use of org.voltdb.client.ClientStats in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class AsyncExportClient method printStatistics.
* Prints a one line update on performance that can be printed
* periodically during a benchmark.
private static synchronized void printStatistics(ClientStatsContext context, boolean resetBaseline) {
if (resetBaseline) {
context = context.fetchAndResetBaseline();
} else {
context = context.fetch();
ClientStats stats = context.getStatsByProc().get(config.procedure);
if (stats == null)
long time = Math.round((stats.getEndTimestamp() - benchmarkStartTS) / 1000.0);
System.out.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d ", time / 3600, (time / 60) % 60, time % 60);
System.out.printf("Throughput %d/s, ", stats.getTxnThroughput());
System.out.printf("Aborts/Failures %d/%d, ", stats.getInvocationAborts(), stats.getInvocationErrors());
System.out.printf("Avg/95%% Latency %.2f/%.2fms\n", stats.getAverageLatency(), stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(0.95));
use of org.voltdb.client.ClientStats in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class ExportBenchmark method printStatistics.
* Prints a one line update on performance that can be printed
* periodically during a benchmark.
public synchronized void printStatistics() {
ClientStats stats = periodicStatsContext.fetchAndResetBaseline().getStats();
// Print an ISO8601 timestamp (of the same kind Python logging uses) to help
// log merger correlate correctly
System.out.print(LOG_DF.format(new Date(stats.getEndTimestamp())));
System.out.printf(" Throughput %d/s, ", stats.getTxnThroughput());
System.out.printf("Aborts/Failures %d/%d, ", stats.getInvocationAborts(), stats.getInvocationErrors());
System.out.printf("Avg/99.999%% Latency %.2f/%.2fms\n", stats.getAverageLatency(), stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(0.99999));
use of org.voltdb.client.ClientStats in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class JDBCBenchmark method printStatistics.
* Prints a one line update on performance that can be printed
* periodically during a benchmark.
public static synchronized void printStatistics() {
ClientStats stats = periodicStatsContext.fetchAndResetBaseline().getStats();
long time = Math.round((stats.getEndTimestamp() - benchmarkStartTS) / 1000.0);
System.out.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d ", time / 3600, (time / 60) % 60, time % 60);
System.out.printf("Throughput %d/s, ", stats.getTxnThroughput());
System.out.printf("Aborts/Failures %d/%d, ", stats.getInvocationAborts(), stats.getInvocationErrors());
System.out.printf("Avg/95%% Latency %.2f/%.2fms\n", stats.getAverageLatency(), stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(0.95));
use of org.voltdb.client.ClientStats in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class RandomDataInserter method printReport.
void printReport() {
// Get the client stats since the last time this method was called.
ClientStats stats = periodicStatsContext.fetchAndResetBaseline().getStats();
System.out.printf(" Insert Statistics:\n" + " Throughput %d/s, Aborts/Failures %d/%d, Avg/95%% Latency %.2f/%dms\n", stats.getTxnThroughput(), stats.getInvocationAborts(), stats.getInvocationErrors(), stats.getAverageLatency(), stats.kPercentileLatency(0.95));
use of org.voltdb.client.ClientStats in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class AdBrokerBenchmark method printStatistics.
* Print stats for the last displayinterval seconds to the console.
public synchronized void printStatistics() {
ClientStats stats = m_periodicStatsContext.fetchAndResetBaseline().getStats();
long time = Math.round((stats.getEndTimestamp() - m_benchmarkStartTS) / 1000.0);
System.out.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d ", time / 3600, (time / 60) % 60, time % 60);
System.out.printf("Throughput %d/s, ", stats.getTxnThroughput());
System.out.printf("Aborts/Failures %d/%d", stats.getInvocationAborts(), stats.getInvocationErrors());
if (m_config.latencyreport) {
System.out.printf(", Avg/95%% Latency %.2f/%.2fms", stats.getAverageLatency(), stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(0.95));
VoltTable[] tables = null;
try {
tables = m_client.callProcedure("GetStats", m_config.displayinterval).getResults();
} catch (IOException | ProcCallException e) {
VoltTable hits = tables[0];
assert (hits.getLong(0) == 0);
long unmetRequests = hits.getLong(1);
assert (hits.getLong(0) == 1);
long metRequests = hits.getLong(1);
long totalRequests = unmetRequests + metRequests;
double percentMet = (((double) metRequests) / totalRequests) * 100.0;
System.out.printf("Total number of ad requests: %d, %3.2f%% resulted in an ad being served\n", totalRequests, percentMet);
VoltTable recentAdvertisers = tables[1];
System.out.println("\nTop 5 advertisers of the last " + m_config.displayinterval + " seconds, " + "by sorted on the sum of dollar amounts of bids won:");
System.out.println("Advertiser Revenue Count");
System.out.println("---------- ------- -----");
while (recentAdvertisers.advanceRow()) {
System.out.printf("%-40s %9.2f %d\n", recentAdvertisers.getString(0), recentAdvertisers.getDouble(1), recentAdvertisers.getLong(2));