use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class SwapTablesCore method executePlanFragment.
public DependencyPair executePlanFragment(Map<Integer, List<VoltTable>> dependencies, long fragmentId, ParameterSet params, SystemProcedureExecutionContext context) {
VoltTable dummy = new VoltTable(STATUS_SCHEMA);
if (fragmentId == SysProcFragmentId.PF_swapTables) {
// issue the callback once on each node
if (context.isLowestSiteId()) {
VoltDB.instance().swapTables((String) params.getParam(0), (String) params.getParam(1));
return new TableDependencyPair(DEP_swapTables, dummy);
} else if (fragmentId == SysProcFragmentId.PF_swapTablesAggregate) {
return new TableDependencyPair(DEP_swapTablesAggregate, VoltTableUtil.unionTables(dependencies.get(DEP_swapTables)));
assert false;
return null;
use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class SystemInformation method populateOverviewTable.
* Accumulate per-host information and return as a table.
* This function does the real work. Everything else is
* boilerplate sysproc stuff.
public static VoltTable populateOverviewTable() {
VoltTable vt = constructOverviewTable();
int hostId = VoltDB.instance().getHostMessenger().getHostId();
// try to get the external interface first, if none was set, use local addresses
InetAddress addr = null;
String clientInterface = null;
int clientPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_PORT;
String adminInterface = null;
int adminPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_ADMIN_PORT;
String httpInterface = null;
int httpPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT;
String internalInterface = null;
int internalPort = Constants.DEFAULT_INTERNAL_PORT;
String zkInterface = null;
int zkPort = Constants.DEFAULT_ZK_PORT;
String drInterface = null;
int drPort = VoltDB.DEFAULT_DR_PORT;
String publicInterface = null;
try {
String localMetadata = VoltDB.instance().getLocalMetadata();
JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject(localMetadata);
JSONArray interfaces = jsObj.getJSONArray("interfaces");
String iface = interfaces.getString(0);
addr = InetAddress.getByName(iface);
clientPort = jsObj.getInt("clientPort");
clientInterface = jsObj.getString("clientInterface");
adminPort = jsObj.getInt("adminPort");
adminInterface = jsObj.getString("adminInterface");
httpPort = jsObj.getInt("httpPort");
httpInterface = jsObj.getString("httpInterface");
internalPort = jsObj.getInt("internalPort");
internalInterface = jsObj.getString("internalInterface");
zkPort = jsObj.getInt("zkPort");
zkInterface = jsObj.getString("zkInterface");
drPort = jsObj.getInt("drPort");
drInterface = jsObj.getString("drInterface");
publicInterface = jsObj.getString("publicInterface");
} catch (JSONException e) {"Failed to get local metadata, falling back to first resolvable IP address.");
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {"Failed to determine hostname, falling back to first resolvable IP address.");
// host name and IP address.
if (addr == null) {
addr = org.voltcore.utils.CoreUtils.getLocalAddress();
vt.addRow(hostId, "IPADDRESS", addr.getHostAddress());
vt.addRow(hostId, "HOSTNAME", CoreUtils.getHostnameOrAddress());
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLIENTINTERFACE", clientInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLIENTPORT", Integer.toString(clientPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "ADMININTERFACE", adminInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "ADMINPORT", Integer.toString(adminPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "HTTPINTERFACE", httpInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "HTTPPORT", Integer.toString(httpPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "INTERNALINTERFACE", internalInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "INTERNALPORT", Integer.toString(internalPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "ZKINTERFACE", zkInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "ZKPORT", Integer.toString(zkPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "DRINTERFACE", drInterface);
vt.addRow(hostId, "DRPORT", Integer.toString(drPort));
vt.addRow(hostId, "PUBLICINTERFACE", publicInterface);
// build string
vt.addRow(hostId, "BUILDSTRING", VoltDB.instance().getBuildString());
// version
vt.addRow(hostId, "VERSION", VoltDB.instance().getVersionString());
// catalog path
String path = VoltDB.instance().getConfig().m_pathToCatalog;
if (path != null && !path.startsWith("http"))
path = (new File(path)).getAbsolutePath();
vt.addRow(hostId, "CATALOG", path);
// deployment path
path = VoltDB.instance().getConfig().m_pathToDeployment;
if (path != null && !path.startsWith("http"))
path = (new File(path)).getAbsolutePath();
vt.addRow(hostId, "DEPLOYMENT", path);
String cluster_state = VoltDB.instance().getMode().toString();
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLUSTERSTATE", cluster_state);
// INITIALIZED, used by VEM to determine the spinny icon state.
org.voltdb.OperationMode mode = VoltDB.instance().getMode();
String areInitialized = Boolean.toString(!VoltDB.instance().rejoining() && (mode == org.voltdb.OperationMode.RUNNING || mode == org.voltdb.OperationMode.PAUSED));
vt.addRow(hostId, "INITIALIZED", areInitialized);
String replication_role = VoltDB.instance().getReplicationRole().toString();
vt.addRow(hostId, "REPLICATIONROLE", replication_role);
vt.addRow(hostId, "LASTCATALOGUPDATETXNID", Long.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().m_transactionId));
vt.addRow(hostId, "CATALOGCRC", Long.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().getCatalogCRC()));
vt.addRow(hostId, "IV2ENABLED", "true");
long startTimeMs = VoltDB.instance().getHostMessenger().getInstanceId().getTimestamp();
vt.addRow(hostId, "STARTTIME", Long.toString(startTimeMs));
vt.addRow(hostId, "UPTIME", MiscUtils.formatUptime(VoltDB.instance().getClusterUptime()));
SocketHubAppender hubAppender = (SocketHubAppender) Logger.getRootLogger().getAppender("hub");
int port = 0;
if (hubAppender != null)
port = hubAppender.getPort();
vt.addRow(hostId, "LOG4JPORT", Integer.toString(port));
//Add license information
if (MiscUtils.isPro()) {
vt.addRow(hostId, "LICENSE", VoltDB.instance().getLicenseInformation());
populatePartitionGroups(hostId, vt);
// root path
vt.addRow(hostId, "VOLTDBROOT", VoltDB.instance().getVoltDBRootPath());
vt.addRow(hostId, "FULLCLUSTERSIZE", Integer.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().getClusterSettings().hostcount()));
vt.addRow(hostId, "CLUSTERID", Integer.toString(VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().getCluster().getDrclusterid()));
return vt;
use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class UpdateSettings method executePlanFragment.
public DependencyPair executePlanFragment(Map<Integer, List<VoltTable>> dependencies, long fragmentId, ParameterSet params, SystemProcedureExecutionContext context) {
if (fragmentId == SysProcFragmentId.PF_updateSettingsBarrier) {
DependencyPair success = new DependencyPair.TableDependencyPair(DEP_updateSettingsBarrier, new VoltTable(new ColumnInfo[] { new ColumnInfo("UNUSED", VoltType.BIGINT) }));
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Site " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(m_site.getCorrespondingSiteId()) + " reached settings update barrier.");
return success;
} else if (fragmentId == SysProcFragmentId.PF_updateSettingsBarrierAggregate) {
Object[] paramarr = params.toArray();
byte[] settingsBytes = (byte[]) paramarr[0];
int version = ((Integer) paramarr[1]).intValue();
ZooKeeper zk = getHostMessenger().getZK();
Stat stat = null;
try {
stat = zk.setData(VoltZK.cluster_settings, settingsBytes, version);
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
String msg = "Failed to update cluster settings";
log.error(msg, e);
throw new SettingsException(msg, e);
}"Saved new cluster settings state");
return new DependencyPair.TableDependencyPair(DEP_updateSettingsBarrierAggregate, getVersionResponse(stat.getVersion()));
} else if (fragmentId == SysProcFragmentId.PF_updateSettings) {
Object[] paramarr = params.toArray();
byte[] settingsBytes = (byte[]) paramarr[0];
int version = ((Integer) paramarr[1]).intValue();
ClusterSettings settings = ClusterSettings.create(settingsBytes);
Pair<CatalogContext, CatalogSpecificPlanner> ctgdef = getVoltDB().settingsUpdate(settings, version);
context.updateSettings(ctgdef.getFirst(), ctgdef.getSecond());
VoltTable result = new VoltTable(VoltSystemProcedure.STATUS_SCHEMA);
return new DependencyPair.TableDependencyPair(DEP_updateSettings, result);
} else if (fragmentId == SysProcFragmentId.PF_updateSettingsAggregate) {
VoltTable result = VoltTableUtil.unionTables(dependencies.get(DEP_updateSettings));
return new DependencyPair.TableDependencyPair(DEP_updateSettingsAggregate, result);
} else {
VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Received unrecognized plan fragment id " + fragmentId + " in UpdateSettings", false, null);
throw new RuntimeException("Should not reach this code");
use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class LoadSinglepartitionTable method run.
* These parameters, with the exception of ctx, map to user provided values.
* @param ctx Internal API provided to all system procedures.
* @param partitionParam Partitioning parameter used to match invocation to partition.
* @param tableName Name of persistent, parititoned table receiving data.
* @param table A VoltTable with schema matching the target table containing data to load.
* It's assumed that each row in this table partitions to the same partition
* as the other rows, and to the same partition as the partition parameter.
* @param upsertMode True if using upsert instead of insert. If using insert, this proc
* will fail if there are any uniqueness constraints violated.
* @return The number of rows modified. This will be inserts in insert mode, but in upsert
* mode, this will be the sum of inserts and updates.
* @throws VoltAbortException on any failure, but the most common failures are non-matching
* partitioning or unique constraint violations.
public long run(SystemProcedureExecutionContext ctx, byte[] partitionParam, String tableName, byte upsertMode, VoltTable table) throws VoltAbortException {
// if tableName is replicated, fail.
// otherwise, create a VoltTable for each partition and
// split up the incoming table .. then send those partial
// tables to the appropriate sites.
// Get the metadata object for the table in question from the global metadata/config
// store, the Catalog.
Table catTable = ctx.getDatabase().getTables().getIgnoreCase(tableName);
if (catTable == null) {
throw new VoltAbortException("Table not present in catalog.");
// if tableName is replicated, fail.
if (catTable.getIsreplicated()) {
throw new VoltAbortException(String.format("LoadSinglepartitionTable incompatible with replicated table %s.", tableName));
// convert from 8bit signed integer (byte) to boolean
boolean isUpsert = (upsertMode != 0);
// upsert requires a primary key on the table to work
if (isUpsert) {
boolean hasPkey = false;
for (Constraint c : catTable.getConstraints()) {
if (c.getType() == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY.getValue()) {
hasPkey = true;
if (!hasPkey) {
throw new VoltAbortException(String.format("The --update argument cannot be used for LoadingSinglePartionTable because the table %s does not have a primary key. " + "Either remove the --update argument or add a primary key to the table.", tableName));
// action should be either "insert" or "upsert"
final String action = (isUpsert ? "upsert" : "insert");
// fix any case problems
tableName = catTable.getTypeName();
// check that the schema of the input matches
int columnCount = table.getColumnCount();
// Find the insert/upsert statement for this table
// This is actually the big trick this procedure does.
// It borrows the insert plan from the auto-generated insert procedure
// named "TABLENAME.insert" or "TABLENAME.upsert".
// We don't like it when users do this stuff, but it is safe in this
// case.
// Related code to read is org.voltdb.DefaultProcedureManager, which
// manages all of the default (CRUD) procedures created lazily for
// each table in the database, including the plans used here.
String crudProcName = String.format("%s.%s", tableName, action);
Procedure p = ctx.ensureDefaultProcLoaded(crudProcName);
if (p == null) {
throw new VoltAbortException(String.format("Unable to locate auto-generated CRUD %s statement for table %s", action, tableName));
// statements of all single-statement procs are named "sql"
Statement catStmt = p.getStatements().get(VoltDB.ANON_STMT_NAME);
if (catStmt == null) {
throw new VoltAbortException(String.format("Unable to find SQL statement for found table %s: BAD", tableName));
// Create a SQLStmt instance on the fly
// This unusual to do, as they are typically required to be final instance variables.
// This only works because the SQL text and plan is identical from the borrowed procedure.
SQLStmt stmt = new SQLStmt(catStmt.getSqltext());
m_runner.initSQLStmt(stmt, catStmt);
long queued = 0;
long executed = 0;
// make sure at the start of the table
// iterate over the rows queueing a sql statement for each row to insert
for (int i = 0; table.advanceRow(); ++i) {
Object[] params = new Object[columnCount];
// get the parameters from the volt table
for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; ++col) {
params[col] = table.get(col, table.getColumnType(col));
// queue an insert and count it
voltQueueSQL(stmt, params);
// 100 is an arbitrary number
if ((i % 100) == 0) {
executed += executeSQL();
// execute any leftover batched statements
if (queued > executed) {
executed += executeSQL();
return executed;
use of org.voltdb.VoltTable in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class Shutdown method executePlanFragment.
public DependencyPair executePlanFragment(Map<Integer, List<VoltTable>> dependencies, long fragmentId, ParameterSet params, SystemProcedureExecutionContext context) {
if (fragmentId == SysProcFragmentId.PF_shutdownSync) {
if (!m_failsafeArmed.getAndSet(true)) {
VoltLogger voltLogger = new VoltLogger("HOST");
String msg = "VoltDB shutdown operation requested and in progress. Cluster will terminate shortly.";
CoreUtils.PrintGoodLookingLog(voltLogger, msg, Level.WARN);
VoltTable rslt = new VoltTable(new ColumnInfo[] { new ColumnInfo("HA", VoltType.STRING) });
return new DependencyPair.TableDependencyPair(DEP_shutdownSync, rslt);
} else if (fragmentId == SysProcFragmentId.PF_shutdownSyncDone) {
VoltTable rslt = new VoltTable(new ColumnInfo[] { new ColumnInfo("HA", VoltType.STRING) });
return new DependencyPair.TableDependencyPair(DEP_shutdownSyncDone, rslt);
} else if (fragmentId == SysProcFragmentId.PF_shutdownCommand) {
Thread shutdownThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
boolean die = false;
try {
die = VoltDB.instance().shutdown(this);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
new VoltLogger("HOST").error("Exception while attempting to shutdown VoltDB from shutdown sysproc", e);
if (die) {
VoltLogger voltLogger = new VoltLogger("HOST");
String msg = "VoltDB shutting down as requested by @Shutdown command.";
CoreUtils.PrintGoodLookingLog(voltLogger, msg, Level.WARN);
} else {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return null;