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Example 6 with TemplateResolution

use of org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution in project thymeleaf-tests by thymeleaf.

the class TemplateParserTest method createOutput.

private String createOutput(final Document document) throws IOException {
    final TemplateProcessingParameters templateProcessingParameters = new TemplateProcessingParameters(this.configuration, "test", new Context());
    final TemplateResolution templateResolution = new TemplateResolution("test", "test", new ClassLoaderResourceResolver(), "UTF-8", "XHTML", new NonCacheableCacheEntryValidity());
    final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(new TemplateEngine(), templateProcessingParameters, templateResolution, new TemplateRepository(this.configuration), document);
    final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
    final ITemplateWriter templateWriter = this.configuration.getTemplateModeHandler("XHTML").getTemplateWriter();
    templateWriter.write(arguments, stringWriter, document);
    return stringWriter.toString();
Also used : Context(org.thymeleaf.context.Context) TemplateEngine(org.thymeleaf.TemplateEngine) TemplateRepository(org.thymeleaf.TemplateRepository) TemplateProcessingParameters(org.thymeleaf.TemplateProcessingParameters) StringWriter( TemplateResolution(org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution) Arguments(org.thymeleaf.Arguments) ITemplateWriter(org.thymeleaf.templatewriter.ITemplateWriter) ClassLoaderResourceResolver(org.thymeleaf.resourceresolver.ClassLoaderResourceResolver) NonCacheableCacheEntryValidity(org.thymeleaf.cache.NonCacheableCacheEntryValidity)

Example 7 with TemplateResolution

use of org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution in project sling by apache.

the class TemplateManager method parseStandalone.

     * -------------
     * PARSE methods
     * -------------
     * Parse methods will create 'template models' that are basically collections of events in the form of an
     * immutable IModel implementation.
public TemplateModel parseStandalone(final ITemplateContext context, final String template, final Set<String> templateSelectors, final TemplateMode templateMode, final boolean useCache, final boolean failIfNotExists) {
    Validate.notNull(context, "Context cannot be null");
    Validate.notNull(template, "Template cannot be null");
    // templateSelectors CAN be null if we are going to render the entire template
    // templateMode CAN be null if we are going to use the mode specified by the template resolver
    // templateResolutionAttributes CAN be null
    final String ownerTemplate = context.getTemplateData().getTemplate();
    final Map<String, Object> templateResolutionAttributes = context.getTemplateResolutionAttributes();
    final Set<String> cleanTemplateSelectors;
    if (templateSelectors != null && !templateSelectors.isEmpty()) {
        Validate.containsNoEmpties(templateSelectors, "If specified, the Template Selector set cannot contain any nulls or empties");
        if (templateSelectors.size() == 1) {
            cleanTemplateSelectors = Collections.singleton(templateSelectors.iterator().next());
        } else {
            // We will be using a TreeSet because we want the selectors to be ORDERED, so that comparison at the
            // equals(...) method works alright
            cleanTemplateSelectors = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new TreeSet<String>(templateSelectors));
    } else {
        cleanTemplateSelectors = null;
    final TemplateCacheKey cacheKey = useCache ? new TemplateCacheKey(ownerTemplate, template, cleanTemplateSelectors, 0, 0, templateMode, templateResolutionAttributes) : null;
         * First look at the cache - it might be already cached
    if (useCache && this.templateCache != null) {
        final TemplateModel cached = this.templateCache.get(cacheKey);
        if (cached != null) {
                 * Just at the end, and importantly AFTER CACHING, check if we need to apply any pre-processors
                 * to this model before returning and letting the engine insert the model in any way it needs.
            return applyPreProcessorsIfNeeded(context, cached);
         * Resolve the template
    final TemplateResolution templateResolution = resolveTemplate(this.configuration, context, ownerTemplate, template, templateResolutionAttributes, failIfNotExists);
         * Once the template has been resolved (or tried to), and depending on the value of our 'failIfNotExists'
         * flag, we will check two conditions in which we will be returning null:
         *    1. No template resolver has been able to resolve the template (this can happen if resolvers are
         *       configured with the 'checkExistence' flag to true).
         *    2. If the template was resolved, its existence should be checked in order to avoid exceptions during
         *       the reading phase.
         * NOTE we will not cache this "null" result because the fact that a template is cacheable or not is
         * determined by template resolvers. And in this case there is no template resolver being applied
         * (actually, we are here because no resolver had success).
    if (!failIfNotExists) {
        if (templateResolution == null) {
            // No resolver could resolve this
            return null;
        if (!templateResolution.isTemplateResourceExistenceVerified()) {
            final ITemplateResource resource = templateResolution.getTemplateResource();
            if (resource == null || !resource.exists()) {
                // has not been cached (e.g. when it does not exist)
                return null;
         * Build the TemplateData object
    final TemplateData templateData = buildTemplateData(templateResolution, template, cleanTemplateSelectors, templateMode, useCache);
         *  Create the Template Handler that will be in charge of building the TemplateModel
    final ModelBuilderTemplateHandler builderHandler = new ModelBuilderTemplateHandler(this.configuration, templateData);
    final ITemplateParser parser = getParserForTemplateMode(templateData.getTemplateMode());
    parser.parseStandalone(this.configuration, ownerTemplate, template, cleanTemplateSelectors, templateData.getTemplateResource(), templateData.getTemplateMode(), templateResolution.getUseDecoupledLogic(), builderHandler);
    final TemplateModel templateModel = builderHandler.getModel();
         * Cache the template if it is cacheable
    if (useCache && this.templateCache != null) {
        if (templateResolution.getValidity().isCacheable()) {
            this.templateCache.put(cacheKey, templateModel);
         * Last step: just at the end, and importantly AFTER CACHING, check if we need to apply any pre-processors
         * to this model before returning and letting the engine insert the model in any way it needs.
    return applyPreProcessorsIfNeeded(context, templateModel);
Also used : ITemplateParser(org.thymeleaf.templateparser.ITemplateParser) TemplateCacheKey(org.thymeleaf.cache.TemplateCacheKey) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) TemplateResolution(org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution) ITemplateResource(org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource)

Example 8 with TemplateResolution

use of org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution in project sling by apache.

the class TemplateManager method parseAndProcess.

     * -------------------------
     * PARSE-AND-PROCESS methods
     * -------------------------
     * These methods perform the whole cycle of a template's processing: resolving, parsing and processing.
     * This is only meant to be called from the TemplateEngine
public void parseAndProcess(final TemplateSpec templateSpec, final IContext context, final Writer writer) {
    Validate.notNull(templateSpec, "Template Specification cannot be null");
    Validate.notNull(context, "Context cannot be null");
    Validate.notNull(writer, "Writer cannot be null");
    // TemplateSpec will already have validated its contents, so need to do it here (template selectors,
    // resolution attributes, etc.)
    final String template = templateSpec.getTemplate();
    final Set<String> templateSelectors = templateSpec.getTemplateSelectors();
    final TemplateMode templateMode = templateSpec.getTemplateMode();
    final Map<String, Object> templateResolutionAttributes = templateSpec.getTemplateResolutionAttributes();
    final TemplateCacheKey cacheKey = new TemplateCacheKey(// ownerTemplate
    null, template, templateSelectors, // lineOffset, colOffset
    0, // lineOffset, colOffset
    0, templateMode, templateResolutionAttributes);
         * First look at the cache - it might be already cached
    if (this.templateCache != null) {
        final TemplateModel cached = this.templateCache.get(cacheKey);
        if (cached != null) {
            final IEngineContext engineContext = EngineContextManager.prepareEngineContext(this.configuration, cached.getTemplateData(), templateResolutionAttributes, context);
                 * Create the handler chain to process the data.
                 * This is PARSE + PROCESS, so its called from the TemplateEngine, and the only case in which we should apply
                 * both pre-processors and post-processors (besides creating a last output-to-writer step)
            final ProcessorTemplateHandler processorTemplateHandler = new ProcessorTemplateHandler();
            final ITemplateHandler processingHandlerChain = createTemplateProcessingHandlerChain(engineContext, true, true, processorTemplateHandler, writer);
         * Resolve the template
    final TemplateResolution templateResolution = resolveTemplate(this.configuration, context, null, template, templateResolutionAttributes, true);
         * Build the TemplateData object
    final TemplateData templateData = buildTemplateData(templateResolution, template, templateSelectors, templateMode, true);
         * Prepare the context instance that corresponds to this execution of the template engine
    final IEngineContext engineContext = EngineContextManager.prepareEngineContext(this.configuration, templateData, templateResolutionAttributes, context);
         * Create the handler chain to process the data.
         * This is PARSE + PROCESS, so its called from the TemplateEngine, and the only case in which we should apply
         * both pre-processors and post-processors (besides creating a last output-to-writer step)
    final ProcessorTemplateHandler processorTemplateHandler = new ProcessorTemplateHandler();
    final ITemplateHandler processingHandlerChain = createTemplateProcessingHandlerChain(engineContext, true, true, processorTemplateHandler, writer);
         * Obtain the parser
    final ITemplateParser parser = getParserForTemplateMode(engineContext.getTemplateMode());
         * If the resolved template is cacheable, so we will first read it as an object, cache it, and then process it
    if (templateResolution.getValidity().isCacheable() && this.templateCache != null) {
        // Create the handler chain to create the Template object
        final ModelBuilderTemplateHandler builderHandler = new ModelBuilderTemplateHandler(this.configuration, templateData);
        // Process the template into a TemplateModel
        parser.parseStandalone(this.configuration, null, template, templateSelectors, templateData.getTemplateResource(), engineContext.getTemplateMode(), templateResolution.getUseDecoupledLogic(), builderHandler);
        // Obtain the TemplateModel
        final TemplateModel templateModel = builderHandler.getModel();
        // Put the new template into cache
        this.templateCache.put(cacheKey, templateModel);
        // Process the read (+cached) template itself
    } else {
        //  Process the template, which is not cacheable (so no worry about caching)
        parser.parseStandalone(this.configuration, null, template, templateSelectors, templateData.getTemplateResource(), engineContext.getTemplateMode(), templateResolution.getUseDecoupledLogic(), processingHandlerChain);
         * Dispose the engine context now that processing has been done
Also used : TemplateMode(org.thymeleaf.templatemode.TemplateMode) TemplateCacheKey(org.thymeleaf.cache.TemplateCacheKey) TemplateResolution(org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution) ITemplateParser(org.thymeleaf.templateparser.ITemplateParser) IEngineContext(org.thymeleaf.context.IEngineContext)

Example 9 with TemplateResolution

use of org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution in project sling by apache.

the class TemplateManager method parseAndProcessThrottled.

public ThrottledTemplateProcessor parseAndProcessThrottled(final TemplateSpec templateSpec, final IContext context) {
    Validate.notNull(templateSpec, "Template Specification cannot be null");
    Validate.notNull(context, "Context cannot be null");
    // TemplateSpec will already have validated its contents, so need to do it here (template selectors,
    // resolution attributes, etc.)
    final String template = templateSpec.getTemplate();
    final Set<String> templateSelectors = templateSpec.getTemplateSelectors();
    final TemplateMode templateMode = templateSpec.getTemplateMode();
    final Map<String, Object> templateResolutionAttributes = templateSpec.getTemplateResolutionAttributes();
    final TemplateCacheKey cacheKey = new TemplateCacheKey(// ownerTemplate
    null, template, templateSelectors, // lineOffset, colOffset
    0, // lineOffset, colOffset
    0, templateMode, templateResolutionAttributes);
         * Instantiate the throttling artifacts
    final TemplateFlowController flowController = new TemplateFlowController();
    final ThrottledTemplateWriter throttledTemplateWriter = new ThrottledTemplateWriter(template, flowController);
         * First look at the cache - it might be already cached
    if (this.templateCache != null) {
        final TemplateModel cached = this.templateCache.get(cacheKey);
        if (cached != null) {
            final IEngineContext engineContext = EngineContextManager.prepareEngineContext(this.configuration, cached.getTemplateData(), templateResolutionAttributes, context);
                 * Create the handler chain to process the data.
                 * This is PARSE + PROCESS, so its called from the TemplateEngine, and the only case in which we should apply
                 * both pre-processors and post-processors (besides creating a last output-to-writer step)
            final ProcessorTemplateHandler processorTemplateHandler = new ProcessorTemplateHandler();
            final ITemplateHandler processingHandlerChain = createTemplateProcessingHandlerChain(engineContext, true, true, processorTemplateHandler, throttledTemplateWriter);
                 * Return the throttled template processor
            return new ThrottledTemplateProcessor(templateSpec, engineContext, cached, processingHandlerChain, processorTemplateHandler, flowController, throttledTemplateWriter);
         * Resolve the template
    final TemplateResolution templateResolution = resolveTemplate(this.configuration, context, null, template, templateResolutionAttributes, true);
         * Build the TemplateData object
    final TemplateData templateData = buildTemplateData(templateResolution, template, templateSelectors, templateMode, true);
         * Prepare the context instance that corresponds to this execution of the template engine
    final IEngineContext engineContext = EngineContextManager.prepareEngineContext(this.configuration, templateData, templateResolutionAttributes, context);
         * Create the handler chain to process the data.
         * This is PARSE + PROCESS, so its called from the TemplateEngine, and the only case in which we should apply
         * both pre-processors and post-processors (besides creating a last output-to-writer step)
    final ProcessorTemplateHandler processorTemplateHandler = new ProcessorTemplateHandler();
    final ITemplateHandler processingHandlerChain = createTemplateProcessingHandlerChain(engineContext, true, true, processorTemplateHandler, throttledTemplateWriter);
         * Obtain the parser
    final ITemplateParser parser = getParserForTemplateMode(engineContext.getTemplateMode());
         * Parse the template into a TemplateModel. Even if we are not using the cache, throttled template processings
         * will always be processed first into a TemplateModel, so that throttling can then be applied on an
         * already-in-memory sequence of events
    final ModelBuilderTemplateHandler builderHandler = new ModelBuilderTemplateHandler(this.configuration, templateData);
    parser.parseStandalone(this.configuration, null, template, templateSelectors, templateData.getTemplateResource(), engineContext.getTemplateMode(), templateResolution.getUseDecoupledLogic(), builderHandler);
    final TemplateModel templateModel = builderHandler.getModel();
         * If cache is active, put the cached TemplateModel into cache
    if (templateResolution.getValidity().isCacheable() && this.templateCache != null) {
        // Put the new template into cache
        this.templateCache.put(cacheKey, templateModel);
         * Return the throttled template processor
    return new ThrottledTemplateProcessor(templateSpec, engineContext, templateModel, processingHandlerChain, processorTemplateHandler, flowController, throttledTemplateWriter);
Also used : TemplateMode(org.thymeleaf.templatemode.TemplateMode) TemplateCacheKey(org.thymeleaf.cache.TemplateCacheKey) TemplateResolution(org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution) ITemplateParser(org.thymeleaf.templateparser.ITemplateParser) IEngineContext(org.thymeleaf.context.IEngineContext)

Example 10 with TemplateResolution

use of org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution in project sling by apache.

the class SlingResourceTemplateResolver method resolveTemplate.

public TemplateResolution resolveTemplate(final IEngineConfiguration engineConfiguration, final IContext context, final String ownerTemplate, final String template, final Map<String, Object> templateResolutionAttributes) {
    logger.debug("resolving template '{}'", template);
    if (context instanceof SlingContext) {
        final SlingContext slingContext = (SlingContext) context;
        final ResourceResolver resourceResolver = slingContext.getResourceResolver();
        final Resource resource = resourceResolver.getResource(template);
        if (resource == null) {
            logger.warn("resource for template '{}' is null, not resolving template", template);
            return null;
        final ITemplateResource templateResource = new SlingTemplateResource(resource);
        final boolean templateResourceExistenceVerified = false;
        final TemplateMode templateMode = templateModeProvider.provideTemplateMode(resource);
        if (templateMode == null) {
            logger.warn("template mode for template '{}' is null, not resolving template", template);
            return null;
        } else {
            logger.debug("using template mode {} for template '{}'", templateMode, template);
            final boolean useDecoupledLogic = templateMode.isMarkup() && configuration.useDecoupledLogic();
            final ICacheEntryValidity validity = NonCacheableCacheEntryValidity.INSTANCE;
            return new TemplateResolution(templateResource, templateResourceExistenceVerified, templateMode, useDecoupledLogic, validity);
    } else {
        logger.error("context is not an instance of SlingContext");
        return null;
Also used : TemplateMode(org.thymeleaf.templatemode.TemplateMode) SlingContext( TemplateResolution(org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution) ITemplateResource(org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource) ResourceResolver( ITemplateResource(org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource) Resource( ICacheEntryValidity(org.thymeleaf.cache.ICacheEntryValidity)


TemplateResolution (org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution)14 TemplateCacheKey (org.thymeleaf.cache.TemplateCacheKey)6 TemplateMode (org.thymeleaf.templatemode.TemplateMode)6 ITemplateParser (org.thymeleaf.templateparser.ITemplateParser)6 ITemplateResource (org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource)6 Context (org.thymeleaf.context.Context)4 IEngineContext (org.thymeleaf.context.IEngineContext)4 Test (org.junit.Test)3 ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ( TemplateProcessingParameters (org.thymeleaf.TemplateProcessingParameters)3 NonCacheableCacheEntryValidity (org.thymeleaf.cache.NonCacheableCacheEntryValidity)3 IResourceResolver (org.thymeleaf.resourceresolver.IResourceResolver)3 InputStream ( TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)2 Configuration (org.thymeleaf.Configuration)2 IEngineConfiguration (org.thymeleaf.IEngineConfiguration)2 TemplateEngine (org.thymeleaf.TemplateEngine)2 StringWriter ( Resource ( ResourceResolver (