use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class CaClientImpl method requestCerts.
// method requestCert
public EnrollCertResult requestCerts(String caName, EnrollCertRequest request, RequestResponseDebug debug) throws CaClientException, PkiErrorException {
ParamUtil.requireNonNull("request", request);
List<EnrollCertRequestEntry> requestEntries = request.getRequestEntries();
if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(requestEntries)) {
return null;
boolean bo = (caName != null);
if (caName == null) {
// detect the CA name
String profile = requestEntries.get(0).getCertprofile();
caName = getCaNameForProfile(profile);
if (caName == null) {
throw new CaClientException("certprofile " + profile + " is not supported by any CA");
} else {
caName = caName.toLowerCase();
if (bo || request.getRequestEntries().size() > 1) {
// make sure that all requests are targeted on the same CA
for (EnrollCertRequestEntry entry : request.getRequestEntries()) {
String profile = entry.getCertprofile();
checkCertprofileSupportInCa(profile, caName);
CaConf ca = casMap.get(caName);
if (ca == null) {
throw new CaClientException("could not find CA named " + caName);
EnrollCertResultResp result;
try {
result = ca.getRequestor().requestCertificate(request, debug);
} catch (CmpRequestorException ex) {
throw new CaClientException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
return parseEnrollCertResult(result);
use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class X509CmpRequestor method requestCertificate0.
private EnrollCertResultResp requestCertificate0(PKIMessage reqMessage, Map<BigInteger, String> reqIdIdMap, int expectedBodyType, RequestResponseDebug debug) throws CmpRequestorException, PkiErrorException {
PkiResponse response = signAndSend(reqMessage, debug);
PKIBody respBody = response.getPkiMessage().getBody();
final int bodyType = respBody.getType();
if (PKIBody.TYPE_ERROR == bodyType) {
ErrorMsgContent content = ErrorMsgContent.getInstance(respBody.getContent());
throw new PkiErrorException(content.getPKIStatusInfo());
} else if (expectedBodyType != bodyType) {
throw new CmpRequestorException(String.format("unknown PKI body type %s instead the expected [%s, %s]", bodyType, expectedBodyType, PKIBody.TYPE_ERROR));
CertRepMessage certRep = CertRepMessage.getInstance(respBody.getContent());
CertResponse[] certResponses = certRep.getResponse();
EnrollCertResultResp result = new EnrollCertResultResp();
// CA certificates
CMPCertificate[] caPubs = certRep.getCaPubs();
if (caPubs != null && caPubs.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < caPubs.length; i++) {
if (caPubs[i] != null) {
CertificateConfirmationContentBuilder certConfirmBuilder = null;
if (!CmpUtil.isImplictConfirm(response.getPkiMessage().getHeader())) {
certConfirmBuilder = new CertificateConfirmationContentBuilder();
boolean requireConfirm = false;
// We only accept the certificates which are requested.
for (CertResponse certResp : certResponses) {
PKIStatusInfo statusInfo = certResp.getStatus();
int status = statusInfo.getStatus().intValue();
BigInteger certReqId = certResp.getCertReqId().getValue();
String thisId = reqIdIdMap.get(certReqId);
if (thisId != null) {
} else if (reqIdIdMap.size() == 1) {
thisId = reqIdIdMap.values().iterator().next();
if (thisId == null) {
// ignore it. this cert is not requested by me
ResultEntry resultEntry;
if (status == PKIStatus.GRANTED || status == PKIStatus.GRANTED_WITH_MODS) {
CertifiedKeyPair cvk = certResp.getCertifiedKeyPair();
if (cvk == null) {
return null;
CMPCertificate cmpCert = cvk.getCertOrEncCert().getCertificate();
if (cmpCert == null) {
return null;
resultEntry = new EnrollCertResultEntry(thisId, cmpCert, status);
if (certConfirmBuilder != null) {
requireConfirm = true;
X509CertificateHolder certHolder = null;
try {
certHolder = new X509CertificateHolder(cmpCert.getEncoded());
} catch (IOException ex) {
resultEntry = new ErrorResultEntry(thisId, ClientErrorCode.PKISTATUS_RESPONSE_ERROR, PKIFailureInfo.systemFailure, "could not decode the certificate");
if (certHolder != null) {
certConfirmBuilder.addAcceptedCertificate(certHolder, certReqId);
} else {
PKIFreeText statusString = statusInfo.getStatusString();
String errorMessage = (statusString == null) ? null : statusString.getStringAt(0).getString();
int failureInfo = statusInfo.getFailInfo().intValue();
resultEntry = new ErrorResultEntry(thisId, status, failureInfo, errorMessage);
if (CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(reqIdIdMap)) {
for (BigInteger reqId : reqIdIdMap.keySet()) {
ErrorResultEntry ere = new ErrorResultEntry(reqIdIdMap.get(reqId), ClientErrorCode.PKISTATUS_NO_ANSWER);
if (!requireConfirm) {
return result;
PKIMessage confirmRequest = buildCertConfirmRequest(response.getPkiMessage().getHeader().getTransactionID(), certConfirmBuilder);
response = signAndSend(confirmRequest, debug);
return result;
use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class CaClientImpl method requestCert.
public EnrollCertResult requestCert(String caName, CertificationRequest csr, String profile, Date notBefore, Date notAfter, RequestResponseDebug debug) throws CaClientException, PkiErrorException {
ParamUtil.requireNonNull("csr", csr);
if (caName == null) {
caName = getCaNameForProfile(profile);
} else {
caName = caName.toLowerCase();
if (caName == null) {
throw new CaClientException("certprofile " + profile + " is not supported by any CA");
CaConf ca = casMap.get(caName);
if (ca == null) {
throw new CaClientException("could not find CA named " + caName);
final String id = "cert-1";
CsrEnrollCertRequest request = new CsrEnrollCertRequest(id, profile, csr);
EnrollCertResultResp result;
try {
result = ca.getRequestor().requestCertificate(request, notBefore, notAfter, debug);
} catch (CmpRequestorException ex) {
throw new CaClientException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
return parseEnrollCertResult(result);