use of org.vcell.imagej.helper.VCellHelper.VCellModelSearchResults in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class NikitaTest method run.
public void run() {
try {
// Find the port that a separately running VCell client is listening on
System.out.println("vcell service port=" + vcellHelper.findVCellApiServerPort());
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog("Activate VCell client ImageJ service\nTools->'Start Fiji (ImageJ) service'\n" + e.getMessage(), "Couldn't contact VCell client", MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
String theCacheKey = null;
VCellHelper.VCellModelSearch vcms = new VCellHelper.VCellModelSearch(VCellHelper.ModelType.valueOf(modelType), vCellUser, vCellModel, application, simulation, null, null);
try {
ArrayList<VCellModelSearchResults> vcmsr = vcellHelper.getSearchedModelSimCacheKey(false, vcms, null);
if (vcmsr.size() == 0) {
throw new Exception("No Results for search found");
theCacheKey = vcmsr.get(0).getCacheKey();
System.out.println("theCacheKey=" + theCacheKey);
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog(modelType + ", " + vCellUser + ", " + vCellModel + ", " + application + ", " + simulation + ", null, null\n" + e.getMessage(), "Search failed", MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
IJDataList timePointData = null;
// there is 1 timePoint
int[] timePointIndexes = new int[1];
int theTimePointIndex = 0;
timePointIndexes[theTimePointIndex] = timePoint;
try {
timePointData = vcellHelper.getTimePointData(theCacheKey, variable, VARTYPE_POSTPROC.NotPostProcess, timePointIndexes, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog(modelType + ", " + vCellUser + ", " + vCellModel + ", " + application + ", " + simulation + ", " + variable + ", " + timePoint + "\n" + e.getMessage(), "Get Data failed", MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
double[] theTimePointData = timePointData.ijData[theTimePointIndex].getDoubleData();
Range xAxisRange = null;
int[] dataIndexes = new int[endIndex - startIndex + 1];
// This is just for JFreeChart
double[] dataIndexesDouble = new double[dataIndexes.length];
for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
dataIndexes[i - startIndex] = i;
dataIndexesDouble[i - startIndex] = i;
xAxisRange = Range.expandToInclude(xAxisRange, dataIndexesDouble[i - startIndex]);
Range yAxisRange = null;
double[] chartTheseDataPoints = new double[dataIndexes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < dataIndexes.length; i++) {
chartTheseDataPoints[i] = theTimePointData[dataIndexes[i]];
yAxisRange = Range.expandToInclude(yAxisRange, chartTheseDataPoints[i]);
//[0/*index of "r"*/][i+1/*data, skip 0 because it holds copy of times*/][0/*0 always because we had only 1 timePoint=22.0*/]
try {
// LINE plot of data at 1 timePoint along defined indexes
// Create JFreechart x,y axis arrays for plotting x=data indexes, y=dataPoint values
double[][] data = new double[][] { dataIndexesDouble, chartTheseDataPoints };
String title = "LINE Plot at time=" + timePoint;
String xAxisLabel = "distance";
String yAxisLabel = "val";
DefaultXYDataset xyDataset = new DefaultXYDataset();
xyDataset.addSeries("data1", data);
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(title, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, xyDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false);
// Y
// X
ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Chart");
// frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
// Display the window.
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog("LINE PlotGet Data failed\n" + e.getMessage(), MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
IJTimeSeriesJobResults timeSeries = null;
try {
IJVarInfos simulationInfo = vcellHelper.getSimulationInfo(theCacheKey);
double[] times = simulationInfo.getTimes();
timeSeries = vcellHelper.getTimeSeries(new String[] { variable }, new int[] { dataIndexes[0] }, times[0], 1, times[times.length - 1], false, false, 0, Integer.parseInt(theCacheKey));
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog("TIME Plot Get Data failed\n" + e.getMessage(), MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
try {
// TIME plot of data at 1 timePoint along defined indexes
// Create JFreechart x,y axis arrays for plotting x=data indexes, y=dataPoint values
double[][] data = new double[][] {[0][0],[0][1] };
String title = "TIME Plot at dataIndex=" + dataIndexes[0];
String xAxisLabel = "time";
String yAxisLabel = "val";
DefaultXYDataset xyDataset = new DefaultXYDataset();
xyDataset.addSeries("data1", data);
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(title, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, xyDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false);
// chart.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis().setRange(yAxisRange);//Y
// chart.getXYPlot().getRangeAxis().setRange(xAxisRange);//X
ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Chart");
// frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
// Display the window.
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog("TIME Plot show chart failed\n" + e.getMessage(), MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
use of org.vcell.imagej.helper.VCellHelper.VCellModelSearchResults in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SmallCR method getSimulationCacheKey.
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// try {
// VCellHelper vh = new VCellHelper();
// ImageJ ij = new ImageJ();
// ij.ui().showUI();
// ExampleDatasets exampleDatasets = openExample(ij, new File("C:\\Users\\frm\\VCellTrunkGitWorkspace2\\vcell\\vcell-imagej-helper")/*new File(System.getProperty("user.dir", "."))*/);
// int xIndex = exampleDatasets.experimentalData.dimensionIndex(Axes.X);
// int xsize = (int)exampleDatasets.experimentalData.dimension(xIndex);
// int yIndex = exampleDatasets.experimentalData.dimensionIndex(Axes.Y);
// int ysize = (int)exampleDatasets.experimentalData.dimension(yIndex);
// FinalInterval analyzeOrigInterval = FinalInterval.createMinSize(new long[] {0,0,ANALYZE_BEGIN_TIMEINDEX, xsize,ysize,ANALYZE_COUNT});//xyzt:origin and xyzt:size
// int assumedZIndex = -1;
// for (int i = 0; i < exampleDatasets.segmentedGeom.numDimensions(); i++) {
// if(exampleDatasets.segmentedGeom.dimensionIndex(Axes.X)!=i && exampleDatasets.segmentedGeom.dimensionIndex(Axes.Y)!=i) {
// assumedZIndex = i;
// break;
// }
// }
// int zsize = (assumedZIndex == -1?1:(int)exampleDatasets.segmentedGeom.dimension(assumedZIndex));
// HashMap<Integer, String> segmentedGeomValuesMapSubvolumeName = new HashMap();
// segmentedGeomValuesMapSubvolumeName.put(0, "cyt");
// segmentedGeomValuesMapSubvolumeName.put(255, "Nuc");
// VCellHelper.IJGeom overrideGeom = createGeometry(exampleDatasets.segmentedGeom, xIndex, yIndex, assumedZIndex, xsize, ysize, zsize, segmentedGeomValuesMapSubvolumeName);
// double[] diffRates = new double[] {
// 1.25,
// 1.3,
// 1.4,
// 1.45,
// 1.5,
// 1.55,
// 1.6
// };
// double[] mse = new double[diffRates.length];
// for (int i = 0; i < diffRates.length; i++) {
// String simulationCacheKey = getSimulationCacheKey(vh);
// IJSolverStatus ijSolverStatus = runFrapSolver(vh, diffRates[i],simulationCacheKey,overrideGeom);
// String simulationDataCacheKey = waitForSolverGetCacheForData(vh, ijSolverStatus);
// SCIFIOImgPlus<DoubleType> annotatedZProjectedSimPostBleachData = zProjectNormalizeSimData(vh, "Sim Data "+diffRates[i], simulationDataCacheKey, "rf", 0, ijSolverStatus.getJobIndex(), ANALYZE_BEGIN_TIMEINDEX, ANALYZE_END_TIMEINDEX);
// showAndZoom(ij, "Sim Data "+diffRates[i], annotatedZProjectedSimPostBleachData, 4);
// mse[i] = calcMSE(ij, annotatedZProjectedSimPostBleachData,exampleDatasets,analyzeOrigInterval);
// }
// for(int i=0;i<mse.length;i++){
// System.out.println("diffRate="+diffRates[i]+" MSE="+(mse[i]));
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
public static String getSimulationCacheKey(VCellHelper vh) throws Exception {
// User can search (with simple wildcard *=any) for VCell Model by:
// model type {biomodel,mathmodel,quickrun}
// user name
// model name
// application name (if searching for BioModels, not applicable for MathModels)
// simulation name
// version time range (all VCell Models saved on the VCell server have a last date 'saved')
SimpleDateFormat easyDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
VCellHelper.VCellModelVersionTimeRange vcellModelVersionTimeRange = new VCellHelper.VCellModelVersionTimeRange(easyDate.parse("2018-06-01 00:00:00"), easyDate.parse("2018-08-01 00:00:00"));
VCellHelper.VCellModelSearch search = new VCellHelper.VCellModelSearch(, "frm", "Tutorial_FRAPbinding", "Spatial", "FRAP binding", null, null);
ArrayList<VCellModelSearchResults> vcellModelSearchResults = vh.getSearchedModelSimCacheKey(true, search, vcellModelVersionTimeRange);
if (vcellModelSearchResults.size() != 1) {
throw new Exception("Expecting only 1 model from search results");
String cacheKey = vcellModelSearchResults.get(0).getCacheKey();
return cacheKey;
use of org.vcell.imagej.helper.VCellHelper.VCellModelSearchResults in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class LinePlot method run.
public void run() {
try {
// Find the port that a separately running VCell client is listening on
System.out.println("vcell service port=" + vcellHelper.findVCellApiServerPort());
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog("Activate VCell client ImageJ service\nTools->'Start Fiji (ImageJ) service'\n" + e.getMessage(), "Couldn't contact VCell client", MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
String theCacheKey = null;
VCellHelper.VCellModelSearch vcms = new VCellHelper.VCellModelSearch(VCellHelper.ModelType.valueOf(modelType), vCellUser, vCellModel, application, simulation, null, null);
try {
ArrayList<VCellModelSearchResults> vcmsr = vcellHelper.getSearchedModelSimCacheKey(false, vcms, null);
if (vcmsr.size() == 0) {
throw new Exception("No Results for search found");
theCacheKey = vcmsr.get(0).getCacheKey();
System.out.println("theCacheKey=" + theCacheKey);
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog(modelType + ", " + vCellUser + ", " + vCellModel + ", " + application + ", " + simulation + ", null, null\n" + e.getMessage(), "Search failed", MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
IJDataList timePointData = null;
// there is 1 timePoint
int[] timePointIndexes = new int[1];
int theTimePointIndex = 0;
timePointIndexes[theTimePointIndex] = timePoint;
try {
timePointData = vcellHelper.getTimePointData(theCacheKey, variable, VARTYPE_POSTPROC.NotPostProcess, timePointIndexes, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog(modelType + ", " + vCellUser + ", " + vCellModel + ", " + application + ", " + simulation + ", " + variable + ", " + timePoint + "\n" + e.getMessage(), "Get Data failed", MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
double[] theTimePointData = timePointData.ijData[theTimePointIndex].getDoubleData();
Range xAxisRange = null;
int[] dataIndexes = new int[endIndex - startIndex + 1];
// This is just for JFreeChart
double[] dataIndexesDouble = new double[dataIndexes.length];
for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
dataIndexes[i - startIndex] = i;
dataIndexesDouble[i - startIndex] = i;
xAxisRange = Range.expandToInclude(xAxisRange, dataIndexesDouble[i - startIndex]);
Range yAxisRange = null;
double[] chartTheseDataPoints = new double[dataIndexes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < dataIndexes.length; i++) {
chartTheseDataPoints[i] = theTimePointData[dataIndexes[i]];
yAxisRange = Range.expandToInclude(yAxisRange, chartTheseDataPoints[i]);
//[0/*index of "r"*/][i+1/*data, skip 0 because it holds copy of times*/][0/*0 always because we had only 1 timePoint=22.0*/]
try {
// LINE plot of data at 1 timePoint along defined indexes
// Create JFreechart x,y axis arrays for plotting x=data indexes, y=dataPoint values
double[][] data = new double[][] { dataIndexesDouble, chartTheseDataPoints };
String title = "LINE Plot at time=" + timePoint;
String xAxisLabel = "distance";
String yAxisLabel = "val";
DefaultXYDataset xyDataset = new DefaultXYDataset();
xyDataset.addSeries("data1", data);
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(title, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, xyDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false);
// Y
// X
ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Chart");
// frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
// Display the window.
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog("LINE PlotGet Data failed\n" + e.getMessage(), MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
IJTimeSeriesJobResults timeSeries = null;
try {
IJVarInfos simulationInfo = vcellHelper.getSimulationInfo(theCacheKey);
double[] times = simulationInfo.getTimes();
timeSeries = vcellHelper.getTimeSeries(new String[] { variable }, new int[] { dataIndexes[0] }, times[0], 1, times[times.length - 1], false, false, 0, Integer.parseInt(theCacheKey));
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog("TIME Plot Get Data failed\n" + e.getMessage(), MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
try {
// TIME plot of data at 1 timePoint along defined indexes
// Create JFreechart x,y axis arrays for plotting x=data indexes, y=dataPoint values
double[][] data = new double[][] {[0][0],[0][1] };
String title = "TIME Plot at dataIndex=" + dataIndexes[0];
String xAxisLabel = "time";
String yAxisLabel = "val";
DefaultXYDataset xyDataset = new DefaultXYDataset();
xyDataset.addSeries("data1", data);
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(title, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, xyDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false);
// chart.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis().setRange(yAxisRange);//Y
// chart.getXYPlot().getRangeAxis().setRange(xAxisRange);//X
ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Chart");
// frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
// Display the window.
} catch (Exception e) {
uiService.showDialog("TIME Plot show chart failed\n" + e.getMessage(), MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
use of org.vcell.imagej.helper.VCellHelper.VCellModelSearchResults in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ModelLoad method run.
public void run() {
displayProgressBar(true, "Checking listening ports...", "Checking for VCell Client");
startJProgressThread0(null, "Check");
try {
// Find the port that a separately running VCell client is listening on
System.out.println("vcell service port=" + vcellHelper.findVCellApiServerPort());
// uiService.getDisplayViewer(textDisplay).dispose();
displayProgressBar(false, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
displayProgressBar(false, null, null);
// uiService.getDisplayViewer(textDisplay).dispose();
uiService.showDialog("Activate VCell client ImageJ service\nTools->'Start Fiji (ImageJ) service'\n" + e.getMessage(), "Couldn't contact VCell client", MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
displayProgressBar(true, "Searching...", "Searching VCell Models");
startJProgressThread0("Check", "Search");
String theCacheKey = null;
VCellHelper.VCellModelSearch vcms = new VCellHelper.VCellModelSearch(, vCellUser, vCellModel, application, simulation, null, null);
try {
ArrayList<VCellModelSearchResults> vcmsr = vcellHelper.getSearchedModelSimCacheKey(false, vcms, null);
if (vcmsr.size() == 0) {
throw new Exception("No Results for search found");
theCacheKey = vcmsr.get(0).getCacheKey();
System.out.println("theCacheKey=" + theCacheKey);
displayProgressBar(false, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
uiService.showDialog(",vCellUser,vCellModel,application,simulation,null,null\n" + e.getMessage(), "Search failed", MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
displayProgressBar(false, null, null);
displayProgressBar(true, "Loading Data...", "Loading Data");
startJProgressThread0("Search", "getTimePointData");
try {
String var = variable;
int[] time = new int[] { timePoint };
IJDataList tpd = vcellHelper.getTimePointData(theCacheKey, var, VCellHelper.VARTYPE_POSTPROC.NotPostProcess, time, 0);
double[] data = tpd.ijData[0].getDoubleData();
BasicStackDimensions bsd = tpd.ijData[0].stackInfo;
System.out.println(bsd.xsize + " " + bsd.ysize);
ArrayImg<DoubleType, DoubleArray> testimg = ArrayImgs.doubles(data, bsd.xsize, bsd.ysize);;
displayProgressBar(false, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
uiService.showDialog("theCacheKey,var,VCellHelper.VARTYPE_POSTPROC.NotPostProcess,time,0\n" + e.getMessage(), "getTimePoint(...) failed", MessageType.ERROR_MESSAGE);
displayProgressBar(false, null, null);
startJProgressThread0("getTimePointData", null);