use of org.voltdb.planner.AbstractParsedStmt in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class DDLCompiler method addIndexToCatalog.
private static void addIndexToCatalog(Database db, Table table, VoltXMLElement node, Map<String, String> indexReplacementMap, HashMap<String, Index> indexMap, HashMap<String, Column> columnMap, VoltCompiler compiler) throws VoltCompilerException {
String name = node.attributes.get("name");
boolean unique = Boolean.parseBoolean(node.attributes.get("unique"));
boolean assumeUnique = Boolean.parseBoolean(node.attributes.get("assumeunique"));
AbstractParsedStmt dummy = new ParsedSelectStmt(null, db);
StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(String.format("Index \"%s\" ", name));
// "parse" the expression trees for an expression-based index (vs. a simple column value index)
List<AbstractExpression> exprs = null;
// "parse" the WHERE expression for partial index if any
AbstractExpression predicate = null;
// Some expressions have special validation in indices. Not all the expression
// can be indexed. We scan for result type at first here and block those which
// can't be indexed like boolean, geo ... We gather rest of expression into
// checkExpressions list. We will check on them all at once.
List<AbstractExpression> checkExpressions = new ArrayList<>();
for (VoltXMLElement subNode : node.children) {
if ("exprs")) {
exprs = new ArrayList<>();
for (VoltXMLElement exprNode : subNode.children) {
AbstractExpression expr = dummy.parseExpressionTree(exprNode);
// string will be populated with an expression's details when
// its value type is not indexable
StringBuffer exprMsg = new StringBuffer();
if (!expr.isValueTypeIndexable(exprMsg)) {
// indexing on expression with boolean result is not supported.
throw VoltCompilerException("Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because it contains " + exprMsg + ", which is not supported.");
if ((unique || assumeUnique) && !expr.isValueTypeUniqueIndexable(exprMsg)) {
// indexing on expression with boolean result is not supported.
throw VoltCompilerException("Cannot create unique index \"" + name + "\" because it contains " + exprMsg + ", which is not supported.");
// rest of the validity guards will be evaluated after collecting all the expressions.
} else if ("predicate")) {
assert (subNode.children.size() == 1);
VoltXMLElement predicateXML = subNode.children.get(0);
assert (predicateXML != null);
predicate = buildPartialIndexPredicate(dummy, name, predicateXML, table, compiler);
// Check all the subexpressions we gathered up.
if (!AbstractExpression.validateExprsForIndexesAndMVs(checkExpressions, msg)) {
// The error message will be in the StringBuffer msg.
throw VoltCompilerException(msg.toString());
String colList = node.attributes.get("columns");
String[] colNames = colList.split(",");
Column[] columns = new Column[colNames.length];
boolean has_nonint_col = false;
boolean has_geo_col = false;
String nonint_col_name = null;
for (int i = 0; i < colNames.length; i++) {
columns[i] = columnMap.get(colNames[i]);
if (columns[i] == null) {
UnsafeOperatorsForDDL unsafeOps = new UnsafeOperatorsForDDL();
if (exprs == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < colNames.length; i++) {
VoltType colType = VoltType.get((byte) columns[i].getType());
if (!colType.isIndexable()) {
String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " values are not currently supported as index keys: \"" + colNames[i] + "\"";
throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
if ((unique || assumeUnique) && !colType.isUniqueIndexable()) {
String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " values are not currently supported as unique index keys: \"" + colNames[i] + "\"";
throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
if (!colType.isBackendIntegerType()) {
has_nonint_col = true;
nonint_col_name = colNames[i];
has_geo_col = colType.equals(VoltType.GEOGRAPHY);
if (has_geo_col && colNames.length > 1) {
String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " values must be the only component of an index key: \"" + nonint_col_name + "\"";
throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
} else {
for (AbstractExpression expression : exprs) {
VoltType colType = expression.getValueType();
if (!colType.isIndexable()) {
String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " valued expressions are not currently supported as index keys.";
throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
if ((unique || assumeUnique) && !colType.isUniqueIndexable()) {
String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " valued expressions are not currently supported as unique index keys.";
throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
if (!colType.isBackendIntegerType()) {
has_nonint_col = true;
nonint_col_name = "<expression>";
has_geo_col = colType.equals(VoltType.GEOGRAPHY);
if (has_geo_col) {
if (exprs.size() > 1) {
String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " values must be the only component of an index key.";
throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
} else if (!(expression instanceof TupleValueExpression)) {
String emsg = "Cannot create index \"" + name + "\" because " + colType.getName() + " expressions must be simple column expressions.";
throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
Index index = table.getIndexes().add(name);
// Set the index type. It will be one of:
// - Covering cell index (geo index for CONTAINS predicates)
// - HASH index (set in HSQL because "hash" is in the name of the
// constraint or the index
// - TREE index, which is the default
boolean isHashIndex = node.attributes.get("ishashindex").equals("true");
if (has_geo_col) {
} else if (isHashIndex) {
// warn user that hash index will be deprecated
compiler.addWarn("Hash indexes are deprecated. In a future release, VoltDB will only support tree indexes, even if the index name contains the string \"hash\"");
// make the index a hash.
if (has_nonint_col) {
String emsg = "Index " + name + " in table " + table.getTypeName() + " uses a non-hashable column " + nonint_col_name;
throw VoltCompilerException(emsg);
} else {
// but they still represent the columns that will trigger an index update when their values change.
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
ColumnRef cref = index.getColumns().add(columns[i].getTypeName());
if (exprs != null) {
try {
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw VoltCompilerException("Unexpected error serializing non-column expressions for index '" + name + "' on type '" + table.getTypeName() + "': " + e.toString());
if (assumeUnique) {
if (predicate != null) {
try {
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw VoltCompilerException("Unexpected error serializing predicate for partial index '" + name + "' on type '" + table.getTypeName() + "': " + e.toString());
// will make two indexes different
for (Index existingIndex : table.getIndexes()) {
// skip thineself
if (existingIndex == index) {
if (indexesAreDups(existingIndex, index)) {
// replace any constraints using one index with the other
//for () TODO
// get ready for replacements from constraints created later
indexReplacementMap.put(index.getTypeName(), existingIndex.getTypeName());
// if the index is a user-named index...
if (index.getTypeName().startsWith(HSQLInterface.AUTO_GEN_PREFIX) == false) {
// on dup-detection, add a warning but don't fail
String emsg = String.format("Dropping index %s on table %s because it duplicates index %s.", index.getTypeName(), table.getTypeName(), existingIndex.getTypeName());
// drop the index and GTFO
String smsg = "Created index: " + name + " on table: " + table.getTypeName() + " of type: " + IndexType.get(index.getType()).name();
indexMap.put(name, index);
use of org.voltdb.planner.AbstractParsedStmt in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class SelectSubqueryExpression method resolveCorrelations.
* Resolve the subquery's correlated TVEs (and, in one special case, aggregates)
* that became ParameterValueExpressions in the subquery statement (or its children).
* If they reference a column from the parent statement (getOrigStmtId() == parentStmt.m_stmtId)
* that PVE will have to be initialized by this subquery expression in the back-end executor.
* Otherwise, the TVE references a grandparent statement with its own subquery expression,
* so just add it to the parent statement's set of correlated TVEs needing to be resolved later
* at a higher level.
public void resolveCorrelations() {
AbstractParsedStmt subqueryStmt = m_subquery.getSubqueryStmt();
AbstractParsedStmt parentStmt = subqueryStmt.m_parentStmt;
// we must have a parent - it's a subquery statement
assert (parentStmt != null);
// Preserve indexes of all parameters this subquery depends on.
// It might include parameters from its nested child subqueries that
// the subquery statement could not resolve itself and had to "move up".
for (Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractExpression> entry : subqueryStmt.m_parameterTveMap.entrySet()) {
Integer paramIdx = entry.getKey();
AbstractExpression expr = entry.getValue();
if (expr instanceof TupleValueExpression) {
TupleValueExpression tve = (TupleValueExpression) expr;
if (tve.getOrigStmtId() == parentStmt.m_stmtId) {
// TVE originates from the statement that this SubqueryExpression belongs to
addArgumentParameter(paramIdx, expr);
} else {
// TVE originates from a statement above this parent. Move it up.
parentStmt.m_parameterTveMap.put(paramIdx, expr);
} else if (expr instanceof AggregateExpression) {
// An aggregate expression is always from THIS parent statement.
addArgumentParameter(paramIdx, expr);
} else {
// so far it should be either AggregateExpression or TupleValueExpression types
assert (false);