use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ITextWriter method writeMembraneMapping.
protected void writeMembraneMapping(Section simContextSection, SimulationContext simContext) throws DocumentException {
GeometryContext geoContext = simContext.getGeometryContext();
if (geoContext == null) {
Section memMapSection = null;
Table memMapTable = null;
StructureMapping[] structMappings = geoContext.getStructureMappings();
for (int i = 0; i < structMappings.length; i++) {
MembraneMapping memMapping = null;
if (structMappings[i] instanceof FeatureMapping) {
} else {
memMapping = (MembraneMapping) structMappings[i];
String structName = memMapping.getStructure().getName();
String initVoltage = "";
Expression tempExp = memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter().getExpression();
VCUnitDefinition tempUnit = memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter().getUnitDefinition();
if (tempExp != null) {
initVoltage = tempExp.infix();
if (tempUnit != null) {
initVoltage += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
String spCap = "";
tempExp = memMapping.getSpecificCapacitanceParameter().getExpression();
tempUnit = memMapping.getSpecificCapacitanceParameter().getUnitDefinition();
if (tempExp != null) {
spCap = tempExp.infix();
if (tempUnit != null) {
spCap += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
if (memMapTable == null) {
memMapTable = getTable(4, 100, 1, 3, 3);
memMapTable.addCell(createCell("Electrical Mapping - Membrane Potential", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 4, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Membrane", getBold(), 1));
memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Calculate V (T/F)", getBold(), 1));
memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("V initial", getBold(), 1));
memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Specific Capacitance", getBold(), 1));
memMapTable.addCell(createCell(structName, getFont()));
memMapTable.addCell(createCell((memMapping.getCalculateVoltage() ? " T " : " F "), getFont()));
memMapTable.addCell(createCell(initVoltage, getFont()));
memMapTable.addCell(createCell(spCap, getFont()));
if (memMapTable != null) {
memMapSection = simContextSection.addSection("Membrane Mapping For " + simContext.getName(), simContextSection.numberDepth() + 1);
int[] widths = { 1, 1, 1, 5, 8 };
Table electTable = null;
ElectricalStimulus[] electricalStimuli = simContext.getElectricalStimuli();
for (int j = 0; j < electricalStimuli.length; j++) {
if (j == 0) {
electTable = getTable(5, 100, 1, 3, 3);
electTable.addCell(createCell("Electrical Mapping - Electrical Stimulus", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 5, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Stimulus Name", getBold(), 1));
electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Current Name", getBold(), 1));
electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Clamp Type", getBold(), 1));
electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Voltage/Current Density", getBold(), 1));
electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Clamp Device", getBold(), 1));
String stimName = electricalStimuli[j].getName();
String currName = "";
String clampType = "", expStr = "";
Expression tempExp = null;
VCUnitDefinition tempUnit = null;
if (electricalStimuli[j] instanceof CurrentDensityClampStimulus) {
CurrentDensityClampStimulus stimulus = (CurrentDensityClampStimulus) electricalStimuli[j];
LocalParameter currentDensityParameter = stimulus.getCurrentDensityParameter();
tempExp = currentDensityParameter.getExpression();
tempUnit = currentDensityParameter.getUnitDefinition();
clampType = "Current Density (deprecated)";
} else if (electricalStimuli[j] instanceof TotalCurrentClampStimulus) {
TotalCurrentClampStimulus stimulus = (TotalCurrentClampStimulus) electricalStimuli[j];
LocalParameter totalCurrentParameter = stimulus.getCurrentParameter();
tempExp = totalCurrentParameter.getExpression();
tempUnit = totalCurrentParameter.getUnitDefinition();
clampType = "Current";
} else if (electricalStimuli[j] instanceof VoltageClampStimulus) {
VoltageClampStimulus stimulus = (VoltageClampStimulus) electricalStimuli[j];
Parameter voltageParameter = stimulus.getVoltageParameter();
tempExp = voltageParameter.getExpression();
tempUnit = voltageParameter.getUnitDefinition();
clampType = "Voltage";
if (tempExp != null) {
expStr = tempExp.infix();
if (tempUnit != null) {
expStr += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
electTable.addCell(createCell(stimName, getFont()));
electTable.addCell(createCell(currName, getFont()));
electTable.addCell(createCell(clampType, getFont()));
electTable.addCell(createCell(expStr, getFont()));
// add electrode info
Electrode electrode = electricalStimuli[j].getElectrode();
if (electrode == null) {
electTable.addCell(createCell("N/A", getFont()));
} else {
Coordinate c = electrode.getPosition();
String location = c.getX() + ", " + c.getY() + ", " + c.getZ();
String featureName = electrode.getFeature().getName();
electTable.addCell(createCell("(" + location + ") in " + featureName, getFont()));
if (electTable != null) {
if (memMapSection == null) {
memMapSection = simContextSection.addSection("Membrane Mapping For " + simContext.getName(), 1);
// add temperature
Table tempTable = getTable(1, 75, 1, 3, 3);
tempTable.addCell(createCell("Temperature: " + simContext.getTemperatureKelvin() + " K", getFont()));
if (memMapSection != null) {
use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FunctionRangeGenerator method getFunctionStatistics.
// note: functionExp should already be flattened to only have symbols for state variables, x, y, z, and t
public static FunctionStatistics getFunctionStatistics(Expression functionExp, VarStatistics[] varStatistics, double[] times, CartesianMesh cartesianMesh, BitSet inDomainBitSetOrig, VariableType variableType) throws /*,int numSamplesPerDim*/
Exception {
ArrayList<Integer> inDomainIndexesInit = new ArrayList<>();
// make list of all indexes in domain
for (int i = inDomainBitSetOrig.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = inDomainBitSetOrig.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
if (i == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
if (varStatistics.length == 0) {
double constantValue = functionExp.evaluateConstant();
double[] minValues = new double[times.length];
Arrays.fill(minValues, constantValue);
double[] maxValues = new double[times.length];
Arrays.fill(maxValues, constantValue);
return new FunctionStatistics(minValues, maxValues);
if (varStatistics[0].minValuesOverTime.length != times.length) {
// happens if viewing data of running sim
double[] temp = new double[varStatistics[0].minValuesOverTime.length];
System.arraycopy(times, 0, temp, 0, temp.length);
times = temp;
// int numVars = varStatistics.length;
// Math.min(1000, b)
long numSamples = (inDomainIndexesInit.size() < 10000 ? inDomainIndexesInit.size() : 10000);
// long numSamples = numVars*numSamplesPerDim;
ArrayList<String> symbols = new ArrayList<>();
// if (functionExp.hasSymbol("x")){
// numSamples *= numSamplesPerDim;
// }
// if (functionExp.hasSymbol("y")){
// numSamples *= numSamplesPerDim;
// }
// if (functionExp.hasSymbol("z")){
// numSamples *= numSamplesPerDim;
// }
// boolean bSampleSpace = functionExp.hasSymbol(ReservedVariable.X.getSyntax()) || functionExp.hasSymbol(ReservedVariable.Y.getSyntax()) || functionExp.hasSymbol(ReservedVariable.Z.getSyntax());
// establishes order of values when evaluating, values={t,x,y,z,var1,var2, ... varN}
for (VarStatistics varStat : varStatistics) {
SimpleSymbolTable symTable = new SimpleSymbolTable(symbols.toArray(new String[0]));
// loop through time, at each time sample state variables (and x,y,z if necessary) to estimate
// the min and max values for that time.
Random rand = new Random(0);
double[] values = new double[symbols.size()];
double[] minFunctionValues = new double[times.length];
double[] maxFunctionValues = new double[times.length];
// Extent extent = cartesianMesh.getExtent();
for (int tIndex = 0; tIndex < times.length; tIndex++) {
ArrayList<Integer> inDomainIndexes = new ArrayList<>(inDomainIndexesInit);
values[0] = times[tIndex];
double minValue = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double maxValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int sample = 0; sample < numSamples; sample++) {
Coordinate coord = null;
int rndIndex = rand.nextInt(inDomainIndexes.size());
int index = inDomainIndexes.remove(rndIndex);
if (variableType.equals(VariableType.MEMBRANE)) {
coord = cartesianMesh.getCoordinateFromMembraneIndex(index);
} else if (variableType.equals(VariableType.VOLUME)) {
coord = cartesianMesh.getCoordinateFromVolumeIndex(index);
} else {
throw new Exception("Not implemented " + variableType.getTypeName());
values[1] = coord.getX();
values[2] = coord.getY();
values[3] = coord.getZ();
for (int varIndex = 0; varIndex < varStatistics.length; varIndex++) {
double s = rand.nextDouble();
values[4 + varIndex] = s * varStatistics[varIndex].minValuesOverTime[tIndex] + (1 - s) * varStatistics[varIndex].maxValuesOverTime[tIndex];
double evaluation = functionExp.evaluateVector(values);
minValue = Math.min(minValue, evaluation);
maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, evaluation);
minFunctionValues[tIndex] = minValue;
maxFunctionValues[tIndex] = maxValue;
// System.out.println("tIndex="+tIndex+" min="+minValue+" max="+maxValue);
FunctionStatistics functionStats = new FunctionStatistics(minFunctionValues, maxFunctionValues);
return functionStats;
use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ParticleDataBlock method readParticleData.
private void readParticleData(List<String> lines) throws DataAccessException {
String lastSpecies = null;
List<Coordinate> working = null;
for (String line : lines) {
try {
CommentStringTokenizer st = new CommentStringTokenizer(line);
String sp = st.nextToken();
if (!sp.equals(lastSpecies)) {
lastSpecies = sp;
working = fetch(sp);
double x = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken());
double y = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken());
double z = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken());
Coordinate c = new Coordinate(x, y, z);
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw new DataAccessException("Particle data file invalid. " + exc.getMessage());
use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SpatialSelectionMembrane method getIndexSamples.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (7/18/01 5:59:31 PM)
* @return int[]
public SSHelper getIndexSamples() {
int[] membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes = getCurveSelectionInfo().getSegmentsInSelectionOrder();
cbit.vcell.geometry.SampledCurve sampledCurve = (cbit.vcell.geometry.SampledCurve) getCurveSelectionInfo().getCurve();
if (membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes.length == 0) {
return null;
if (membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes.length == 1) {
org.vcell.util.Coordinate[] twoCP = sampledCurve.getControlPointsForSegment(membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[0]);
return new SSHelper(new Coordinate[] { twoCP[0], twoCP[1] }, new int[] { fieldSampledDataIndexes[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[0]], fieldSampledDataIndexes[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[0]] }, getVariableType(), null);
int[] indexes = new int[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes.length + 1];
Coordinate[][] segCPArr = new Coordinate[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes.length][];
Coordinate[] wcArr = new Coordinate[indexes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes.length; i += 1) {
segCPArr[i] = sampledCurve.getControlPointsForSegment(membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes.length; i += 1) {
org.vcell.util.Coordinate[] twoCP = segCPArr[i];
Coordinate firstSelDirection = null;
Coordinate secondSelDirection = null;
if (i != (membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes.length - 1)) {
org.vcell.util.Coordinate[] twoCPNext = segCPArr[i + 1];
if (twoCP[0].compareEqual(twoCPNext[0]) || twoCP[0].compareEqual(twoCPNext[1])) {
firstSelDirection = twoCP[1];
secondSelDirection = twoCP[0];
} else {
firstSelDirection = twoCP[0];
secondSelDirection = twoCP[1];
} else {
org.vcell.util.Coordinate[] twoCPPrev = segCPArr[i - 1];
if (twoCP[0].compareEqual(twoCPPrev[0]) || twoCP[0].compareEqual(twoCPPrev[1])) {
firstSelDirection = twoCP[0];
secondSelDirection = twoCP[1];
} else {
firstSelDirection = twoCP[1];
secondSelDirection = twoCP[0];
indexes[i] = fieldSampledDataIndexes[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[i]];
wcArr[i] = firstSelDirection;
if (i == (membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes.length - 1)) {
indexes[i + 1] = fieldSampledDataIndexes[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[i]];
wcArr[i + 1] = secondSelDirection;
// if(i == 0){
// indexes[2*i] = fieldSampledDataIndexes[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[i]];
// wcArr[2*i] = firstSelDirection;
// indexes[(2*i)+1] = fieldSampledDataIndexes[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[i]];
// wcArr[(2*i)+1] = offsetCoordinate(secondSelDirection,firstSelDirection);
// }else if (i == (membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes.length-1)){
// indexes[2*i] = fieldSampledDataIndexes[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[i]];
// wcArr[2*i] = offsetCoordinate(firstSelDirection,secondSelDirection);
// indexes[(2*i)+1] = fieldSampledDataIndexes[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[i]];
// wcArr[(2*i)+1] = secondSelDirection;
// }else{
// indexes[2*i] = fieldSampledDataIndexes[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[i]];
// wcArr[2*i] = offsetCoordinate(firstSelDirection,secondSelDirection);
// indexes[(2*i)+1] = fieldSampledDataIndexes[membraneSegmentSelectionIndexes[i]];
// wcArr[(2*i)+1] = offsetCoordinate(secondSelDirection,firstSelDirection);
// }
return new SSHelper(wcArr, indexes, getVariableType(), null);
use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SpatialSelectionVolume method lineMeshFaceIntersect3D.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (10/6/2004 8:09:38 AM)
* @return cbit.vcell.geometry.Coordinate
private static Coordinate lineMeshFaceIntersect3D(Coordinate mesh1, Coordinate mesh2, Coordinate cp1, Coordinate cp2) {
// mesh1,mesh2 are CartesianMesh Coordinates from from
// adjacent elements that share a face (points on the face Normal)
// cp1,cp2 are points on a line to test intersection
// N is plane normal vector
// P3 is point on plane
// P1,P2 are points on line
// P = P1 + u(P2-P1) -- equation of line
// determine u where line intersects plane
// u = (N dot (P3-P1))/(N dot (P2-P1));
// epsilon
final double EPS = 1.0E-12;
cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d p1 = new cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d(cp1.getX(), cp1.getY(), cp1.getZ());
cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d p2 = new cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d(cp2.getX(), cp2.getY(), cp2.getZ());
cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d n1 = new cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d(mesh1.getX(), mesh1.getY(), mesh1.getZ());
cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d n2 = new cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d(mesh2.getX(), mesh2.getY(), mesh2.getZ());
cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d n = cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d.sub(n2, n1);
cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d p3 = new cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d(n);
cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d p3minp1 = cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d.sub(p3, p1);
cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d p2minp1 = cbit.vcell.render.Vect3d.sub(p2, p1);
double denominator =;
// if(denominator == 0.0){
if (Math.abs(denominator) < EPS) {
// line paralell to plane or on plane
return null;
double numerator =;
double u = numerator / denominator;
Coordinate finalCoord = new Coordinate(p1.getX(), p1.getY(), p1.getZ());
return finalCoord;