use of in project whole by wholeplatform.
the class TextualKeyHandler method calculateDoubleClickSelection.
public IWholeSelection calculateDoubleClickSelection(EditPoint editPoint) {
ITextualEntityPart targetPart = (ITextualEntityPart) editPoint.focus;
IEntity targetEntity = targetPart.getModelEntity();
int endPosition = -1, startPosition = -1;
if (enableSmartSelection(targetEntity)) {
String text = targetEntity.wStringValue();
int position = targetPart.getCaretPosition();
int positions = targetPart.getCaretPositions();
Matcher matcher;
if (position == 0) {
matcher = RIGHT_PATTERN.matcher(text);
if (matcher.find()) {
startPosition = 0;
endPosition = matcher.end();
} else if (position == positions) {
matcher = LEFT_PATTERN.matcher(text);
if (matcher.find()) {
startPosition = matcher.start();
endPosition = positions;
} else {
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(text.charAt(position))) {
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(text.charAt(position - 1))) {
// XX
String substring = text.substring(0, position);
matcher = LEFT_PATTERN.matcher(substring);
if (matcher.find())
startPosition = matcher.start();
matcher = RIGHT_PATTERN.matcher(text.substring(position));
if (matcher.find())
endPosition = position + matcher.end();
} else {
// .X
matcher = RIGHT_PATTERN.matcher(text.substring(position));
if (matcher.find()) {
startPosition = position + matcher.start();
endPosition = position + matcher.end();
} else {
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(text.charAt(position - 1))) {
// X.
matcher = LEFT_PATTERN.matcher(text.substring(0, position));
if (matcher.find()) {
startPosition = matcher.start();
endPosition = position;
} else {
// ..
startPosition = position - 1;
endPosition = position;
if (endPosition >= 0 && startPosition >= 0)
return new SelectionRange(editPoint.focus, startPosition, endPosition);
return super.calculateDoubleClickSelection(editPoint);