use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class TreeFacetLayer method getWorldText.
public String getWorldText(Region region, int wx, int wy) {
TreeFacet treeFacet = region.getFacet(TreeFacet.class);
Region3i worldRegion = treeFacet.getWorldRegion();
Region3i relativeRegion = treeFacet.getRelativeRegion();
int rx = wx - worldRegion.minX() + relativeRegion.minX();
int rz = wy - worldRegion.minZ() + relativeRegion.minZ();
Vector2f relCursor = new Vector2f(rx, rz);
CirclePicker<TreeGenerator> picker = new CirclePickerAll<>(relCursor, radiusFunc);
for (Entry<BaseVector3i, TreeGenerator> entry : treeFacet.getRelativeEntries().entrySet()) {
TreeGenerator treeGen = entry.getValue();
BaseVector3i treePos = entry.getKey();
picker.offer(treePos.getX(), treePos.getZ(), treeGen);
Set<TreeGenerator> picked = picker.getAll();
// try to exit early first
if (picked.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (picked.size() == 1) {
TreeGenerator first = picked.iterator().next();
return labelFunc.apply(first);
// convert to a stream of labels
Stream<String> labels =;
// collect identical String elements and collect the count in a map
Map<String, Long> counters = labels.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));
// define a mapping from a map entry to a String representation
// TODO: treat 1x occurrences like above (e.g. Tree instead of 1x Tree)
Function<Entry<String, Long>, String> toStringFunc = e -> String.format("%dx %s", e.getValue(), e.getKey());
// apply that mapping and join the Strings with a comma
return counters.entrySet().stream().map(toStringFunc).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));