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Example 76 with Coordinate

use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SpatialSelectionVolume method sampleSymmetric.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (10/5/2004 7:19:49 AM)
private SSHelper sampleSymmetric() throws Exception {
    if (!isSymmetric()) {
        return null;
    SampledCurve ssCurve = getCurveSelectionInfo().getCurve().getSampledCurve();
    Vector pointsV = ssCurve.getControlPointsVector();
    if (pointsV.size() < 2) {
        return null;
    final int INDEX_SPACE_INCR = 100;
    int[] indexes = new int[INDEX_SPACE_INCR];
    int indexCounter = 0;
    Vector snappedV = new Vector();
    CoordinateIndex lastCI = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < pointsV.size(); i += 1) {
        if (i > 0) {
            CoordinateIndex c1 = getMesh().getCoordinateIndexFromFractionalIndex(getMesh().getFractionalCoordinateIndex((Coordinate) pointsV.elementAt(i - 1)));
            CoordinateIndex c2 = getMesh().getCoordinateIndexFromFractionalIndex(getMesh().getFractionalCoordinateIndex((Coordinate) pointsV.elementAt(i)));
            int dx = c2.x - c1.x;
            if (dx != 0) {
                dx /= Math.abs(dx);
            int dy = c2.y - c1.y;
            if (dy != 0) {
                dy /= Math.abs(dy);
            int dz = c2.z - c1.z;
            if (dz != 0) {
                dz /= Math.abs(dz);
            while (true) {
                if (!c1.compareEqual(lastCI)) {
                    if (indexCounter == indexes.length) {
                        // Make more space
                        int[] temp = new int[indexes.length + INDEX_SPACE_INCR];
                        System.arraycopy(indexes, 0, temp, 0, indexes.length);
                        indexes = temp;
                    indexes[indexCounter] = getConvertedIndexFromCI(c1);
                    indexCounter += 1;
                if (c1.compareEqual(c2)) {
                c1.x += dx;
                c1.y += dy;
                c1.z += dz;
                // sanity check to prevent infinite loop, this shouldn't happen
                if (c1.x < 0 || c1.y < 0 || c1.z < 0 || c1.x >= getMesh().getSizeX() || c1.y >= getMesh().getSizeY() || c1.z >= getMesh().getSizeZ()) {
                    throw new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ".sampleSymmetric failed");
            lastCI = c2;
    if (indexCounter > 0) {
        return makeSSHelper(indexes, indexCounter, snappedV, false);
    return null;
Also used : SampledCurve(cbit.vcell.geometry.SampledCurve) Coordinate(org.vcell.util.Coordinate) CoordinateIndex(org.vcell.util.CoordinateIndex) Vector(java.util.Vector) SinglePoint(cbit.vcell.geometry.SinglePoint)

Example 77 with Coordinate

use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SpatialSelectionVolume method isSymmetric.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (10/3/2004 12:54:59 PM)
 * @return boolean
private boolean isSymmetric() {
    if (!(getCurveSelectionInfo().getCurve() instanceof SampledCurve)) {
        return false;
    SampledCurve ssCurve = getCurveSelectionInfo().getCurve().getSampledCurve();
    Vector pointsV = ssCurve.getControlPointsVector();
    if (pointsV.size() == 1) {
        return true;
    for (int i = 0; i < pointsV.size(); i += 1) {
        if (i > 0) {
            CoordinateIndex c1 = getMesh().getCoordinateIndexFromFractionalIndex(getMesh().getFractionalCoordinateIndex((Coordinate) pointsV.elementAt(i - 1)));
            CoordinateIndex c2 = getMesh().getCoordinateIndexFromFractionalIndex(getMesh().getFractionalCoordinateIndex((Coordinate) pointsV.elementAt(i)));
            int dx = Math.abs(c1.x - c2.x);
            int dy = Math.abs(c1.y - c2.y);
            int dz = Math.abs(c1.z - c2.z);
            int symCount = 0;
            if (dx != 0 && dy != 0 && dx != dy) {
                symCount += 1;
            if (dx != 0 && dz != 0 && dx != dz) {
                symCount += 1;
            if (dy != 0 && dz != 0 && dy != dz) {
                symCount += 1;
            if (symCount != 0) {
                return false;
    return true;
Also used : SampledCurve(cbit.vcell.geometry.SampledCurve) Coordinate(org.vcell.util.Coordinate) CoordinateIndex(org.vcell.util.CoordinateIndex) Vector(java.util.Vector) SinglePoint(cbit.vcell.geometry.SinglePoint)

Example 78 with Coordinate

use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SpatialSelectionVolume method getIndexSamples.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (2/26/2001 6:17:10 PM)
 * @return int[]
 * @param numSamples int
public SSHelper getIndexSamples(double begin, double end) {
    if (getCurveSelectionInfo().getCurve() instanceof SinglePoint) {
        return new SSHelper(new Coordinate[] { getCurveSelectionInfo().getCurve().getCoordinate(0) }, new int[] { getConvertedIndexFromWC(getCurveSelectionInfo().getCurve().getCoordinate(0)) }, getVariableType(), new int[] { -1 });
    // Try simple sampling
    SSHelper ssvHelper = null;
    if (begin == 0.0 && end == 1.0) {
        try {
            ssvHelper = sampleSymmetric();
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        // Do nothing, we'll try sampling below
    if (ssvHelper != null) {
        return ssvHelper;
    // Find continuous mesh elements along the curve
    final int SAMPLE_MULT = 10;
    // Determine reasonable sample size
    double smallestMeshCellDimension = getSmallestMeshCellDimensionLength();
    double uSpatialLength = getCurveSelectionInfo().getCurve().getSpatialLength() * (Math.abs(end - begin));
    int SSV_NUM_SAMPLES = (int) (Math.ceil(uSpatialLength / smallestMeshCellDimension) * (double) SAMPLE_MULT);
    if (SSV_NUM_SAMPLES < 2) {
        SSV_NUM_SAMPLES = 2;
    double delta = (end - begin) / (double) SSV_NUM_SAMPLES;
    int[] uniquePoints = new int[SSV_NUM_SAMPLES];
    int uniquePointCount = 0;
    Vector<Coordinate> wcV = new Vector<Coordinate>();
    // Vector ciV = new Vector();
    // double[] cellStepArr = new double[SAMPLE_MULT*10];//big enough
    // big enough
    double[] cellStepArr = new double[SSV_NUM_SAMPLES];
    int cellStepCounter = 0;
    int lastISample = -1;
    int currISample;
    double currentU = begin;
    for (int index = 0; index < SSV_NUM_SAMPLES; index += 1) {
        boolean isLastLoop = index == (SSV_NUM_SAMPLES - 1);
        if (isLastLoop) {
            currISample = getMeshIndexFromU(end);
            currentU = end;
        } else {
            currISample = getMeshIndexFromU(currentU);
        if ((index == 0) || (lastISample != currISample)) {
            uniquePoints[uniquePointCount] = getIndex(currentU);
            double midU = midpoint(cellStepArr, cellStepCounter);
            if (index == 0) {
                midU = begin;
            if (isLastLoop) {
                midU = end;
            Coordinate wc = getSamplingWorldCoordinate(midU);
            if (index == 0 || isLastLoop || (uniquePointCount > 1)) {
            // CoordinateIndex ci = getCoordinateIndexFromWC(wc);
            // ciV.add(ci);
            uniquePointCount += 1;
            // if(ciV.size() > 1 &&!areTouching(((CoordinateIndex)ciV.elementAt(ciV.size()-1)),((CoordinateIndex)ciV.elementAt(ciV.size()-2)))){
            // //this shouldn't happen if our sampling is fine enough
            // //all sampled mesh elements should be "touching"
            // }
            cellStepCounter = 0;
        } else if (isLastLoop && (wcV.size() != uniquePointCount)) {
        cellStepArr[cellStepCounter] = currentU;
        cellStepCounter += 1;
        currentU += delta;
        lastISample = currISample;
    if (uniquePointCount > 0) {
        return makeSSHelper(uniquePoints, uniquePointCount, wcV, true);
    // This shouldn't happen
    throw new RuntimeException(this.getClass().getName() + " couldn't generate sampling");
Also used : SinglePoint(cbit.vcell.geometry.SinglePoint) Coordinate(org.vcell.util.Coordinate) Vector(java.util.Vector) SinglePoint(cbit.vcell.geometry.SinglePoint)

Example 79 with Coordinate

use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SpatialSelectionVolume method resampleMeshBoundaries.

 * Insert the method's description here.
 * Creation date: (10/6/2004 11:31:20 AM)
private SSHelper resampleMeshBoundaries(int[] indexes, Coordinate[] wcV, boolean bRecenter) throws Exception {
    if (wcV.length < 2) {
        return null;
    final int MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY = -1;
    final int NON_MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY = -2;
    final int MEMB_INDEX = 0;
    final int IN_VOL = 1;
    final int OUT_VOL = 2;
    int newCount = 0;
    int[] newIndexes = new int[indexes.length * 3];
    int[][][] newCrossingMembraneIndex = new int[newIndexes.length][4][3];
    Coordinate[] newWCV = new Coordinate[wcV.length * 3];
    for (int i = 1; i < wcV.length; i += 1) {
        CoordinateIndex ci1 = getCoordinateIndexFromWC(wcV[i]);
        CoordinateIndex ci2 = getCoordinateIndexFromWC(wcV[i - 1]);
        CoordinateIndex ci3 = null;
        CoordinateIndex ci4 = null;
        CoordinateIndex[][] faces = null;
        if (areTouchingFace(ci1, ci2)) {
            faces = new CoordinateIndex[][] { { ci1, ci2 } };
        } else if (areTouching(ci1, ci2)) {
            // must be a corner
            // determine the 4 faces that coincide with this corner
            int dx = ci2.x - ci1.x;
            int dy = ci2.y - ci1.y;
            int dz = ci2.z - ci1.z;
            if (dx == 0 && dy != 0 && dz != 0) {
                ci3 = new CoordinateIndex(ci1.x, ci1.y + dy, ci1.z);
                ci4 = new CoordinateIndex(ci1.x, ci1.y, ci1.z + dz);
            } else if (dx != 0 && dy == 0 && dz != 0) {
                ci3 = new CoordinateIndex(ci1.x + dx, ci1.y, ci1.z);
                ci4 = new CoordinateIndex(ci1.x, ci1.y, ci1.z + dz);
            } else if (dx != 0 && dy != 0 && dz == 0) {
                ci3 = new CoordinateIndex(ci1.x, ci1.y + dy, ci1.z);
                ci4 = new CoordinateIndex(ci1.x + dx, ci1.y, ci1.z);
            } else {
                throw new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ".resampleMeshBoundaries Couldn't adjust for corners");
            faces = new CoordinateIndex[][] { { ci1, ci3 }, { ci1, ci4 }, { ci2, ci3 }, { ci2, ci4 } };
        } else {
            throw new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + ".resampleMeshBoundaries Expecting touching elements");
        // System.out.println("p1="+i+" p2="+(i-1));
        boolean[] bCrossMembraneArr = new boolean[faces.length];
        java.util.Arrays.fill(bCrossMembraneArr, false);
        int[][] crossMembraneIndexInOutArr = new int[bCrossMembraneArr.length][3];
        Coordinate[] intersectArr = new Coordinate[faces.length];
        int intersectNotNullCount = 0;
        // Find out where the line segment between volume elements intersect the face(s)
        for (int j = 0; j < faces.length; j += 1) {
            crossMembraneIndexInOutArr[j][MEMB_INDEX] = -1;
            crossMembraneIndexInOutArr[j][IN_VOL] = -1;
            crossMembraneIndexInOutArr[j][OUT_VOL] = -1;
            intersectArr[j] = lineMeshFaceIntersect3D(getMesh().getCoordinate(faces[j][0]), getMesh().getCoordinate(faces[j][1]), wcV[i], wcV[i - 1]);
            intersectNotNullCount += (intersectArr[j] != null ? 1 : 0);
            if (getMesh().getMembraneElements() != null) {
                // Find out if this face is part of a Membrane
                int vi1 = getMesh().getVolumeIndex(faces[j][0]);
                int vi2 = getMesh().getVolumeIndex(faces[j][1]);
                for (int k = 0; k < getMesh().getMembraneElements().length; k += 1) {
                    int inside = getMesh().getMembraneElements()[k].getInsideVolumeIndex();
                    int outside = getMesh().getMembraneElements()[k].getOutsideVolumeIndex();
                    if ((vi1 == inside && vi2 == outside) || (vi1 == outside && vi2 == inside)) {
                        bCrossMembraneArr[j] = true;
                        crossMembraneIndexInOutArr[j][MEMB_INDEX] = k;
                        crossMembraneIndexInOutArr[j][IN_VOL] = inside;
                        crossMembraneIndexInOutArr[j][OUT_VOL] = outside;
        // System.out.println("----- vi1="+vi1+" vi2="+vi2+" face="+j+" intersect="+intersectArr[j]+" bCrossMembrane="+bCrossMembraneArr[j]);
        // we will use them later to determing the midpoint to adjust our data sample WorldCoordinates
        if (i == 1) {
            newIndexes[newCount] = indexes[0];
            newWCV[newCount] = wcV[0];
            newCount += 1;
        if (faces.length == 1 && intersectNotNullCount == 1) {
            // through face, use where it intersects and mark if has Membrane
            newIndexes[newCount] = (bCrossMembraneArr[0] ? MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY : NON_MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY);
            newCrossingMembraneIndex[newCount] = crossMembraneIndexInOutArr;
            newWCV[newCount] = intersectArr[0];
            newCount += 1;
        } else if (faces.length == 4 && intersectNotNullCount == 4) {
            // Through a corner, calculate the corner Coordinate and mark if has Membrane
            Coordinate mc1 = getMesh().getCoordinate(ci1);
            Coordinate mc2 = getMesh().getCoordinate(ci2);
            Coordinate mc3 = getMesh().getCoordinate(ci3);
            Coordinate mc4 = getMesh().getCoordinate(ci4);
            Coordinate corner = new Coordinate((mc1.getX() + mc2.getX() + mc3.getX() + mc4.getX()) / 4.0, (mc1.getY() + mc2.getY() + mc3.getY() + mc4.getY()) / 4.0, (mc1.getZ() + mc2.getZ() + mc3.getZ() + mc4.getZ()) / 4.0);
            newIndexes[newCount] = (bCrossMembraneArr[0] || bCrossMembraneArr[1] || bCrossMembraneArr[2] || bCrossMembraneArr[3] ? MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY : NON_MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY);
            // newCrossingMembraneIndex[newCount] = crossMembraneIndexInOutArr;
            newWCV[newCount] = corner;
            newCount += 1;
        } else {
            throw new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + " Unexpected intersection result");
        newIndexes[newCount] = indexes[i];
        newWCV[newCount] = wcV[i];
        newCount += 1;
    // Count how many points we will finally end up with after markers are removed and
    // including the points that will be added for membrane intersections
    // also calculate the midpoints of the original data between the intersect points
    // first and last
    int finalCount = 2;
    // Adjust distances to center between boundary markers (inersections)
    for (int i = 0; i < newCount; i += 1) {
        if (newIndexes[i] == MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY || newIndexes[i] == NON_MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY) {
            if ((i + 2) < newCount) {
                // if(bRecenter){
                // Coordinate b0 = newWCV[i];
                // Coordinate b1 = newWCV[i+2];
                // newWCV[i+1] = new Coordinate((b0.getX()+b1.getX())/2.0,(b0.getY()+b1.getY())/2.0,(b0.getZ()+b1.getZ())/2.0);
                // }else{
                // TODO: why is this here, is this really what we want? ... A = A;
                newWCV[i + 1] = newWCV[i + 1];
                // }
                finalCount += 1;
        if (newIndexes[i] == MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY) {
            finalCount += 2;
    // Final pass, remove markers, add additional points at membrane intersections
    int[] finalIndexes = new int[finalCount];
    int[] finalCrossingMembrane = null;
    Coordinate[] finalWC = new Coordinate[finalCount];
    finalCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < newCount; i += 1) {
        if (newIndexes[i] != MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY && newIndexes[i] != NON_MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY) {
            // Get all original data points
            finalIndexes[finalCount] = newIndexes[i];
            finalWC[finalCount] = newWCV[i];
            finalCount += 1;
        } else if (newIndexes[i] == MEMBRANE_BOUNDARY) {
            for (int j = 0; j < newCrossingMembraneIndex[i].length; j++) {
                if (newCrossingMembraneIndex[i][j][MEMB_INDEX] != -1 && ((newCrossingMembraneIndex[i][j][IN_VOL] == newIndexes[i - 1] && newCrossingMembraneIndex[i][j][OUT_VOL] == newIndexes[i + 1]) || (newCrossingMembraneIndex[i][j][OUT_VOL] == newIndexes[i - 1] && newCrossingMembraneIndex[i][j][IN_VOL] == newIndexes[i + 1]))) {
                    if (finalCrossingMembrane == null) {
                        // make once only if needed
                        finalCrossingMembrane = new int[finalIndexes.length];
                        Arrays.fill(finalCrossingMembrane, -1);
                    finalCrossingMembrane[finalCount] = newCrossingMembraneIndex[i][j][MEMB_INDEX];
                    finalCrossingMembrane[finalCount + 1] = newCrossingMembraneIndex[i][j][MEMB_INDEX];
            // Add 2 new membrane intersection points, one for each side of the face
            finalIndexes[finalCount] = newIndexes[i - 1];
            // finalWC[finalCount] = offsetCoordinate(newWCV[i],newWCV[i-1]);
            finalWC[finalCount] = newWCV[i];
            finalCount += 1;
            finalIndexes[finalCount] = newIndexes[i + 1];
            // finalWC[finalCount] = offsetCoordinate(newWCV[i],newWCV[i+1]);
            finalWC[finalCount] = newWCV[i];
            finalCount += 1;
    return new SSHelper(finalWC, finalIndexes, getVariableType(), finalCrossingMembrane);
Also used : Coordinate(org.vcell.util.Coordinate) CoordinateIndex(org.vcell.util.CoordinateIndex) SinglePoint(cbit.vcell.geometry.SinglePoint)

Example 80 with Coordinate

use of org.vcell.util.Coordinate in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SmoldynFileWriter method writeWallSurfaces.

private void writeWallSurfaces() throws SolverException {
    GeometrySurfaceDescription geometrySurfaceDescription = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
    GeometrySpec geometrySpec = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySpec();
    SubVolume[] subVolumes = geometrySpec.getSubVolumes();
    printWriter.println("# boundaries");
    Origin origin = geometrySpec.getOrigin();
    Extent extent = geometrySpec.getExtent();
    Coordinate lowWall = new Coordinate(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), origin.getZ());
    Coordinate highWall = new Coordinate(origin.getX() + extent.getX(), origin.getY() + extent.getY(), origin.getZ() + extent.getZ());
    // potential artifact.
    if (bHasNoSurface) {
        SubDomain subDomain0 = mathDesc.getSubDomains().nextElement();
        CompartmentSubDomain compartSubDomain0 = null;
        compartSubDomain0 = (CompartmentSubDomain) subDomain0;
        // x
        if (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionXm().isPERIODIC()) {
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 0 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + highWall.getX() + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.p);
        } else {
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.low_wall + " 0 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionXm().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.high_wall + " 0 " + highWall.getX() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionXp().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
        if (dimension > 1) {
            // y
            if (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionYm().isPERIODIC()) {
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 1 " + lowWall.getY() + " " + highWall.getY() + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.p);
            } else {
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.low_wall + " 1 " + lowWall.getY() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionYm().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.high_wall + " 1 " + highWall.getY() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionYp().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
            if (dimension > 2) {
                // z
                if (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionZm().isPERIODIC()) {
                    printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 2 " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + highWall.getZ() + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.p);
                } else {
                    printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.low_wall + " 2 " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionZm().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
                    printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.high_wall + " 2 " + highWall.getZ() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionZp().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
    } else {
        // x
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 0 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + highWall.getX());
        if (dimension > 1) {
            // y
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 1 " + lowWall.getY() + " " + highWall.getY());
            if (dimension > 2) {
                // z
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 2 " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + highWall.getZ());
        // bounding walls as surfaces
        // have to find boundary condition type
        ISize sampleSize = simulation.getMeshSpecification().getSamplingSize();
        int numX = sampleSize.getX();
        int numY = dimension < 2 ? 1 : sampleSize.getY();
        int numZ = dimension < 3 ? 1 : sampleSize.getZ();
        if (dimension > 2) {
            int[] k_wall = new int[] { 0, numZ - 1 };
            for (int k = 0; k < k_wall.length; k++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < numY; j++) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++) {
                        int volIndex = k_wall[k] * numX * numY + j * numX + i;
                        for (SubVolume sv : subVolumes) {
                            // gather all the points in all the regions
                            GeometricRegion[] geometricRegions = geometrySurfaceDescription.getGeometricRegions(sv);
                            RegionInfo[] regionInfos = geometrySurfaceDescription.getRegionImage().getRegionInfos();
                            for (GeometricRegion gr : geometricRegions) {
                                VolumeGeometricRegion vgr = (VolumeGeometricRegion) gr;
                                for (RegionInfo ri : regionInfos) {
                                    if (ri.getRegionIndex() == vgr.getRegionID() && ri.isIndexInRegion(volIndex)) {
        if (dimension > 1) {
            int[] j_wall = new int[] { 0, numY - 1 };
            for (int k = 0; k < numZ; k++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < j_wall.length; j++) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++) {
                        int volIndex = k * numX * numY + j_wall[j] * numX + i;
                        for (SubVolume sv : subVolumes) {
                            // gather all the points in all the regions
                            GeometricRegion[] geometricRegions = geometrySurfaceDescription.getGeometricRegions(sv);
                            RegionInfo[] regionInfos = geometrySurfaceDescription.getRegionImage().getRegionInfos();
                            for (GeometricRegion gr : geometricRegions) {
                                VolumeGeometricRegion vgr = (VolumeGeometricRegion) gr;
                                for (RegionInfo ri : regionInfos) {
                                    if (ri.getRegionIndex() == vgr.getRegionID() && ri.isIndexInRegion(volIndex)) {
        int[] i_wall = new int[] { 0, numX - 1 };
        for (int k = 0; k < numZ; k++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < numY; j++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < i_wall.length; i++) {
                    int volIndex = k * numX * numY + j * numX + i_wall[i];
                    for (SubVolume sv : subVolumes) {
                        // gather all the points in all the regions
                        GeometricRegion[] geometricRegions = geometrySurfaceDescription.getGeometricRegions(sv);
                        RegionInfo[] regionInfos = geometrySurfaceDescription.getRegionImage().getRegionInfos();
                        for (GeometricRegion gr : geometricRegions) {
                            VolumeGeometricRegion vgr = (VolumeGeometricRegion) gr;
                            for (RegionInfo ri : regionInfos) {
                                if (ri.getRegionIndex() == vgr.getRegionID() && ri.isIndexInRegion(volIndex)) {
        Set<SubVolume> boundarySubVolumes = new HashSet<SubVolume>();
        BoundaryConditionType[] computedBct = new BoundaryConditionType[dimension * 2];
        String[] smoldynBct = new String[dimension * 2];
        String[] wallNames = new String[] { "Xm", "Xp", "Ym", "Yp", "Zm", "Zp" };
        if (boundarySubVolumes.size() >= 1) {
            for (SubVolume sv : boundarySubVolumes) {
                CompartmentSubDomain csd = (CompartmentSubDomain) mathDesc.getSubDomain(sv.getName());
                BoundaryConditionType[] bct = new BoundaryConditionType[] { csd.getBoundaryConditionXm(), csd.getBoundaryConditionXp(), csd.getBoundaryConditionYm(), csd.getBoundaryConditionYp(), csd.getBoundaryConditionZm(), csd.getBoundaryConditionZp() };
                if (computedBct[0] == null) {
                    System.arraycopy(bct, 0, computedBct, 0, dimension * 2);
                    for (int i = 0; i < dimension * 2; i++) {
                        if (computedBct[i].isPERIODIC()) {
                            throw new SolverException("Models with both surfaces and periodic boundary conditions are not supported yet.");
                        smoldynBct[i] = computedBct[i].isDIRICHLET() ? :;
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < dimension * 2; i++) {
                        if (!computedBct[i].compareEqual(bct[i])) {
                            throw new SolverException(wallNames[i] + " wall has different boundary conditions");
        printWriter.println("# bounding wall surface");
        // X walls
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.start_surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_X);
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.up + ") " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.front + " " + smoldynBct[0]);
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.back + " " + smoldynBct[1]);
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.color + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " 1 1 1");
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
        printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_panels + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " 2");
        // yz walls
        switch(dimension) {
            case 1:
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +0 " + lowWall.getX());
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -0 " + highWall.getX());
            case 2:
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +0 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + extent.getY());
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -0 " + highWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + extent.getY());
            case 3:
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +0 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getY() + " " + extent.getZ());
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -0 " + highWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getY() + " " + extent.getZ());
        if (dimension > 1) {
            // Y walls
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.start_surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_Y);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.up + ") " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.front + " " + smoldynBct[2]);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.back + " " + smoldynBct[3]);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.color + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " 1 1 1");
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
            printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_panels + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " 2");
            // xz walls
            switch(dimension) {
                case 2:
                    printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +1 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + extent.getX());
                    printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -1 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + highWall.getY() + " " + extent.getX());
                case 3:
                    printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +1 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getX() + " " + extent.getZ());
                    printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -1 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + highWall.getY() + " " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getX() + " " + extent.getZ());
            if (dimension > 2) {
                // Z walls
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.start_surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_Z);
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.up + ") " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.front + " " + smoldynBct[4]);
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.back + " " + smoldynBct[5]);
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.color + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " 1 1 1");
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_panels + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " 2");
                // xy walls
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +2 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getX() + " " + extent.getY());
                printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -2 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + highWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getX() + " " + extent.getY());
Also used : Origin(org.vcell.util.Origin) GeometrySurfaceDescription(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription) Extent(org.vcell.util.Extent) ISize(org.vcell.util.ISize) RegionInfo(cbit.vcell.geometry.RegionImage.RegionInfo) BoundaryConditionType(cbit.vcell.math.BoundaryConditionType) VolumeGeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.VolumeGeometricRegion) SurfaceGeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.SurfaceGeometricRegion) VolumeGeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.VolumeGeometricRegion) GeometricRegion(cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometricRegion) GeometrySpec(cbit.vcell.geometry.GeometrySpec) CompartmentSubDomain(cbit.vcell.math.CompartmentSubDomain) SubDomain(cbit.vcell.math.SubDomain) MembraneSubDomain(cbit.vcell.math.MembraneSubDomain) Coordinate(org.vcell.util.Coordinate) SubVolume(cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume) CompartmentSubDomain(cbit.vcell.math.CompartmentSubDomain) SolverException(cbit.vcell.solver.SolverException) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


Coordinate (org.vcell.util.Coordinate)81 CoordinateIndex (org.vcell.util.CoordinateIndex)16 SampledCurve (cbit.vcell.geometry.SampledCurve)11 SinglePoint (cbit.vcell.geometry.SinglePoint)11 ControlPointCurve (cbit.vcell.geometry.ControlPointCurve)10 CurveSelectionInfo (cbit.vcell.geometry.CurveSelectionInfo)6 Expression (cbit.vcell.parser.Expression)6 CartesianMesh (cbit.vcell.solvers.CartesianMesh)6 Vector (java.util.Vector)6 Extent (org.vcell.util.Extent)6 VariableType (cbit.vcell.math.VariableType)5 ISize (org.vcell.util.ISize)5 AnalyticSubVolume (cbit.vcell.geometry.AnalyticSubVolume)4 Curve (cbit.vcell.geometry.Curve)4 SubVolume (cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume)4 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Origin (org.vcell.util.Origin)4 VCImageUncompressed (cbit.image.VCImageUncompressed)3 Line (cbit.vcell.geometry.Line)3