use of org.terasology.rendering.assets.mesh.MeshBuilder in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class LwjglCanvasRenderer method drawTextureBordered.
public void drawTextureBordered(TextureRegion texture, Rect2i region, Border border, boolean tile, float ux, float uy, float uw, float uh, float alpha) {
if (!texture.getTexture().isLoaded()) {
if (!currentTextureCropRegion.equals(requestedCropRegion) && !(currentTextureCropRegion.contains(region) && requestedCropRegion.contains(region))) {
textureMat.setFloat4(CROPPING_BOUNDARIES_PARAM, requestedCropRegion.minX(), requestedCropRegion.maxX(), requestedCropRegion.minY(), requestedCropRegion.maxY());
currentTextureCropRegion = requestedCropRegion;
Vector2i textureSize = new Vector2i(TeraMath.ceilToInt(texture.getWidth() * uw), TeraMath.ceilToInt(texture.getHeight() * uh));
TextureCacheKey key = new TextureCacheKey(textureSize, region.size(), border, tile);
Mesh mesh = cachedTextures.get(key);
if (mesh == null || mesh.isDisposed()) {
MeshBuilder builder = new MeshBuilder();
float topTex = (float) border.getTop() / textureSize.y;
float leftTex = (float) border.getLeft() / textureSize.x;
float bottomTex = 1f - (float) border.getBottom() / textureSize.y;
float rightTex = 1f - (float) border.getRight() / textureSize.x;
int centerHoriz = region.width() - border.getTotalWidth();
int centerVert = region.height() - border.getTotalHeight();
float top = (float) border.getTop() / region.height();
float left = (float) border.getLeft() / region.width();
float bottom = 1f - (float) border.getBottom() / region.height();
float right = 1f - (float) border.getRight() / region.width();
if (border.getTop() != 0) {
if (border.getLeft() != 0) {
addRectPoly(builder, 0, 0, left, top, 0, 0, leftTex, topTex);
if (tile) {
addTiles(builder, Rect2i.createFromMinAndSize(border.getLeft(), 0, centerHoriz, border.getTop()), Rect2f.createFromMinAndMax(left, 0, right, top), new Vector2i(textureSize.x - border.getTotalWidth(), border.getTop()), Rect2f.createFromMinAndMax(leftTex, 0, rightTex, topTex));
} else {
addRectPoly(builder, left, 0, right, top, leftTex, 0, rightTex, topTex);
if (border.getRight() != 0) {
addRectPoly(builder, right, 0, 1, top, rightTex, 0, 1, topTex);
if (border.getLeft() != 0) {
if (tile) {
addTiles(builder, Rect2i.createFromMinAndSize(0, border.getTop(), border.getLeft(), centerVert), Rect2f.createFromMinAndMax(0, top, left, bottom), new Vector2i(border.getLeft(), textureSize.y - border.getTotalHeight()), Rect2f.createFromMinAndMax(0, topTex, leftTex, bottomTex));
} else {
addRectPoly(builder, 0, top, left, bottom, 0, topTex, leftTex, bottomTex);
if (tile) {
addTiles(builder, Rect2i.createFromMinAndSize(border.getLeft(), border.getTop(), centerHoriz, centerVert), Rect2f.createFromMinAndMax(left, top, right, bottom), new Vector2i(textureSize.x - border.getTotalWidth(), textureSize.y - border.getTotalHeight()), Rect2f.createFromMinAndMax(leftTex, topTex, rightTex, bottomTex));
} else {
addRectPoly(builder, left, top, right, bottom, leftTex, topTex, rightTex, bottomTex);
if (border.getRight() != 0) {
if (tile) {
addTiles(builder, Rect2i.createFromMinAndSize(region.width() - border.getRight(), border.getTop(), border.getRight(), centerVert), Rect2f.createFromMinAndMax(right, top, 1, bottom), new Vector2i(border.getRight(), textureSize.y - border.getTotalHeight()), Rect2f.createFromMinAndMax(rightTex, topTex, 1, bottomTex));
} else {
addRectPoly(builder, right, top, 1, bottom, rightTex, topTex, 1, bottomTex);
if (border.getBottom() != 0) {
if (border.getLeft() != 0) {
addRectPoly(builder, 0, bottom, left, 1, 0, bottomTex, leftTex, 1);
if (tile) {
addTiles(builder, Rect2i.createFromMinAndSize(border.getLeft(), region.height() - border.getBottom(), centerHoriz, border.getBottom()), Rect2f.createFromMinAndMax(left, bottom, right, 1), new Vector2i(textureSize.x - border.getTotalWidth(), border.getBottom()), Rect2f.createFromMinAndMax(leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, 1));
} else {
addRectPoly(builder, left, bottom, right, 1, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, 1);
if (border.getRight() != 0) {
addRectPoly(builder, right, bottom, 1, 1, rightTex, bottomTex, 1, 1);
mesh =;
cachedTextures.put(key, mesh);
textureMat.setFloat2("scale", region.width(), region.height());
textureMat.setFloat2("offset", region.minX(), region.minY());
Rect2f textureArea = texture.getRegion();
textureMat.setFloat2("texOffset", textureArea.minX() + ux * textureArea.width(), textureArea.minY() + uy * textureArea.height());
textureMat.setFloat2("texSize", uw * textureArea.width(), uh * textureArea.height());
textureMat.setTexture("texture", texture.getTexture());
textureMat.setFloat4("color", 1, 1, 1, alpha);
use of org.terasology.rendering.assets.mesh.MeshBuilder in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class LwjglCanvasRenderer method drawTexture.
public void drawTexture(TextureRegion texture, Color color, ScaleMode mode, Rect2i absoluteRegion, float ux, float uy, float uw, float uh, float alpha) {
if (!texture.getTexture().isLoaded()) {
if (!currentTextureCropRegion.equals(requestedCropRegion) && !(currentTextureCropRegion.contains(absoluteRegion) && requestedCropRegion.contains(absoluteRegion))) {
textureMat.setFloat4(CROPPING_BOUNDARIES_PARAM, requestedCropRegion.minX(), requestedCropRegion.maxX(), requestedCropRegion.minY(), requestedCropRegion.maxY());
currentTextureCropRegion = requestedCropRegion;
Vector2f scale = mode.scaleForRegion(absoluteRegion, texture.getWidth(), texture.getHeight());
Rect2f textureArea = texture.getRegion();
Mesh mesh = billboard;
switch(mode) {
case TILED:
TextureCacheKey key = new TextureCacheKey(texture.size(), absoluteRegion.size());
mesh = cachedTextures.get(key);
if (mesh == null || mesh.isDisposed()) {
MeshBuilder builder = new MeshBuilder();
addTiles(builder, absoluteRegion, FULL_REGION, texture.size(), FULL_REGION);
mesh =;
cachedTextures.put(key, mesh);
textureMat.setFloat2("scale", scale);
textureMat.setFloat2("offset", absoluteRegion.minX(), absoluteRegion.minY());
textureMat.setFloat2("texOffset", textureArea.minX() + ux * textureArea.width(), textureArea.minY() + uy * textureArea.height());
textureMat.setFloat2("texSize", uw * textureArea.width(), uh * textureArea.height());
textureMat.setFloat2("offset", absoluteRegion.minX(), absoluteRegion.minY());
textureMat.setFloat2("scale", absoluteRegion.width(), absoluteRegion.height());
float texBorderX = (scale.x - absoluteRegion.width()) / scale.x * uw;
float texBorderY = (scale.y - absoluteRegion.height()) / scale.y * uh;
textureMat.setFloat2("texOffset", textureArea.minX() + (ux + 0.5f * texBorderX) * textureArea.width(), textureArea.minY() + (uy + 0.5f * texBorderY) * textureArea.height());
textureMat.setFloat2("texSize", (uw - texBorderX) * textureArea.width(), (uh - texBorderY) * textureArea.height());
textureMat.setFloat2("scale", scale);
textureMat.setFloat2("offset", absoluteRegion.minX() + 0.5f * (absoluteRegion.width() - scale.x), absoluteRegion.minY() + 0.5f * (absoluteRegion.height() - scale.y));
textureMat.setFloat2("texOffset", textureArea.minX() + ux * textureArea.width(), textureArea.minY() + uy * textureArea.height());
textureMat.setFloat2("texSize", uw * textureArea.width(), uh * textureArea.height());
textureMat.setTexture("texture", texture.getTexture());
textureMat.setFloat4("color", color.rf(),,, * alpha);
use of org.terasology.rendering.assets.mesh.MeshBuilder in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class SkeletalMeshDataBuilder method addBox.
public SkeletalMeshDataBuilder addBox(Bone bone, Vector3f offset, Vector3f size, float u, float v) {
MeshBuilder meshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
meshBuilder.addBox(offset, size, u, v);
return addMesh(bone, meshBuilder);