use of org.vcell.sbmlsim.api.common.SimulationSpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class VCellSbmlSimCLI method process_submit.
private void process_submit() throws Exception {
Gson gson = new Gson();
SimulationSpec simspec = null;
if (simspecJSON != null) {
try {
simspec = gson.fromJson(simspecJSON, SimulationSpec.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CliException("failed to parse JSON text for simspec (Simulation Specification): " + e.getMessage(), e);
} else {
throw new CliException("simhandle (simulation handle option) not specified");
SBMLModel model = null;
if (sbmlfile != null) {
model = new SBMLModel(sbmlfile);
} else {
throw new CliException("sbmlfile (SBML file option) not specified");
if (outputfile == null) {
throw new CliException("output file not specified");
SimulationInfo siminfo = simService.computeModel(model, simspec);
String siminfoJSON = gson.toJson(siminfo);
FileUtils.write(outputfile, siminfoJSON);
use of org.vcell.sbmlsim.api.common.SimulationSpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SimulationServiceImplTest method test.
public void test() throws URISyntaxException, Exception {
SimulationServiceImpl simService = new SimulationServiceImpl();
// TODO - Eliminate code duplication.
URL sbmlFileUrl = SimulationServiceImplTest.class.getResource("../optoPlexin_PRG_rule_based.xml");
File file = new File(sbmlFileUrl.toURI());
VCMongoMessage.enabled = false;
// TODO - Encapsulate this common setup stuff into VCellService initialization.
// Then all VCell-based scripts can focus on the customization below.
System.setProperty(PropertyLoader.installationRoot, new File("..").getAbsolutePath());
file = new File("src/test/resources/org/vcell/sbmlsim/optoPlexin_PRG_rule_based.xml");
SBMLModel sbmlModel = new SBMLModel(file);
SimulationSpec simSpec = new SimulationSpec();
SimulationInfo simInfo = simService.computeModel(sbmlModel, simSpec);
long timeMS = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (simService.getStatus(simInfo).getSimState() != SimulationState.done && simService.getStatus(simInfo).getSimState() != SimulationState.failed) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
long time2MS = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (time2MS - timeMS > 10000) {
fail("timed out after 10 seconds");
List<VariableInfo> vars = simService.getVariableList(simInfo);
// TODO - Assert more things.
final TimePoints timePoints = simService.getTimePoints(simInfo); -> {
try {
var.getVariableDisplayName() + "[0] = " + simService.getData(simInfo, var, 0));
} catch (Exception exc) {
use of org.vcell.sbmlsim.api.common.SimulationSpec in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class VCellSimServiceTest method test.
public void test() throws URISyntaxException, Exception {
VCellSimService simService = new VCellSimService();
URL sbmlFileUrl = VCellSimServiceTest.class.getResource("../optoPlexin_PRG_rule_based.xml");
File file = new File(sbmlFileUrl.toURI());
SBMLModel sbmlModel = new SBMLModel(file);
SimulationSpec simSpec = new SimulationSpec();
SimulationHandle simulationHandle = simService.submit(sbmlModel, simSpec);
long timeMS = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (simService.getStatus(simulationHandle).getSimState() != SimulationState.done && simService.getStatus(simulationHandle).getSimState() != SimulationState.failed) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
long time2MS = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (time2MS - timeMS > 10000) {
fail("timed out after 10 seconds");
VariableList vars = simService.getVariableList(simulationHandle);
// TODO - Assert more things.
final TimePoints timePoints = simService.getTimePoints(simulationHandle);
Arrays.asList(vars.varInfos).stream().forEach(var -> {
try {
var.getVariableDisplayName() + "[0] = " + simService.getSimData(simulationHandle, var, 0));
} catch (Exception exc) {