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Example 1 with CharacterCollider

use of org.terasology.physics.engine.CharacterCollider in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.

the class ServerCharacterPredictionSystem method onPlayerInput.

@ReceiveEvent(components = { CharacterMovementComponent.class, LocationComponent.class, AliveCharacterComponent.class })
public void onPlayerInput(CharacterMoveInputEvent input, EntityRef entity) {
    CharacterCollider characterCollider = physics.getCharacterCollider(entity);
    if (characterCollider.isPending()) {
        logger.debug("Skipping input, collision not yet established");
    CircularBuffer<CharacterStateEvent> stateBuffer = characterStates.get(entity);
    CharacterStateEvent lastState = stateBuffer.getLast();
    float delta = input.getDelta() + lastState.getTime() - (time.getGameTimeInMs() + MAX_INPUT_OVERFLOW);
    if (delta < 0) {
        CharacterStateEvent newState = stepState(input, lastState, entity);
        characterMovementSystemUtility.setToState(entity, newState);
        lastInputEvent.put(entity, input);
    } else {
        logger.warn("Received too much input from {}, dropping input. Delta difference: {}", entity, delta);
Also used : CharacterCollider(org.terasology.physics.engine.CharacterCollider) ReceiveEvent(org.terasology.entitySystem.event.ReceiveEvent)

Example 2 with CharacterCollider

use of org.terasology.physics.engine.CharacterCollider in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.

the class CharacterMovementSystemUtility method setPhysicsLocation.

 * Sets the location in the physics engine.
 * @param entity The entity to set the location of.
 * @param newPos The new position of the entity.
private void setPhysicsLocation(EntityRef entity, Vector3f newPos) {
    CharacterCollider collider = physics.getCharacterCollider(entity);
Also used : CharacterCollider(org.terasology.physics.engine.CharacterCollider)

Example 3 with CharacterCollider

use of org.terasology.physics.engine.CharacterCollider in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.

the class KinematicCharacterMover method walk.

private void walk(final CharacterMovementComponent movementComp, final CharacterStateEvent state, CharacterMoveInputEvent input, EntityRef entity) {
    Vector3f desiredVelocity = new Vector3f(input.getMovementDirection());
    float lengthSquared = desiredVelocity.lengthSquared();
    // (Desired velocity < 1 is allowed, as the character may wish to walk/crawl/otherwise move slowly)
    if (lengthSquared > 1) {
    float maxSpeed = getMaxSpeed(entity, movementComp);
    if (input.isRunning()) {
        maxSpeed *= movementComp.runFactor;
    // As we can't use it, remove the y component of desired movement while maintaining speed.
    if (movementComp.grounded && desiredVelocity.y != 0) {
        float speed = desiredVelocity.length();
        desiredVelocity.y = 0;
        if (desiredVelocity.x != 0 || desiredVelocity.z != 0) {
    if (movementComp.mode == MovementMode.CLIMBING) {
        climb(state, input, desiredVelocity);
    // Modify velocity towards desired, up to the maximum rate determined by friction
    Vector3f velocityDiff = new Vector3f(desiredVelocity);
    velocityDiff.scale(Math.min(movementComp.mode.scaleInertia * input.getDelta(), 1.0f));
    Vector3f endVelocity = new Vector3f(state.getVelocity());
    endVelocity.x += velocityDiff.x;
    endVelocity.z += velocityDiff.z;
    if (movementComp.mode.scaleGravity == 0) {
        // apply the velocity without gravity
        endVelocity.y += velocityDiff.y;
    } else if (movementComp.mode.applyInertiaToVertical) {
        endVelocity.y += Math.max(-TERMINAL_VELOCITY, velocityDiff.y - (GRAVITY * movementComp.mode.scaleGravity) * input.getDelta());
    } else {
        endVelocity.y = Math.max(-TERMINAL_VELOCITY, state.getVelocity().y - (GRAVITY * movementComp.mode.scaleGravity) * input.getDelta());
    Vector3f moveDelta = new Vector3f(endVelocity);
    CharacterCollider collider = movementComp.mode.useCollision ? physics.getCharacterCollider(entity) : null;
    MoveResult moveResult = move(state.getPosition(), moveDelta, (state.getMode() != MovementMode.CLIMBING && state.isGrounded() && movementComp.mode.canBeGrounded) ? movementComp.stepHeight : 0, movementComp.slopeFactor, collider);
    Vector3f distanceMoved = new Vector3f(moveResult.getFinalPosition());
    if (input.isFirstRun() && distanceMoved.length() > 0) {
        entity.send(new MovedEvent(distanceMoved, state.getPosition()));
    // Upon hitting solid ground, reset the number of jumps back to the maximum value.
    if (state.isGrounded()) {
        movementComp.numberOfJumpsLeft = movementComp.numberOfJumpsMax;
    if (moveResult.isBottomHit()) {
        if (!state.isGrounded() && movementComp.mode.canBeGrounded) {
            if (input.isFirstRun()) {
                Vector3f landVelocity = new Vector3f(state.getVelocity());
                landVelocity.y += (distanceMoved.y / moveDelta.y) * (endVelocity.y - state.getVelocity().y);
                logger.debug("Landed at " + landVelocity);
                entity.send(new VerticalCollisionEvent(state.getPosition(), landVelocity));
            movementComp.numberOfJumpsLeft = movementComp.numberOfJumpsMax;
        endVelocity.y = 0;
        // Jumping is only possible, if the entity is standing on ground
        if (input.isJumpRequested()) {
            // Send event to allow for other systems to modify the jump force.
            AffectJumpForceEvent affectJumpForceEvent = new AffectJumpForceEvent(movementComp.jumpSpeed);
            endVelocity.y += affectJumpForceEvent.getResultValue();
            if (input.isFirstRun()) {
                entity.send(new JumpEvent());
            // Send event to allow for other systems to modify the max number of jumps.
            AffectMultiJumpEvent affectMultiJumpEvent = new AffectMultiJumpEvent(movementComp.baseNumberOfJumpsMax);
            movementComp.numberOfJumpsMax = (int) affectMultiJumpEvent.getResultValue();
    } else {
        if (moveResult.isTopHit() && endVelocity.y > 0) {
            if (input.isFirstRun()) {
                Vector3f hitVelocity = new Vector3f(state.getVelocity());
                hitVelocity.y += (distanceMoved.y / moveDelta.y) * (endVelocity.y - state.getVelocity().y);
                logger.debug("Hit at " + hitVelocity);
                entity.send(new VerticalCollisionEvent(state.getPosition(), hitVelocity));
            endVelocity.y = -0.0f * endVelocity.y;
        // Jump again in mid-air only if a jump was requested and there are jumps remaining.
        if (input.isJumpRequested() && movementComp.numberOfJumpsLeft > 0) {
            // Send event to allow for other systems to modify the jump force.
            AffectJumpForceEvent affectJumpForceEvent = new AffectJumpForceEvent(movementComp.jumpSpeed);
            endVelocity.y += affectJumpForceEvent.getResultValue();
            if (input.isFirstRun()) {
                entity.send(new JumpEvent());
            // Send event to allow for other systems to modify the max number of jumps.
            AffectMultiJumpEvent affectMultiJumpEvent = new AffectMultiJumpEvent(movementComp.baseNumberOfJumpsMax);
            movementComp.numberOfJumpsMax = (int) affectMultiJumpEvent.getResultValue();
    if (input.isFirstRun() && moveResult.isHorizontalHit()) {
        Vector3f hitVelocity = new Vector3f(state.getVelocity());
        hitVelocity.x += (distanceMoved.x / moveDelta.x) * (endVelocity.x - state.getVelocity().x);
        hitVelocity.z += (distanceMoved.z / moveDelta.z) * (endVelocity.z - state.getVelocity().z);
        logger.debug("Hit at " + hitVelocity);
        entity.send(new HorizontalCollisionEvent(state.getPosition(), hitVelocity));
    if (state.isGrounded() || movementComp.mode == MovementMode.SWIMMING || movementComp.mode == MovementMode.DIVING) {
        state.setFootstepDelta(state.getFootstepDelta() + distanceMoved.length() / movementComp.distanceBetweenFootsteps);
        if (state.getFootstepDelta() > 1) {
            state.setFootstepDelta(state.getFootstepDelta() - 1);
            if (input.isFirstRun()) {
                switch(movementComp.mode) {
                    case CROUCHING:
                    case WALKING:
                        entity.send(new FootstepEvent());
                    case DIVING:
                    case SWIMMING:
                        entity.send(new SwimStrokeEvent(worldProvider.getBlock(state.getPosition())));
                    case CLIMBING:
                    case FLYING:
                    case GHOSTING:
                    case NONE:
Also used : SwimStrokeEvent( CharacterCollider(org.terasology.physics.engine.CharacterCollider) Vector3f(org.terasology.math.geom.Vector3f) JumpEvent( FootstepEvent( VerticalCollisionEvent( HorizontalCollisionEvent( MovedEvent(


CharacterCollider (org.terasology.physics.engine.CharacterCollider)3 ReceiveEvent (org.terasology.entitySystem.event.ReceiveEvent)1 FootstepEvent ( HorizontalCollisionEvent ( JumpEvent ( SwimStrokeEvent ( VerticalCollisionEvent ( Vector3f (org.terasology.math.geom.Vector3f)1 MovedEvent (