use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestTPCCSuite method testNEWORDER.
public void testNEWORDER() throws IOException, ProcCallException {
Client client = getClient();
final double W_TAX = 0.1234;
// long w_id, String w_name, String w_street_1, String w_street_2,
// String w_city, String w_zip, double w_tax, long w_ytd
VoltTable warehouse = client.callProcedure("InsertWarehouse", W_ID, "EZ Street WHouse", "Headquarters", "77 Mass. Ave.", "Cambridge", "AZ", "12938", W_TAX, 18837.57).getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, warehouse.asScalarLong());
final double D_TAX = 0.0825;
final int D_NEXT_O_ID = 21;
// long d_id, long d_w_id, String d_name, String d_street_1, String
// d_street_2, String d_city, String d_state, String d_zip, double
// d_tax, double d_ytd, long d_next_o_id
VoltTable district = client.callProcedure("InsertDistrict", D_ID, W_ID, "A District", "Street Addy", "meh", "westerfield", "BA", "99999", D_TAX, 15241.45, D_NEXT_O_ID).getResults()[0];
// check that a district was inserted
assertEquals(1L, district.asScalarLong());
final double C_DISCOUNT = 0.13;
// long c_id, long c_d_id, long c_w_id, String c_first, String c_middle,
// String c_last, String c_street_1, String c_street_2, String d_city,
// String d_state, String d_zip, String c_phone, Date c_since, String
// c_credit, double c_credit_lim, double c_discount, double c_balance,
// double c_ytd_payment, double c_payment_cnt, double c_delivery_cnt,
// String c_data
VoltTable customer = client.callProcedure("InsertCustomer", C_ID, D_ID, W_ID, "I", "Is", "Name", "Place", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "91083", "(913) 909 - 0928", new TimestampType(), "GC", 19298943.12, C_DISCOUNT, 15.75, 18832.45, 45L, 15L, "Some History").getResults()[0];
// check for successful insertion.
assertEquals(1L, customer.asScalarLong());
final int[] s_quantities = { 45, 85, 15 };
final long INITIAL_S_YTD = 5582L;
final long INITIAL_S_ORDER_CNT = 152L;
// long pkey, long s_i_id, long s_w_id, long s_quantity, String
// s_dist_01, String s_dist_02, String s_dist_03, String s_dist_04,
// String s_dist_05, String s_dist_06, String s_dist_07, String
// s_dist_08, String s_dist_09, String s_dist_10, long s_ytd, long
// s_order_cnt, long s_remote_cnt, String s_data
VoltTable stock1 = client.callProcedure("InsertStock", 4L, W_ID, s_quantities[0], "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", INITIAL_S_YTD, INITIAL_S_ORDER_CNT, 32L, "DATA").getResults()[0];
VoltTable stock2 = client.callProcedure("InsertStock", 5L, W_ID, s_quantities[1], "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", INITIAL_S_YTD + 10, INITIAL_S_ORDER_CNT + 10, 32L, "foo" + Constants.ORIGINAL_STRING + "bar").getResults()[0];
VoltTable stock3 = client.callProcedure("InsertStock", 6L, W_ID, s_quantities[2], "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", "INFO", INITIAL_S_YTD + 20, INITIAL_S_ORDER_CNT + 20, 32L, "DATA").getResults()[0];
final double PRICE = 2341.23;
// long i_id, long i_im_id, String i_name, double i_price, String i_data
VoltTable item1 = client.callProcedure("InsertItem", 4L, 4L, "ITEM1", PRICE, Constants.ORIGINAL_STRING).getResults()[0];
VoltTable item2 = client.callProcedure("InsertItem", 5L, 5L, "ITEM2", PRICE, Constants.ORIGINAL_STRING).getResults()[0];
VoltTable item3 = client.callProcedure("InsertItem", 6L, 6L, "ITEM3", PRICE, Constants.ORIGINAL_STRING).getResults()[0];
// check the inserts went through.
assertEquals(1L, stock1.asScalarLong());
assertEquals(1L, stock2.asScalarLong());
assertEquals(1L, stock3.asScalarLong());
assertEquals(1L, item1.asScalarLong());
assertEquals(1L, item2.asScalarLong());
assertEquals(1L, item3.asScalarLong());
// call the neworder transaction:
// if(ol_supply_w_id != w_id) all_local = 0;
// test all_local behavior, first, then remote warehouse situation.
// long w_id, long d_id, long c_id, long ol_cnt, long all_local, long[]
// item_id, long[] supware, long[] quantity
int[] items = { 4, 5, 6 };
short[] warehouses = { W_ID, W_ID, W_ID };
int[] quantities = { 3, 5, 1 };
TimestampType timestamp = new TimestampType();
VoltTable[] neworder = client.callProcedure("neworder", W_ID, D_ID, C_ID, timestamp, items, warehouses, quantities).getResults();
// Now to check returns are correct. We assume that inserts and such
// within the actual transaction went through since it didn't rollback
// and error out.
VoltTableRow customerData = neworder[0].fetchRow(0);
VoltTableRow miscData = neworder[1].fetchRow(0);
assertEquals("Name", customerData.getString("C_LAST"));
assertEquals("GC", customerData.getString("C_CREDIT"));
assertEquals(.13, customerData.getDouble("C_DISCOUNT"));
assertEquals(W_TAX, miscData.getDouble("w_tax"));
assertEquals(D_TAX, miscData.getDouble("d_tax"));
assertEquals(21L, miscData.getLong("o_id"));
final double AMOUNT = PRICE * (3 + 5 + 1) * (1 - C_DISCOUNT) * (1 + D_TAX + W_TAX);
assertEquals(AMOUNT, miscData.getDouble("total"), 0.001);
// Check each item
VoltTable itemResults = neworder[2];
assertEquals(quantities.length, itemResults.getRowCount());
for (int i = 0; i < itemResults.getRowCount(); ++i) {
VoltTableRow itemRow = itemResults.fetchRow(i);
assertEquals("ITEM" + (i + 1), itemRow.getString("i_name"));
//~ assertEquals(quantities[i], itemRow.getLong("));
long expected = s_quantities[i] - quantities[i];
if (expected < 10)
expected += 91;
assertEquals(expected, itemRow.getLong("s_quantity"));
if (i == 1) {
assertEquals("B", itemRow.getString("brand_generic"));
} else {
assertEquals("G", itemRow.getString("brand_generic"));
assertEquals(PRICE, itemRow.getDouble("i_price"));
assertEquals(PRICE * quantities[i], itemRow.getDouble("ol_amount"));
// verify that stock was updated correctly
VoltTable[] allTables = client.callProcedure("SelectAll").getResults();
VoltTable stock = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("STOCK")];
for (int i = 0; i < stock.getRowCount(); ++i) {
VoltTableRow stockRow = stock.fetchRow(i);
assertEquals(INITIAL_S_YTD + i * 10 + quantities[i], stockRow.getLong("S_YTD"));
assertEquals(INITIAL_S_ORDER_CNT + i * 10 + 1, stockRow.getLong("S_ORDER_CNT"));
// New order with a missing item
items = new int[] { Constants.NUM_ITEMS + 1 };
warehouses = new short[] { W_ID };
quantities = new int[] { 42 };
try {
client.callProcedure("neworder", W_ID, D_ID, C_ID, timestamp, items, warehouses, quantities);
} catch (ProcCallException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf(Constants.INVALID_ITEM_MESSAGE) > 0);
// Verify that we only inserted one new order
allTables = client.callProcedure("SelectAll").getResults();
// only 1 order, from the first new order call
district = allTables[TPCDataPrinter.nameMap.get("DISTRICT")];
assertEquals(1, district.getRowCount());
assertEquals(D_NEXT_O_ID + 1, district.fetchRow(0).getLong("D_NEXT_O_ID"));
// TODO(evanj): Verify that everything else is updated correctly
use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestCatalogUpdateSuite method testUpdateWithNoDeploymentFile.
public void testUpdateWithNoDeploymentFile() throws Exception {
System.out.println("\n\n-----\n testUpdateWithNoDeploymentFile \n-----\n\n");
Client client = getClient();
String newCatalogURL;
CatTestCallback callback;
loadSomeData(client, 0, 25);
// asynchronously call some random inserts
loadSomeData(client, 25, 25);
// add a procedure "InsertOrderLineBatched"
newCatalogURL = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("catalogupdate-cluster-expanded.jar");
callback = new CatTestCallback(ClientResponse.SUCCESS);
client.updateApplicationCatalog(callback, new File(newCatalogURL), null);
// don't care if this succeeds or fails.
// calling the new proc before the cat change returns is not guaranteed to work
// we just hope it doesn't crash anything
int x = 3;
SyncCallback cb = new SyncCallback();
client.callProcedure(cb, org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.procedures.InsertOrderLineBatched.class.getSimpleName(), new long[] { x }, new long[] { x }, x, new long[] { x }, new long[] { x }, new long[] { x }, new TimestampType[] { new TimestampType() }, new long[] { x }, new double[] { x }, new String[] { "a" });
// make sure the previous catalog change has completed
// now calling the new proc better work
x = 2;
client.callProcedure(org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.procedures.InsertOrderLineBatched.class.getSimpleName(), new long[] { x }, new long[] { x }, (short) x, new long[] { x }, new long[] { x }, new long[] { x }, new TimestampType[] { new TimestampType() }, new long[] { x }, new double[] { x }, new String[] { "a" });
loadSomeData(client, 50, 5);
use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestSqlAggregateSuite method testInlineVarcharCountDistinct.
// This is a regression test for ENG-9394
public void testInlineVarcharCountDistinct() throws IOException, ProcCallException {
Client client = getClient();
// These values were empirically determined to
// produce a wrong answer before this bug was fixed.
String[] codeValues = { "x9knsslnDEx1vPVE3AmoJSyF", "x9iMVxN9IM3PbKn0rVuPfK0GI", "xcsj3vLpLh", "x8DuKNF0GeQ8UG", "xiqRc8iVY2u1oN5kizy3CA7", "xecZXl8bsE4Pw3LBhI7B8G", "xfKP25a2foPTw2FiCRdUsZj", "xp7KR8SOp5B8kopvUdnc3gmeAskWVwJ", "xG6", "xhw0OVDvKJRyYdmUj9z3UcODKNB", "xPy5PXeRtJcZhUFuyIiV09h", "x8Vc4ExuM4c7SU5F6XZ6pWiUnnrO93v", "xNe2H70Em", "x8cepckgTyLhKR8cF10JgR4JzWCUu", "xuT6JlTjfObhqUJ", "xovLMc0FWA04m", "xJroR", "xdSjQW", "xHw", "xMMnkLHq8b493PhefMjtLQjV" };
for (int i = 0; i < codeValues.length; ++i) {
client.callProcedure("ENG_9394.insert", codeValues[i], codeValues[i], Integer.toString(i), new TimestampType("2010-10-31 11:11:26"), new TimestampType("2048-10-31 11:11:27"), "000");
VoltTable vt;
String stmt = "select count(distinct code) " + "from ENG_9394 " + "where dt1 <= current_timestamp " + "and dt2 >= current_timestamp " + "and acode < '999'";
vt = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", stmt).getResults()[0];
long countDistinct = vt.getLong(0);
stmt = "select count(*) " + "from (" + " select distinct code " + " from ENG_9394 " + " where dt1 <= current_timestamp " + " and dt2 >= current_timestamp " + " and acode < '999') as subq";
vt = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", stmt).getResults()[0];
long countStarSubquery = vt.getLong(0);
assertEquals(countStarSubquery, countDistinct);
use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestVoltBulkLoader method testOpenQuote.
public void testOpenQuote() throws Exception {
String mySchema = "create table BLAH (" + // column that is partitioned on
"clm_integer integer default 0 not null, " + "clm_integer1 integer default 0, " + "clm_bigint bigint default 0, " + "clm_string varchar(200) default null, " + "clm_timestamp timestamp default null, " + "clm_geo geography default null," + "clm_geopt geography_point default null " + "); ";
int myBatchSize = 200;
TimestampType timeParam = new TimestampType("7777-12-25 14:35:26");
Object[][] myData = { { 1, 1, 1, "\"Jesus\\\"\"loves" + "\n" + "you\"", timeParam, geo, geopt } };
Integer[] failures = {};
ArrayList<Integer> expectedFailures = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(failures));
test_Interface(mySchema, myData, myBatchSize, expectedFailures, 0);
use of org.voltdb.types.TimestampType in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestVoltBulkLoader method testBatchOptionThatSplitsAndGetsViolationsAndDataIsSmallInLastBatchFlush.
//Test batch option that splits and gets constraint violations.
public void testBatchOptionThatSplitsAndGetsViolationsAndDataIsSmallInLastBatchFlush() throws Exception {
String mySchema = "create table BLAH (" + "clm_integer integer not null, " + // column that is partitioned on
"clm_tinyint tinyint default 0, " + "clm_smallint smallint default 0, " + "clm_bigint bigint default 0, " + "clm_string varchar(20) default null, " + "clm_decimal decimal default null, " + "clm_float float default null, " + "clm_timestamp timestamp default null, " + "clm_geo geography default null," + "clm_geopt geography_point default null, " + "PRIMARY KEY(clm_integer) " + "); ";
int myBatchSize = 2;
TimestampType currentTime = new TimestampType();
Object[][] myData = { { 1, 1, 1, 11111111, "first", 1.10, 1.11, currentTime, geo, geopt }, { 2, 1, 1, 11111111, "first", 1.10, 1.11, currentTime, geo, geopt }, { 2, 1, 1, 11111111, "first", 1.10, 1.11, currentTime, geo, geopt } };
Integer[] failures = { 3 };
ArrayList<Integer> expectedFailures = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(failures));
test_Interface(mySchema, myData, myBatchSize, expectedFailures, 2);