use of org.ta4j.core.indicators.bollinger.BollingerBandsLowerIndicator in project ta4j by ta4j.
the class IndicatorsToChart method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Getting time series
TimeSeries series = CsvBarsLoader.loadAppleIncSeries();
Creating indicators
// Close price
ClosePriceIndicator closePrice = new ClosePriceIndicator(series);
EMAIndicator avg14 = new EMAIndicator(closePrice, 14);
StandardDeviationIndicator sd14 = new StandardDeviationIndicator(closePrice, 14);
// Bollinger bands
BollingerBandsMiddleIndicator middleBBand = new BollingerBandsMiddleIndicator(avg14);
BollingerBandsLowerIndicator lowBBand = new BollingerBandsLowerIndicator(middleBBand, sd14);
BollingerBandsUpperIndicator upBBand = new BollingerBandsUpperIndicator(middleBBand, sd14);
Building chart dataset
TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection();
dataset.addSeries(buildChartTimeSeries(series, closePrice, "Apple Inc. (AAPL) - NASDAQ GS"));
dataset.addSeries(buildChartTimeSeries(series, lowBBand, "Low Bollinger Band"));
dataset.addSeries(buildChartTimeSeries(series, upBBand, "High Bollinger Band"));
Creating the chart
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(// title
"Apple Inc. 2013 Close Prices", // x-axis label
"Date", // y-axis label
"Price Per Unit", // data
dataset, // create legend?
true, // generate tooltips?
true, // generate URLs?
XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot();
DateAxis axis = (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis();
axis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"));
Displaying the chart