use of org.thymeleaf.context.ITemplateContext in project thymeleaf by thymeleaf.
the class MessageExpression method executeMessageExpression.
static Object executeMessageExpression(final IExpressionContext context, final MessageExpression expression, final StandardExpressionExecutionContext expContext) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("[THYMELEAF][{}] Evaluating message: \"{}\"", TemplateEngine.threadIndex(), expression.getStringRepresentation());
if (!(context instanceof ITemplateContext)) {
throw new TemplateProcessingException("Cannot evaluate expression \"" + expression + "\". Message externalization expressions " + "can only be evaluated in a template-processing environment (as a part of an in-template expression) " + "where processing context is an implementation of " + ITemplateContext.class.getClass() + ", which it isn't (" + context.getClass().getName() + ")");
final ITemplateContext templateContext = (ITemplateContext) context;
final IStandardExpression baseExpression = expression.getBase();
Object messageKey = baseExpression.execute(templateContext, expContext);
messageKey = LiteralValue.unwrap(messageKey);
if (messageKey != null && !(messageKey instanceof String)) {
messageKey = messageKey.toString();
if (StringUtils.isEmptyOrWhitespace((String) messageKey)) {
throw new TemplateProcessingException("Message key for message resolution must be a non-null and non-empty String");
final Object[] messageParameters;
if (expression.hasParameters()) {
final ExpressionSequence parameterExpressionSequence = expression.getParameters();
final List<IStandardExpression> parameterExpressionValues = parameterExpressionSequence.getExpressions();
final int parameterExpressionValuesLen = parameterExpressionValues.size();
messageParameters = new Object[parameterExpressionValuesLen];
for (int i = 0; i < parameterExpressionValuesLen; i++) {
final IStandardExpression parameterExpression = parameterExpressionValues.get(i);
final Object result = parameterExpression.execute(templateContext, expContext);
messageParameters[i] = LiteralValue.unwrap(result);
} else {
messageParameters = NO_PARAMETERS;
// Note message expressions will always return an absent representation if message does not exist
return templateContext.getMessage(null, (String) messageKey, messageParameters, true);
use of org.thymeleaf.context.ITemplateContext in project thymeleaf by thymeleaf.
the class LinkExpression method executeLinkExpression.
static Object executeLinkExpression(final IExpressionContext context, final LinkExpression expression) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("[THYMELEAF][{}] Evaluating link: \"{}\"", TemplateEngine.threadIndex(), expression.getStringRepresentation());
if (!(context instanceof ITemplateContext)) {
throw new TemplateProcessingException("Cannot evaluate expression \"" + expression + "\". Link expressions " + "can only be evaluated in a template-processing environment (as a part of an in-template expression) " + "where processing context is an implementation of " + ITemplateContext.class.getClass() + ", which it isn't (" + context.getClass().getName() + ")");
final ITemplateContext templateContext = (ITemplateContext) context;
final IStandardExpression baseExpression = expression.getBase();
// The URL base in a link expression will always be executed in RESTRICTED mode, so we will forbid that
// base URLs come directly from user input (request parameters). Note this restriction does not need to apply
// to URL parameters.
Object base = baseExpression.execute(templateContext, StandardExpressionExecutionContext.RESTRICTED);
base = LiteralValue.unwrap(base);
if (base != null && !(base instanceof String)) {
base = base.toString();
if (base == null || StringUtils.isEmptyOrWhitespace((String) base)) {
base = "";
* Resolve the parameters from the expression into a LinkParameters object.
* Note the parameters variable might be null if there are no parameters
* Also note that link parameters, which should be correctly URL-encoded before being added to
* the query string of the URL, will always be executed using UNRESTRICTED mode, so that request
* params can be directly passed along to other generated URLs.
final Map<String, Object> parameters = resolveParameters(templateContext, expression, StandardExpressionExecutionContext.NORMAL);
return templateContext.buildLink((String) base, parameters);
use of org.thymeleaf.context.ITemplateContext in project thymeleaf by thymeleaf.
the class OGNLVariableExpressionEvaluator method evaluate.
private static Object evaluate(final IExpressionContext context, final IStandardVariableExpression expression, final StandardExpressionExecutionContext expContext, final boolean applyOGNLShortcuts) {
try {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("[THYMELEAF][{}] OGNL expression: evaluating expression \"{}\" on target", TemplateEngine.threadIndex(), expression.getExpression());
final IEngineConfiguration configuration = context.getConfiguration();
final String exp = expression.getExpression();
final boolean useSelectionAsRoot = expression.getUseSelectionAsRoot();
if (exp == null) {
throw new TemplateProcessingException("Expression content is null, which is not allowed");
final ComputedOGNLExpression parsedExpression = obtainComputedOGNLExpression(configuration, expression, exp, applyOGNLShortcuts);
final Map<String, Object> contextVariablesMap;
if (parsedExpression.mightNeedExpressionObjects) {
// The IExpressionObjects implementation returned by processing contexts that include the Standard
// Dialects will be lazy in the creation of expression objects (i.e. they won't be created until really
// needed). And in order for this behaviour to be accepted by OGNL, we will be wrapping this object
// inside an implementation of Map<String,Object>, which will afterwards be fed to the constructor
// of an OgnlContext object.
// Note this will never happen with shortcut expressions, as the '#' character with which all
// expression object names start is not allowed by the OGNLShortcutExpression parser.
final IExpressionObjects expressionObjects = context.getExpressionObjects();
contextVariablesMap = new OGNLExpressionObjectsWrapper(expressionObjects, expContext.getRestrictVariableAccess());
// can later lookup during evaluation.
if (expContext.getRestrictVariableAccess()) {
contextVariablesMap.put(OGNLContextPropertyAccessor.RESTRICT_REQUEST_PARAMETERS, OGNLContextPropertyAccessor.RESTRICT_REQUEST_PARAMETERS);
} else {
} else {
if (expContext.getRestrictVariableAccess()) {
} else {
contextVariablesMap = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
// The root object on which we will evaluate expressions will depend on whether a selection target is
// active or not...
final ITemplateContext templateContext = (context instanceof ITemplateContext ? (ITemplateContext) context : null);
final Object evaluationRoot = (useSelectionAsRoot && templateContext != null && templateContext.hasSelectionTarget() ? templateContext.getSelectionTarget() : templateContext);
// Execute the expression!
final Object result;
try {
result = executeExpression(configuration, parsedExpression.expression, contextVariablesMap, evaluationRoot);
} catch (final OGNLShortcutExpression.OGNLShortcutExpressionNotApplicableException notApplicable) {
// We tried to apply shortcuts, but it is not possible for this expression even if it parsed OK,
// so we need to empty the cache and try again disabling shortcuts. Once processed for the first time,
// an OGNL (non-shortcut) parsed expression will already be cached and this exception will not be
// thrown again
invalidateComputedOGNLExpression(configuration, expression, exp);
return evaluate(context, expression, expContext, false);
if (!expContext.getPerformTypeConversion()) {
return result;
final IStandardConversionService conversionService = StandardExpressions.getConversionService(configuration);
return conversionService.convert(context, result, String.class);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new TemplateProcessingException("Exception evaluating OGNL expression: \"" + expression.getExpression() + "\"", e);
use of org.thymeleaf.context.ITemplateContext in project thymeleaf by thymeleaf.
the class AbstractStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor method doProcess.
protected void doProcess(final ITemplateContext context, final IProcessableElementTag tag, final AttributeName attributeName, final String attributeValue, final IElementTagStructureHandler structureHandler) {
if (StringUtils.isEmptyOrWhitespace(attributeValue)) {
throw new TemplateProcessingException("Fragment specifications cannot be empty");
final IEngineConfiguration configuration = context.getConfiguration();
final Object fragmentObj = computeFragment(context, attributeValue);
if (fragmentObj == null) {
throw new TemplateInputException("Error resolving fragment: \"" + attributeValue + "\": " + "template or fragment could not be resolved");
} else if (fragmentObj == NoOpToken.VALUE) {
// If the Fragment result is NO-OP, we will just do nothing (apart from deleting the th:* attribute)
} else if (fragmentObj == Fragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT) {
// tag (th:insert) or remove it completely, tag included (th:replace)
if (this.replaceHost) {
} else {
final Fragment fragment = (Fragment) fragmentObj;
final TemplateModel fragmentModel = fragment.getTemplateModel();
Map<String, Object> fragmentParameters = fragment.getParameters();
* Fragment signature is important because it might affect the way we apply the parameters to the fragment.
* Note this works whatever the template mode of the inserted fragment, given we are looking for an
* element containing a "th:fragment/data-th-fragment" in a generic, non-template-dependent way.
// We will check types first instead of events in order to (many times) avoid creating an immutably-wrapped
// event object when calling "model.get(pos)"
boolean signatureApplied = false;
final ITemplateEvent firstEvent = (fragmentModel.size() > 2 ? fragmentModel.get(1) : null);
if (firstEvent != null && IProcessableElementTag.class.isAssignableFrom(firstEvent.getClass())) {
final String dialectPrefix = attributeName.getPrefix();
final IProcessableElementTag fragmentHolderEvent = (IProcessableElementTag) firstEvent;
if (fragmentHolderEvent.hasAttribute(dialectPrefix, FRAGMENT_ATTR_NAME)) {
// The selected fragment actually has a "th:fragment" attribute, so we should process its signature
final String fragmentSignatureSpec = EscapedAttributeUtils.unescapeAttribute(fragmentModel.getTemplateMode(), fragmentHolderEvent.getAttributeValue(dialectPrefix, FRAGMENT_ATTR_NAME));
if (!StringUtils.isEmptyOrWhitespace(fragmentSignatureSpec)) {
final FragmentSignature fragmentSignature = FragmentSignatureUtils.parseFragmentSignature(configuration, fragmentSignatureSpec);
if (fragmentSignature != null) {
// Reshape the fragment parameters into the ones that we will actually use, according to the signature
fragmentParameters = FragmentSignatureUtils.processParameters(fragmentSignature, fragmentParameters, fragment.hasSyntheticParameters());
signatureApplied = true;
// not being applied, maybe not realising there was no signature assignation involved.
if (!signatureApplied && fragment.hasSyntheticParameters()) {
throw new TemplateProcessingException("Fragment '" + attributeValue + "' specifies synthetic (unnamed) parameters, but the resolved fragment " + "does not match a fragment signature (th:fragment,data-th-fragment) which could apply names to " + "the specified parameters.");
* CHECK WHETHER THIS IS A CROSS-TEMPLATE-MODE INSERTION. Only TemplateModels for the same template mode
* can be safely inserted into the template being executed and processed just like any other sequences of
* events. If the inserted template has a different template mode, we will need to process it aside and
* obtain a String result for it, then insert such String as mere text.
* Note inserting large templates with a different template mode could therefore have a negative effect
* on performance and memory usage, as their result needs to be completely stored in memory at some point
* before being handled to the following phases of template processing. It is therefore recommended that
* cross-template-mode fragment insertion is done only for small fragments, in which case it will work
* almost the same as inlining (with the exception that the content to be inlined will be retrieved from
* somewhere else by means of template resolution).
if (context.getTemplateMode() != fragmentModel.getTemplateMode()) {
// Check if this is a th:include. If so, just don't allow
if (this.insertOnlyContents) {
throw new TemplateProcessingException("Template being processed uses template mode " + context.getTemplateMode() + ", " + "inserted fragment \"" + attributeValue + "\" uses template mode " + fragmentModel.getTemplateMode() + ". Cross-template-mode fragment insertion is not " + "allowed using the " + attributeName + " attribute, which is no longer recommended for use as " + "of Thymeleaf 3.0. Use {th:insert,data-th-insert} or {th:replace,data-th-replace} " + "instead, which do not remove the container element from the fragment being inserted.");
// doing it through the structure handler (we are going to perform a nested template processing operation)
if (fragmentParameters != null && fragmentParameters.size() > 0) {
if (!(context instanceof IEngineContext)) {
throw new TemplateProcessingException("Parameterized fragment insertion is not supported because local variable support is DISABLED. This is due to " + "the use of an implementation of the " + ITemplateContext.class.getName() + " interface that does " + "not provide local-variable support. In order to have local-variable support, the variables map " + "implementation should also implement the " + IEngineContext.class.getName() + " interface");
// NOTE this IEngineContext interface is internal and should not be used in users' code
((IEngineContext) context).setVariables(fragmentParameters);
// Once parameters are in order, just process the template in a nested template engine execution
final Writer stringWriter = new FastStringWriter(200);
configuration.getTemplateManager().process(fragmentModel, context, stringWriter);
// We will insert the result as NON-PROCESSABLE text (it's already been processed!)
if (this.replaceHost) {
structureHandler.replaceWith(stringWriter.toString(), false);
} else {
structureHandler.setBody(stringWriter.toString(), false);
* APPLY THE FRAGMENT'S TEMPLATE RESOLUTION so that all code inside the fragment is executed with its own
* template resolution info (working as if it were a local variable)
final TemplateData fragmentTemplateData = fragmentModel.getTemplateData();
* APPLY THE FRAGMENT PARAMETERS AS LOCAL VARIABLES, perhaps after reshaping it according to the fragment signature
if (fragmentParameters != null && fragmentParameters.size() > 0) {
for (final Map.Entry<String, Object> fragmentParameterEntry : fragmentParameters.entrySet()) {
structureHandler.setLocalVariable(fragmentParameterEntry.getKey(), fragmentParameterEntry.getValue());
if (this.insertOnlyContents && fragmentTemplateData.hasTemplateSelectors()) {
* In the case of th:include, things get a bit complicated because we need to remove the "element envelopes"
* that contain what we really want to include (these envelopes' contents). So we will need to traverse
* the entire returned model detecting those envelopes (open+close tags at model level == 0) and remove
* them, along with anything else that is also at that level 0.
final IModel model = fragmentModel.cloneModel();
int modelLevel = 0;
int n = model.size();
while (n-- != 0) {
// We traverse backwards so that we can modify at the same time
final ITemplateEvent event = model.get(n);
if (event instanceof ICloseElementTag) {
if (((ICloseElementTag) event).isUnmatched()) {
// This is an unmatched close tag (no corresponding open), therefore should not affect our count
if (modelLevel <= 0) {
if (event instanceof IOpenElementTag) {
if (modelLevel <= 0) {
if (modelLevel <= 0) {
if (this.replaceHost) {
structureHandler.replaceWith(model, true);
} else {
structureHandler.setBody(model, true);
if (this.replaceHost) {
structureHandler.replaceWith(fragmentModel, true);
} else {
structureHandler.setBody(fragmentModel, true);