use of org.teiid.query.processor.relational.JoinNode in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestDependentJoins method testNestedLeftOuterJoin.
public void testNestedLeftOuterJoin() throws TeiidComponentException, TeiidProcessingException {
// $NON-NLS-1$
String sql = "select pm1.g1.e2, 'a', trim(pm1.g3.e1) from (pm1.g1 left outer join pm1.g2 on pm1.g1.e2 = pm1.g2.e2) left outer join pm1.g3 on pm1.g3.e3 = pm1.g2.e3 and pm1.g3.e4 = pm1.g1.e4";
QueryMetadataInterface metadata = RealMetadataFactory.example1();
// $NON-NLS-1$
RealMetadataFactory.setCardinality("pm1.g2", 6, metadata);
// $NON-NLS-1$
RealMetadataFactory.setCardinality("pm1.g1", 0, metadata);
// $NON-NLS-1$
RealMetadataFactory.setCardinality("pm1.g3", 0, metadata);
CapabilitiesFinder finder = TestOptimizer.getGenericFinder(false);
ProcessorPlan plan = TestOptimizer.helpPlan(sql, metadata, new String[] { "SELECT g_0.e3, g_0.e4, g_0.e1 FROM pm1.g3 AS g_0", "SELECT g_0.e2, g_0.e4 FROM pm1.g1 AS g_0", "SELECT g_0.e2, g_0.e3 FROM pm1.g2 AS g_0 WHERE g_0.e2 IN (<dependent values>)" }, finder, ComparisonMode.EXACT_COMMAND_STRING);
TestOptimizer.checkNodeTypes(plan, new int[] { // Access
2, // DependentAccess
1, // DependentSelect
0, // DependentProject
0, // DupRemove
0, // Grouping
0, // Join
0, // MergeJoin
2, // Null
0, // PlanExecution
0, // Project
1, // Select
0, // Sort
0, // UnionAll
0 });
RelationalPlan rPlan = (RelationalPlan) plan;
RelationalNode node = rPlan.getRootNode().getChildren()[0];
assertTrue(node instanceof JoinNode);
node = node.getChildren()[0];
assertTrue(node instanceof JoinNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.JOIN_LEFT_OUTER, ((JoinNode) node).getJoinType());
use of org.teiid.query.processor.relational.JoinNode in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestJoinOptimization method testCopyCriteriaMultiway.
public void testCopyCriteriaMultiway() throws Exception {
// $NON-NLS-1$
String sql = "select bqt1.smalla.intkey, bqt2.smalla.intkey from bqt1.smalla, bqt2.smalla, bqt1.smallb where bqt1.smalla.intnum = bqt2.smalla.intnum and cast(bqt1.smalla.stringkey as integer) = coalesce(bqt2.smalla.intkey, bqt1.smallb.intkey) and bqt2.smalla.intkey = 1";
ProcessorPlan plan = TestOptimizer.helpPlan(sql, RealMetadataFactory.exampleBQTCached(), new String[] { "SELECT g_0.IntKey FROM BQT1.SmallB AS g_0", "SELECT g_0.IntNum AS c_0, g_0.IntKey AS c_1 FROM BQT2.SmallA AS g_0 WHERE g_0.IntKey = 1 ORDER BY c_0", "SELECT g_0.IntNum AS c_0, g_0.StringKey AS c_1, g_0.IntKey AS c_2 FROM BQT1.SmallA AS g_0 ORDER BY c_0" });
RelationalPlan relationalPlan = (RelationalPlan) plan;
JoinNode joinNode = (JoinNode) relationalPlan.getRootNode().getChildren()[0];
use of org.teiid.query.processor.relational.JoinNode in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestDependentJoins method testLargeSetInDepAccessWithAccessPattern.
public void testLargeSetInDepAccessWithAccessPattern() {
// $NON-NLS-1$
String sql = "SELECT a.e1, b.e1, b.e2 FROM pm4.g1 a INNER JOIN pm1.g1 b ON a.e1=b.e1 AND a.e2 = b.e2";
// Create expected results
List[] expected = new List[] { Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "aa ", "aa ", // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
0 }), Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "bb ", "bb ", // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
1 }), Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "cc ", "cc ", // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
2 }) };
// Plan query
FakeCapabilitiesFinder capFinder = new FakeCapabilitiesFinder();
BasicSourceCapabilities depcaps = new BasicSourceCapabilities();
depcaps.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_ORDERBY, true);
depcaps.setSourceProperty(Capability.MAX_IN_CRITERIA_SIZE, 1);
depcaps.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.CRITERIA_IN, true);
BasicSourceCapabilities caps = new BasicSourceCapabilities();
caps.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.CRITERIA_IN, true);
caps.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_FROM_GROUP_ALIAS, true);
// $NON-NLS-1$
capFinder.addCapabilities("pm4", depcaps);
// $NON-NLS-1$
capFinder.addCapabilities("pm1", caps);
QueryMetadataInterface fakeMetadata = RealMetadataFactory.example1Cached();
Command command = TestProcessor.helpParse(sql);
ProcessorPlan plan = TestProcessor.helpGetPlan(command, fakeMetadata, capFinder);
// Verify a dependent join (not merge join) was used
assertTrue(plan instanceof RelationalPlan);
RelationalPlan relationalPlan = (RelationalPlan) plan;
RelationalNode project = relationalPlan.getRootNode();
RelationalNode join = project.getChildren()[0];
// $NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue("Expected instance of JoinNode (for dep join) but got " + join.getClass(), join instanceof JoinNode);
// Construct data manager with data
FakeDataManager dataManager = new FakeDataManager();
TestProcessor.sampleData2b(dataManager, fakeMetadata);
// Run query
TestProcessor.helpProcess(plan, dataManager, expected);
use of org.teiid.query.processor.relational.JoinNode in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestJoinOptimization method testOuterJoinRemoval.
public void testOuterJoinRemoval() throws Exception {
BasicSourceCapabilities caps = TestOptimizer.getTypicalCapabilities();
caps.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_FROM_JOIN_INNER, false);
caps.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_FROM_JOIN_OUTER, false);
ProcessorPlan plan = // $NON-NLS-1$
TestOptimizer.helpPlan(// $NON-NLS-1$
"SELECT * from pm1.g1 inner join (pm1.g2 left outer join pm1.g3 on pm1.g2.e1=pm1.g3.e1) on pm1.g1.e1=pm1.g3.e1", RealMetadataFactory.example1Cached(), new String[] { "SELECT g_0.e1 AS c_0, g_0.e2 AS c_1, g_0.e3 AS c_2, g_0.e4 AS c_3 FROM pm1.g2 AS g_0 ORDER BY c_0", "SELECT g_0.e1 AS c_0, g_0.e2 AS c_1, g_0.e3 AS c_2, g_0.e4 AS c_3 FROM pm1.g1 AS g_0 ORDER BY c_0", "SELECT g_0.e1 AS c_0, g_0.e2 AS c_1, g_0.e3 AS c_2, g_0.e4 AS c_3 FROM pm1.g3 AS g_0 ORDER BY c_0" }, new DefaultCapabilitiesFinder(caps), // $NON-NLS-1$
RelationalNode node = ((RelationalPlan) plan).getRootNode().getChildren()[0];
assertTrue(node instanceof JoinNode);
node = node.getChildren()[0];
assertTrue(node instanceof JoinNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.JOIN_INNER, ((JoinNode) node).getJoinType());
use of org.teiid.query.processor.relational.JoinNode in project teiid by teiid.
the class TestProcessor method testComplexJoinExpressionsUsingDependentJoinWithAccessPattern.
* RLM Case 2077
* @throws Exception
public void testComplexJoinExpressionsUsingDependentJoinWithAccessPattern() throws Exception {
// $NON-NLS-1$
String sql = "SELECT a.e1, b.e1, b.e2 FROM pm4.g1 a, pm2.g1 b where rtrim(a.e1)=(b.e1 || b.e1)";
// Create expected results
List[] expected = new List[] { // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "bb ", "b", new Integer(0) }) };
// Plan query
FakeCapabilitiesFinder capFinder = new FakeCapabilitiesFinder();
BasicSourceCapabilities caps = new BasicSourceCapabilities();
caps.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.CRITERIA_IN, true);
caps.setCapabilitySupport(Capability.QUERY_FROM_GROUP_ALIAS, true);
caps.setSourceProperty(Capability.MAX_IN_CRITERIA_SIZE, new Integer(1));
// $NON-NLS-1$
caps.setFunctionSupport("||", true);
// $NON-NLS-1$
caps.setFunctionSupport("rtrim", true);
// $NON-NLS-1$
capFinder.addCapabilities("pm4", caps);
// $NON-NLS-1$
capFinder.addCapabilities("pm2", caps);
QueryMetadataInterface metadata = RealMetadataFactory.example1();
RealMetadataFactory.setCardinality("pm4.g1", RuleChooseDependent.DEFAULT_INDEPENDENT_CARDINALITY + 1000, metadata);
RealMetadataFactory.setCardinality("pm2.g1", RuleChooseDependent.DEFAULT_INDEPENDENT_CARDINALITY - 1, metadata);
// Construct data manager with data
FakeDataManager dataManager = new FakeDataManager();
sampleData2b(dataManager, metadata);
Command command = helpParse(sql);
CommandContext context = createCommandContext();
ProcessorPlan plan = helpGetPlan(command, metadata, capFinder, context);
// Verify a dependent join (not merge join) was used
assertTrue(plan instanceof RelationalPlan);
RelationalPlan relationalPlan = (RelationalPlan) plan;
RelationalNode project = relationalPlan.getRootNode();
RelationalNode join = project.getChildren()[0];
// $NON-NLS-1$
assertTrue("Expected instance of JoinNode (for dep join) but got " + join.getClass(), join instanceof JoinNode);
// Run query
helpProcess(plan, context, dataManager, expected);