.
	 * <p>If this was successful, the transaction file is deleted and the
	 * temporary files. After deleting the transaction file, the transaction
	 * is successfully committed.
public void commit() throws StorageException {
    logger.log(Level.INFO, "Starting TX.commit() ...");
    if (isEmpty()) {
        logger.log(Level.INFO, "- Empty transaction, not committing anything.");
    File localTransactionFile = writeLocalTransactionFile();
    TransactionRemoteFile remoteTransactionFile = uploadTransactionFile(localTransactionFile);
    commit(localTransactionFile, remoteTransactionFile);
Also used : TransactionRemoteFile(org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile) RemoteFile(org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.RemoteFile) File( TempRemoteFile(org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TempRemoteFile) TransactionRemoteFile(org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile)

Example 3 with TransactionRemoteFile

use of org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile in project syncany by syncany.

the class TransactionAwareFeatureTransferManager method removeUnreferencedTemporaryFiles.

	 * Removes temporary files on the offsite storage that are not listed in any
	 * of the {@link TransactionRemoteFile}s available remotely.
	 * <p>Temporary files might be left over from unfinished transactions.
public void removeUnreferencedTemporaryFiles() throws StorageException {
    // Retrieve all transactions
    Map<TransactionTO, TransactionRemoteFile> transactions = retrieveRemoteTransactions();
    Collection<TempRemoteFile> tempRemoteFiles = list(TempRemoteFile.class).values();
    // Find all remoteFiles that are referenced in a transaction
    Set<TempRemoteFile> tempRemoteFilesInTransactions = new HashSet<TempRemoteFile>();
    for (TransactionTO transaction : transactions.keySet()) {
        for (ActionTO action : transaction.getActions()) {
    // Consider just those files that are not referenced and delete them.
    for (TempRemoteFile unreferencedTempRemoteFile : tempRemoteFiles) {
        logger.log(Level.INFO, "Unreferenced temporary file found. Deleting {0}", unreferencedTempRemoteFile);
Also used : TempRemoteFile(org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TempRemoteFile) ActionTO( TransactionRemoteFile(org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile) TransactionTO( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 4 with TransactionRemoteFile

use of org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile in project syncany by syncany.

the class TransactionAwareFeatureTransferManager method cleanTransactions.

	 * Checks if any transactions of the local machine were not completed and performs
	 * a rollback if any transactions were found. The rollback itself is performed in
	 * a transaction.
	 * <p>The method uses {@link #retrieveRemoteTransactions()} to download all transaction
	 * files and then rolls back the local machines's transactions:
	 * <ul>
	 *  <li>Files in the transaction marked "UPLOAD" are deleted.</li>
	 *  <li>Files in the transaction marked "DELETE" are moved back to their original place.</li>
	 * </ul>
	 * @throws BlockingTransfersException if we cannot proceed (Deleting transaction by another client exists).
public void cleanTransactions() throws StorageException, BlockingTransfersException {
    Objects.requireNonNull(config, "Cannot clean transactions if config is null.");
    Map<TransactionTO, TransactionRemoteFile> transactions = retrieveRemoteTransactions();
    boolean noBlockingTransactionsExist = true;
    for (TransactionTO potentiallyCancelledTransaction : transactions.keySet()) {
        boolean isCancelledOwnTransaction = potentiallyCancelledTransaction.getMachineName().equals(config.getMachineName());
        // If this transaction is from our machine, delete all permanent or temporary files in this transaction.
        if (isCancelledOwnTransaction) {
            rollbackSingleTransaction(potentiallyCancelledTransaction, transactions.get(potentiallyCancelledTransaction));
        } else if (noBlockingTransactionsExist) {
            // Only check if we have not yet found deleting transactions by others
            for (ActionTO action : potentiallyCancelledTransaction.getActions()) {
                if (action.getType().equals(ActionType.DELETE)) {
                    noBlockingTransactionsExist = false;
    logger.log(Level.INFO, "Done rolling back previous transactions.");
    if (!noBlockingTransactionsExist) {
        throw new BlockingTransfersException();
Also used : ActionTO( TransactionRemoteFile(org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile) BlockingTransfersException(org.syncany.operations.up.BlockingTransfersException) TransactionTO(

Example 5 with TransactionRemoteFile

use of org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile in project syncany by syncany.

the class TransactionAwareFeatureTransferManager method getTransactionsByClient.

	 * This function returns a list of all remote transaction files that belong to the client. If blocking transactions exist,
	 * this methods returns null, because we are not allowed to proceed.
public List<TransactionRemoteFile> getTransactionsByClient(String client) throws StorageException {
    Objects.requireNonNull(config, "Cannot get transactions if config is null.");
    Map<TransactionTO, TransactionRemoteFile> transactions = retrieveRemoteTransactions();
    List<TransactionRemoteFile> transactionsByClient = new ArrayList<TransactionRemoteFile>();
    for (TransactionTO potentiallyResumableTransaction : transactions.keySet()) {
        boolean isCancelledOwnTransaction = potentiallyResumableTransaction.getMachineName().equals(config.getMachineName());
        if (isCancelledOwnTransaction) {
        } else {
            // Check for blocking transactions
            for (ActionTO action : potentiallyResumableTransaction.getActions()) {
                if (action.getType().equals(ActionType.DELETE)) {
                    return null;
    return transactionsByClient;
Also used : ActionTO( TransactionRemoteFile(org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TransactionTO(


TransactionRemoteFile (org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TransactionRemoteFile)7 TransactionTO ( TempRemoteFile (org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.TempRemoteFile)3 ActionTO ( File ( BlockingTransfersException (org.syncany.operations.up.BlockingTransfersException)2 RemoteFile (org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.RemoteFile)2 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Transformer (org.syncany.chunk.Transformer)1 UpUploadFileSyncExternalEvent (org.syncany.operations.daemon.messages.UpUploadFileSyncExternalEvent)1 StorageException (org.syncany.plugins.transfer.StorageException)1 StorageFileNotFoundException (org.syncany.plugins.transfer.StorageFileNotFoundException)1 StorageMoveException (org.syncany.plugins.transfer.StorageMoveException)1