use of org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.protocol.PreKeyWhisperMessage in project Conversations by siacs.
the class XmppAxolotlSession method processReceiving.
public byte[] processReceiving(AxolotlKey encryptedKey) throws CryptoFailedException {
byte[] plaintext;
FingerprintStatus status = getTrust();
if (!status.isCompromised()) {
try {
CiphertextMessage ciphertextMessage;
try {
ciphertextMessage = new PreKeyWhisperMessage(encryptedKey.key);
Optional<Integer> optionalPreKeyId = ((PreKeyWhisperMessage) ciphertextMessage).getPreKeyId();
IdentityKey identityKey = ((PreKeyWhisperMessage) ciphertextMessage).getIdentityKey();
if (!optionalPreKeyId.isPresent()) {
throw new CryptoFailedException("PreKeyWhisperMessage did not contain a PreKeyId");
preKeyId = optionalPreKeyId.get();
if (this.identityKey != null && !this.identityKey.equals(identityKey)) {
throw new CryptoFailedException("Received PreKeyWhisperMessage but preexisting identity key changed.");
this.identityKey = identityKey;
} catch (InvalidVersionException | InvalidMessageException e) {
ciphertextMessage = new WhisperMessage(encryptedKey.key);
if (ciphertextMessage instanceof PreKeyWhisperMessage) {
plaintext = cipher.decrypt((PreKeyWhisperMessage) ciphertextMessage);
} else {
plaintext = cipher.decrypt((WhisperMessage) ciphertextMessage);
} catch (InvalidKeyException | LegacyMessageException | InvalidMessageException | DuplicateMessageException | NoSessionException | InvalidKeyIdException | UntrustedIdentityException e) {
if (!(e instanceof DuplicateMessageException)) {
throw new CryptoFailedException("Error decrypting WhisperMessage " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
if (!status.isActive()) {
} else {
throw new CryptoFailedException("not encrypting omemo message from fingerprint " + getFingerprint() + " because it was marked as compromised");
return plaintext;