use of org.wicketstuff.dashboard.WidgetFactory in project openmeetings by apache.
the class WebSession method initDashboard.
private void initDashboard() {
DashboardContext dashboardContext = getDashboardContext();
dashboard = (UserDashboard) dashboardContext.getDashboardPersister().load();
boolean existMyRoomWidget = false, existRssWidget = false, existAdminWidget = false;
boolean showMyRoomConfValue = cfgDao.getBool(CONFIG_MYROOMS_ENABLED, true) && cfgDao.getBool(CONFIG_DASHBOARD_SHOW_MYROOMS, false);
boolean showRssConfValue = cfgDao.getBool(CONFIG_DASHBOARD_SHOW_RSS, false);
boolean showAdminWidget = getRights().contains(User.Right.Admin);
boolean save = false;
WidgetFactory widgetFactory = dashboardContext.getWidgetFactory();
if (dashboard == null) {
dashboard = new UserDashboard("default", "Default");
dashboard.addWidget(widgetFactory.createWidget(new WelcomeWidgetDescriptor()));
dashboard.addWidget(widgetFactory.createWidget(new StartWidgetDescriptor()));
if (showMyRoomConfValue) {
dashboard.addWidget(widgetFactory.createWidget(new MyRoomsWidgetDescriptor()));
if (showRssConfValue) {
dashboard.addWidget(widgetFactory.createWidget(new RssWidgetDescriptor()));
if (showAdminWidget) {
dashboard.addWidget(widgetFactory.createWidget(new AdminWidgetDescriptor()));
save = true;
} else {
for (Iterator<Widget> iter = dashboard.getWidgets().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Widget w =;
// PrivateRoomWidget is stored in the profile of user. Now, Show_MyRooms_key is disable.
if (w.getClass().equals(MyRoomsWidget.class)) {
existMyRoomWidget = true;
if (!showMyRoomConfValue) {
} else if (w.getClass().equals(RssWidget.class)) {
// RssWidget is stored in the profile of user. Now, Show_RSS_Key is disable.
existRssWidget = true;
if (!showRssConfValue) {
} else if (w.getClass().equals(AdminWidget.class)) {
// AdminWidget is stored in the profile of user. check if user is admin.
existAdminWidget = true;
if (!showAdminWidget) {
} else {
// PrivateRoomWidget was deleted from profile and now it's enabled. It's added again to dashboard.
if (!existMyRoomWidget && showMyRoomConfValue && !dashboard.isWidgetMyRoomsDeleted()) {
dashboard.addWidget(widgetFactory.createWidget(new MyRoomsWidgetDescriptor()));
save = true;
// RssWidget was deleted from profile and now it's enabled. It's added again to dashboard.
if (!existRssWidget && showRssConfValue && !dashboard.isWidgetRssDeleted()) {
dashboard.addWidget(widgetFactory.createWidget(new RssWidgetDescriptor()));
save = true;
// user had no admin rights, now he/she has.
if (!existAdminWidget && showAdminWidget && !dashboard.isWidgetAdminDeleted()) {
dashboard.addWidget(widgetFactory.createWidget(new AdminWidgetDescriptor()));
save = true;
if (save) {