use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class AuthController method activateUser.
@ApiOperation(value = "Activate User", notes = "Checks the activation token and updates corresponding user password in the database. " + "Now the user may start using his password to login. " + "The response already contains the [JWT]( activation and refresh tokens, " + "to simplify the user activation flow and avoid asking user to input password again after activation. " + "If token is valid, returns the object that contains [JWT]( access and refresh tokens. " + "If token is not valid, returns '404 Bad Request'.")
@RequestMapping(value = "/noauth/activate", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK)
public JwtTokenPair activateUser(@ApiParam(value = "Activate user request.") @RequestBody ActivateUserRequest activateRequest, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "true") boolean sendActivationMail, HttpServletRequest request) throws ThingsboardException {
try {
String activateToken = activateRequest.getActivateToken();
String password = activateRequest.getPassword();
systemSecurityService.validatePassword(TenantId.SYS_TENANT_ID, password, null);
String encodedPassword = passwordEncoder.encode(password);
UserCredentials credentials = userService.activateUserCredentials(TenantId.SYS_TENANT_ID, activateToken, encodedPassword);
User user = userService.findUserById(TenantId.SYS_TENANT_ID, credentials.getUserId());
UserPrincipal principal = new UserPrincipal(UserPrincipal.Type.USER_NAME, user.getEmail());
SecurityUser securityUser = new SecurityUser(user, credentials.isEnabled(), principal);
userService.setUserCredentialsEnabled(user.getTenantId(), user.getId(), true);
String baseUrl = systemSecurityService.getBaseUrl(user.getTenantId(), user.getCustomerId(), request);
String loginUrl = String.format("%s/login", baseUrl);
String email = user.getEmail();
if (sendActivationMail) {
try {
mailService.sendAccountActivatedEmail(loginUrl, email);
} catch (Exception e) {"Unable to send account activation email [{}]", e.getMessage());
sendEntityNotificationMsg(user.getTenantId(), user.getId(), EdgeEventActionType.CREDENTIALS_UPDATED);
JwtToken accessToken = tokenFactory.createAccessJwtToken(securityUser);
JwtToken refreshToken = refreshTokenRepository.requestRefreshToken(securityUser);
return new JwtTokenPair(accessToken.getToken(), refreshToken.getToken());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);
use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class AuthController method resetPassword.
@ApiOperation(value = "Reset password (resetPassword)", notes = "Checks the password reset token and updates the password. " + "If token is valid, returns the object that contains [JWT]( access and refresh tokens. " + "If token is not valid, returns '404 Bad Request'.")
@RequestMapping(value = "/noauth/resetPassword", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK)
public JwtTokenPair resetPassword(@ApiParam(value = "Reset password request.") @RequestBody ResetPasswordRequest resetPasswordRequest, HttpServletRequest request) throws ThingsboardException {
try {
String resetToken = resetPasswordRequest.getResetToken();
String password = resetPasswordRequest.getPassword();
UserCredentials userCredentials = userService.findUserCredentialsByResetToken(TenantId.SYS_TENANT_ID, resetToken);
if (userCredentials != null) {
systemSecurityService.validatePassword(TenantId.SYS_TENANT_ID, password, userCredentials);
if (passwordEncoder.matches(password, userCredentials.getPassword())) {
throw new ThingsboardException("New password should be different from existing!", ThingsboardErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST_PARAMS);
String encodedPassword = passwordEncoder.encode(password);
userCredentials = userService.replaceUserCredentials(TenantId.SYS_TENANT_ID, userCredentials);
User user = userService.findUserById(TenantId.SYS_TENANT_ID, userCredentials.getUserId());
UserPrincipal principal = new UserPrincipal(UserPrincipal.Type.USER_NAME, user.getEmail());
SecurityUser securityUser = new SecurityUser(user, userCredentials.isEnabled(), principal);
String baseUrl = systemSecurityService.getBaseUrl(user.getTenantId(), user.getCustomerId(), request);
String loginUrl = String.format("%s/login", baseUrl);
String email = user.getEmail();
mailService.sendPasswordWasResetEmail(loginUrl, email);
eventPublisher.publishEvent(new UserAuthDataChangedEvent(securityUser.getId()));
JwtToken accessToken = tokenFactory.createAccessJwtToken(securityUser);
JwtToken refreshToken = refreshTokenRepository.requestRefreshToken(securityUser);
return new JwtTokenPair(accessToken.getToken(), refreshToken.getToken());
} else {
throw new ThingsboardException("Invalid reset token!", ThingsboardErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST_PARAMS);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);
use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class UserController method getUserToken.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get User Token (getUserToken)", notes = "Returns the token of the User based on the provided User Id. " + "If the user who performs the request has the authority of 'SYS_ADMIN', it is possible to get the token of any tenant administrator. " + "If the user who performs the request has the authority of 'TENANT_ADMIN', it is possible to get the token of any customer user that belongs to the same tenant. ")
@PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority('SYS_ADMIN', 'TENANT_ADMIN')")
@RequestMapping(value = "/user/{userId}/token", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public JwtTokenPair getUserToken(@ApiParam(value = USER_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) @PathVariable(USER_ID) String strUserId) throws ThingsboardException {
checkParameter(USER_ID, strUserId);
try {
if (!userTokenAccessEnabled) {
UserId userId = new UserId(toUUID(strUserId));
SecurityUser authUser = getCurrentUser();
User user = checkUserId(userId, Operation.READ);
UserPrincipal principal = new UserPrincipal(UserPrincipal.Type.USER_NAME, user.getEmail());
UserCredentials credentials = userService.findUserCredentialsByUserId(authUser.getTenantId(), userId);
SecurityUser securityUser = new SecurityUser(user, credentials.isEnabled(), principal);
JwtToken accessToken = tokenFactory.createAccessJwtToken(securityUser);
JwtToken refreshToken = refreshTokenRepository.requestRefreshToken(securityUser);
return new JwtTokenPair(accessToken.getToken(), refreshToken.getToken());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);