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Example 56 with Coordinate

use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class CurveRenderer method updateOriginAndScaling2D.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (10/16/00 6:45:56 PM)
private void updateOriginAndScaling2D() {
    if (getWorldDelta() == null) {
    } else {
        Coordinate wd = getWorldDelta();
        double wd_x = Coordinate.convertAxisFromStandardXYZToNormal(wd.getX(), wd.getY(), wd.getZ(), Coordinate.X_AXIS, getNormalAxis());
        double wd_y = Coordinate.convertAxisFromStandardXYZToNormal(wd.getX(), wd.getY(), wd.getZ(), Coordinate.Y_AXIS, getNormalAxis());
        setScaling2D(new Point2D.Double(1 / wd_x, 1 / wd_y));
    if (getWorldOrigin() == null || getWorldDelta() == null) {
    } else {
        Point2D.Double origin2DScaled = CurveRendererCurveInfo.projectAndScale3DPoint(getWorldOrigin(), getNormalAxis(), getScaling2D());
Also used : Coordinate(org.vcell.util.Coordinate) Point2D(java.awt.geom.Point2D)

Example 57 with Coordinate

use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class CurveRenderer method setWorldOrigin.

 * Sets the worldDelta property (cbit.vcell.geometry.Coordinate) value.
 * @param worldDelta The new value for the property.
 * @see #getWorldDelta
public void setWorldOrigin(org.vcell.util.Coordinate wo) {
    if (wo == null && fieldWorldOrigin == null) {
    Coordinate oldValue = fieldWorldOrigin;
    fieldWorldOrigin = wo;
    firePropertyChange("worldOrigin", oldValue, wo);
Also used : Coordinate(org.vcell.util.Coordinate)

Example 58 with Coordinate

use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class XmlReader method getCoordinate.

 * This method returns a Coordinate object from a XML Element.
 * Creation date: (5/22/2001 5:53:05 PM)
 * @return cbit.vcell.geometry.Coordinate
 * @param param org.jdom.Element
public Coordinate getCoordinate(Element param) {
    // get attributes
    double x = Double.parseDouble(param.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.XAttrTag));
    double y = Double.parseDouble(param.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.YAttrTag));
    double z = Double.parseDouble(param.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.ZAttrTag));
    // **** create coordinate ***
    Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(x, y, z);
    return coord;
Also used : Coordinate(org.vcell.util.Coordinate)

Example 59 with Coordinate

use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class MathTestingUtilities method resample3DSpatial.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (10/27/2003 5:07:42 PM)
 * @return double[]
 * @param data double[]
 * @param sourceMesh cbit.vcell.solvers.CartesianMesh
 * @param targetMesh cbit.vcell.solvers.CartesianMesh
public static double[] resample3DSpatial(double[] sourceData, CartesianMesh sourceMesh, CartesianMesh refMesh) {
    if (sourceData.length != sourceMesh.getNumVolumeElements()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("must be volume data, data length doesn't match number of volume elements");
    // for volume samples:
    // loop through volumeIndexes from refMesh
    // Coordinate refCoordinate = refMesh.getCoordinate(volumeIndex);
    // Coordinate fractionalIndex = sourceMesh.getFractionCoordinateIndex(Coordinate refCoordinate);
    // ....interpolate in z
    // start with integer portion of fractionIndex
    double[] resampledData = new double[refMesh.getSizeX() * refMesh.getSizeY() * refMesh.getSizeZ()];
    for (int i = 0; i < resampledData.length; i++) {
        Coordinate refCoordinate = refMesh.getCoordinateFromVolumeIndex(i);
        Coordinate fractionalIndex = sourceMesh.getFractionalCoordinateIndex(refCoordinate);
        int ceil_x;
        int floor_x;
        int ceil_y;
        int floor_y;
        int ceil_z;
        int floor_z;
        if (fractionalIndex.getX() < 0) {
            floor_x = 0;
            ceil_x = 1;
        } else if (fractionalIndex.getX() > sourceMesh.getSizeX() - 1) {
            floor_x = sourceMesh.getSizeX() - 2;
            ceil_x = sourceMesh.getSizeX() - 1;
        } else {
            ceil_x = (int) Math.ceil(fractionalIndex.getX());
            floor_x = (int) Math.floor(fractionalIndex.getX());
        if (fractionalIndex.getY() < 0) {
            floor_y = 0;
            ceil_y = 1;
        } else if (fractionalIndex.getY() > sourceMesh.getSizeY() - 1) {
            floor_y = sourceMesh.getSizeY() - 2;
            ceil_y = sourceMesh.getSizeY() - 1;
        } else {
            ceil_y = (int) Math.ceil(fractionalIndex.getY());
            floor_y = (int) Math.floor(fractionalIndex.getY());
        if (fractionalIndex.getZ() < 0) {
            floor_z = 0;
            ceil_z = 1;
        } else if (fractionalIndex.getZ() > sourceMesh.getSizeZ() - 1) {
            floor_z = sourceMesh.getSizeZ() - 2;
            ceil_z = sourceMesh.getSizeZ() - 1;
        } else {
            ceil_z = (int) Math.ceil(fractionalIndex.getZ());
            floor_z = (int) Math.floor(fractionalIndex.getZ());
        double fract_x = fractionalIndex.getX() - floor_x;
        double fract_y = fractionalIndex.getY() - floor_y;
        double fract_z = fractionalIndex.getZ() - floor_z;
        CoordinateIndex coord_1 = new CoordinateIndex(floor_x, floor_y, floor_z);
        CoordinateIndex coord_2 = new CoordinateIndex(ceil_x, floor_y, floor_z);
        CoordinateIndex coord_3 = new CoordinateIndex(floor_x, floor_y, ceil_z);
        CoordinateIndex coord_4 = new CoordinateIndex(ceil_x, floor_y, ceil_z);
        CoordinateIndex coord_5 = new CoordinateIndex(floor_x, ceil_y, ceil_z);
        CoordinateIndex coord_6 = new CoordinateIndex(ceil_x, ceil_y, ceil_z);
        CoordinateIndex coord_7 = new CoordinateIndex(floor_x, ceil_y, floor_z);
        CoordinateIndex coord_8 = new CoordinateIndex(ceil_x, ceil_y, floor_z);
        int volIndx1 = sourceMesh.getVolumeIndex(coord_1);
        int volIndx2 = sourceMesh.getVolumeIndex(coord_2);
        int volIndx3 = sourceMesh.getVolumeIndex(coord_3);
        int volIndx4 = sourceMesh.getVolumeIndex(coord_4);
        int volIndx5 = sourceMesh.getVolumeIndex(coord_5);
        int volIndx6 = sourceMesh.getVolumeIndex(coord_6);
        int volIndx7 = sourceMesh.getVolumeIndex(coord_7);
        int volIndx8 = sourceMesh.getVolumeIndex(coord_8);
        // use it to compute a, b, c, d, then e & f	 ** Interpolation in X **
        if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx1) == refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx2) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            volIndx2 = volIndx1;
        } else if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx1) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx2) == refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            volIndx1 = volIndx2;
        } else if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx1) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx2) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Either subvolume in sourceMesh not equal to refMesh subVol cannot be handled at this time!");
        if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx3) == refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx4) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            volIndx4 = volIndx3;
        } else if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx3) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx4) == refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            volIndx3 = volIndx4;
        } else if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx3) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx4) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Either subvolume in sourceMesh not equal to refMesh subVol cannot be handled at this time!");
        if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx5) == refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx6) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            volIndx6 = volIndx5;
        } else if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx5) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx6) == refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            volIndx5 = volIndx6;
        } else if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx5) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx6) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Either subvolume in sourceMesh not equal to refMesh subVol cannot be handled at this time!");
        if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx7) == refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx8) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            volIndx8 = volIndx7;
        } else if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx7) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx8) == refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            volIndx7 = volIndx8;
        } else if (sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx7) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i) && sourceMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(volIndx8) != refMesh.getSubVolumeFromVolumeIndex(i)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Either subvolume in sourceMesh not equal to refMesh subVol cannot be handled at this time!");
        double val_a = sourceData[volIndx1] + fract_x * (sourceData[volIndx2] - sourceData[volIndx1]);
        double val_b = sourceData[volIndx3] + fract_x * (sourceData[volIndx4] - sourceData[volIndx3]);
        double val_c = sourceData[volIndx5] + fract_x * (sourceData[volIndx6] - sourceData[volIndx5]);
        double val_d = sourceData[volIndx7] + fract_x * (sourceData[volIndx8] - sourceData[volIndx7]);
        // Interpolate in Y
        double val_e = val_a + fract_y * (val_d - val_a);
        double val_f = val_b + fract_y * (val_c - val_b);
        // Interpolate in Z - final resampledSourceData value
        resampledData[i] = val_e + fract_z * (val_f - val_e);
    return resampledData;
Also used : Coordinate(org.vcell.util.Coordinate) CoordinateIndex(org.vcell.util.CoordinateIndex)

Example 60 with Coordinate

use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class CartesianMesh method getCoordinateFromContourIndex.

 * This method was created in VisualAge.
 * @return cbit.vcell.geometry.Coordinate
 * @param coordIndex cbit.vcell.math.CoordinateIndex
public Coordinate getCoordinateFromContourIndex(int contourIndex) {
    ContourElement ce = getContourElements()[contourIndex];
    Coordinate begCoord = ce.getBeginCoordinate();
    Coordinate endCoord = ce.getEndCoordinate();
    return (new Coordinate(0.5 * (begCoord.getX() + endCoord.getX()), 0.5 * (begCoord.getY() + endCoord.getY()), 0.5 * (begCoord.getZ() + endCoord.getZ())));
Also used : Coordinate(org.vcell.util.Coordinate)


Coordinate (org.vcell.util.Coordinate)81 CoordinateIndex (org.vcell.util.CoordinateIndex)16 SampledCurve (cbit.vcell.geometry.SampledCurve)11 SinglePoint (cbit.vcell.geometry.SinglePoint)11 ControlPointCurve (cbit.vcell.geometry.ControlPointCurve)10 CurveSelectionInfo (cbit.vcell.geometry.CurveSelectionInfo)6 Expression (cbit.vcell.parser.Expression)6 CartesianMesh (cbit.vcell.solvers.CartesianMesh)6 Vector (java.util.Vector)6 Extent (org.vcell.util.Extent)6 VariableType (cbit.vcell.math.VariableType)5 ISize (org.vcell.util.ISize)5 AnalyticSubVolume (cbit.vcell.geometry.AnalyticSubVolume)4 Curve (cbit.vcell.geometry.Curve)4 SubVolume (cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume)4 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Origin (org.vcell.util.Origin)4 VCImageUncompressed (cbit.image.VCImageUncompressed)3 Line (cbit.vcell.geometry.Line)3