use of org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.core.exception.ApiDeleteFailureException in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class APIPublisherImpl method deleteAPI.
* Delete an API
* @param identifier UUID of the API.
* @throws APIManagementException if failed to remove the API
public void deleteAPI(String identifier) throws APIManagementException {
APIGateway gateway = getApiGateway();
try {
if (getAPISubscriptionCountByAPI(identifier) == 0) {
API api = getAPIbyUUID(identifier);
// Checks whether the user has required permissions to delete the API
verifyUserPermissionsToDeleteAPI(getUsername(), api);
String apiWfStatus = api.getWorkflowStatus();
API.APIBuilder apiBuilder = new API.APIBuilder(api);
// Delete API in gateway
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("API : " + api.getName() + " has been successfully removed from the gateway");
if (!getApiDAO().isAPIVersionsExist(api.getName())) {
Map<String, String> scopeMap = apiDefinitionFromSwagger20.getScopesFromSecurityDefinition(getApiSwaggerDefinition(identifier));
for (String scope : scopeMap.keySet()) {
try {
} catch (KeyManagementException e) {
// We ignore the error due to if scope get deleted from other end that will affect to delete
// api.
log.warn("Scope couldn't delete from Key Manager", e);
// Deleting API specific endpoints
if (api.getEndpoint() != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Endpoint> entry : api.getEndpoint().entrySet()) {
Endpoint endpoint = entry.getValue();
if (APIMgtConstants.API_SPECIFIC_ENDPOINT.equals(endpoint.getApplicableLevel())) {
APIUtils.logDebug("API with id " + identifier + " was deleted successfully.", log);
if (APILCWorkflowStatus.PENDING.toString().equals(apiWfStatus)) {
// 'API_M Functions' related code
// Create a payload with event specific details
Map<String, String> eventPayload = new HashMap<>();
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_ID, api.getId());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_NAME, api.getName());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_VERSION, api.getVersion());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_PROVIDER, api.getProvider());
eventPayload.put(APIMgtConstants.FunctionsConstants.API_DESCRIPTION, api.getDescription());
// This will notify all the EventObservers(Asynchronous)
ObserverNotifier observerNotifier = new ObserverNotifier(Event.API_DELETION, getUsername(),, eventPayload, this);
} else {
throw new ApiDeleteFailureException("API with " + identifier + " already have subscriptions");
} catch (APIMgtDAOException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error occurred while deleting the API with id " + identifier;
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, e.getErrorHandler());
} catch (LifecycleException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error occurred while Disassociating the API with Lifecycle id " + identifier;
log.error(errorMsg, e);
throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e, ExceptionCodes.APIMGT_LIFECYCLE_EXCEPTION);
} catch (GatewayException e) {
String message = "Error occurred while deleting API with id - " + identifier + " from gateway";
log.error(message, e);
throw new APIManagementException(message, ExceptionCodes.GATEWAY_EXCEPTION);