use of org.umlg.sqlg.structure.topology.IndexType in project sqlg by pietermartin.
the class SqlgStartupManager method extractIndices.
private void extractIndices(DatabaseMetaData metadata, String catalog, String schema, String table, String label, boolean isVertex) throws SQLException {
String lastIndexName = null;
IndexType lastIndexType = null;
List<String> lastColumns = new LinkedList<>();
List<Triple<String, Boolean, String>> indexes = this.sqlDialect.getIndexInfo(metadata, catalog, schema, table, false, true);
for (Triple<String, Boolean, String> index : indexes) {
String indexName = index.getLeft();
boolean nonUnique = index.getMiddle();
String columnName = index.getRight();
if (lastIndexName == null) {
lastIndexName = indexName;
lastIndexType = nonUnique ? IndexType.NON_UNIQUE : IndexType.UNIQUE;
} else if (!lastIndexName.equals(indexName)) {
if (!this.sqlDialect.isSystemIndex(lastIndexName)) {
if (!Schema.GLOBAL_UNIQUE_INDEX_SCHEMA.equals(schema)) {
TopologyManager.addIndex(sqlgGraph, schema, label, isVertex, lastIndexName, lastIndexType, lastColumns);
lastIndexName = indexName;
lastIndexType = nonUnique ? IndexType.NON_UNIQUE : IndexType.UNIQUE;
if (!this.sqlDialect.isSystemIndex(lastIndexName)) {
if (!Schema.GLOBAL_UNIQUE_INDEX_SCHEMA.equals(schema)) {
TopologyManager.addIndex(sqlgGraph, schema, label, isVertex, lastIndexName, lastIndexType, lastColumns);