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Example 1 with BinaryPayloadMessage

use of org.voltcore.messaging.BinaryPayloadMessage in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class AgreementSite method shipZKDatabaseSnapshot.

private void shipZKDatabaseSnapshot(long joiningAgreementSite, long txnId) throws IOException {"Shipping ZK snapshot from " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(m_hsId) + " to " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(joiningAgreementSite));
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
    BinaryOutputArchive boa = new BinaryOutputArchive(dos);
    byte[] databaseBytes = org.xerial.snappy.Snappy.compress(baos.toByteArray());
    ByteBuffer metadata = ByteBuffer.allocate(9);
    BinaryPayloadMessage bpm = new BinaryPayloadMessage(metadata.array(), databaseBytes);
    m_mailbox.send(joiningAgreementSite, bpm);
    m_siteRequestingRecovery = null;
    m_recoverBeforeTxn = null;
Also used : BinaryOutputArchive(org.apache.jute_voltpatches.BinaryOutputArchive) DataOutputStream( ByteArrayOutputStream( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) BinaryPayloadMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.BinaryPayloadMessage)

Example 2 with BinaryPayloadMessage

use of org.voltcore.messaging.BinaryPayloadMessage in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class Cartographer method sendLeaderChangeNotify.

// This message used to be sent by the SP or MP initiator when they accepted a promotion.
// For dev speed, we'll detect mastership changes here and construct and send this message to the
// local client interface so we can keep the CIs implementation
private void sendLeaderChangeNotify(long hsId, int partitionId) {
    try {
        JSONStringer stringer = new JSONStringer();
        stringer.keySymbolValuePair(JSON_PARTITION_ID, partitionId);
        stringer.keySymbolValuePair(JSON_INITIATOR_HSID, hsId);
        BinaryPayloadMessage bpm = new BinaryPayloadMessage(new byte[0], stringer.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));
        int hostId = m_hostMessenger.getHostId();
        m_hostMessenger.send(CoreUtils.getHSIdFromHostAndSite(hostId, HostMessenger.CLIENT_INTERFACE_SITE_ID), bpm);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unable to propogate leader promotion to client interface.", true, e);
Also used : JSONStringer(org.json_voltpatches.JSONStringer) BinaryPayloadMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.BinaryPayloadMessage) KeeperException(org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.KeeperException) JSONException(org.json_voltpatches.JSONException) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)

Example 3 with BinaryPayloadMessage

use of org.voltcore.messaging.BinaryPayloadMessage in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class AgreementSite method processMessage.

private void processMessage(VoltMessage message) throws Exception {
    if (!m_hsIds.contains(message.m_sourceHSId)) {"Dropping message " + message + " because it is not from a known up site");
    if (message instanceof TransactionInfoBaseMessage) {
        TransactionInfoBaseMessage info = (TransactionInfoBaseMessage) message;
        // Special case heartbeats which only update RPQ
        if (info instanceof HeartbeatMessage) {
            // use the heartbeat to unclog the priority queue if clogged
            long lastSeenTxnFromInitiator = m_txnQueue.noteTransactionRecievedAndReturnLastSeen(info.getInitiatorHSId(), info.getTxnId(), ((HeartbeatMessage) info).getLastSafeTxnId());
            // respond to the initiator with the last seen transaction
            HeartbeatResponseMessage response = new HeartbeatResponseMessage(m_hsId, lastSeenTxnFromInitiator, m_txnQueue.getQueueState() == RestrictedPriorityQueue.QueueState.BLOCKED_SAFETY);
            m_mailbox.send(info.getInitiatorHSId(), response);
            // we're done here (in the case of heartbeats)
        assert (false);
    } else if (message instanceof HeartbeatResponseMessage) {
        HeartbeatResponseMessage hrm = (HeartbeatResponseMessage) message;
        m_safetyState.updateLastSeenTxnIdFromExecutorBySiteId(hrm.getExecHSId(), hrm.getLastReceivedTxnId());
    } else if (message instanceof LocalObjectMessage) {
        LocalObjectMessage lom = (LocalObjectMessage) message;
        if (lom.payload instanceof Runnable) {
            ((Runnable) lom.payload).run();
        } else if (lom.payload instanceof Request) {
            Request r = (Request) lom.payload;
            long txnId = 0;
            boolean isRead = false;
            switch(r.type) {
                case OpCode.createSession:
                    txnId = r.sessionId;
                //For reads see if we can skip global agreement and just do the read
                case OpCode.exists:
                case OpCode.getChildren:
                case OpCode.getChildren2:
                case OpCode.getData:
                    //in this case because ordering of reads and writes matters
                    if (m_txnQueue.isEmpty()) {
                        m_server.prepRequest(new Request(r), m_lastUsedTxnId);
                    isRead = true;
                //it in the global order
                    txnId = m_idManager.getNextUniqueTransactionId();
                 * Don't send the whole request if this is a read blocked on a write
                 * We may send a heartbeat instead of propagating a useless read transaction
                 * at the end of this block
            if (!isRead) {
                for (long initiatorHSId : m_hsIds) {
                    if (initiatorHSId == m_hsId)
                    AgreementTaskMessage atm = new AgreementTaskMessage(r, txnId, m_hsId, m_safetyState.getNewestGloballySafeTxnId());
                    m_mailbox.send(initiatorHSId, atm);
            //Process the ATM eagerly locally to aid
            //in having a complete set of stuff to ship
            //to a recovering agreement site
            AgreementTaskMessage atm = new AgreementTaskMessage(new Request(r), txnId, m_hsId, m_safetyState.getNewestGloballySafeTxnId());
            atm.m_sourceHSId = m_hsId;
                 * Don't send a heartbeat out for ever single blocked read that occurs
                 * Try and limit to 2000 a second which is a lot and should be pretty
                 * close to the previous behavior of propagating all reads. My measurements
                 * don't show the old behavior is better than none at all, but I fear
                 * change.
            if (isRead) {
                final long now = System.nanoTime();
                if (TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMicros(now - m_lastHeartbeatTime) > 500) {
                    m_lastHeartbeatTime = now;
    } else if (message instanceof AgreementTaskMessage) {
        AgreementTaskMessage atm = (AgreementTaskMessage) message;
        if (!m_transactionsById.containsKey(atm.m_txnId) && atm.m_txnId >= m_minTxnIdAfterRecovery) {
            m_txnQueue.noteTransactionRecievedAndReturnLastSeen(atm.m_initiatorHSId, atm.m_txnId, atm.m_lastSafeTxnId);
            AgreementTransactionState transactionState = new AgreementTransactionState(atm.m_txnId, atm.m_initiatorHSId, atm.m_request);
            if (m_txnQueue.add(transactionState)) {
                m_transactionsById.put(transactionState.txnId, transactionState);
            } else {
      "Dropping txn " + transactionState.txnId + " data from failed initiatorSiteId: " + transactionState.initiatorHSId);
        } else {
  "Agreement, discarding duplicate txn during recovery, txnid is " + atm.m_txnId + " this should only occur during recovery. minTxnIdAfterRecovery " + m_minTxnIdAfterRecovery + " and  dup is " + m_transactionsById.containsKey(atm.m_txnId));
    } else if (message instanceof BinaryPayloadMessage) {
        BinaryPayloadMessage bpm = (BinaryPayloadMessage) message;
        ByteBuffer metadata = ByteBuffer.wrap(bpm.m_metadata);
        final byte type = metadata.get();
        if (type == BINARY_PAYLOAD_SNAPSHOT) {
            assert (m_recovering);
            assert (m_recoveryStage == RecoveryStage.SENT_PROPOSAL);
            if (m_recoveryStage != RecoveryStage.SENT_PROPOSAL) {
                org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Received a recovery snapshot in stage " + m_recoveryStage.toString(), true, null);
            long selectedRecoverBeforeTxn = metadata.getLong();
            if (selectedRecoverBeforeTxn < m_recoverBeforeTxn) {
                org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Selected recover before txn was earlier than the  proposed recover before txn", true, null);
            m_recoverBeforeTxn = selectedRecoverBeforeTxn;
            //anything before this precedes the snapshot
            m_minTxnIdAfterRecovery = m_recoverBeforeTxn;
            try {
                m_recoverySnapshot = org.xerial.snappy.Snappy.uncompress(bpm.m_payload);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unable to decompress ZK snapshot", true, e);
            m_recoveryStage = RecoveryStage.RECEIVED_SNAPSHOT;
                 * Clean out all txns from before the snapshot
            Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, OrderableTransaction>> iter = m_transactionsById.entrySet().iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                final Map.Entry<Long, OrderableTransaction> entry =;
                if (entry.getKey() < m_minTxnIdAfterRecovery) {
        } else if (type == BINARY_PAYLOAD_JOIN_REQUEST) {
            JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject(new String(bpm.m_payload, "UTF-8"));
            final long initiatorHSId = jsObj.getLong("initiatorHSId");
            final long txnId = jsObj.getLong("txnId");
            final long lastSafeTxnId = jsObj.getLong("lastSafeTxnId");
            final long joiningHSId = jsObj.getLong("joiningHSId");
            if (m_recovering) {
                org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Received a join request during recovery for " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(joiningHSId) + " from " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(initiatorHSId), true, null);
            m_txnQueue.noteTransactionRecievedAndReturnLastSeen(initiatorHSId, txnId, lastSafeTxnId);
            AgreementRejoinTransactionState transactionState = new AgreementRejoinTransactionState(txnId, initiatorHSId, joiningHSId, null);
            if (m_txnQueue.add(transactionState)) {
                m_transactionsById.put(transactionState.txnId, transactionState);
            } else {
      "Dropping txn " + transactionState.txnId + " data from failed initiatorSiteId: " + transactionState.initiatorHSId);
    } else if (message instanceof FaultMessage) {
        FaultMessage fm = (FaultMessage) message;
    } else if (message instanceof RecoveryMessage) {
        RecoveryMessage rm = (RecoveryMessage) message;
        assert (m_recoverBeforeTxn == null);
        assert (m_siteRequestingRecovery == null);
        assert (m_recovering == false);
        assert (m_recoveryStage == RecoveryStage.RECOVERED);
        m_recoverBeforeTxn = rm.txnId();
        m_siteRequestingRecovery = rm.sourceSite();
Also used : HeartbeatResponseMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.HeartbeatResponseMessage) Request(org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.server.Request) IOException( BinaryPayloadMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.BinaryPayloadMessage) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) LocalObjectMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.LocalObjectMessage) HeartbeatMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.HeartbeatMessage) FaultMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.FaultMessage) JSONObject(org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject) RecoveryMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.RecoveryMessage) TransactionInfoBaseMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.TransactionInfoBaseMessage) AgreementTaskMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.AgreementTaskMessage) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 4 with BinaryPayloadMessage

use of org.voltcore.messaging.BinaryPayloadMessage in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class AgreementSite method requestJoin.

     * Construct a ZK transaction that will add the initiator to the cluster
public CountDownLatch requestJoin(final long joiningSite) throws Exception {
    final CountDownLatch cdl = new CountDownLatch(1);
    final Runnable r = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            try {
                final long txnId = m_idManager.getNextUniqueTransactionId();
                for (long initiatorHSId : m_hsIds) {
                    if (initiatorHSId == m_hsId)
                    JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject();
                    jsObj.put("txnId", txnId);
                    jsObj.put("initiatorHSId", m_hsId);
                    jsObj.put("joiningHSId", joiningSite);
                    jsObj.put("lastSafeTxnId", m_safetyState.getNewestSafeTxnIdForExecutorBySiteId(initiatorHSId));
                    byte[] payload = jsObj.toString(4).getBytes("UTF-8");
                    ByteBuffer metadata = ByteBuffer.allocate(1);
                    BinaryPayloadMessage bpm = new BinaryPayloadMessage(metadata.array(), payload);
                    m_mailbox.send(initiatorHSId, bpm);
                m_txnQueue.noteTransactionRecievedAndReturnLastSeen(m_hsId, txnId, m_safetyState.getNewestGloballySafeTxnId());
                AgreementRejoinTransactionState arts = new AgreementRejoinTransactionState(txnId, m_hsId, joiningSite, cdl);
                if (!m_txnQueue.add(arts)) {
                    org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Shouldn't have failed to add txn", true, null);
                m_transactionsById.put(arts.txnId, arts);
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                org.voltdb.VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Error constructing JSON", false, e);
    LocalObjectMessage lom = new LocalObjectMessage(r);
    lom.m_sourceHSId = m_hsId;
    return cdl;
Also used : JSONObject(org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject) CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) BinaryPayloadMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.BinaryPayloadMessage) LocalObjectMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.LocalObjectMessage)

Example 5 with BinaryPayloadMessage

use of org.voltcore.messaging.BinaryPayloadMessage in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class OpsAgent method sendOpsResponse.

     * Return the results of distributed work to the original requesting agent.
     * Used by subclasses to respond after they've done their local work.
private void sendOpsResponse(VoltTable[] results, JSONObject obj, byte payloadType) throws Exception {
    long requestId = obj.getLong("requestId");
    long returnAddress = obj.getLong("returnAddress");
    // Send a response with no data since the stats is not supported or not yet available
    if (results == null) {
        ByteBuffer responseBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
        byte[] responseBytes = CompressionService.compressBytes(responseBuffer.array());
        BinaryPayloadMessage bpm = new BinaryPayloadMessage(new byte[] { payloadType }, responseBytes);
        m_mailbox.send(returnAddress, bpm);
    ByteBuffer[] bufs = new ByteBuffer[results.length];
    int statbytes = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
        bufs[i] = results[i].getBuffer();
        statbytes += bufs[i].remaining();
    ByteBuffer responseBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(// requestId
    8 + // length prefix for each stats table
    4 * results.length + +statbytes);
    for (int i = 0; i < bufs.length; i++) {
    byte[] responseBytes = CompressionService.compressBytes(responseBuffer.array());
    BinaryPayloadMessage bpm = new BinaryPayloadMessage(new byte[] { payloadType }, responseBytes);
    m_mailbox.send(returnAddress, bpm);
Also used : ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) BinaryPayloadMessage(org.voltcore.messaging.BinaryPayloadMessage)


BinaryPayloadMessage (org.voltcore.messaging.BinaryPayloadMessage)11 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)6 JSONObject (org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject)5 VoltMessage (org.voltcore.messaging.VoltMessage)3 ImmutableList (com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.ImmutableList)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 KeeperException (org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.KeeperException)2 ZooKeeper (org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.ZooKeeper)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 Matchers.anyLong (org.mockito.Matchers.anyLong)2 HostMessenger (org.voltcore.messaging.HostMessenger)2 LocalObjectMessage (org.voltcore.messaging.LocalObjectMessage)2 ByteArrayOutputStream ( DataOutputStream ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 List (java.util.List)1 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)1 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)1