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Example 1 with TupleBatch

use of org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch in project teiid by teiid.

the class TestTupleBatch method exampleBatch.

public TupleBatch exampleBatch(int rowBegin, int numRows, int numColumns) {
    List rows = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
        List row = new ArrayList();
        for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) {
            // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
            row.add("data-" + (rowBegin + i) + "-" + j);
    return new TupleBatch(rowBegin, rows);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TupleBatch(org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch)

Example 2 with TupleBatch

use of org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch in project teiid by teiid.

the class SubqueryAwareEvaluator method evaluateProcedure.

 * Implements procedure function handling.
 * TODO: cache results
protected Object evaluateProcedure(Function function, List<?> tuple, Object[] values) throws TeiidComponentException, TeiidProcessingException {
    QueryProcessor qp = null;
    List<?> key = Arrays.asList(function, Arrays.asList(values));
    if (procedureState != null) {
        qp = this.procedureState.get(key);
    if (qp == null) {
        String args = Collections.nCopies(values.length, '?').toString().substring(1);
        args = args.substring(0, args.length() - 1);
        String fullName = function.getFunctionDescriptor().getFullName();
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        String call = String.format("call %1$s(%2$s)", fullName, args);
        qp = this.context.getQueryProcessorFactory().createQueryProcessor(call, fullName, this.context, values);
        if (this.procedureState == null) {
            this.procedureState = new HashMap<List<?>, QueryProcessor>();
        this.procedureState.put(key, qp);
    // just in case validate the rows being returned
    TupleBatch tb = qp.nextBatch();
    TupleBatch next = tb;
    while (!next.getTerminationFlag()) {
        if (next.getEndRow() >= 2) {
        next = qp.nextBatch();
    if (next.getEndRow() >= 2) {
        throw new ExpressionEvaluationException(QueryPlugin.Event.TEIID30345,, function));
    Object result = null;
    if (next.getRowCount() > 0) {
        result = next.getTuples().get(0).get(0);
    return result;
Also used : ExpressionEvaluationException(org.teiid.api.exception.query.ExpressionEvaluationException) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) QueryProcessor(org.teiid.query.processor.QueryProcessor) TupleBatch(org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch)

Example 3 with TupleBatch

use of org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch in project teiid by teiid.

the class TextTableNode method nextBatchDirect.

protected synchronized TupleBatch nextBatchDirect() throws BlockedException, TeiidComponentException, TeiidProcessingException {
    if (reader == null) {
    if (reader == null) {
        return pullBatch();
    if (isLastBatch()) {
        return pullBatch();
    if (isBatchFull()) {
        TupleBatch result = pullBatch();
        // read ahead
        return result;
    if (this.getContext().getWorkItem() == null) {
        // this is for compatibility with engine tests that are below the level of using the work item
        synchronized (this) {
            while (running) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    throw new TeiidRuntimeException(e);
    // $NON-NLS-1$
    throw BlockedException.block("Blocking on results from file processing.");
Also used : TeiidRuntimeException(org.teiid.core.TeiidRuntimeException) TupleBatch(org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch)

Example 4 with TupleBatch

use of org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch in project teiid by teiid.

the class LimitNode method nextBatchDirect.

protected TupleBatch nextBatchDirect() throws BlockedException, TeiidComponentException, TeiidProcessingException {
    // Can throw BlockedException
    TupleBatch batch = null;
    if (limit == 0) {
        return pullBatch();
    // If we haven't reached the offset, then skip rows/batches
    if (offsetPhase) {
        while (rowCounter <= offset) {
            // Can throw BlockedException
            batch = getChildren()[0].nextBatch();
            rowCounter += batch.getRowCount();
            if (batch.getTerminationFlag()) {
        List<List<?>> tuples = null;
        if (rowCounter > offset) {
            List<List<?>> originalTuples = batch.getTuples();
            int rowsToKeep = rowCounter - offset;
            tuples = new ArrayList<List<?>>(originalTuples.subList(batch.getRowCount() - rowsToKeep, batch.getRowCount()));
        } else {
            tuples = Collections.emptyList();
        TupleBatch resultBatch = new TupleBatch(1, tuples);
        batch = resultBatch;
        offsetPhase = false;
        rowCounter = 0;
    } else {
        // Can throw BlockedException
        batch = getChildren()[0].nextBatch();
    List<List<?>> tuples = null;
    if (limit < 0 || rowCounter + batch.getRowCount() <= limit) {
        // Passthrough
        tuples = batch.getTuples();
    } else {
        // Partial batch
        List<List<?>> originalTuples = batch.getTuples();
        tuples = new ArrayList<List<?>>(originalTuples.subList(0, limit - rowCounter));
    TupleBatch resultBatch = new TupleBatch(rowCounter + 1, tuples);
    rowCounter += resultBatch.getRowCount();
    if (rowCounter == limit || batch.getTerminationFlag()) {
    return resultBatch;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) TupleBatch(org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch)

Example 5 with TupleBatch

use of org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch in project teiid by teiid.

the class ProjectNode method nextBatchDirect.

public TupleBatch nextBatchDirect() throws BlockedException, TeiidComponentException, TeiidProcessingException {
    if (currentBatch == null) {
        // one batch with one row
        if (this.getChildren()[0] == null) {
            currentBatch = new TupleBatch(1, EMPTY_TUPLE);
        } else {
            currentBatch = this.getChildren()[0].nextBatch();
        // Check for no project needed and pass through
        if (!needsProject) {
            TupleBatch result = currentBatch;
            currentBatch = null;
            return result;
    while (currentRow <= currentBatch.getEndRow() && !isBatchFull()) {
        List<?> tuple = currentBatch.getTuple(currentRow);
        List<Object> projectedTuple = new ArrayList<Object>(selectSymbols.size());
        // Walk through symbols
        for (int i = 0; i < expressions.size(); i++) {
            Expression symbol = expressions.get(i);
            updateTuple(symbol, i, tuple, projectedTuple);
        // Add to batch
    if (currentRow > currentBatch.getEndRow()) {
        if (currentBatch.getTerminationFlag()) {
        currentBatch = null;
    return pullBatch();
Also used : Expression(org.teiid.query.sql.symbol.Expression) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LanguageObject(org.teiid.query.sql.LanguageObject) TupleBatch(org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch)


TupleBatch (org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBatch)61 Test (org.junit.Test)26 List (java.util.List)23 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)22 BlockedException (org.teiid.common.buffer.BlockedException)17 CommandContext (org.teiid.query.util.CommandContext)10 ElementSymbol (org.teiid.query.sql.symbol.ElementSymbol)9 TeiidProcessingException (org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException)8 TeiidComponentException (org.teiid.core.TeiidComponentException)6 BufferManager (org.teiid.common.buffer.BufferManager)4 TupleBuffer (org.teiid.common.buffer.TupleBuffer)4 TeiidRuntimeException (org.teiid.core.TeiidRuntimeException)3 TransactionContext (org.teiid.dqp.service.TransactionContext)3 TransactionService (org.teiid.dqp.service.TransactionService)3 ExpressionEvaluationException (org.teiid.api.exception.query.ExpressionEvaluationException)2 BufferManagerImpl (org.teiid.common.buffer.impl.BufferManagerImpl)2 TeiidException (org.teiid.core.TeiidException)2 QueryProcessor (org.teiid.query.processor.QueryProcessor)2 FakeRelationalNode (org.teiid.query.processor.relational.FakeRelationalNode)2 CacheHint (org.teiid.query.sql.lang.CacheHint)2