Search in sources :

Example 31 with BlockedException

use of org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException in project teiid by teiid.

the class SortUtility method doMerge.

protected void doMerge(int rowLimit) throws TeiidComponentException, TeiidProcessingException {
    long desiredSpace = activeTupleBuffers.size() * (long) schemaSize;
    int toForce = (int) Math.min(desiredSpace, Math.max(2 * schemaSize, this.bufferManager.getMaxProcessingSize()));
    int reserved = 0;
    if (desiredSpace > toForce) {
        try {
            int subLists = Math.max(2, this.bufferManager.getMaxProcessingSize() / schemaSize);
            int twoPass = subLists * subLists;
            if (twoPass < activeTupleBuffers.size()) {
                // wait for 2-pass
                int needed = (int) Math.ceil(Math.pow(activeTupleBuffers.size(), .5));
                while (activeTupleBuffers.size() / needed + activeTupleBuffers.size() % needed > needed) {
                reserved += bufferManager.reserveBuffersBlocking(needed * schemaSize - toForce, attempts, false);
                if (reserved == 0 && twoPass * subLists < activeTupleBuffers.size()) {
                    // force 3-pass
                    needed = (int) Math.ceil(Math.pow(activeTupleBuffers.size(), 1 / 3d));
                    while (activeTupleBuffers.size() / (needed * needed) + activeTupleBuffers.size() % needed > needed) {
                    reserved += bufferManager.reserveBuffersBlocking(needed * schemaSize - toForce, attempts, true);
                    // $NON-NLS-1$
                    LogManager.logWarning(LogConstants.CTX_DQP, "performing three pass sort");
            } else if (desiredSpace < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                // wait for 1-pass
                reserved += bufferManager.reserveBuffersBlocking((int) desiredSpace - toForce, attempts, false);
        } catch (BlockedException be) {
            if (!nonBlocking) {
                throw be;
    int total = reserved + toForce;
    if (total > schemaSize) {
        toForce -= total % schemaSize;
    reserved += bufferManager.reserveBuffers(toForce, BufferReserveMode.FORCE);
    try {
        while (this.activeTupleBuffers.size() > 1) {
            ArrayList<SortedSublist> sublists = new ArrayList<SortedSublist>(activeTupleBuffers.size());
            TupleBuffer merged = createTupleBuffer();
            desiredSpace = activeTupleBuffers.size() * (long) schemaSize;
            if (desiredSpace < reserved) {
                bufferManager.releaseBuffers(reserved - (int) desiredSpace);
                reserved = (int) desiredSpace;
            // always allow progress
            int maxSortIndex = Math.max(2, reserved / schemaSize);
            if (LogManager.isMessageToBeRecorded(org.teiid.logging.LogConstants.CTX_DQP, MessageLevel.TRACE)) {
                // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                LogManager.logTrace(org.teiid.logging.LogConstants.CTX_DQP, "Merging", maxSortIndex, "sublists out of", activeTupleBuffers.size());
            // initialize the sublists with the min value
            for (int i = 0; i < maxSortIndex; i++) {
                TupleBuffer activeID = activeTupleBuffers.get(i);
                SortedSublist sortedSublist = new SortedSublist();
                sortedSublist.its = activeID.createIndexedTupleSource();
                sortedSublist.index = i;
                incrementWorkingTuple(sublists, sortedSublist);
            boolean checkLimit = maxSortIndex == activeTupleBuffers.size() && rowLimit > -1;
            // iteratively process the lowest tuple
            while (sublists.size() > 0) {
                SortedSublist sortedSublist = sublists.remove(sublists.size() - 1);
                incrementWorkingTuple(sublists, sortedSublist);
                if (checkLimit && merged.getRowCount() == rowLimit) {
                    // early exit for row limit
            // Remove merged sublists
            for (int i = 0; i < maxSortIndex; i++) {
                TupleBuffer id = activeTupleBuffers.remove(0);
    } finally {
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TupleBuffer(org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBuffer) BlockedException(org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException)

Example 32 with BlockedException

use of org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException in project teiid by teiid.

the class SortUtility method initialSort.

 * creates sorted sublists stored in tuplebuffers
protected void initialSort(boolean onePass, boolean lowLatency, int rowLimit) throws TeiidComponentException, TeiidProcessingException {
    long end = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    if (!nonBlocking) {
        // obey the timeslice
        CommandContext cc = CommandContext.getThreadLocalContext();
        if (cc != null) {
            end = System.nanoTime() + (cc.getTimeSliceEnd() - System.currentTimeMillis()) * 1000000;
    if (source == null) {
        doneReading = true;
    outer: while (!doneReading) {
        // sub-phase 1 - build up a working buffer of tuples
        if (this.workingBuffer == null) {
            this.workingBuffer = createTupleBuffer();
        while (!doneReading) {
            try {
                List<?> tuple = source.nextTuple();
                if (tuple == null) {
                    doneReading = true;
                if (onePass && lowLatency && this.workingBuffer.getRowCount() > 2 * this.targetRowCount) {
                    break outer;
                } else if (end != Long.MAX_VALUE && (this.workingBuffer.getRowCount() % 32) == 1 && System.nanoTime() > end) {
                    // $NON-NLS-1$
                    throw BlockedException.block("Blocking on large sort");
            } catch (BlockedException e) {
                /*there are three cases here
	            	 * 1. a fully blocking sort (optionally dup removal)
	            	 * 2. a streaming dup removal
	            	 * 3. a one pass sort (for grace join like processing)
                if (!onePass) {
                    // read fully before processing
                    throw e;
                // we're trying to create intermediate buffers that will comfortably be small memory sorts
                if (this.workingBuffer.getRowCount() < this.targetRowCount) {
                    throw e;
                // there's processing that we can do
                break outer;
    long rowCount = workingBuffer.getRowCount();
    if (!nonBlocking && !onePass) {
        CommandContext cc = CommandContext.getThreadLocalContext();
        if (cc != null && cc.isParallel() && ((rowCount > (1 << 21) && rowCount > (this.targetRowCount << 3)) || rowCount > (this.targetRowCount << 5))) {
            // potentially long running sort, so let it be async
            workAsync(rowLimit, cc);
Also used : CommandContext(org.teiid.query.util.CommandContext) AbstractList(java.util.AbstractList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) BlockedException(org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException)

Example 33 with BlockedException

use of org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException in project teiid by teiid.

the class UnionAllNode method nextBatchDirectInternal.

public TupleBatch nextBatchDirectInternal() throws BlockedException, TeiidComponentException, TeiidProcessingException {
    // Walk through all children and for each one that isn't done, try to retrieve a batch
    // When all sources are done, set the termination flag on that batch
    RelationalNode[] children = getChildren();
    int childCount = getChildCount();
    int activeSources = 0;
    TupleBatch batch = null;
    boolean additionalSources = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
        if (children[i] != null && !sourceDone[i]) {
            if (sourceOpen != null && !sourceOpen[i]) {
                additionalSources = true;
            if (batch == null) {
                try {
                    batch = children[i].nextBatch();
                    // Got a batch
                    if (batch.getTerminationFlag() == true) {
                        // Mark source as being done and decrement the activeSources counter
                        sourceDone[i] = true;
                        if (reserved > 0) {
                            reserved -= schemaSize;
                } catch (BlockedException e) {
                // no problem - try the next one
            } else {
                // This is sufficient to break the loop - we won't learn anything new after this
    // Determine what to return
    TupleBatch outputBatch = null;
    if (batch != null) {
        // Rebuild the batch to reset the output row
        outputBatch = new TupleBatch(outputRow, batch.getTuples());
        // This is the last unioned batch if:
        // 1) This batch is a termination batch from the child
        // 2) No other active sources exist
        outputBatch.setTerminationFlag(batch.getTerminationFlag() && activeSources == 0 && !additionalSources);
        // Update output row for next batch
        outputRow += outputBatch.getRowCount();
    } else if (activeSources > 0) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        throw BlockedException.block(getContext().getRequestId(), "Blocking on union source.", getID());
    } else {
        boolean openedAny = false;
        int toOpen = 0;
        if (sourceOpen != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
                if (sourceOpen[i] && sourceDone[i]) {
            for (int i = 0; i < childCount && toOpen > 0; i++) {
                if (!sourceOpen[i]) {
                    getBufferManager().reserveBuffers(schemaSize, BufferReserveMode.FORCE);
                    reserved += schemaSize;
                    sourceOpen[i] = true;
                    openedAny = true;
        if (openedAny) {
            return nextBatchDirect();
        // No batch and no active sources - return empty termination batch (should never happen but just in case)
        outputBatch = new TupleBatch(outputRow, Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
    return outputBatch;
Also used : BlockedException(org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException) TupleBatch(org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch)

Example 34 with BlockedException

use of org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException in project teiid by teiid.

the class DependentAccessNode method nextCommand.

protected Command nextCommand() throws TeiidProcessingException, TeiidComponentException {
    if (rewrittenCommand == null) {
        Command atomicCommand = super.nextCommand();
        try {
            rewriteAndEvaluate(atomicCommand, getEvaluator(Collections.emptyMap()), this.getContext(), this.getContext().getMetadata());
        } catch (BlockedException e) {
            // be too late
            if (sort && ((Query) atomicCommand).getOrderBy() != null) {
            throw e;
        rewrittenCommand = atomicCommand;
        nextCommand = null;
    if (nextCommand == null && rewrittenCommand != null) {
        nextCommand = (Command) rewrittenCommand.clone();
    return super.nextCommand();
Also used : QueryCommand(org.teiid.query.sql.lang.QueryCommand) Command(org.teiid.query.sql.lang.Command) BlockedException(org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException)

Example 35 with BlockedException

use of org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException in project teiid by teiid.

the class BatchedUpdatePlan method nextBatch.

 * @see org.teiid.query.processor.ProcessorPlan#nextBatch()
 * @since 4.2
public TupleBatch nextBatch() throws BlockedException, TeiidComponentException, TeiidProcessingException {
    for (; planIndex < updatePlans.length && (getContext() == null || getContext().getBatchUpdateException() == null); ) {
        try {
            if (!planOpened[planIndex]) {
                // Open the plan only once
                /* Defect 16166
	                 * Some commands in a batch may depend on updates by previous commands in the same batch. A call
	                 * to open() usually submits an atomic command, so calling open() on all the child plans at the same time
	                 * will mean that the datasource may not be in the state expected by a later command within the batch. So,
	                 * for a batch of commands, we only open() a later plan when we are finished with the previous plan to
	                 * guarantee that the commands in the previous plan are completed before the commands in any subsequent
	                 * plans are executed.
            } else if (this.planContexts[planIndex] != null) {
            // Execute nextBatch() on each plan in sequence
            TupleBatch nextBatch = null;
            do {
                // Can throw BlockedException
                nextBatch = updatePlans[planIndex].nextBatch();
                List<List<?>> currentBatch = nextBatch.getTuples();
                for (int i = 0; i < currentBatch.size(); i++, commandIndex++) {
                    updateCounts[commandIndex] = currentBatch.get(i);
            } while (!nextBatch.getTerminationFlag());
            // since we are done with the plan explicitly close it.
            if (this.planContexts[planIndex] != null) {
                TransactionService ts = this.getContext().getTransactionServer();
                this.planContexts[planIndex] = null;
        } catch (BlockedException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (TeiidComponentException | TeiidProcessingException e) {
            if (singleResult) {
                throw e;
            Throwable cause = e;
            if (e.getCause() instanceof TranslatorBatchException) {
                TranslatorBatchException tbe = (TranslatorBatchException) e.getCause();
                for (int i = 0; i < tbe.getUpdateCounts().length; i++) {
                    updateCounts[commandIndex++] = Arrays.asList(tbe.getUpdateCounts()[i]);
            updateCounts = Arrays.copyOf(updateCounts, commandIndex);
        } finally {
            if (planIndex < updatePlans.length && this.planContexts[planIndex] != null) {
    if (singleResult) {
        long result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < updateCounts.length; i++) {
            int value = (Integer) updateCounts[i].get(0);
            if (value == Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED) {
                // the batch results rather than throwing an exception
                throw new TeiidProcessingException(QueryPlugin.Event.TEIID31199,;
            if (value > 0) {
                result += value;
        TupleBatch batch = new TupleBatch(1, new List<?>[] { Arrays.asList((int) Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, result)) });
        return batch;
    // Add tuples to current batch
    TupleBatch batch = new TupleBatch(1, updateCounts);
    return batch;
Also used : TransactionService(org.teiid.dqp.service.TransactionService) BlockedException(org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException) TranslatorBatchException(org.teiid.translator.TranslatorBatchException) TeiidProcessingException(org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) TeiidComponentException(org.teiid.core.TeiidComponentException) TupleBatch(org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch)


BlockedException (org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException)45 TupleBatch (org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch)16 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 List (java.util.List)15 TeiidProcessingException (org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException)15 TeiidComponentException (org.teiid.core.TeiidComponentException)13 TupleBuffer (org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBuffer)10 CommandContext (org.teiid.query.util.CommandContext)10 TupleSource (org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleSource)8 ElementSymbol (org.teiid.query.sql.symbol.ElementSymbol)8 Test (org.junit.Test)6 BufferManager (org.teiid.common.buffer.BufferManager)6 ExpressionEvaluationException (org.teiid.api.exception.query.ExpressionEvaluationException)5 FunctionExecutionException (org.teiid.api.exception.query.FunctionExecutionException)5 QueryValidatorException (org.teiid.api.exception.query.QueryValidatorException)5 Command (org.teiid.query.sql.lang.Command)5 GroupSymbol (org.teiid.query.sql.symbol.GroupSymbol)5 CollectionTupleSource (org.teiid.query.processor.CollectionTupleSource)4 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)3 QueryProcessingException (org.teiid.api.exception.query.QueryProcessingException)3