use of org.testcontainers.containers.JdbcDatabaseContainerProvider in project testcontainers-java by testcontainers.
the class ContainerDatabaseDriver method connect.
public synchronized Connection connect(String url, final Properties info) throws SQLException {
The driver should return "null" if it realizes it is the wrong kind of driver to connect to the given URL.
if (!acceptsURL(url)) {
return null;
ConnectionUrl connectionUrl = ConnectionUrl.newInstance(url);
synchronized (jdbcUrlContainerCache) {
String queryString = connectionUrl.getQueryString().orElse("");
If we already have a running container for this exact connection string, we want to connect
to that rather than create a new container
JdbcDatabaseContainer container = jdbcUrlContainerCache.get(connectionUrl.getUrl());
if (container == null) {
LOGGER.debug("Container not found in cache, creating new instance");
Map<String, String> parameters = connectionUrl.getContainerParameters();
Find a matching container type using ServiceLoader.
ServiceLoader<JdbcDatabaseContainerProvider> databaseContainers = ServiceLoader.load(JdbcDatabaseContainerProvider.class);
for (JdbcDatabaseContainerProvider candidateContainerType : databaseContainers) {
if (candidateContainerType.supports(connectionUrl.getDatabaseType())) {
container = candidateContainerType.newInstance(connectionUrl);
delegate = container.getJdbcDriverInstance();
if (container == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Database name " + connectionUrl.getDatabaseType() + " not supported");
Cache the container before starting to prevent race conditions when a connection
pool is started up
jdbcUrlContainerCache.put(url, container);
Pass possible container-specific parameters
Start the container
Create a connection using the delegated driver. The container must be ready to accept connections.
Connection connection = container.createConnection(queryString);
If this container has not been initialized, AND
an init script or function has been specified, use it
if (!initializedContainers.contains(container.getContainerId())) {
DatabaseDelegate databaseDelegate = new JdbcDatabaseDelegate(container, queryString);
runInitScriptIfRequired(connectionUrl, databaseDelegate);
runInitFunctionIfRequired(connectionUrl, connection);
return wrapConnection(connection, container, connectionUrl);