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Example 1 with DenseSparseMatrix

use of in project tribuo by oracle.

the class CRFParameters method merge.

public Tensor[] merge(Tensor[][] gradients, int size) {
    DenseVector biasUpdate = new DenseVector(biases.size());
    List<DenseSparseMatrix> updates = new ArrayList<>(size);
    DenseMatrix denseUpdates = null;
    DenseMatrix labelLabelUpdate = new DenseMatrix(labelLabelWeights.getDimension1Size(), labelLabelWeights.getDimension2Size());
    for (int j = 0; j < gradients.length; j++) {
        Matrix tmpUpdate = (Matrix) gradients[j][1];
        if (tmpUpdate instanceof DenseSparseMatrix) {
            updates.add((DenseSparseMatrix) tmpUpdate);
        } else {
            // is dense
            if (denseUpdates == null) {
                denseUpdates = (DenseMatrix) tmpUpdate;
            } else {
    // Merge the combination of any dense and sparse updates
    Matrix featureLabelUpdate;
    if (updates.size() > 0) {
        featureLabelUpdate = merger.merge(updates.toArray(new DenseSparseMatrix[0]));
        if (denseUpdates != null) {
            featureLabelUpdate = denseUpdates;
    } else {
        featureLabelUpdate = denseUpdates;
    return new Tensor[] { biasUpdate, featureLabelUpdate, labelLabelUpdate };
Also used : DenseMatrix( DenseSparseMatrix( Matrix( Tensor( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DenseSparseMatrix( DenseVector( DenseMatrix(

Example 2 with DenseSparseMatrix

use of in project tribuo by oracle.

the class MergerTest method testMerger.

public void testMerger(Merger merger) {
    DenseSparseMatrix[] array = new DenseSparseMatrix[2];
    array[0] = generateA();
    array[1] = generateB();
    DenseSparseMatrix output = generateAB();
    DenseSparseMatrix merged = merger.merge(array);
    assertEquals(output, merged, "Merge A - B unsuccessful");
    array[0] = generateB();
    output = generateBB();
    merged = merger.merge(array);
    assertEquals(output, merged, "Merge B - B unsuccessful");
    array[0] = generateZipA();
    array[1] = generateZipB();
    output = generateZip();
    merged = merger.merge(array);
    assertEquals(output, merged, "Merge zip unsuccessful");
    array = new DenseSparseMatrix[4];
    array[0] = generateA();
    array[1] = generateB();
    array[2] = generateA();
    array[3] = generateB();
    output = generateAABB();
    merged = merger.merge(array);
    assertEquals(output, merged, "Merge A - B - A - B unsuccessful");
Also used : DenseSparseMatrix(

Example 3 with DenseSparseMatrix

use of in project tribuo by oracle.

the class FMParameters method gradients.

 * Generate the gradients for a particular feature vector given
 * the loss and the per output gradients.
 * <p>
 * This method returns a {@link Tensor} array with numLabels + 2 elements.
 * @param score    The Pair returned by the objective.
 * @param features The feature vector.
 * @return A {@link Tensor} array containing all the gradients.
public Tensor[] gradients(Pair<Double, SGDVector> score, SGDVector features) {
    Tensor[] gradients = new Tensor[weights.length];
    SGDVector outputGradient = score.getB();
    // Bias gradient
    if (outputGradient instanceof SparseVector) {
        gradients[0] = ((SparseVector) outputGradient).densify();
    } else {
        gradients[0] = outputGradient.copy();
    // Feature gradients
    gradients[1] = outputGradient.outer(features);
    // per label
    for (int i = 2; i < weights.length; i++) {
        double curOutputGradient = outputGradient.get(i - 2);
        DenseMatrix curFactors = (DenseMatrix) weights[i];
        if (curOutputGradient != 0.0) {
            // compute /sum_j v_{j,f}x_j
            SGDVector factorSum = curFactors.leftMultiply(features);
            // grad_f: dy/d0 * (x_i * factorSum_f - v_{i,f} * x_i * x_i)
            Matrix factorGradMatrix;
            if (features instanceof SparseVector) {
                List<SparseVector> vectors = new ArrayList<>(numFactors);
                for (int j = 0; j < numFactors; j++) {
                    vectors.add(((SparseVector) features).copy());
                factorGradMatrix = new DenseSparseMatrix(vectors);
            } else {
                factorGradMatrix = new DenseMatrix(numFactors, features.size());
                for (int j = 0; j < numFactors; j++) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < features.size(); k++) {
                        factorGradMatrix.set(j, k, features.get(k));
            for (int j = 0; j < numFactors; j++) {
                // This gets a mutable view of the row
                SGDVector curFactorGrad = factorGradMatrix.getRow(j);
                double curFactorSum = factorSum.get(j);
                final int jFinal = j;
                // Compute the gradient for this element of the factor vector
                curFactorGrad.foreachIndexedInPlace((Integer idx, Double a) -> a * curFactorSum - curFactors.get(jFinal, idx) * a * a);
                // Multiply by the output gradient
            gradients[i] = factorGradMatrix;
        } else {
            // If the output gradient is 0.0 then all the factor gradients are zero.
            // Technically with regularization we should shrink the weights for the specified features.
            gradients[i] = new DenseSparseMatrix(numFactors, features.size());
    return gradients;
Also used : Tensor( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DenseSparseMatrix( SparseVector( DenseMatrix( DenseMatrix( DenseSparseMatrix( Matrix( SGDVector(

Example 4 with DenseSparseMatrix

use of in project tribuo by oracle.

the class FMParameters method merge.

public Tensor[] merge(Tensor[][] gradients, int size) {
    Tensor[] output = new Tensor[weights.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
        if (gradients[0][i] instanceof DenseVector) {
            for (int j = 1; j < size; j++) {
            output[i] = gradients[0][i];
        } else if (gradients[0][i] instanceof DenseMatrix) {
            for (int j = 1; j < size; j++) {
            output[i] = gradients[0][i];
        } else if (gradients[0][i] instanceof DenseSparseMatrix) {
            DenseSparseMatrix[] updates = new DenseSparseMatrix[size];
            for (int j = 0; j < updates.length; j++) {
                updates[j] = (DenseSparseMatrix) gradients[j][0];
            DenseSparseMatrix update = merger.merge(updates);
            output[i] = update;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected gradient type, expected DenseVector, DenseMatrix or DenseSparseMatrix, received " + gradients[0][i].getClass().getName());
    return output;
Also used : Tensor( DenseSparseMatrix( DenseVector( DenseMatrix(

Example 5 with DenseSparseMatrix

use of in project tribuo by oracle.

the class HeapMerger method merge.

public DenseSparseMatrix merge(DenseSparseMatrix[] inputs) {
    int denseLength = inputs[0].getDimension1Size();
    int sparseLength = inputs[0].getDimension2Size();
    int[] totalLengths = new int[inputs[0].getDimension1Size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < totalLengths.length; j++) {
            totalLengths[j] += inputs[i].numActiveElements(j);
    int maxLength = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < totalLengths.length; i++) {
        if (totalLengths[i] > maxLength) {
            maxLength = totalLengths[i];
    SparseVector[] output = new SparseVector[denseLength];
    int[] indicesBuffer = new int[maxLength];
    double[] valuesBuffer = new double[maxLength];
    List<SparseVector> vectors = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < denseLength; i++) {
        for (DenseSparseMatrix m : inputs) {
            SparseVector vec = m.getRow(i);
            if (vec.numActiveElements() > 0) {
        output[i] = merge(vectors, sparseLength, indicesBuffer, valuesBuffer);
    return DenseSparseMatrix.createFromSparseVectors(output);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DenseSparseMatrix( SparseVector(


DenseSparseMatrix ( DenseMatrix ( Tensor ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 DenseVector ( Matrix ( SparseVector ( Pair ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Feature (org.tribuo.Feature)1 ImmutableFeatureMap (org.tribuo.ImmutableFeatureMap)1 Label (org.tribuo.classification.Label)1 SGDVector ( ModelProvenance (org.tribuo.provenance.ModelProvenance)1 TrainerProvenance (org.tribuo.provenance.TrainerProvenance)1