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Example 36 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project dim by 1and1.

the class NameTest method test_wild_abs.

public void test_wild_abs() throws TextParseException {
    Name sub = Name.fromString("a.b.c.");
    Name exp = Name.fromString("*.");
    Name n = sub.wild(3);
    assertEquals(exp, n);
Also used : Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)

Example 37 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project dim by 1and1.

the class NameTest method test_fromDNAME_disjoint.

public void test_fromDNAME_disjoint() throws NameTooLongException, TextParseException {
    Name own = new Name("the.owner.");
    Name alias = new Name("the.alias.");
    DNAMERecord dnr = new DNAMERecord(own, DClass.IN, 0xABCD, alias);
    Name sub = new Name("sub.the.other");
Also used : Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)

Example 38 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project dim by 1and1.

the class NameTest method test_concatenate_abs_prefix.

public void test_concatenate_abs_prefix() throws NameTooLongException, TextParseException {
    Name p = Name.fromString("A.B.");
    Name s = Name.fromString("c.d.");
    Name e = Name.fromString("A.B.");
    Name n = Name.concatenate(p, s);
    assertEquals(e, n);
Also used : Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)

Example 39 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project dim by 1and1.

the class ZoneVerifier method processNSECChain.

private int processNSECChain() {
    int errors = 0;
    NSECRecord lastNSEC = null;
    for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Name, MarkRRset>> i = mNSECMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        // which is different.
        if (lastNSEC != null) {
            if (lastNSEC.getName().compareTo(lastNSEC.getNext()) >= 0) {
                log.warning("NSEC for " + lastNSEC.getName() + " has next name >= owner but is not the last NSEC in the chain.");
        Map.Entry<Name, MarkRRset> entry =;
        Name n = entry.getKey();
        MarkRRset rrset = entry.getValue();
        // signed node.
        if (!rrset.getMark()) {
            log.warning("NSEC RR for " + n + " appears to be extra.");
        NSECRecord nsec = (NSECRecord) rrset.first();
        // nsec map incorrectly.
        if (!n.equals(nsec.getName())) {
            log.warning("The NSEC in the map for name " + n + " has name " + nsec.getName());
        // name
        if (lastNSEC == null && !n.equals(mZoneName)) {
            log.warning("The first NSEC in the chain does not match the zone name: name = " + n + " zonename = " + mZoneName);
        // Check that the prior NSEC's next name equals this rows owner name.
        if (lastNSEC != null) {
            if (!lastNSEC.getNext().equals(nsec.getName())) {
                log.warning("NSEC for " + lastNSEC.getName() + " does not point to the next NSEC in the chain: " + n);
        lastNSEC = nsec;
    // the ownername should be >= next name.
    if (lastNSEC.getName().compareTo(lastNSEC.getNext()) < 0) {
        log.warning("The last NSEC RR in the chain did not have an owner >= next: owner = " + lastNSEC.getName() + " next = " + lastNSEC.getNext());
    // check to make sure it links to the first NSEC in the chain
    if (!lastNSEC.getNext().equals(mZoneName)) {
        log.warning("The last NSEC RR in the chain did not link to the first NSEC");
    return errors;
Also used : NSECRecord(org.xbill.DNS.NSECRecord) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Map(java.util.Map) SortedMap(java.util.SortedMap) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)

Example 40 with Name

use of org.xbill.DNS.Name in project dim by 1and1.

the class ZoneVerifier method processNodes.

 * For each node, determine which RRsets should be signed, verify those, and
 * determine which nodes get NSEC or NSEC3 RRs and verify those.
private int processNodes() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, TextParseException {
    int errors = 0;
    Name last_cut = null;
    for (Map.Entry<Name, Set<Integer>> entry : mNodeMap.entrySet()) {
        Name n = entry.getKey();
        Set<Integer> typeset = entry.getValue();
        NodeType ntype = determineNodeType(n, typeset, last_cut);
        log.finest("Node " + n + " is type " + ntype);
        // we can ignore glue/invalid RRs.
        if (ntype == NodeType.GLUE)
        // record the last zone cut if this node is a zone cut.
        if (ntype == NodeType.DELEGATION || typeset.contains(Type.DNAME)) {
            last_cut = n;
        // check all of the RRsets that should be signed
        for (int type : typeset) {
            if (type == Type.RRSIG)
            // checked separately)
            if (ntype == NodeType.DELEGATION && type != Type.DS)
            // otherwise, verify the RRset.
            String k = key(n, type);
            RRset rrset = mRRsetMap.get(k);
            errors += processRRset(rrset);
        // the only types that should be there are NS, DS and RRSIG.
        if (ntype == NodeType.DELEGATION) {
            typeset = cleanupDelegationTypeset(typeset);
        switch(mDNSSECType) {
            case NSEC:
                // all nodes with NSEC records have NSEC and RRSIG types
                errors += processNSEC(n, typeset);
            case NSEC3:
                errors += processNSEC3(n, typeset, ntype);
            case NSEC3_OPTOUT:
                if (ntype == NodeType.NORMAL || (ntype == NodeType.DELEGATION && typeset.contains(Type.DS))) {
                    errors += processNSEC3(n, typeset, ntype);
    return errors;
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) RRset(org.xbill.DNS.RRset) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Map(java.util.Map) SortedMap(java.util.SortedMap) Name(org.xbill.DNS.Name)


Name (org.xbill.DNS.Name)110 Record (org.xbill.DNS.Record)38 Message (org.xbill.DNS.Message)19 SRVRecord (org.xbill.DNS.SRVRecord)18 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 IOException ( UnknownHostException ( Lookup (org.xbill.DNS.Lookup)10 TextParseException (org.xbill.DNS.TextParseException)10 ARecord (org.xbill.DNS.ARecord)9 CNAMERecord (org.xbill.DNS.CNAMERecord)9 ExtendedResolver (org.xbill.DNS.ExtendedResolver)9 RRset (org.xbill.DNS.RRset)9 SimpleResolver (org.xbill.DNS.SimpleResolver)9 Zone (org.xbill.DNS.Zone)9 NSRecord (org.xbill.DNS.NSRecord)8 TSIG (org.xbill.DNS.TSIG)7 TXTRecord (org.xbill.DNS.TXTRecord)7 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)6