use of org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestFunctionPushdown method testSimpleFunctionPushdown.
public void testSimpleFunctionPushdown() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata tm = RealMetadataFactory.fromDDL("create foreign function func (param integer) returns integer; create foreign table g1 (e1 integer)", "x", "y");
BasicSourceCapabilities bsc = new BasicSourceCapabilities();
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.SELECT_WITHOUT_FROM, true);
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_SELECT_EXPRESSION, false);
final DefaultCapabilitiesFinder capFinder = new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(bsc);
CommandContext cc = TestProcessor.createCommandContext();
cc.setQueryProcessorFactory(new QueryProcessor.ProcessorFactory() {
public PreparedPlan getPreparedPlan(String query, String recursionGroup, CommandContext commandContext, QueryMetadataInterface metadata) throws TeiidProcessingException, TeiidComponentException {
return null;
public CapabilitiesFinder getCapabiltiesFinder() {
return capFinder;
public QueryProcessor createQueryProcessor(String query, String recursionGroup, CommandContext commandContext, Object... params) throws TeiidProcessingException, TeiidComponentException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
// $NON-NLS-1$
String sql = "select func(1)";
ProcessorPlan plan = helpPlan(sql, tm, null, capFinder, new String[] {}, // $NON-NLS-1$
HardcodedDataManager dataManager = new HardcodedDataManager(tm);
dataManager.addData("SELECT func(1)", new List[] { Arrays.asList(2) });
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, dataManager, new List[] { Arrays.asList(2) });
// ensure that pseudo-correlation works
// $NON-NLS-1$
sql = "select func(0) from g1 where func(e1) = 2";
plan = helpPlan(sql, tm, null, capFinder, new String[] { "SELECT y.g1.e1 FROM y.g1" }, // $NON-NLS-1$
dataManager = new HardcodedDataManager();
dataManager.addData("SELECT y.g1.e1 FROM y.g1", new List[] { Arrays.asList(1), Arrays.asList(2) });
dataManager.addData("SELECT func(0)", new List[] { Arrays.asList(1) });
dataManager.addData("SELECT func(1)", new List[] { Arrays.asList(2) });
dataManager.addData("SELECT func(2)", new List[] { Arrays.asList(3) });
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, dataManager, new List[] { Arrays.asList(1) });
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_SELECT_EXPRESSION, true);
// ensure that pseudo-correlation works
// $NON-NLS-1$
sql = "select case when hasrole('x') then func(0) else 2 end from g1";
plan = helpPlan(sql, tm, null, capFinder, new String[] { "SELECT func(0) FROM y.g1" }, // $NON-NLS-1$
dataManager = new HardcodedDataManager(tm);
dataManager.addData("SELECT func(0) FROM g1", new List[] { Arrays.asList(1), Arrays.asList(1) });
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, dataManager, new List[] { Arrays.asList(1), Arrays.asList(1) });
use of org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestFunctionPushdown method testMustPushdownSubexpressionOverGrouping.
public void testMustPushdownSubexpressionOverGrouping() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata tm = RealMetadataFactory.fromDDL("create foreign function func (param integer) returns integer; create foreign table g1 (e1 integer, e2 integer)", "x", "y");
BasicSourceCapabilities bsc = new BasicSourceCapabilities();
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.SELECT_WITHOUT_FROM, true);
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_SELECT_EXPRESSION, true);
final DefaultCapabilitiesFinder capFinder = new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(bsc);
CommandContext cc = TestProcessor.createCommandContext();
cc.setQueryProcessorFactory(new QueryProcessor.ProcessorFactory() {
public PreparedPlan getPreparedPlan(String query, String recursionGroup, CommandContext commandContext, QueryMetadataInterface metadata) throws TeiidProcessingException, TeiidComponentException {
return null;
public CapabilitiesFinder getCapabiltiesFinder() {
return capFinder;
public QueryProcessor createQueryProcessor(String query, String recursionGroup, CommandContext commandContext, Object... params) throws TeiidProcessingException, TeiidComponentException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
// $NON-NLS-1$
String sql = "select max(func(e2)) from g1 group by e1";
ProcessorPlan plan = helpPlan(sql, tm, null, capFinder, new String[] { "SELECT y.g1.e1, func(y.g1.e2) FROM y.g1" }, // $NON-NLS-1$
HardcodedDataManager dataManager = new HardcodedDataManager();
dataManager.addData("SELECT y.g1.e1, func(y.g1.e2) FROM y.g1", new List[] { Arrays.asList(1, 2), Arrays.asList(2, 3) });
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, dataManager, new List[] { Arrays.asList(2), Arrays.asList(3) });
use of org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestFunctionPushdown method testSimpleFunctionPushdown1.
public void testSimpleFunctionPushdown1() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata tm = RealMetadataFactory.createTransformationMetadata(RealMetadataFactory.example1Cached().getMetadataStore(), "example1", new FunctionTree("foo", new FakeFunctionMetadataSource()));
BasicSourceCapabilities bsc = new BasicSourceCapabilities();
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.SELECT_WITHOUT_FROM, true);
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_SELECT_EXPRESSION, false);
bsc.setFunctionSupport("parseDate_", true);
final DefaultCapabilitiesFinder capFinder = new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(bsc);
CommandContext cc = TestProcessor.createCommandContext();
cc.setQueryProcessorFactory(new QueryProcessor.ProcessorFactory() {
public PreparedPlan getPreparedPlan(String query, String recursionGroup, CommandContext commandContext, QueryMetadataInterface metadata) throws TeiidProcessingException, TeiidComponentException {
return null;
public CapabilitiesFinder getCapabiltiesFinder() {
return capFinder;
public QueryProcessor createQueryProcessor(String query, String recursionGroup, CommandContext commandContext, Object... params) throws TeiidProcessingException, TeiidComponentException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
// $NON-NLS-1$
String sql = "select parseDate_('2011-11-11')";
ProcessorPlan plan = helpPlan(sql, tm, null, capFinder, new String[] {}, // $NON-NLS-1$
HardcodedDataManager dataManager = new HardcodedDataManager(tm);
dataManager.addData("SELECT parsedate_('2011-11-11')", new List[] { Arrays.asList(TimestampUtil.createDate(0, 0, 0)) });
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, dataManager, new List[] { Arrays.asList(TimestampUtil.createDate(0, 0, 0)) });
// $NON-NLS-1$
sql = "select misc.namespace.func('2011-11-11')";
plan = helpPlan(sql, tm, null, capFinder, new String[] {}, // $NON-NLS-1$
dataManager = new HardcodedDataManager(tm);
dataManager.addData("SELECT parseDate_('2011-11-11')", new List[] { Arrays.asList(TimestampUtil.createDate(0, 0, 0)) });
try {
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, dataManager, new List[] { Arrays.asList(TimestampUtil.createDate(0, 0, 0)) });
} catch (TeiidProcessingException e) {
// not supported by any source
use of org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestFunctionPushdown method testSimpleFunctionPushdown2.
public void testSimpleFunctionPushdown2() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata tm = RealMetadataFactory.fromDDL("x", new DDLHolder("y", "CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION func(a object, b object) RETURNS string;"), new DDLHolder("z", "CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION func1(a object, b object) RETURNS string; create foreign table g1 (e1 object)"));
BasicSourceCapabilities bsc = new BasicSourceCapabilities();
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.SELECT_WITHOUT_FROM, true);
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.CRITERIA_COMPARE_EQ, true);
final DefaultCapabilitiesFinder capFinder = new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(bsc);
CommandContext cc = TestProcessor.createCommandContext();
cc.setQueryProcessorFactory(new QueryProcessor.ProcessorFactory() {
public PreparedPlan getPreparedPlan(String query, String recursionGroup, CommandContext commandContext, QueryMetadataInterface metadata) throws TeiidProcessingException, TeiidComponentException {
return null;
public CapabilitiesFinder getCapabiltiesFinder() {
return capFinder;
public QueryProcessor createQueryProcessor(String query, String recursionGroup, CommandContext commandContext, Object... params) throws TeiidProcessingException, TeiidComponentException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
// $NON-NLS-1$
String sql = "select e1 from g1 where func(1, 1) = '2'";
ProcessorPlan plan = helpPlan(sql, tm, null, capFinder, new String[] { "SELECT z.g1.e1 FROM z.g1 WHERE func(1, 1) = '2'" }, // $NON-NLS-1$
HardcodedDataManager dataManager = new HardcodedDataManager(tm);
dataManager.addData("SELECT func(1, 1)", new List[] { Arrays.asList("hello world") });
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, dataManager, new List[] {});
// $NON-NLS-1$
sql = "select e1 from g1 where func1(1, 1) = '2'";
plan = helpPlan(sql, tm, null, capFinder, new String[] { "SELECT z.g1.e1 FROM z.g1 WHERE func1(1, 1) = '2'" }, // $NON-NLS-1$
dataManager = new HardcodedDataManager(tm);
dataManager.addData("SELECT g1.e1 FROM g1 WHERE func1(1, 1) = '2'", new List[] { Arrays.asList("hello world") });
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, cc, dataManager, new List[] { Arrays.asList("hello world") });
use of org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestInsertProcessing method testInsertTriggerWithTypeChanges.
public void testInsertTriggerWithTypeChanges() throws Exception {
TransformationMetadata tm = RealMetadataFactory.fromDDL("CREATE FOREIGN TABLE SmallA (IntKey integer PRIMARY KEY, StringKey string, IntNum integer, StringNum string, FloatNum float, LongNum bigint, DoubleNum double, ByteNum smallint, DateValue date, TimeValue time, TimestampValue timestamp, BooleanValue boolean, CharValue char(1), ShortValue smallint, BigIntegerValue decimal, BigDecimalValue decimal, ObjectValue blob) OPTIONS (UPDATABLE 'TRUE'); " + " CREATE VIEW SmallAV (IntKey integer PRIMARY KEY, StringKey string, IntNum integer, StringNum string, FloatNum float, LongNum long, DoubleNum double, ByteNum byte, DateValue date, TimeValue time, TimestampValue timestamp, BooleanValue boolean, CharValue char, ShortValue short, BigIntegerValue biginteger, BigDecimalValue bigdecimal, ObjectValue object) OPTIONS (UPDATABLE 'TRUE') AS SELECT IntKey, StringKey, IntNum, StringNum, FloatNum, LongNum, DoubleNum, convert(ByteNum, byte) AS ByteNum, DateValue, TimeValue, TimestampValue, BooleanValue, CharValue, ShortValue, convert(BigIntegerValue, biginteger) AS BigIntegerValue, BigDecimalValue, convert(ObjectValue, object) AS ObjectValue FROM SmallA; " + " CREATE TRIGGER ON SmallAV INSTEAD OF INSERT AS FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ATOMIC INSERT INTO smalla (IntKey, StringKey, IntNum, StringNum, FloatNum, LongNum, DoubleNum, ByteNum, DateValue, TimeValue, TimestampValue, BooleanValue, CharValue, ShortValue, BigIntegerValue, BigDecimalValue, ObjectValue) VALUES (NEW.IntKey, NEW.StringKey, NEW.IntNum, NEW.StringNum, NEW.FloatNum, NEW.LongNum, NEW.DoubleNum, NEW.ByteNum, NEW.DateValue, NEW.TimeValue, NEW.TimestampValue, NEW.BooleanValue, NEW.CharValue, NEW.ShortValue, NEW.BigIntegerValue, NEW.BigDecimalValue, to_bytes(convert(NEW.ObjectValue, string), 'UTF-8')); END;", "x", "y");
// $NON-NLS-1$
String sql = "INSERT INTO smallav (IntKey, IntNum) VALUES (1, null), (2, 2)";
List<?>[] expected = new List[] { Arrays.asList(1) };
final List[] secondResult = new List[] { Arrays.asList(2, null, 2, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null) };
HardcodedDataManager dataManager = new HardcodedDataManager() {
public TupleSource registerRequest(CommandContext context, Command command, String modelName, RegisterRequestParameter parameterObject) throws TeiidComponentException {
TupleSource ts = ((Insert) command).getTupleSource();
try {
List<?> tuple = ts.nextTuple();
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), tuple);
tuple = ts.nextTuple();
assertEquals(secondResult[0], tuple);
} catch (TeiidProcessingException e) {
throw new TeiidRuntimeException(e);
return super.registerRequest(context, command, modelName, parameterObject);
dataManager.addData("INSERT INTO smalla (IntKey, StringKey, IntNum, StringNum, FloatNum, LongNum, DoubleNum, ByteNum, DateValue, TimeValue, TimestampValue, BooleanValue, CharValue, ShortValue, BigIntegerValue, BigDecimalValue, ObjectValue) VALUES (...)", Arrays.asList(2));
BasicSourceCapabilities bsc = new BasicSourceCapabilities();
bsc.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.INSERT_WITH_ITERATOR, true);
ProcessorPlan plan = helpGetPlan(sql, tm, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(bsc));
helpProcess(plan, dataManager, expected);
sql = "INSERT INTO smallav (IntKey, CharValue) VALUES (1, null), (2, convert('+', char))";
plan = helpGetPlan(sql, tm, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(bsc));
secondResult[0] = Arrays.asList(2, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '+', null, null, null, null);
helpProcess(plan, dataManager, expected);