use of org.voltdb.client.ClientStats in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class MOBenchmark method printResults.
* Prints the results of the voting simulation and statistics
* about performance.
* @throws Exception if anything unexpected happens.
public synchronized void printResults() throws Exception {
ClientStats stats = fullStatsContext.fetch().getStats();
// 3. Performance statistics
System.out.println(" Client Workload Statistics");
long total = mproCount.get() + mprwCount.get() + sproCount.get() + sprwCount.get();
System.out.printf("SP RO count: %,11d txns (%.2f%%)\n", sproCount.get(), (sproCount.get() * 100.0) / total);
System.out.printf("SP RW count: %,11d txns (%.2f%%)\n", sprwCount.get(), (sprwCount.get() * 100.0) / total);
System.out.printf("MP RO count: %,11d txns (%.2f%%)\n", mproCount.get(), (mproCount.get() * 100.0) / total);
System.out.printf("MP RW count: %,11d txns (%.2f%%)\n", mprwCount.get(), (mprwCount.get() * 100.0) / total);
System.out.printf("Average throughput: %,9d txns/sec\n", stats.getTxnThroughput());
System.out.printf("Average latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.getAverageLatency());
System.out.printf("95th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.95));
System.out.printf("99th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.99));
System.out.print("\n" + HORIZONTAL_RULE);
System.out.println(" System Server Statistics");
if (config.autotune) {
System.out.printf("Targeted Internal Avg Latency: %,9d ms\n", config.latencytarget);
System.out.printf("Reported Internal Avg Latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.getAverageInternalLatency());
// 4. Write stats to file if requested
client.writeSummaryCSV(stats, config.statsfile);
use of org.voltdb.client.ClientStats in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class OneShotBenchmark method printResults.
* Prints the results of the voting simulation and statistics
* about performance.
* @throws Exception if anything unexpected happens.
public synchronized void printResults() throws Exception {
ClientStats stats = fullStatsContext.fetch().getStats();
// 1. Get/Put performance results
String display = "\n" + HORIZONTAL_RULE + " KV Store Results\n" + HORIZONTAL_RULE + "\nA total of %,d operations were posted...\n" + " - GETs: %,9d Operations (%,d Misses and %,d Failures)\n" + " %,9d MB in compressed store data\n" + " %,9d MB in uncompressed application data\n" + " Network Throughput: %6.3f Gbps*\n" + " - PUTs: %,9d Operations (%,d Failures)\n" + " %,9d MB in compressed store data\n" + " %,9d MB in uncompressed application data\n" + " Network Throughput: %6.3f Gbps*\n" + " - Total Network Throughput: %6.3f Gbps*\n\n" + "* Figure includes key & value traffic but not database protocol overhead.\n\n";
double oneGigabit = (1024 * 1024 * 1024) / 8;
long oneMB = (1024 * 1024);
double getThroughput = networkGetData.get() + (successfulGets.get() * config.keysize);
getThroughput /= (oneGigabit * config.duration);
long totalPuts = successfulPuts.get() + failedPuts.get();
double putThroughput = networkGetData.get() + (totalPuts * config.keysize);
putThroughput /= (oneGigabit * config.duration);
System.out.printf(display, stats.getInvocationsCompleted(), successfulGets.get(), missedGets.get(), failedGets.get(), networkGetData.get() / oneMB, rawGetData.get() / oneMB, getThroughput, successfulPuts.get(), failedPuts.get(), networkPutData.get() / oneMB, rawPutData.get() / oneMB, putThroughput, getThroughput + putThroughput);
// 2. Performance statistics
System.out.println(" Client Workload Statistics");
System.out.printf("Average throughput: %,9d txns/sec\n", stats.getTxnThroughput());
System.out.printf("Average latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.getAverageLatency());
System.out.printf("95th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.95));
System.out.printf("99th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.99));
for (Entry<String, ClientStats> e : fullStatsContext.getStatsByProc().entrySet()) {
System.out.println("\nPROC: " + e.getKey());
System.out.printf("Average throughput: %,9d txns/sec\n", e.getValue().getTxnThroughput());
System.out.printf("Average latency: %,9.2f ms\n", e.getValue().getAverageLatency());
System.out.printf("95th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", e.getValue().kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.95));
System.out.printf("99th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", e.getValue().kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.99));
ClientStats mpstats = mpFullStatsContext.fetch().getStats();
for (Entry<String, ClientStats> e : mpFullStatsContext.getStatsByProc().entrySet()) {
System.out.println("\nMP PROC: " + e.getKey());
System.out.printf("Average throughput: %,9d txns/sec\n", e.getValue().getTxnThroughput());
System.out.printf("Average latency: %,9.2f ms\n", e.getValue().getAverageLatency());
System.out.printf("95th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", e.getValue().kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.95));
System.out.printf("99th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", e.getValue().kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.99));
System.out.print("\n" + HORIZONTAL_RULE);
System.out.println(" System Server Statistics");
System.out.printf("Reported Internal Avg Latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.getAverageInternalLatency());
System.out.printf("Reported Internal Avg MP Latency: %,9.2f ms\n", mpFullStatsContext.getStats().getAverageInternalLatency());
// 3. Write stats to file if requested
if (!config.exportStatsfalseSPtrueMP) {
System.out.println("Exporting SP stats context");
client.writeSummaryCSV(stats, config.statsfile);
} else {
System.out.println("Exporting MP stats context");
mpClient.writeSummaryCSV(mpstats, config.statsfile);
use of org.voltdb.client.ClientStats in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class AsyncBenchmark method printResults.
* Prints the results of the voting simulation and statistics about
* performance.
* @throws Exception
* if anything unexpected happens.
public synchronized void printResults() throws Exception {
ClientStats stats = fullStatsContext.fetch().getStats();
// 3. Performance statistics./tests/test_apps/live-rejoin-consistency/src/;" Client Workload Statistics");;
System.out.printf("Async total: %d successful: %d\n", totalAsync.get(), successfulAsync.get());
System.out.printf("Adhoc total: %d\n", totalAdHoc.get());
System.out.print("\n" + HORIZONTAL_RULE);
System.out.printf("Average throughput: %,9d txns/sec\n", stats.getTxnThroughput());
System.out.printf("Average latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.getAverageLatency());
System.out.printf("95th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.95));
System.out.printf("99th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.99));;" System Server Statistics");;
if (config.autotune) {
System.out.printf("Targeted Internal Avg Latency: %,9d ms\n", config.latencytarget);
System.out.printf("Reported Internal Avg Latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.getAverageInternalLatency());
// 4. Write stats to file if requested
client.writeSummaryCSV(stats, config.statsfile);
use of org.voltdb.client.ClientStats in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class SyncBenchmark method printResults.
* Prints the results of the voting simulation and statistics
* about performance.
* @throws Exception if anything unexpected happens.
public synchronized void printResults() throws Exception {
ClientStats stats = fullStatsContext.fetch().getStats();
// 1. Get/Put performance results
String display = "\n" + HORIZONTAL_RULE + " KV Store Results\n" + HORIZONTAL_RULE + "\nA total of %,d operations were posted...\n" + " - GETs: %,9d Operations (%,d Misses and %,d Failures)\n" + " %,9d MB in compressed store data\n" + " %,9d MB in uncompressed application data\n" + " Network Throughput: %6.3f Gbps*\n" + " - PUTs: %,9d Operations (%,d Failures)\n" + " %,9d MB in compressed store data\n" + " %,9d MB in uncompressed application data\n" + " Network Throughput: %6.3f Gbps*\n" + " - Total Network Throughput: %6.3f Gbps*\n\n" + "* Figure includes key & value traffic but not database protocol overhead.\n\n";
double oneGigabit = (1024 * 1024 * 1024) / 8;
long oneMB = (1024 * 1024);
double getThroughput = networkGetData.get() + (successfulGets.get() * config.keysize);
getThroughput /= (oneGigabit * config.duration);
long totalPuts = successfulPuts.get() + failedPuts.get();
double putThroughput = networkGetData.get() + (totalPuts * config.keysize);
putThroughput /= (oneGigabit * config.duration);
System.out.printf(display, stats.getInvocationsCompleted(), successfulGets.get(), missedGets.get(), failedGets.get(), networkGetData.get() / oneMB, rawGetData.get() / oneMB, getThroughput, successfulPuts.get(), failedPuts.get(), networkPutData.get() / oneMB, rawPutData.get() / oneMB, putThroughput, getThroughput + putThroughput);
// 2. Performance statistics
System.out.println(" Client Workload Statistics");
System.out.printf("Average throughput: %,9d txns/sec\n", stats.getTxnThroughput());
System.out.printf("Average latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.getAverageLatency());
System.out.printf("10th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.1));
System.out.printf("25th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.25));
System.out.printf("50th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.5));
System.out.printf("75th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.75));
System.out.printf("90th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.9));
System.out.printf("95th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.95));
System.out.printf("99th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.99));
System.out.printf("99.5th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.995));
System.out.printf("99.9th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.999));
System.out.printf("99.999th percentile latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(.99999));
System.out.print("\n" + HORIZONTAL_RULE);
System.out.println(" System Server Statistics");
System.out.printf("Reported Internal Avg Latency: %,9.2f ms\n", stats.getAverageInternalLatency());
System.out.print("\n" + HORIZONTAL_RULE);
System.out.println(" Latency Histogram");
// 3. Write stats to file if requested
client.writeSummaryCSV(stats, config.statsfile);
use of org.voltdb.client.ClientStats in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class SyncBenchmark method printStatistics.
* Prints a one line update on performance that can be printed
* periodically during a benchmark.
public synchronized void printStatistics() {
ClientStats stats = periodicStatsContext.fetchAndResetBaseline().getStats();
// Print an ISO8601 timestamp (of the same kind Python logging uses) to help
// log merger correlate correctly
System.out.print(LOG_DF.format(new Date(stats.getEndTimestamp())));
System.out.printf(" Throughput %d/s, ", stats.getTxnThroughput());
System.out.printf("Aborts/Failures %d/%d, ", stats.getInvocationAborts(), stats.getInvocationErrors());
System.out.printf("Avg/99.999%% Latency %.2f/%.2fms\n", stats.getAverageLatency(), stats.kPercentileLatencyAsDouble(0.99999));