use of org.talend.designer.gefabstractmap.figures.table.AbstractTable in project tdi-studio-se by Talend.
the class MapperDropTargetListener method handleSashDrag.
protected void handleSashDrag(DropTargetEvent event, ISash s) {
if (s instanceof SashSeparator) {
SashSeparator separator = (SashSeparator) s;
final Point dropLocation = getDropLocation();
Rectangle leftBounds = separator.getLeftFigure().getBounds().getCopy();
Rectangle rightBounds = separator.getRightFigure().getBounds().getCopy();
if (dropLocation.x < (leftBounds.x + separator.getZoneMinSize() + separator.getSashWidth()) || dropLocation.x > (rightBounds.x + rightBounds.width - separator.getZoneMinSize() - separator.getSashWidth())) {
event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
final LayoutManager layoutManager = separator.getParentFigure().getLayoutManager();
if (layoutManager instanceof XmlMapDataLayout) {
XmlMapDataLayout layout = (XmlMapDataLayout) layoutManager;
int X = getDropLocation().x;
final Rectangle separatorBounds = separator.getBounds().getCopy();
separatorBounds.x = X;
layout.setConstraint(separator, separatorBounds);
// left figure width
int wL = X - leftBounds.x;
// right figure width
int wR = rightBounds.getTopRight().x - X - separator.getSashWidth();
int xR = X + separator.getSashWidth();
if (wL < separator.getZoneMinSize()) {
wL = separator.getZoneMinSize();
wR = rightBounds.getTopRight().x - leftBounds.x - separator.getZoneMinSize() - separator.getSashWidth();
xR = leftBounds.x + separator.getZoneMinSize() + separator.getSashWidth();
if (wR < separator.getZoneMinSize()) {
wL = rightBounds.getTopRight().x - separator.getZoneMinSize() - separator.getSashWidth() - leftBounds.x;
wR = separator.getZoneMinSize();
xR = rightBounds.getTopRight().x - separator.getZoneMinSize();
leftBounds.width = wL;
layout.setConstraint(separator.getLeftFigure(), leftBounds.getCopy());
rightBounds.x = xR;
rightBounds.width = wR;
layout.setConstraint(separator.getRightFigure(), rightBounds.getCopy());
} else if (s instanceof ColumnSash) {
ColumnSash columnSash = (ColumnSash) s;
ITable t = columnSash.getTable();
// if (t instanceof AbstractTable) {
// AbstractTable table = (AbstractTable) t;
// Rectangle tableBounds = table.getBounds();
// int X = getDropLocation().x;
// if (X < tableBounds.x + columnSash.getSashWidth()
// || X > tableBounds.x + tableBounds.width - columnSash.getSashWidth()) {
// event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
// return;
// }
// double newExpressionWidth = X - tableBounds.x;
// double defaultExpressionWidth = table.getDefaultExpressionWidth();
// double pecnetage = newExpressionWidth / defaultExpressionWidth;
// table.setExpressWidthPecentage(pecnetage);
// } else if (t instanceof Table) {
AbstractTable table = (AbstractTable) t;
Rectangle tableBounds = table.getBounds();
int X = getDropLocation().x;
if (X < tableBounds.x + 10 || X > tableBounds.x + tableBounds.width - 10) {
event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
TableColumn leftColumn = columnSash.getLeftColumn();
TableColumn rightColumn = columnSash.getRightColumn();
Rectangle leftBounds = leftColumn.getBounds();
Rectangle rightBounds = rightColumn.getBounds();
int LW = X - leftBounds.x;
int RW = rightBounds.x + rightBounds.width - X;
if (LW < 10) {
LW = 10;
if (RW < 10) {
RW = 10;
double LP = (double) LW / (double) tableBounds.width;
double RP = (double) RW / (double) tableBounds.width;
table.getLayoutManager().setColumnPercentage(leftColumn.getColumnKey(), LP);
table.getLayoutManager().setColumnPercentage(rightColumn.getColumnKey(), RP);
// }
use of org.talend.designer.gefabstractmap.figures.table.AbstractTable in project tdi-studio-se by Talend.
the class TableContainerLayout method layout.
public void layout(IFigure parent) {
List children = parent.getChildren();
int numChildren = children.size();
Rectangle clientArea = transposer.t(parent.getClientArea());
int x = clientArea.x;
int y = clientArea.y;
int availableHeight = clientArea.height;
Dimension[] prefSizes = new Dimension[numChildren];
Dimension[] minSizes = new Dimension[numChildren];
int wHint = -1;
int hHint = -1;
if (isHorizontal()) {
hHint = parent.getClientArea(Rectangle.SINGLETON).height;
} else {
wHint = parent.getClientArea(Rectangle.SINGLETON).width;
IFigure child;
int totalHeight = 0;
int totalMinHeight = 0;
int prefMinSumHeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
child = (IFigure) children.get(i);
prefSizes[i] = transposer.t(getChildPreferredSize(child, wHint, hHint));
minSizes[i] = transposer.t(getChildMinimumSize(child, wHint, hHint));
totalHeight += prefSizes[i].height;
totalMinHeight += minSizes[i].height;
totalHeight += (numChildren - 1) * spacing;
totalMinHeight += (numChildren - 1) * spacing;
prefMinSumHeight = totalHeight - totalMinHeight;
int amntShrinkHeight = totalHeight - Math.max(availableHeight, totalMinHeight);
if (amntShrinkHeight < 0) {
amntShrinkHeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
int amntShrinkCurrentHeight = 0;
int prefHeight = prefSizes[i].height;
int minHeight = minSizes[i].height;
int prefWidth = prefSizes[i].width;
int minWidth = minSizes[i].width;
Rectangle newBounds = new Rectangle(x, y, prefWidth, prefHeight);
child = (IFigure) children.get(i);
if (child instanceof AbstractTreeSettingContainer) {
if (!tableMananger.isActivateCondensedTool()) {
child.setBounds(new Rectangle(x, y, 0, 0));
if (child instanceof FilterContainer) {
if (!tableMananger.isActivateExpressionFilter()) {
child.setBounds(new Rectangle(x, y, 0, 0));
if (child instanceof AbstractGlobalMapContainer) {
if (!tableMananger.isActivateGlobalMap()) {
child.setBounds(new Rectangle(x, y, 0, 0));
int width = Math.min(prefWidth, transposer.t(child.getMaximumSize()).width);
if (matchWidth) {
width = transposer.t(child.getMaximumSize()).width;
width = Math.max(minWidth, Math.min(clientArea.width, width));
newBounds.width = width;
amntShrinkHeight -= amntShrinkCurrentHeight;
prefMinSumHeight -= (prefHeight - minHeight);
y += newBounds.height + spacing;
if (child instanceof ScrollPane) {
IFigure contents = ((ScrollPane) child).getViewport().getContents();
if (contents instanceof AbstractTable) {
// ((AbstractTable) contents).setDefautTableWidth(newBounds.width);