use of org.vcell.vis.vismesh.thrift.FiniteVolumeIndexData in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class CartesianMeshVtkFileWriter method getVtuMeshData.
public double[] getVtuMeshData(VCellSimFiles vcellFiles, OutputContext outputContext, SimDataBlock simDataBlock, File destinationDirectory, VtuVarInfo var, final double time) throws Exception {
// read the "empty" vtk mesh from a file (create the files if necessary)
// read the indicing arrays from this file to know how to reorder the data into the vtk cell data order.
// return the vtk cell data
File finiteVolumeIndexDataFile = getFiniteVolumeIndexDataFileName(vcellFiles, var.domainName);
if (!finiteVolumeIndexDataFile.exists()) {
writeEmptyMeshFiles(vcellFiles, destinationDirectory, null);
if (!finiteVolumeIndexDataFile.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException("failed to find finite volume index file " + finiteVolumeIndexDataFile.getAbsolutePath());
FiniteVolumeIndexData finiteVolumeIndexData = VisMeshUtils.readFiniteVolumeIndexData(finiteVolumeIndexDataFile);
int maxGlobalIndex = 0;
int maxRegionIndex = 0;
for (FiniteVolumeIndex fvIndex : finiteVolumeIndexData.finiteVolumeIndices) {
maxGlobalIndex = Math.max((int) fvIndex.globalIndex, maxGlobalIndex);
maxRegionIndex = Math.max((int) fvIndex.regionIndex, maxRegionIndex);
int numCells = finiteVolumeIndexData.finiteVolumeIndices.size();
String vcellName =;
System.out.println("CartesianMeshVtkFileWriter.getVtuMeshData(): reading data for variable " + vcellName + " at time " + time);
double[] cartesianMeshData = simDataBlock.getData();
// have to reorder the cartesian mesh data according to the vtk mesh cell indices (may not even be the same length)
double[] vtkData = new double[numCells];
if (cartesianMeshData.length >= numCells) {
// data is not from region variable, uses global indices
for (int vtkCellIndex = 0; vtkCellIndex < numCells; vtkCellIndex++) {
int cartesianMeshGlobalIndex = (int) finiteVolumeIndexData.finiteVolumeIndices.get(vtkCellIndex).globalIndex;
vtkData[vtkCellIndex] = cartesianMeshData[cartesianMeshGlobalIndex];
} else {
// data is from region variable, uses region indices
for (int vtkCellIndex = 0; vtkCellIndex < numCells; vtkCellIndex++) {
int cartesianMeshRegionIndex = (int) finiteVolumeIndexData.finiteVolumeIndices.get(vtkCellIndex).regionIndex;
vtkData[vtkCellIndex] = cartesianMeshData[cartesianMeshRegionIndex];
return vtkData;
use of org.vcell.vis.vismesh.thrift.FiniteVolumeIndexData in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class VisMeshUtils method readFiniteVolumeIndexData.
public static FiniteVolumeIndexData readFiniteVolumeIndexData(File finiteVolumeIndexFile) throws IOException {
TDeserializer deserializer = new TDeserializer(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory());
byte[] blob = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(finiteVolumeIndexFile);
FiniteVolumeIndexData finiteVolumeIndexData = new FiniteVolumeIndexData();
try {
deserializer.deserialize(finiteVolumeIndexData, blob);
} catch (TException e) {
throw new IOException("error reading FiniteVolumeIndexData from file " + finiteVolumeIndexFile.getPath() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
return finiteVolumeIndexData;