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Example 1 with ITemplateResource

use of org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource in project thymeleaf-tests by thymeleaf.

the class SpringResourceTemplateResolverSpring4Test method testResolveTemplate.

public void testResolveTemplate() throws Exception {
    final SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine = new SpringTemplateEngine();
    final IEngineConfiguration configuration = templateEngine.getConfiguration();
    final String templateLocation = "spring5/templateresolver/test.html";
    final ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:spring5/templateresolver/applicationContext.xml");
    final SpringResourceTemplateResolver resolver = (SpringResourceTemplateResolver) context.getBean("springResourceTemplateResolver");
    final TemplateMode templateMode = resolver.getTemplateMode();
    Assert.assertEquals(TemplateMode.HTML, templateMode);
    final TemplateResolution resolution = resolver.resolveTemplate(configuration, null, "classpath:" + templateLocation, null);
    final ITemplateResource templateResource = resolution.getTemplateResource();
    final String templateResourceStr = IOUtils.toString(templateResource.reader());
    final String testResource = templateResourceStr.replace("\r", "");
    final String expected =, "US-ASCII", true).replace("\r", "");
    Assert.assertEquals(expected, testResource);
Also used : SpringTemplateEngine(org.thymeleaf.spring5.SpringTemplateEngine) TemplateMode(org.thymeleaf.templatemode.TemplateMode) IEngineConfiguration(org.thymeleaf.IEngineConfiguration) ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( TemplateResolution(org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution) ITemplateResource(org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with ITemplateResource

use of org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource in project thymeleaf-tests by thymeleaf.

the class TestTemplateResolver method resolveTemplate.

public TemplateResolution resolveTemplate(final IEngineConfiguration configuration, final String ownerTemplate, final String template, final Map<String, Object> templateResolutionAttributes) {
    final int placeholderPos = this.template.indexOf("{%%}");
    final String resource = this.template.substring(0, placeholderPos) + template + this.template.substring(placeholderPos + 4);
    final ITemplateResource templateResource = new StringTemplateResource(resource);
    final TemplateResolution templateResolution = new TemplateResolution(templateResource, // For the sake of these tests, considering resource existence verified is fine
    true, TemplateMode.HTML, false, new NonCacheableCacheEntryValidity());
    return templateResolution;
Also used : StringTemplateResource(org.thymeleaf.templateresource.StringTemplateResource) TemplateResolution(org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution) ITemplateResource(org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource) NonCacheableCacheEntryValidity(org.thymeleaf.cache.NonCacheableCacheEntryValidity)

Example 3 with ITemplateResource

use of org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource in project sling by apache.

the class SlingTemplateResource method relative.

public ITemplateResource relative(final String relativeLocation) {
    final PathBuilder pathBuilder = new PathBuilder(resource.getPath());
    final String path = pathBuilder.append("..").append(relativeLocation).toString();
    final ResourceResolver resourceResolver = resource.getResourceResolver();
    final Resource relative = resourceResolver.getResource(path);
    // final Resource relative = resource.getParent().getChild(relativeLocation);
    return new SlingTemplateResource(relative);
Also used : PathBuilder( ResourceResolver( ITemplateResource(org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource) Resource(

Example 4 with ITemplateResource

use of org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource in project thymeleaf by thymeleaf.

the class TemplateManager method parseStandalone.

     * -------------
     * PARSE methods
     * -------------
     * Parse methods will create 'template models' that are basically collections of events in the form of an
     * immutable IModel implementation.
public TemplateModel parseStandalone(final ITemplateContext context, final String template, final Set<String> templateSelectors, final TemplateMode templateMode, final boolean useCache, final boolean failIfNotExists) {
    Validate.notNull(context, "Context cannot be null");
    Validate.notNull(template, "Template cannot be null");
    // templateSelectors CAN be null if we are going to render the entire template
    // templateMode CAN be null if we are going to use the mode specified by the template resolver
    // templateResolutionAttributes CAN be null
    final String ownerTemplate = context.getTemplateData().getTemplate();
    final Map<String, Object> templateResolutionAttributes = context.getTemplateResolutionAttributes();
    final Set<String> cleanTemplateSelectors;
    if (templateSelectors != null && !templateSelectors.isEmpty()) {
        Validate.containsNoEmpties(templateSelectors, "If specified, the Template Selector set cannot contain any nulls or empties");
        if (templateSelectors.size() == 1) {
            cleanTemplateSelectors = Collections.singleton(templateSelectors.iterator().next());
        } else {
            // We will be using a TreeSet because we want the selectors to be ORDERED, so that comparison at the
            // equals(...) method works alright
            cleanTemplateSelectors = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new TreeSet<String>(templateSelectors));
    } else {
        cleanTemplateSelectors = null;
    final TemplateCacheKey cacheKey = useCache ? new TemplateCacheKey(ownerTemplate, template, cleanTemplateSelectors, 0, 0, templateMode, templateResolutionAttributes) : null;
         * First look at the cache - it might be already cached
    if (useCache && this.templateCache != null) {
        final TemplateModel cached = this.templateCache.get(cacheKey);
        if (cached != null) {
                 * Just at the end, and importantly AFTER CACHING, check if we need to apply any pre-processors
                 * to this model before returning and letting the engine insert the model in any way it needs.
            return applyPreProcessorsIfNeeded(context, cached);
         * Resolve the template
    final TemplateResolution templateResolution = resolveTemplate(this.configuration, ownerTemplate, template, templateResolutionAttributes, failIfNotExists);
         * Once the template has been resolved (or tried to), and depending on the value of our 'failIfNotExists'
         * flag, we will check two conditions in which we will be returning null:
         *    1. No template resolver has been able to resolve the template (this can happen if resolvers are
         *       configured with the 'checkExistence' flag to true).
         *    2. If the template was resolved, its existence should be checked in order to avoid exceptions during
         *       the reading phase.
         * NOTE we will not cache this "null" result because the fact that a template is cacheable or not is
         * determined by template resolvers. And in this case there is no template resolver being applied
         * (actually, we are here because no resolver had success).
    if (!failIfNotExists) {
        if (templateResolution == null) {
            // No resolver could resolve this
            return null;
        if (!templateResolution.isTemplateResourceExistenceVerified()) {
            final ITemplateResource resource = templateResolution.getTemplateResource();
            if (resource == null || !resource.exists()) {
                // has not been cached (e.g. when it does not exist)
                return null;
         * Build the TemplateData object
    final TemplateData templateData = buildTemplateData(templateResolution, template, cleanTemplateSelectors, templateMode, useCache);
         *  Create the Template Handler that will be in charge of building the TemplateModel
    final ModelBuilderTemplateHandler builderHandler = new ModelBuilderTemplateHandler(this.configuration, templateData);
    final ITemplateParser parser = getParserForTemplateMode(templateData.getTemplateMode());
    parser.parseStandalone(this.configuration, ownerTemplate, template, cleanTemplateSelectors, templateData.getTemplateResource(), templateData.getTemplateMode(), templateResolution.getUseDecoupledLogic(), builderHandler);
    final TemplateModel templateModel = builderHandler.getModel();
         * Cache the template if it is cacheable
    if (useCache && this.templateCache != null) {
        if (templateResolution.getValidity().isCacheable()) {
            this.templateCache.put(cacheKey, templateModel);
         * Last step: just at the end, and importantly AFTER CACHING, check if we need to apply any pre-processors
         * to this model before returning and letting the engine insert the model in any way it needs.
    return applyPreProcessorsIfNeeded(context, templateModel);
Also used : ITemplateParser(org.thymeleaf.templateparser.ITemplateParser) TemplateCacheKey(org.thymeleaf.cache.TemplateCacheKey) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) TemplateResolution(org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution) ITemplateResource(org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource)

Example 5 with ITemplateResource

use of org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource in project thymeleaf by thymeleaf.

the class StandardMessageResolutionUtils method resolveMessagesForTemplate.

static Map<String, String> resolveMessagesForTemplate(final ITemplateResource templateResource, final Locale locale) {
    // Let the resource tell us about its 'base name'
    final String resourceBaseName = templateResource.getBaseName();
    if (resourceBaseName == null || resourceBaseName.length() == 0) {
        // No way to compute base name -> no messages
        return EMPTY_MESSAGES;
    // Compute all the resource names we should use: *, *,
    // The order here is important: as we will let values from more specific files overwrite those in less specific,
    // (e.g. a value for gl_ES will have more precedence than a value for gl). So we will iterate these resource
    // names from less specific to more specific.
    final List<String> messageResourceNames = computeMessageResourceNamesFromBase(resourceBaseName, locale);
    // Build the combined messages
    Map<String, String> combinedMessages = null;
    for (final String messageResourceName : messageResourceNames) {
        try {
            final ITemplateResource messageResource = templateResource.relative(messageResourceName);
            final Reader messageResourceReader = messageResource.reader();
            if (messageResourceReader != null) {
                final Properties messageProperties = readMessagesResource(messageResourceReader);
                if (messageProperties != null && !messageProperties.isEmpty()) {
                    if (combinedMessages == null) {
                        combinedMessages = new HashMap<String, String>(20);
                    for (final Map.Entry<Object, Object> propertyEntry : messageProperties.entrySet()) {
                        combinedMessages.put((String) propertyEntry.getKey(), (String) propertyEntry.getValue());
        } catch (final IOException ignored) {
        // File might not exist, simply try the next one
    if (combinedMessages == null) {
        return EMPTY_MESSAGES;
    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(combinedMessages);
Also used : ITemplateResource(org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource) Reader( InputStreamReader( IOException( Properties(java.util.Properties) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)


ITemplateResource (org.thymeleaf.templateresource.ITemplateResource)12 TemplateResolution (org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolution)6 Map (java.util.Map)2 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)2 Resource ( ResourceResolver ( IEngineConfiguration (org.thymeleaf.IEngineConfiguration)2 TemplateCacheKey (org.thymeleaf.cache.TemplateCacheKey)2 TemplateMode (org.thymeleaf.templatemode.TemplateMode)2 ITemplateParser (org.thymeleaf.templateparser.ITemplateParser)2 IOException ( InputStreamReader ( Reader ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Locale (java.util.Locale)1 Properties (java.util.Properties)1 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)1 PathBuilder ( SlingContext ( Test (org.junit.Test)1