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Example 1 with KeyRange

use of org.tikv.kvproto.Coprocessor.KeyRange in project client-java by tikv.

the class TiKVScanAnalyzer method buildIndexScanKeyRangeWithIds.

private Map<Long, List<KeyRange>> buildIndexScanKeyRangeWithIds(List<Long> ids, TiIndexInfo index, List<IndexRange> indexRanges) {
    Map<Long, List<KeyRange>> idRanges = new HashMap<>();
    for (long id : ids) {
        List<KeyRange> ranges = new ArrayList<>(indexRanges.size());
        for (IndexRange ir : indexRanges) {
            IndexScanKeyRangeBuilder indexScanKeyRangeBuilder = new IndexScanKeyRangeBuilder(id, index, ir);
        idRanges.put(id, ranges);
    return idRanges;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) KeyRange(org.tikv.kvproto.Coprocessor.KeyRange) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IndexScanKeyRangeBuilder(org.tikv.common.key.IndexScanKeyRangeBuilder) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ImmutableList( List(java.util.List) VisibleForTesting(

Example 2 with KeyRange

use of org.tikv.kvproto.Coprocessor.KeyRange in project client-java by tikv.

the class RangeSplitter method splitRangeByRegion.

 * Split key ranges into corresponding region tasks and group by their region id
 * @param keyRanges List of key ranges
 * @param storeType Store type, null or TiKV for TiKV(leader), otherwise TiFlash(learner)
 * @return List of RegionTask, each task corresponds to a different region.
public List<RegionTask> splitRangeByRegion(List<KeyRange> keyRanges, TiStoreType storeType) {
    if (keyRanges == null || keyRanges.size() == 0) {
        return ImmutableList.of();
    int i = 0;
    KeyRange range = keyRanges.get(i++);
    // region id to keyRange list
    Map<Long, List<KeyRange>> idToRange = new HashMap<>();
    Map<Long, Pair<TiRegion, TiStore>> idToRegion = new HashMap<>();
    while (true) {
        Pair<TiRegion, TiStore> regionStorePair = regionManager.getRegionStorePairByKey(range.getStart(), storeType);
        if (regionStorePair == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("fail to get region/store pair by key " + formatByteString(range.getStart()));
        TiRegion region = regionStorePair.first;
        idToRegion.putIfAbsent(region.getId(), regionStorePair);
        // Both keys are at right hand side and then always not -INF
        if (toRawKey(range.getEnd()).compareTo(toRawKey(region.getEndKey())) > 0) {
            // current region does not cover current end key
            KeyRange cutRange = KeyRange.newBuilder().setStart(range.getStart()).setEnd(region.getEndKey()).build();
            List<KeyRange> ranges = idToRange.computeIfAbsent(region.getId(), k -> new ArrayList<>());
            // cut new remaining for current range
            range = KeyRange.newBuilder().setStart(region.getEndKey()).setEnd(range.getEnd()).build();
        } else {
            // current range covered by region
            List<KeyRange> ranges = idToRange.computeIfAbsent(region.getId(), k -> new ArrayList<>());
            if (i >= keyRanges.size()) {
            range = keyRanges.get(i++);
    ImmutableList.Builder<RegionTask> resultBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    idToRange.forEach((k, v) -> {
        Pair<TiRegion, TiStore> regionStorePair = idToRegion.get(k);
        resultBuilder.add(new RegionTask(regionStorePair.first, regionStorePair.second, v));
Also used : TLongObjectHashMap( ImmutableList( KeyRange(org.tikv.kvproto.Coprocessor.KeyRange) TiStore(org.tikv.common.region.TiStore) TiRegion(org.tikv.common.region.TiRegion) TLongArrayList(gnu.trove.list.array.TLongArrayList) ImmutableList(

Example 3 with KeyRange

use of org.tikv.kvproto.Coprocessor.KeyRange in project client-java by tikv.

the class KeyRangeUtils method mergeSortedRanges.

 * Merge SORTED potential discrete ranges into no more than {@code splitNum} large range.
 * @param ranges the sorted range list to merge
 * @param splitNum upper bound of number of ranges to merge into
 * @return the minimal range which encloses all ranges in this range list.
public static List<KeyRange> mergeSortedRanges(List<KeyRange> ranges, int splitNum) {
    if (splitNum <= 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot split ranges by non-positive integer");
    if (ranges == null || ranges.isEmpty() || ranges.size() <= splitNum) {
        return ranges;
    // use ceil for split step
    int step = (ranges.size() + splitNum - 1) / splitNum;
    ImmutableList.Builder<KeyRange> rangeBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (int i = 0, nowPos = 0; i < splitNum; i++) {
        int nextPos = Math.min(nowPos + step - 1, ranges.size() - 1);
        KeyRange first = ranges.get(nowPos);
        KeyRange last = ranges.get(nextPos);
        Key lowerMin = toRawKey(first.getStart(), true);
        Key upperMax = toRawKey(last.getEnd(), false);
        rangeBuilder.add(makeCoprocRange(lowerMin.toByteString(), upperMax.toByteString()));
        nowPos = nowPos + step;
Also used : ImmutableList( KeyRange(org.tikv.kvproto.Coprocessor.KeyRange) Key(org.tikv.common.key.Key) Key.toRawKey(org.tikv.common.key.Key.toRawKey)

Example 4 with KeyRange

use of org.tikv.kvproto.Coprocessor.KeyRange in project tispark by pingcap.

the class RangeSplitter method createTask.

private void createTask(int startPos, int endPos, long tableId, List<Handle> handles, Pair<TiRegion, Metapb.Store> regionStorePair, ImmutableList.Builder<RegionTask> regionTasks) {
    List<KeyRange> newKeyRanges = new ArrayList<>(endPos - startPos + 1);
    Handle startHandle = handles.get(startPos);
    Handle endHandle = startHandle;
    for (int i = startPos + 1; i < endPos; i++) {
        Handle curHandle = handles.get(i);
        if ( {
            endHandle = curHandle;
        } else {
            newKeyRanges.add(makeCoprocRange(RowKey.toRowKey(tableId, startHandle).toByteString(), RowKey.toRowKey(tableId,;
            startHandle = curHandle;
            endHandle = startHandle;
    newKeyRanges.add(makeCoprocRange(RowKey.toRowKey(tableId, startHandle).toByteString(), RowKey.toRowKey(tableId,;
    regionTasks.add(new RegionTask(regionStorePair.first, regionStorePair.second, newKeyRanges));
Also used : KeyRange(org.tikv.kvproto.Coprocessor.KeyRange) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Handle(com.pingcap.tikv.key.Handle)

Example 5 with KeyRange

use of org.tikv.kvproto.Coprocessor.KeyRange in project flink-cdc-connectors by ververica.

the class TableKeyRangeUtils method getTableKeyRanges.

public static List<KeyRange> getTableKeyRanges(final long tableId, final int num) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(num > 0, "Illegal value of num");
    if (num == 1) {
        return ImmutableList.of(getTableKeyRange(tableId));
    final long delta = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE + 1)).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(num)).longValueExact();
    final ImmutableList.Builder<KeyRange> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        final RowKey startKey = (i == 0) ? RowKey.createMin(tableId) : RowKey.toRowKey(tableId, Long.MIN_VALUE + delta * i);
        final RowKey endKey = (i == num - 1) ? RowKey.createBeyondMax(tableId) : RowKey.toRowKey(tableId, Long.MIN_VALUE + delta * (i + 1));
        builder.add(KeyRangeUtils.makeCoprocRange(startKey.toByteString(), endKey.toByteString()));
Also used : RowKey(org.tikv.common.key.RowKey) ImmutableList( KeyRange(org.tikv.kvproto.Coprocessor.KeyRange)


KeyRange (org.tikv.kvproto.Coprocessor.KeyRange)15 ImmutableList ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 List (java.util.List)5 Key (org.tikv.common.key.Key)3 VisibleForTesting ( Key (com.pingcap.tikv.key.Key)2 TiDAGRequest (com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiDAGRequest)2 TiTableInfo (com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiTableInfo)2 TLongObjectHashMap ( Key.toRawKey (org.tikv.common.key.Key.toRawKey)2 RowKey (org.tikv.common.key.RowKey)2 Metapb (org.tikv.kvproto.Metapb)2 ByteString ( DAGRequest (com.pingcap.tidb.tipb.DAGRequest)1 SelectResponse (com.pingcap.tidb.tipb.SelectResponse)1 MockServerTest (com.pingcap.tikv.MockServerTest)1 CodecDataOutput (com.pingcap.tikv.codec.CodecDataOutput)1 Handle (com.pingcap.tikv.key.Handle)1