use of org.terasology.rendering.dag.RenderPipelineTask in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class WorldRendererImpl method render.
* TODO: update javadocs
* This method triggers the execution of the rendering pipeline and, eventually, sends the output to the display
* or to a file, when grabbing a screenshot.
* <p>
* In this particular implementation this method can be called once per frame, when rendering to a standard display,
* or twice, each time with a different rendering stage, when rendering to the head mounted display.
* <p>
* PerformanceMonitor.startActivity/endActivity statements are used in this method and in those it executes,
* to provide statistics regarding the ongoing rendering and its individual steps (i.e. rendering shadows,
* reflections, 2D filters...).
* @param renderingStage "MONO" for standard rendering and "LEFT_EYE" or "RIGHT_EYE" for stereoscopic displays.
public void render(RenderingStage renderingStage) {
// TODO: Add a method here to check wireframe configuration and regenerate "renderPipelineTask" accordingly.
// The following line re-establish OpenGL defaults, so that the nodes/tasks can rely on them.
// A place where Terasology overrides the defaults is LwjglGraphics.initOpenGLParams(), but
// there could be potentially other places, i.e. in the UI code. In the rendering engine we'd like
// to eventually rely on a default OpenGL state.
FBO lastUpdatedGBuffer = displayResolutionDependentFBOs.getGBufferPair().getLastUpdatedFbo();
glViewport(0, 0, lastUpdatedGBuffer.width(), lastUpdatedGBuffer.height());
// glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
// glDisable(GL_NORMALIZE); // currently keeping these as they are, until we find where they are used.
// glDepthFunc(GL_LESS);
// this line re-establish Terasology defaults, so that the rest of the application can rely on them.