use of org.vcell.sybil.models.miriam.MIRIAMQualifier in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class BioModelEditorModelPanel method hasAnnotation.
private boolean hasAnnotation(Identifiable identifiable) {
Identifiable entity = AnnotationsPanel.getIdentifiable(identifiable);
String freeText = bioModel.getVCMetaData().getFreeTextAnnotation(entity);
MiriamManager miriamManager = bioModel.getVCMetaData().getMiriamManager();
TreeMap<Identifiable, Map<MiriamRefGroup, MIRIAMQualifier>> miriamDescrHeir = miriamManager.getMiriamTreeMap();
Map<MiriamRefGroup, MIRIAMQualifier> refGroupMap = miriamDescrHeir.get(entity);
Icon icon = VCellIcons.issueGoodIcon;
if (freeText != null && !freeText.isEmpty()) {
return true;
} else if (refGroupMap != null && !refGroupMap.isEmpty()) {
return true;
return false;
use of org.vcell.sybil.models.miriam.MIRIAMQualifier in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class AnnotationsPanel method removeIdentifier.
private void removeIdentifier() {
Object treeNode = jTreeMIRIAM.getLastSelectedPathComponent();
if (treeNode instanceof LinkNode) {
LinkNode linkNode = (LinkNode) treeNode;
MiriamResource resourceToDelete = linkNode.getMiriamResource();
Identifiable entity = getIdentifiable(selectedObject);
// Map<MiriamRefGroup, MIRIAMQualifier> refGroupsToRemove = vcMetaData.getMiriamManager().getAllMiriamRefGroups(entity);
MiriamManager mm = vcMetaData.getMiriamManager();
Map<MiriamRefGroup, MIRIAMQualifier> refGroupsToRemove = mm.getMiriamTreeMap().get(entity);
boolean found = false;
for (MiriamRefGroup refGroup : refGroupsToRemove.keySet()) {
MIRIAMQualifier qualifier = refGroupsToRemove.get(refGroup);
for (MiriamResource miriamResource : refGroup.getMiriamRefs()) {
if (!isEqual(miriamResource, resourceToDelete)) {
try {
// remove the ref group for this resource
mm.remove2(entity, qualifier, refGroup);
found = true;
} catch (URNParseFailureException e) {
if (found == true) {
if (selectedObject instanceof ReactionStep) {
((ReactionStep) selectedObject).firePropertyChange("addIdentifier", true, false);
use of org.vcell.sybil.models.miriam.MIRIAMQualifier in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class VCMetaDataMiriamManager method getMiriamRefGroups.
public Set<MiriamRefGroup> getMiriamRefGroups(Identifiable identifiable, MIRIAMQualifier miriamQualifier) {
// get from cache.
Map<MiriamRefGroup, MIRIAMQualifier> map = getMiriamTreeMap().get(identifiable);
HashSet<MiriamRefGroup> matchingRefGroups = new HashSet<MiriamRefGroup>();
if (map != null && map.size() > 0) {
Set<MiriamRefGroup> allStoredRefGroups = map.keySet();
if (map != null && map.size() > 0) {
for (MiriamRefGroup storedRefGroup : allStoredRefGroups) {
MIRIAMQualifier storedQualifier = map.get(storedRefGroup);
if (storedQualifier.equals(miriamQualifier)) {
return matchingRefGroups;
use of org.vcell.sybil.models.miriam.MIRIAMQualifier in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class AnnotationMapping method getRefInfo.
private HashMap<String, String> getRefInfo(BioModel bioModel, Identifiable identifiable) {
HashMap<String, String> info = new HashMap<String, String>();
VCMetaData vcMetaData = bioModel.getVCMetaData();
MiriamManager miriamManager = vcMetaData.getMiriamManager();
TreeMap<Identifiable, Map<MiriamRefGroup, MIRIAMQualifier>> miriamDescrHeir = miriamManager.getMiriamTreeMap();
Map<MiriamRefGroup, MIRIAMQualifier> refGroupMap = miriamDescrHeir.get(identifiable);
if (refGroupMap != null) {
for (MiriamRefGroup refGroup : refGroupMap.keySet()) {
MIRIAMQualifier qualifier = refGroupMap.get(refGroup);
String[] quaTemp = qualifier.toString().split("/");
String bioQualifier = quaTemp[quaTemp.length - 1];
bioQualifier = bioQualifier.substring(0, bioQualifier.length() - 1);
for (MiriamResource miriamResource : refGroup.getMiriamRefs()) {
String refSource = miriamResource.getMiriamURN();
String[] temp = refSource.split(":");
String sourceInfo = temp[2] + ":" + bioQualifier;
String refId = miriamResource.getIdentifier();
info.put(refId, sourceInfo);
// System.out.println(refId + "*********" + sourceInfo);
return info;
use of org.vcell.sybil.models.miriam.MIRIAMQualifier in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class PathwayMapping method createMolecularTypeFromBioPaxObject.
// TODO: not in use
// public void createBioModelEntitiesFromBioPaxObjects(BioModel bioModel, Object[] selectedObjects) throws Exception
// {
// for(int i = 0; i < selectedObjects.length; i++) {
// if(selectedObjects[i] instanceof BioPaxObject) {
// BioPaxObject bioPaxObject = (BioPaxObject)selectedObjects[i];
// if(bioPaxObject instanceof PhysicalEntity && !(bioPaxObject instanceof Complex)) {
// createMolecularTypeFromBioPaxObject(bioModel, (PhysicalEntity)bioPaxObject);
// }
// } else if(selectedObjects[i] instanceof ConversionTableRow) {
// ConversionTableRow ctr = (ConversionTableRow)selectedObjects[i];
// if(ctr.getBioPaxObject() instanceof PhysicalEntity && !(ctr.getBioPaxObject() instanceof Complex)) {
// createMolecularTypeFromBioPaxObject(bioModel, (PhysicalEntity)ctr.getBioPaxObject());
// }
// }
// }
// for(int i = 0; i < selectedObjects.length; i++) {
// if(selectedObjects[i] instanceof BioPaxObject) {
// BioPaxObject bioPaxObject = (BioPaxObject)selectedObjects[i];
// if(bioPaxObject instanceof PhysicalEntity) {
// createSpeciesContextFromBioPaxObject(bioModel, (PhysicalEntity)bioPaxObject);
// } else if(bioPaxObject instanceof Conversion) {
// createReactionStepsFromBioPaxObject(bioModel, (Conversion)bioPaxObject);
// }
// } else if(selectedObjects[i] instanceof ConversionTableRow) {
// ConversionTableRow ctr = (ConversionTableRow)selectedObjects[i];
// if(ctr.getBioPaxObject() instanceof PhysicalEntity) {
// createSpeciesContextFromTableRow(bioModel, (PhysicalEntity)ctr.getBioPaxObject(), ctr.stoich(),, ctr.location());
// } else if(ctr.getBioPaxObject() instanceof Conversion) {
// createReactionStepsFromTableRow(bioModel, (Conversion)ctr.getBioPaxObject(), ctr.stoich(),, ctr.location());
// }
// }
// }
// }
private MolecularType createMolecularTypeFromBioPaxObject(BioModel bioModel, PhysicalEntity bioPaxObject, boolean addSubunits) {
String name;
if (bioPaxObject.getName().size() == 0) {
name = getSafetyName(bioPaxObject.getID());
} else {
name = getSafetyName(bioPaxObject.getName().get(0));
RbmModelContainer rbmmc = bioModel.getModel().getRbmModelContainer();
if (rbmmc.getMolecularType(name) != null) {
// already exists
MolecularType mt = rbmmc.getMolecularType(name);
// check whether it links to pathway object, create relationship object if not
if (!bioModel.getRelationshipModel().isRelationship(mt, bioPaxObject)) {
RelationshipObject ro = new RelationshipObject(mt, bioPaxObject);
return mt;
int numSubunits = 0;
if (addSubunits) {
for (String comment : bioPaxObject.getComments()) {
numSubunits = StringUtils.countMatches(comment, "SUBUNIT:");
MolecularType mt = new MolecularType(name, bioModel.getModel());
try {
for (int i = 0; i < numSubunits; i++) {
MolecularComponent mc = new MolecularComponent("Subunit" + i);
rbmmc.addMolecularType(mt, true);
// we know for sure that a relationship can't exist, so we make one
RelationshipObject ro = new RelationshipObject(mt, bioPaxObject);
} catch (ModelException | PropertyVetoException e) {
ArrayList<String> commentList = bioPaxObject.getComments();
final String htmlStart = "<html><font face = \"Arial\"><font size =\"-2\">";
final String htmlEnd = "</font></font></html>";
if (commentList != null && !commentList.isEmpty()) {
String comment = commentList.get(0);
if (!comment.isEmpty()) {
String text = FormatDetails(comment);
mt.setComment(htmlStart + text + htmlEnd);
} else {
VCMetaData vcMetaData = bioModel.getVCMetaData();
MiriamManager miriamManager = vcMetaData.getMiriamManager();
MIRIAMQualifier qualifier = MIRIAMQualifier.MODEL_isDescribedBy;
ArrayList<Xref> xrefList = bioPaxObject.getxRef();
for (Xref xref : xrefList) {
String url = xref.getURL();
if (url == null || url.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println(xref.getDb() + ": " + xref.getId());
try {
HashSet<MiriamResource> miriamResources = new HashSet<MiriamResource>();
// unrecognized (not a valid DataType)
// good
// TODO: find a mechanism to store the unrecognized ones - they often do work
MiriamResource mr = miriamManager.createMiriamResource(url);
miriamManager.addMiriamRefGroup(mt, qualifier, miriamResources);
} catch (URNParseFailureException e) {
return mt;