use of org.wso2.ballerinalang.compiler.desugar.Desugar in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class Desugar method visit.
public void visit(BLangTupleDestructure stmt) {
// var (a, b) = (tuple)
// desugar once
// any[] x = (tuple);
// a = x[0];
final BLangBlockStmt blockStmt = ASTBuilderUtil.createBlockStmt(stmt.pos);
BType runTimeType = new BArrayType(symTable.anyType);
final BLangVariable tuple = ASTBuilderUtil.createVariable(stmt.pos, "", runTimeType, null, new BVarSymbol(0, names.fromString("tuple"), this.env.scope.owner.pkgID, runTimeType, this.env.scope.owner));
tuple.expr = stmt.expr;
final BLangVariableDef variableDef = ASTBuilderUtil.createVariableDefStmt(stmt.pos, blockStmt);
variableDef.var = tuple;
for (int index = 0; index < stmt.varRefs.size(); index++) {
BLangExpression varRef = stmt.varRefs.get(index);
BLangLiteral indexExpr = ASTBuilderUtil.createLiteral(stmt.pos, symTable.intType, (long) index);
BLangIndexBasedAccess arrayAccess = ASTBuilderUtil.createIndexBasesAccessExpr(stmt.pos, symTable.anyType, tuple.symbol, indexExpr);
final BLangExpression assignmentExpr;
if (types.isValueType(varRef.type)) {
BLangTypeConversionExpr castExpr = (BLangTypeConversionExpr) TreeBuilder.createTypeConversionNode();
castExpr.expr = arrayAccess;
castExpr.conversionSymbol = Symbols.createUnboxValueTypeOpSymbol(symTable.anyType, varRef.type);
castExpr.type = varRef.type;
assignmentExpr = castExpr;
} else {
assignmentExpr = arrayAccess;
final BLangAssignment assignmentStmt = ASTBuilderUtil.createAssignmentStmt(stmt.pos, blockStmt);
assignmentStmt.declaredWithVar = stmt.declaredWithVar;
assignmentStmt.varRefs = Lists.of(varRef);
assignmentStmt.expr = assignmentExpr;
result = rewrite(blockStmt, env);
use of org.wso2.ballerinalang.compiler.desugar.Desugar in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class Desugar method visit.
public void visit(BLangAssignment assignNode) {
if (assignNode.expr.type.tag == TypeTags.STREAM && assignNode.varRefs.get(0) instanceof BLangSimpleVarRef) {
((BLangRecordLiteral) assignNode.expr).name = ((BLangSimpleVarRef) assignNode.varRefs.get(0)).variableName;
assignNode.varRefs = rewriteExprs(assignNode.varRefs);
assignNode.expr = rewriteExpr(assignNode.expr);
result = assignNode;
if (!assignNode.safeAssignment) {
// Desugar the =? operator with the match statement
// e.g.
// File f;
// .....
// f =? openFile("/tmp/foo.txt"); // openFile: () -> (File | error)
// {
// match openFile("/tmp/foo.txt") {
// File _$_f1 => f = _$_f1;
// error e => throw e | return e
// }
// }
BLangBlockStmt safeAssignmentBlock = ASTBuilderUtil.createBlockStmt(assignNode.pos, new ArrayList<>());
BLangExpression lhsExpr = assignNode.varRefs.get(0);
BLangMatchStmtPatternClause patternSuccessCase;
if (assignNode.declaredWithVar) {
BVarSymbol varSymbol = ((BLangSimpleVarRef) lhsExpr).symbol;
BLangVariable variable = ASTBuilderUtil.createVariable(assignNode.pos, "", lhsExpr.type, null, varSymbol);
BLangVariableDef variableDef = ASTBuilderUtil.createVariableDef(assignNode.pos, variable);
patternSuccessCase = getSafeAssignSuccessPattern(assignNode.pos, lhsExpr.type, true, varSymbol, null);
} else {
patternSuccessCase = getSafeAssignSuccessPattern(assignNode.pos, lhsExpr.type, false, null, lhsExpr);
// Create the pattern to match the success case
BLangMatchStmtPatternClause patternErrorCase = getSafeAssignErrorPattern(assignNode.pos, this.env.enclInvokable.symbol);
// Create the match statement
BLangMatch matchStmt = ASTBuilderUtil.createMatchStatement(assignNode.pos, assignNode.expr, new ArrayList<BLangMatchStmtPatternClause>() {
// var f =? foo() -> var f;
assignNode.expr = null;
assignNode.safeAssignment = false;
result = rewrite(safeAssignmentBlock, this.env);
use of org.wso2.ballerinalang.compiler.desugar.Desugar in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class IterableCodeDesugar method desugar.
public void desugar(IterableContext ctx) {
// Gather required data for code generation.
// Generate Iterable Iteration.
// Create invocation expression to invoke iterable operation.
final BLangInvocation iExpr = ASTBuilderUtil.createInvocationExpr(ctx.collectionExpr.pos, ctx.iteratorFuncSymbol, Collections.emptyList(), symResolver);
if (ctx.getLastOperation().expectedType == symTable.noType || ctx.getLastOperation().expectedType == symTable.voidType) {
ctx.iteratorCaller = iExpr;
} else {
ctx.iteratorCaller = ASTBuilderUtil.wrapToConversionExpr(ctx.getLastOperation().expectedType, iExpr, symTable, types);
use of org.wso2.ballerinalang.compiler.desugar.Desugar in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class CompilerDriver method compile.
// Private methods
private BLangPackage compile(BLangPackage bLangPackage) {
BLangPackage pkgNode = bLangPackage;
// "ballerina/built-in" packages is only the pre-known package by the Ballerina compiler. So load it first.
BLangPackage builtInPackage = loadBuiltInPackage();
if (this.stopCompilation(pkgNode, CompilerPhase.DEFINE)) {
return pkgNode;
pkgNode = define(pkgNode);
if (this.stopCompilation(pkgNode, CompilerPhase.TYPE_CHECK)) {
return pkgNode;
pkgNode = typeCheck(pkgNode);
if (this.stopCompilation(pkgNode, CompilerPhase.CODE_ANALYZE)) {
return pkgNode;
pkgNode = codeAnalyze(pkgNode);
if (this.stopCompilation(pkgNode, CompilerPhase.TAINT_ANALYZE)) {
return pkgNode;
pkgNode = taintAnalyze(pkgNode);
if (this.stopCompilation(pkgNode, CompilerPhase.COMPILER_PLUGIN)) {
return pkgNode;
pkgNode = annotationProcess(pkgNode);
if (this.stopCompilation(pkgNode, CompilerPhase.DESUGAR)) {
return pkgNode;
// TODO : Improve this.
return desugar(pkgNode);
use of org.wso2.ballerinalang.compiler.desugar.Desugar in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class TypeChecker method checkStructLiteralKeyExpr.
private BType checkStructLiteralKeyExpr(BLangRecordKey key, BType recordType, RecordKind recKind) {
Name fieldName;
BLangExpression keyExpr = key.expr;
if (keyExpr.getKind() == NodeKind.SIMPLE_VARIABLE_REF) {
BLangSimpleVarRef varRef = (BLangSimpleVarRef) keyExpr;
fieldName = names.fromIdNode(varRef.variableName);
} else {
// keys of the struct literal can only be a varRef (identifier)
dlog.error(keyExpr.pos, DiagnosticCode.INVALID_STRUCT_LITERAL_KEY);
return symTable.errType;
// Check weather the struct field exists
BSymbol fieldSymbol = symResolver.resolveStructField(keyExpr.pos, this.env, fieldName, recordType.tsymbol);
if (fieldSymbol == symTable.notFoundSymbol) {
dlog.error(keyExpr.pos, DiagnosticCode.UNDEFINED_STRUCT_FIELD, fieldName, recordType.tsymbol);
return symTable.errType;
// Setting the struct field symbol for future use in Desugar and code generator.
key.fieldSymbol = (BVarSymbol) fieldSymbol;
return fieldSymbol.type;