use of org.voltdb.SQLStmt in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class LoadSinglepartitionTable method run.
* These parameters, with the exception of ctx, map to user provided values.
* @param ctx Internal API provided to all system procedures.
* @param partitionParam Partitioning parameter used to match invocation to partition.
* @param tableName Name of persistent, parititoned table receiving data.
* @param table A VoltTable with schema matching the target table containing data to load.
* It's assumed that each row in this table partitions to the same partition
* as the other rows, and to the same partition as the partition parameter.
* @param upsertMode True if using upsert instead of insert. If using insert, this proc
* will fail if there are any uniqueness constraints violated.
* @return The number of rows modified. This will be inserts in insert mode, but in upsert
* mode, this will be the sum of inserts and updates.
* @throws VoltAbortException on any failure, but the most common failures are non-matching
* partitioning or unique constraint violations.
public long run(SystemProcedureExecutionContext ctx, byte[] partitionParam, String tableName, byte upsertMode, VoltTable table) throws VoltAbortException {
// if tableName is replicated, fail.
// otherwise, create a VoltTable for each partition and
// split up the incoming table .. then send those partial
// tables to the appropriate sites.
// Get the metadata object for the table in question from the global metadata/config
// store, the Catalog.
Table catTable = ctx.getDatabase().getTables().getIgnoreCase(tableName);
if (catTable == null) {
throw new VoltAbortException("Table not present in catalog.");
// if tableName is replicated, fail.
if (catTable.getIsreplicated()) {
throw new VoltAbortException(String.format("LoadSinglepartitionTable incompatible with replicated table %s.", tableName));
// convert from 8bit signed integer (byte) to boolean
boolean isUpsert = (upsertMode != 0);
// upsert requires a primary key on the table to work
if (isUpsert) {
boolean hasPkey = false;
for (Constraint c : catTable.getConstraints()) {
if (c.getType() == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY.getValue()) {
hasPkey = true;
if (!hasPkey) {
throw new VoltAbortException(String.format("The --update argument cannot be used for LoadingSinglePartionTable because the table %s does not have a primary key. " + "Either remove the --update argument or add a primary key to the table.", tableName));
// action should be either "insert" or "upsert"
final String action = (isUpsert ? "upsert" : "insert");
// fix any case problems
tableName = catTable.getTypeName();
// check that the schema of the input matches
int columnCount = table.getColumnCount();
// Find the insert/upsert statement for this table
// This is actually the big trick this procedure does.
// It borrows the insert plan from the auto-generated insert procedure
// named "TABLENAME.insert" or "TABLENAME.upsert".
// We don't like it when users do this stuff, but it is safe in this
// case.
// Related code to read is org.voltdb.DefaultProcedureManager, which
// manages all of the default (CRUD) procedures created lazily for
// each table in the database, including the plans used here.
String crudProcName = String.format("%s.%s", tableName, action);
Procedure p = ctx.ensureDefaultProcLoaded(crudProcName);
if (p == null) {
throw new VoltAbortException(String.format("Unable to locate auto-generated CRUD %s statement for table %s", action, tableName));
// statements of all single-statement procs are named "sql"
Statement catStmt = p.getStatements().get(VoltDB.ANON_STMT_NAME);
if (catStmt == null) {
throw new VoltAbortException(String.format("Unable to find SQL statement for found table %s: BAD", tableName));
// Create a SQLStmt instance on the fly
// This unusual to do, as they are typically required to be final instance variables.
// This only works because the SQL text and plan is identical from the borrowed procedure.
SQLStmt stmt = new SQLStmt(catStmt.getSqltext());
m_runner.initSQLStmt(stmt, catStmt);
long queued = 0;
long executed = 0;
// make sure at the start of the table
// iterate over the rows queueing a sql statement for each row to insert
for (int i = 0; table.advanceRow(); ++i) {
Object[] params = new Object[columnCount];
// get the parameters from the volt table
for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; ++col) {
params[col] = table.get(col, table.getColumnType(col));
// queue an insert and count it
voltQueueSQL(stmt, params);
// 100 is an arbitrary number
if ((i % 100) == 0) {
executed += executeSQL();
// execute any leftover batched statements
if (queued > executed) {
executed += executeSQL();
return executed;
use of org.voltdb.SQLStmt in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class AdHocBase method runAdHoc.
* Call from derived class run() method for implementation.
* @param ctx
* @param aggregatorFragments
* @param collectorFragments
* @param sqlStatements
* @param replicatedTableDMLFlags
* @return
public VoltTable[] runAdHoc(SystemProcedureExecutionContext ctx, byte[] serializedBatchData) {
Pair<Object[], AdHocPlannedStatement[]> data = decodeSerializedBatchData(serializedBatchData);
Object[] userparams = data.getFirst();
AdHocPlannedStatement[] statements = data.getSecond();
if (statements.length == 0) {
return new VoltTable[] {};
for (AdHocPlannedStatement statement : statements) {
if (!statement.core.wasPlannedAgainstHash(ctx.getCatalogHash())) {
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") String msg = String.format("AdHoc transaction %d wasn't planned " + "against the current catalog version. Statement: %s", DeprecatedProcedureAPIAccess.getVoltPrivateRealTransactionId(this), new String(statement.sql, Constants.UTF8ENCODING));
throw new VoltAbortException(msg);
// Don't cache the statement text, since ad hoc statements
// that differ only by constants reuse the same plan, statement text may change.
long aggFragId = ActivePlanRepository.loadOrAddRefPlanFragment(statement.core.aggregatorHash, statement.core.aggregatorFragment, null);
long collectorFragId = 0;
if (statement.core.collectorFragment != null) {
collectorFragId = ActivePlanRepository.loadOrAddRefPlanFragment(statement.core.collectorHash, statement.core.collectorFragment, null);
SQLStmt stmt = SQLStmtAdHocHelper.createWithPlan(statement.sql, aggFragId, statement.core.aggregatorHash, true, collectorFragId, statement.core.collectorHash, true, statement.core.isReplicatedTableDML, statement.core.readOnly, statement.core.parameterTypes, m_site);
Object[] params = paramsForStatement(statement, userparams);
voltQueueSQL(stmt, params);
return voltExecuteSQL(true);
use of org.voltdb.SQLStmt in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class LoadMultipartitionTable method run.
* These parameters, with the exception of ctx, map to user provided values.
* @param ctx
* Internal. Not a user-supplied parameter.
* @param tableName
* Name of persistent table receiving data.
* @param table
* A VoltTable with schema matching tableName containing data to
* load.
* @param upsertMode
* True if using upsert instead of insert
* @return {@link org.voltdb.VoltSystemProcedure#STATUS_SCHEMA}
* @throws VoltAbortException
public long run(SystemProcedureExecutionContext ctx, String tableName, byte upsertMode, VoltTable table) throws VoltAbortException {
// if tableName is replicated, just send table everywhere.
// otherwise, create a VoltTable for each partition and
// split up the incoming table .. then send those partial
// tables to the appropriate sites.
Table catTable = ctx.getDatabase().getTables().getIgnoreCase(tableName);
if (catTable == null) {
throw new VoltAbortException("Table not present in catalog.");
boolean isUpsert = (upsertMode != 0);
if (isUpsert) {
boolean hasPkey = false;
for (Constraint c : catTable.getConstraints()) {
if (c.getType() == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY.getValue()) {
hasPkey = true;
if (!hasPkey) {
throw new VoltAbortException(String.format("The --update argument cannot be used for LoadMultipartitionTable because the table %s does not have a primary key. " + "Either remove the --update argument or add a primary key to the table.", tableName));
// action should be either "insert" or "upsert"
final String action = (isUpsert ? "upsert" : "insert");
// fix any case problems
tableName = catTable.getTypeName();
// check that the schema of the input matches
int columnCount = table.getColumnCount();
// find the insert statement for this table
String crudProcName = String.format("%s.%s", tableName.toUpperCase(), action);
Procedure proc = ctx.ensureDefaultProcLoaded(crudProcName);
if (proc == null) {
throw new VoltAbortException(String.format("Unable to locate auto-generated CRUD %s statement for table %s", action, tableName));
// ensure MP fragment tasks load the plan for the table loading procedure
Statement catStmt = proc.getStatements().get(VoltDB.ANON_STMT_NAME);
if (catStmt == null) {
throw new VoltAbortException(String.format("Unable to find SQL statement for found table %s: BAD", tableName));
// create a SQLStmt instance on the fly (unusual to do)
SQLStmt stmt = new SQLStmt(catStmt.getSqltext());
m_runner.initSQLStmt(stmt, catStmt);
if (catTable.getIsreplicated()) {
long queued = 0;
long executed = 0;
// make sure at the start of the table
for (int i = 0; table.advanceRow(); ++i) {
Object[] params = new Object[columnCount];
// get the parameters from the volt table
for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; ++col) {
params[col] = table.get(col, table.getColumnType(col));
// queue an insert and count it
voltQueueSQL(stmt, params);
// 100 is an arbitrary number
if ((i % 100) == 0) {
executed += executeSQL();
// execute any leftover batched statements
if (queued > executed) {
executed += executeSQL();
return executed;
} else {
throw new VoltAbortException("LoadMultipartitionTable no longer supports loading partitioned tables" + " use CRUD procs instead");
use of org.voltdb.SQLStmt in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class ProcedureCompiler method getValidSQLStmts.
public static Map<String, SQLStmt> getValidSQLStmts(VoltCompiler compiler, String procName, Class<?> procClass, Object procInstance, boolean withPrivate) throws VoltCompilerException {
Map<String, SQLStmt> retval = new HashMap<>();
Field[] fields = procClass.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field f : fields) {
// skip non SQL fields
if (f.getType() != SQLStmt.class)
int modifiers = f.getModifiers();
// skip private fields if asked (usually a superclass)
if (Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers) && (!withPrivate))
// don't allow non-final SQLStmts
if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) == false) {
String msg = "Procedure " + procName + " contains a non-final SQLStmt field.";
if (procClass.getSimpleName().equals(procName) == false) {
msg = "Superclass " + procClass.getSimpleName() + " of procedure " + procName + " contains a non-final SQLStmt field.";
if (compiler != null)
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
new VoltLogger("HOST").warn(msg);
SQLStmt stmt = null;
try {
stmt = (SQLStmt) f.get(procInstance);
}// it's weird, but seems rather hard to hit
catch (Exception e) {
retval.put(f.getName(), stmt);
Class<?> superClass = procClass.getSuperclass();
if (superClass != null) {
Map<String, SQLStmt> superStmts = getValidSQLStmts(compiler, procName, superClass, procInstance, false);
for (Entry<String, SQLStmt> e : superStmts.entrySet()) {
if (retval.containsKey(e.getKey()) == false)
retval.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
return retval;
use of org.voltdb.SQLStmt in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class ProcedureCompiler method compileJavaProcedure.
static void compileJavaProcedure(VoltCompiler compiler, HSQLInterface hsql, DatabaseEstimates estimates, Database db, ProcedureDescriptor procedureDescriptor, InMemoryJarfile jarOutput) throws VoltCompiler.VoltCompilerException {
final String className = procedureDescriptor.m_className;
// Load the class given the class name
Class<?> procClass = procedureDescriptor.m_class;
// get the short name of the class (no package)
String shortName = deriveShortProcedureName(className);
// add an entry to the catalog
final Procedure procedure = db.getProcedures().add(shortName);
for (String groupName : procedureDescriptor.m_authGroups) {
final Group group = db.getGroups().get(groupName);
if (group == null) {
throw VoltCompilerException("Procedure " + className + " allows access by a role " + groupName + " that does not exist");
final GroupRef groupRef = procedure.getAuthgroups().add(groupName);
// sysprocs don't use the procedure compiler
ProcedureAnnotation pa = (ProcedureAnnotation) procedure.getAnnotation();
if (pa == null) {
pa = new ProcedureAnnotation();
// get the annotation
// first try to get one that has been passed from the compiler
ProcInfoData info = compiler.getProcInfoOverride(shortName);
// check if partition info was set in ddl
ProcInfoData ddlInfo = null;
if (procedureDescriptor.m_partitionString != null && !procedureDescriptor.m_partitionString.trim().isEmpty()) {
ddlInfo = new ProcInfoData();
ddlInfo.partitionInfo = procedureDescriptor.m_partitionString;
ddlInfo.singlePartition = true;
// and create a ProcInfo.Data instance for it
if (info == null) {
info = new ProcInfoData();
ProcInfo annotationInfo = procClass.getAnnotation(ProcInfo.class);
// error out if partition info is present in both ddl and annotation
if (annotationInfo != null) {
if (ddlInfo != null) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has partition properties defined both in ";
msg += "class \"" + className + "\" and in the schema definition file(s)";
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
// Prevent AutoGenerated DDL from including PARTITION PROCEDURE for this procedure.
pa.classAnnotated = true;
info.partitionInfo = annotationInfo.partitionInfo();
info.singlePartition = annotationInfo.singlePartition();
} else if (ddlInfo != null) {
info = ddlInfo;
} else {
pa.classAnnotated = true;
assert (info != null);
// make sure multi-partition implies no partitioning info
if (info.singlePartition == false) {
if ((info.partitionInfo != null) && (info.partitionInfo.length() > 0)) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " is annotated as multi-partition";
msg += " but partitionInfo has non-empty value: \"" + info.partitionInfo + "\"";
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
// if the procedure is non-transactional, then take this special path here
if (VoltNonTransactionalProcedure.class.isAssignableFrom(procClass)) {
compileNTProcedure(compiler, procClass, procedure, jarOutput);
// if still here, that means the procedure is transactional
// track if there are any writer statements and/or sequential scans and/or an overlooked common partitioning parameter
boolean procHasWriteStmts = false;
boolean procHasSeqScans = false;
// procWantsCommonPartitioning == true but commonPartitionExpression == null signifies a proc
// for which the planner was requested to attempt to find an SP plan, but that was not possible
// -- it had a replicated write or it had one or more partitioned reads that were not all
// filtered by the same partition key value -- so it was planned as an MP proc.
boolean procWantsCommonPartitioning = true;
AbstractExpression commonPartitionExpression = null;
String exampleSPstatement = null;
Object exampleSPvalue = null;
// iterate through the fields and get valid sql statements
VoltProcedure procInstance;
try {
procInstance = (VoltProcedure) procClass.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error instantiating procedure \"%s\"" + procClass.getName(), e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error instantiating procedure \"%s\"" + procClass.getName(), e);
Map<String, SQLStmt> stmtMap = getValidSQLStmts(compiler, procClass.getSimpleName(), procClass, procInstance, true);
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
// find the run() method and get the params
Method procMethod = null;
Method[] methods = procClass.getDeclaredMethods();
for (final Method m : methods) {
String name = m.getName();
if (name.equals("run")) {
assert (m.getDeclaringClass() == procClass);
// if not null, then we've got more than one run method
if (procMethod != null) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has multiple public run(...) methods. ";
msg += "Only a single run(...) method is supported.";
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
if (Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())) {
// found it!
procMethod = m;
} else {
compiler.addWarn("Procedure: " + shortName + " has non-public run(...) method.");
if (procMethod == null) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has no run(...) method.";
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
// check the return type of the run method
if ((procMethod.getReturnType() != VoltTable[].class) && (procMethod.getReturnType() != VoltTable.class) && (procMethod.getReturnType() != long.class) && (procMethod.getReturnType() != Long.class)) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has run(...) method that doesn't return long, Long, VoltTable or VoltTable[].";
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
builder.put("@run", procMethod);
Map<String, Object> fields =;
// determine if proc is read or read-write by checking if the proc contains any write sql stmts
boolean readWrite = false;
for (Object field : fields.values()) {
if (!(field instanceof SQLStmt))
SQLStmt stmt = (SQLStmt) field;
QueryType qtype = QueryType.getFromSQL(stmt.getText());
if (!qtype.isReadOnly()) {
readWrite = true;
// default to FASTER determinism mode, which may favor non-deterministic plans
// but if it's a read-write proc, use a SAFER planning mode wrt determinism.
final DeterminismMode detMode = readWrite ? DeterminismMode.SAFER : DeterminismMode.FASTER;
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : fields.entrySet()) {
if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof SQLStmt))
String stmtName = entry.getKey();
SQLStmt stmt = (SQLStmt) entry.getValue();
// add the statement to the catalog
Statement catalogStmt = procedure.getStatements().add(stmtName);
// compile the statement
StatementPartitioning partitioning = info.singlePartition ? StatementPartitioning.forceSP() : StatementPartitioning.forceMP();
boolean cacheHit = StatementCompiler.compileFromSqlTextAndUpdateCatalog(compiler, hsql, db, estimates, catalogStmt, stmt.getText(), stmt.getJoinOrder(), detMode, partitioning);
// if this was a cache hit or specified single, don't worry about figuring out more partitioning
if (partitioning.wasSpecifiedAsSingle() || cacheHit) {
// Don't try to infer what's already been asserted.
procWantsCommonPartitioning = false;
// The planner does not currently attempt to second-guess a plan declared as single-partition, maybe some day.
// In theory, the PartitioningForStatement would confirm the use of (only) a parameter as a partition key --
// or if the partition key was determined to be some other constant (expression?) it might display an informational
// message that the passed parameter is assumed to be equal to the hard-coded partition key constant (expression).
// Validate any inferred statement partitioning given the statement's possible usage, until a contradiction is found.
} else if (procWantsCommonPartitioning) {
// conflict with the partitioning of prior statements.
if (partitioning.getCountOfIndependentlyPartitionedTables() == 1) {
AbstractExpression statementPartitionExpression = partitioning.singlePartitioningExpressionForReport();
if (statementPartitionExpression != null) {
if (commonPartitionExpression == null) {
commonPartitionExpression = statementPartitionExpression;
exampleSPstatement = stmt.getText();
exampleSPvalue = partitioning.getInferredPartitioningValue();
} else if (commonPartitionExpression.equals(statementPartitionExpression) || (statementPartitionExpression instanceof ParameterValueExpression && commonPartitionExpression instanceof ParameterValueExpression)) {
// Any constant used for partitioning would have to be the same for all statements, but
// any statement parameter used for partitioning MIGHT come from the same proc parameter as
// any other statement's parameter used for partitioning.
} else {
// appears to be different partitioning for different statements
procWantsCommonPartitioning = false;
} else {
// There is a statement with a partitioned table whose partitioning column is
// not equality filtered with a constant or param. Abandon all hope.
procWantsCommonPartitioning = false;
// Usually, replicated-only statements in a mix with others have no effect on the MP/SP decision
} else if (partitioning.getCountOfPartitionedTables() == 0) {
// but SP is strictly forbidden for DML, to maintain the consistency of the replicated data.
if (partitioning.getIsReplicatedTableDML()) {
procWantsCommonPartitioning = false;
} else {
// There is a statement with a partitioned table whose partitioning column is
// not equality filtered with a constant or param. Abandon all hope.
procWantsCommonPartitioning = false;
// if a single stmt is not read only, then the proc is not read only
if (catalogStmt.getReadonly() == false) {
procHasWriteStmts = true;
if (catalogStmt.getSeqscancount() > 0) {
procHasSeqScans = true;
// MIGHT the planner have uncovered an overlooked opportunity to run all statements SP?
if (procWantsCommonPartitioning && (commonPartitionExpression != null)) {
String msg = null;
if (commonPartitionExpression instanceof ParameterValueExpression) {
msg = "This procedure might benefit from an @ProcInfo annotation designating parameter " + ((ParameterValueExpression) commonPartitionExpression).getParameterIndex() + " of statement '" + exampleSPstatement + "'";
} else {
String valueDescription = null;
if (exampleSPvalue == null) {
// Statements partitioned on a runtime constant. This is likely to be cryptic, but hopefully gets the idea across.
valueDescription = "of " + commonPartitionExpression.explain("");
} else {
// A simple constant value COULD have been a parameter.
valueDescription = exampleSPvalue.toString();
msg = "This procedure might benefit from an @ProcInfo annotation referencing an added parameter passed the value " + valueDescription;
// set the read onlyness of a proc
procedure.setReadonly(procHasWriteStmts == false);
checkForDeterminismWarnings(compiler, shortName, procedure, procHasWriteStmts);
// set procedure parameter types
CatalogMap<ProcParameter> params = procedure.getParameters();
Class<?>[] paramTypes = procMethod.getParameterTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
Class<?> cls = paramTypes[i];
ProcParameter param = params.add(String.valueOf(i));
// handle the case where the param is an array
if (cls.isArray()) {
cls = cls.getComponentType();
} else
// boxed types are not supported parameters at this time
if ((cls == Long.class) || (cls == Integer.class) || (cls == Short.class) || (cls == Byte.class) || (cls == Double.class) || (cls == Character.class) || (cls == Boolean.class)) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has a parameter with a boxed type: ";
msg += cls.getSimpleName();
msg += ". Replace this parameter with the corresponding primitive type and the procedure may compile.";
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
} else if ((cls == Float.class) || (cls == float.class)) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has a parameter with type: ";
msg += cls.getSimpleName();
msg += ". Replace this parameter type with double and the procedure may compile.";
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
VoltType type;
try {
type = VoltType.typeFromClass(cls);
} catch (VoltTypeException e) {
// handle the case where the type is invalid
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has a parameter with invalid type: ";
msg += cls.getSimpleName();
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " unexpectedly failed a check on a parameter of type: ";
msg += cls.getSimpleName();
msg += " with error: ";
msg += e.toString();
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
// parse the procinfo
if (info.singlePartition) {
parsePartitionInfo(compiler, db, procedure, info.partitionInfo);
if (procedure.getPartitionparameter() >= paramTypes.length) {
String msg = "PartitionInfo parameter not a valid parameter for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname();
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
// check the type of partition parameter meets our high standards
Class<?> partitionType = paramTypes[procedure.getPartitionparameter()];
Class<?>[] validPartitionClzzes = { Long.class, Integer.class, Short.class, Byte.class, long.class, int.class, short.class, byte.class, String.class, byte[].class };
boolean found = false;
for (Class<?> candidate : validPartitionClzzes) {
if (partitionType == candidate)
found = true;
if (!found) {
String msg = "PartitionInfo parameter must be a String or Number for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname();
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
VoltType columnType = VoltType.get((byte) procedure.getPartitioncolumn().getType());
VoltType paramType = VoltType.typeFromClass(partitionType);
if (!columnType.canExactlyRepresentAnyValueOf(paramType)) {
String msg = "Type mismatch between partition column and partition parameter for procedure " + procedure.getClassname() + " may cause overflow or loss of precision.\nPartition column is type " + columnType + " and partition parameter is type " + paramType;
throw VoltCompilerException(msg);
} else if (!paramType.canExactlyRepresentAnyValueOf(columnType)) {
String msg = "Type mismatch between partition column and partition parameter for procedure " + procedure.getClassname() + " does not allow the full range of partition key values.\nPartition column is type " + columnType + " and partition parameter is type " + paramType;
// put the compiled code for this procedure into the jarfile
// need to find the outermost ancestor class for the procedure in the event
// that it's actually an inner (or inner inner...) class.
// addClassToJar recursively adds all the children, which should include this
// class
Class<?> ancestor = procClass;
while (ancestor.getEnclosingClass() != null) {
ancestor = ancestor.getEnclosingClass();
compiler.addClassToJar(jarOutput, ancestor);