use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class NbboBenchmark method iterate.
public void iterate() throws Exception {
Symbols.Symbol s = symbols.getRandom();
int ask = Math.round(s.price * (1 + rand.nextFloat() / 20));
int bid = Math.round(s.price * (1 - rand.nextFloat() / 20));
String exch = exchanges[rand.nextInt(exchanges.length)];
client.callProcedure(new BenchmarkCallback("ProcessTick"), "ProcessTick", s.symbol, new TimestampType(), //seq_number
seq++, // exchange
exch, //bid_price
bid, //bid_size
sizes[rand.nextInt(sizes.length)], //ask_price
ask, //ask_size
use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestTPCCSuite method testOSTAT.
public void testOSTAT() throws IOException, ProcCallException {
Client client = getClient();
// create a District, Warehouse, and 4 Customers (multiple, since we
// want to test for correct behavior of paymentByCustomerName.
// long d_id, long d_w_id, String d_name, String d_street_1, String
// d_street_2, String d_city, String d_state, String d_zip, double
// d_tax, double d_ytd, long d_next_o_id
VoltTable[] idresults = client.callProcedure("InsertDistrict", 7L, 3L, "A District", "Street Addy", "meh", "westerfield", "BA", "99999", .0825, 15241.45, 21L).getResults();
// check that a district was inserted
assertEquals(1L, idresults[0].asScalarLong());
// long w_id, String w_name, String w_street_1, String w_street_2,
// String w_city, String w_zip, double w_tax, long w_ytd
VoltTable warehouse = client.callProcedure("InsertWarehouse", 3L, "EZ Street WHouse", "Headquarters", "77 Mass. Ave.", "Cambridge", "AZ", "12938", .1234, 18837.57).getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, warehouse.asScalarLong());
VoltTable customer = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", 5L, 7L, 3L, "We", "R", "Customer", "Random Department", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "13908", "(913) 909 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19298943.12, .13, 15.75, 18832.45, 45L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, customer.asScalarLong());
VoltTable orders = client.callProcedure("InsertOrders", 9L, 7L, 3L, 5L, new TimestampType(), 10L, 5L, 6L).getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, orders.asScalarLong());
VoltTable[] results = client.callProcedure("ostatByCustomerName", (byte) 3, (byte) 7, "Customer").getResults();
assertEquals(3, results.length);
results = client.callProcedure("ostatByCustomerId", (byte) 3, (byte) 7, 5).getResults();
assertEquals(3, results.length);
use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestTPCCSuite method testInsertsAndSelects.
public void testInsertsAndSelects() throws IOException {
Client client = getClient();
try {
VoltTable[] results = null;
TimestampType timestamp = new TimestampType();
results = client.callProcedure("InsertWarehouse", 8L, "EZ Street WHouse", "Headquarters", "77 Mass. Ave.", "Cambridge", "AZ", "12938", .1234, 18837.57).getResults();
assertTrue(results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L);
results = client.callProcedure("InsertDistrict", 7L, 3L, "A District", "Street Addy", "meh", "westerfield", "BA", "99999", .0825, 15241.45, 21L).getResults();
assertTrue(results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L);
results = client.callProcedure("InsertItem", 5L, 21L, "An Item", 7.33, "Some Data").getResults();
assertTrue(results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L);
results = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", 2L, 7L, 8L, "I", "Is", "Name", "Place", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "91083", "(913) 909 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19298943.12, .13, 15.75, 18832.45, 45L, 15L, "Some History").getResults();
assertTrue(results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L);
results = client.callProcedure("InsertHistory", 13L, 2L, 7L, 5L, 6L, timestamp, 23.334, "Some History").getResults();
assertTrue(results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L);
results = client.callProcedure("InsertStock", 5L, 3L, 45L, "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", 5582L, 152L, 32L, "DATA").getResults();
assertTrue(results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L);
results = client.callProcedure("InsertOrders", 2L, 7L, 5L, 6L, timestamp, 2L, 7L, 5L).getResults();
assertTrue(results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L);
results = client.callProcedure("InsertNewOrder", 7L, 5L, 6L).getResults();
assertTrue(results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L);
results = client.callProcedure("InsertOrderLine", 6L, 7L, 3L, 1L, 4L, 3L, timestamp, 45L, 152.15, "blah blah blah").getResults();
assertTrue(results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L);
} catch (ProcCallException e1) {
} catch (IOException e1) {
use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestTPCCSuite method testSLEV.
public void testSLEV() throws IOException, ProcCallException {
Client client = getClient();
// call the insertDistrict procedure so we have a valid o_id
// long d_id, long d_w_id, String d_name, String d_street_1, String
// d_street_2, String d_city, String d_state, String d_zip, double
// d_tax, double d_ytd, long d_next_o_id
VoltTable[] idresults = client.callProcedure("InsertDistrict", 7L, 3L, "A District", "Street Addy", "meh", "westerfield", "BA", "99999", .0825, 15241.45, 21L).getResults();
// check that a district was inserted
assertEquals(1L, idresults[0].asScalarLong());
// This tests case of stock level transaction being called when there
// are no items with stock and no
// long w_id, long d_id, long threshold
VoltTable[] results = client.callProcedure(Constants.STOCK_LEVEL, (byte) 3, (byte) 7, 1).getResults();
// check one table was returned
assertEquals(1, results.length);
// check one tuple was modified
VoltTable result = results[0];
long stockCount = result.asScalarLong();
// check count was 0 (should be, for we have empty stock and order-line
// tables.
assertEquals(0L, stockCount);
// Now we repeat the same thing, but adding a valid order-line.
// long ol_o_id, long ol_d_id, long ol_w_id, long ol_number, long
// ol_i_id, long ol_supply_w_id, Date ol_delivery_d, long ol_quantity,
// double ol_amount, String ol_dist_info
TimestampType timestamp = new TimestampType();
VoltTable[] olresults = client.callProcedure("InsertOrderLine", 4L, 7L, 3L, 1L, 4L, 3L, timestamp, 45L, 152.15, "blah blah blah").getResults();
assertEquals(1L, olresults[0].asScalarLong());
try {
// We expect this to fail because the stock table is empty.
results = client.callProcedure(Constants.STOCK_LEVEL, (byte) 3, (byte) 7, 1L).getResults();
if (Constants.STOCK_LEVEL.equals(slev.class.getSimpleName())) {
// check one table was returned
assertEquals(1, results.length);
// check one tuple was modified
result = results[0];
stockCount = result.asScalarLong();
// check count was 0 (should be, for we have an empty stock table.
assertEquals(0L, stockCount);
// Otherwise it's the "hand-crafted" SLEV, which should return an error
} else {
fail("expected exception");
} catch (ProcCallException e) {
// Now we repeat the same thing, but adding a valid stock.
// long pkey, long s_i_id, long s_w_id, long s_quantity, String
// s_dist_01, String s_dist_02, String s_dist_03, String s_dist_04,
// String s_dist_05, String s_dist_06, String s_dist_07, String
// s_dist_08, String s_dist_09, String s_dist_10, long s_ytd, double
// s_order_cnt, double s_remote_cnt, String s_data
timestamp = new TimestampType();
VoltTable[] isresults = client.callProcedure("InsertStock", 4L, 3L, 45L, "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", 5582L, 152L, 32L, "DATA").getResults();
assertEquals(1L, isresults[0].asScalarLong());
results = client.callProcedure(Constants.STOCK_LEVEL, (byte) 3, (byte) 7, 5000).getResults();
// check one table was returned
assertEquals(1, results.length);
// check one tuple was modified
result = results[0];
stockCount = result.asScalarLong();
// check count is 1
assertEquals(1L, stockCount);
// On more test: this test that Distinct is working properly.
VoltTable[] ol2results = client.callProcedure("InsertOrderLine", 5L, 7L, 3L, 1L, 5L, 3L, timestamp, 45L, 152.15, "blah blah blah").getResults();
assertEquals(1L, ol2results[0].asScalarLong());
VoltTable[] ol3results = client.callProcedure("InsertOrderLine", 6L, 7L, 3L, 1L, 4L, 3L, timestamp, 45L, 152.15, "blah blah blah").getResults();
assertEquals(1L, ol3results[0].asScalarLong());
VoltTable[] is2results = client.callProcedure("InsertStock", 5L, 3L, 45L, "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", 5582L, 152L, 32L, "DATA").getResults();
assertEquals(1L, is2results[0].asScalarLong());
results = client.callProcedure(Constants.STOCK_LEVEL, (byte) 3, (byte) 7, 5000).getResults();
// check one table was returned
assertEquals(1, results.length);
// check one tuple was modified
result = results[0];
stockCount = result.asScalarLong();
// check count is 2, (not 3 or 1).
assertEquals(2L, stockCount);
use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestTPCCSuite method testDELIVERY.
public void testDELIVERY() throws IOException, ProcCallException {
Client client = getClient();
// create a District, Warehouse, and 4 Customers (multiple, since we
// want to test for correct behavior of paymentByCustomerName.
// long d_id, long d_w_id, String d_name, String d_street_1, String
// d_street_2, String d_city, String d_state, String d_zip, double
// d_tax, double d_ytd, long d_next_o_id
VoltTable[] idresults = client.callProcedure("InsertDistrict", D_ID, W_ID, "A District", "Street Addy", "meh", "westerfield", "BA", "99999", .0825, 15241.45, 21L).getResults();
// check that a district was inserted
assertEquals(1L, idresults[0].asScalarLong());
// long w_id, String w_name, String w_street_1, String w_street_2,
// String w_city, String w_zip, double w_tax, long w_ytd
VoltTable warehouse = client.callProcedure("InsertWarehouse", W_ID, "EZ Street WHouse", "Headquarters", "77 Mass. Ave.", "Cambridge", "AZ", "12938", .1234, 18837.57).getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, warehouse.asScalarLong());
VoltTable customer = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", 5L, D_ID, W_ID, "We", "R", "Customer", "Random Department", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "13908", "(913) 909 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19298943.12, .13, 15.75, 18832.45, 45L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, customer.asScalarLong());
final long O_OL_CNT = 1;
VoltTable orders = client.callProcedure("InsertOrders", O_ID, D_ID, W_ID, 5L, new TimestampType(), 10L, O_OL_CNT, 1L).getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, orders.asScalarLong());
// Insert an order line for this order
VoltTable line = client.callProcedure("InsertOrderLine", O_ID, D_ID, W_ID, 1L, I_ID, W_ID, new TimestampType(), 1L, 1.0, "ol_dist_info").getResults()[0];
assertEquals(1L, line.asScalarLong());
VoltTable newOrder = client.callProcedure("InsertNewOrder", O_ID, D_ID, W_ID).getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, newOrder.asScalarLong());
System.out.println("DATA before DELIVERY transaction");
VoltTable[] results = client.callProcedure("delivery", W_ID, 10, new TimestampType()).getResults();
System.out.println("DATA after DELIVERY transaction");
assertEquals(1, results.length);
assertEquals(1, results[0].getRowCount());
VoltTableRow r = results[0].fetchRow(0);
assertEquals(D_ID, r.getLong(0));
assertEquals(O_ID, r.getLong(1));