use of org.xmpp.packet.Packet in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class WorkgroupCompatibleClient method notifyQueueStatus.
public void notifyQueueStatus(JID sender, JID receiver, UserRequest request, boolean isPolling) {
Packet statusPacket;
if (isPolling) {
statusPacket = new IQ();
} else {
statusPacket = new Message();
// Add Queue Status Packet to IQ
Element status = statusPacket.getElement().addElement("queue-status", "");
// Add Time Element
Element time = status.addElement("time");
// Add Position Element
Element position = status.addElement("position");
position.setText(Integer.toString(request.getPosition() + 1));
// Send the queue status
use of org.xmpp.packet.Packet in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class DiscoIQRegisteredProcessor method process.
public void process(Packet packet, final String subdomain, String to, String from) throws PacketRejectedException {
Log.debug("Processing packet in DiscoIQRegisteredProcessor for " + subdomain);
// Check if the jabber:iq:register is enabled in admin panel
boolean isFeatureEnabled = JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty("plugin.remoteroster.sparkDiscoInfo", false);
if (!isFeatureEnabled) {
Log.debug("Spark extension is deactivated. Won't change the disco#info");
final InterceptorManager interceptorManager = InterceptorManager.getInstance();
final PacketInterceptor interceptor = new PacketInterceptor() {
public void interceptPacket(Packet packet, Session session, boolean incoming, boolean processed) throws PacketRejectedException {
if (!processed && incoming) {
if (packet instanceof IQ) {
IQ iqPacket = (IQ) packet;
Element packetElement = iqPacket.getChildElement();
if (packetElement == null)
String ns = iqPacket.getChildElement().getNamespace().getURI();
if (iqPacket.getType().equals(IQ.Type.result) && ns.equals("jabber:iq:register") && iqPacket.getFrom().toString().equals(subdomain)) {
// Check if we are already registered
throw new PacketRejectedException();
} else if (iqPacket.getType().equals(IQ.Type.result) && ns.equals("") && iqPacket.getFrom().toString().equals(subdomain)) {
* This is the answer of the disco#info from spark
* to our component. add the jabber:iq:register
* feature if we are registered
if (isRegistered()) {
Log.debug("Modifying disco#info packge to send registered iq feature to Spark user " + iqPacket.getTo().toString());
Attribute attribut = new DefaultAttribute("var", "jabber:iq:registered");
Log.debug("Creating my own listener for jabber:iq:register result to external component " + subdomain);
IQ askComponent = new IQ();
Element query = new DefaultElement(QName.get("query", "jabber:iq:register"));
// Remove the package intercepter in 1sec
TimerTask removeInterceptorTask = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
Log.debug("Removing my created listener for jabber:iq:register. Component " + subdomain);
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(removeInterceptorTask, 1000);
// Send the register query to component
use of org.xmpp.packet.Packet in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class ContentFilterPlugin method interceptPacket.
public void interceptPacket(Packet packet, Session session, boolean read, boolean processed) throws PacketRejectedException {
if (isValidTargetPacket(packet, read, processed)) {
Packet original = packet;
if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) {
Log.debug("Content filter: intercepted packet:" + original.toString());
// as it's an expensive operation
if (violationNotificationEnabled && violationIncludeOriginalPacketEnabled && maskEnabled) {
original = packet.createCopy();
// filter the packet
boolean contentMatched = contentFilter.filter(packet);
if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) {
Log.debug("Content filter: content matched? " + contentMatched);
// notify admin of violations
if (contentMatched && violationNotificationEnabled) {
if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) {
Log.debug("Content filter: sending violation notification");
Log.debug("Content filter: include original msg? " + this.violationIncludeOriginalPacketEnabled);
// the conversation in the (spy mode!)
if (contentMatched) {
if (allowOnMatch) {
if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) {
Log.debug("Content filter: allowed content:" + packet.toString());
// no further action required
} else {
// msg must be rejected
if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) {
Log.debug("Content filter: rejecting packet");
PacketRejectedException rejected = new PacketRejectedException("Packet rejected with disallowed content!");
if (rejectionNotificationEnabled) {
// let the sender know about the rejection, this is
// only possible/useful if the content is not masked
throw rejected;
use of org.xmpp.packet.Packet in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class Workgroup method roomActivity.
// ###############################################################################
// MUC related packets
// ###############################################################################
* Notification message indicating that there has been new activity in a room. This implies
* that we need to update the conversation transcript of the group chat room and possibly
* update the number of occupants within the room.<p>
* <p/>
* If only the workgroup is present in the room then leave the room (i.e. destroying room) and
* proceed to save the room conversation transcript to the database.<p>
* @param packet the packet that was sent to the group chat room.
private void roomActivity(Packet packet) {
// Skip packet sent from this workgroup in the room
if (packet.getFrom().toBareJID().equals(getGroupChatRoomName())) {
RoomInterceptorManager interceptorManager = RoomInterceptorManager.getInstance();
String roomID = packet.getFrom().getNode();
// Get the sessionID
String sessionID = packet.getFrom().getNode();
synchronized (sessionID.intern()) {
if (packet instanceof Presence) {
Presence presence = (Presence) packet;
if (Presence.Type.error == presence.getType()) {
// A configuration must be wrong (eg. workgroup is not allowed to create rooms).
// Log the error presence
String warnMessage = "Possible server misconfiguration. Received error " + "presence:" + presence.toXML();
// Get the JID of the presence's user
Element mucUser = presence.getChildElement("x", "");
// Skip this presence if no extended info was included in the presence
if (mucUser == null) {
Element item = mucUser.element("item");
// Skip this presence if no item was included in the presence
if (item == null) {
// Skip this presence if it's the presence of this workgroup in the room
if (workgroupName.equals(packet.getFrom().getResource())) {
JID presenceFullJID = new JID(item.attributeValue("jid"));
String presenceJID = presenceFullJID.toBareJID();
// Invoke the room interceptor before processing the presence
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(getJID().toBareJID(), packet, false, false);
// Get the userID associated to this sessionID
UserRequest initialRequest = requests.get(sessionID);
// Add the new presence to the list of sent packets
Map<Packet, java.util.Date> messageList = transcripts.get(roomID);
if (messageList == null) {
messageList = new LinkedHashMap<Packet, java.util.Date>();
transcripts.put(roomID, messageList);
// Trigger the event that a chat support has started
WorkgroupEventDispatcher.chatSupportStarted(this, sessionID);
messageList.put(packet.createCopy(), new java.util.Date());
// Update the number of occupants in the room.
boolean occupantAdded = false;
Set<String> set = occupantsCounter.get(roomID);
if (set == null) {
set = new HashSet<String>();
occupantsCounter.put(roomID, set);
if (presence.isAvailable()) {
occupantAdded = set.add(presenceJID);
} else {
String xpath = "/presence/*[name()='x']/*[name()='status']";
Element status = (Element) presence.getElement().selectSingleNode(xpath);
if (status == null || !"303".equals(status.attributeValue("code"))) {
// Remove the occupant unless the occupant is changing his nickname
// If the presence belongs to an Agent then create/update a track
// Look for an agent whose JID matches the presence's JID
String agentJID = null;
for (Agent agent : getAgents()) {
if (agent.getAgentJID().toBareJID().equals(presenceJID)) {
agentJID = agent.getAgentJID().toBareJID();
if (agentJID != null) {
AgentSession agentSession;
// Update the current chats that the agent is having
try {
agentSession = agentManager.getAgentSession(presenceFullJID);
if (agentSession != null) {
if (presence.isAvailable()) {
if (occupantAdded) {
agentSession.addChatInfo(this, sessionID, initialRequest, new java.util.Date());
// Trigger the event that an agent has joined a chat session
WorkgroupEventDispatcher.agentJoinedChatSupport(this, sessionID, agentSession);
} else {
agentSession.removeChatInfo(this, sessionID);
// Trigger the event that an agent has left a chat session
WorkgroupEventDispatcher.agentLeftChatSupport(this, sessionID, agentSession);
} catch (AgentNotFoundException e) {
// Do nothing since the AgentSession was not found
if (presence.isAvailable()) {
if (occupantAdded) {
// Store in the DB that an agent has joined a room
DbWorkgroup.updateJoinedSession(sessionID, agentJID, true);
} else {
// Store in the DB that an agent has left a room
DbWorkgroup.updateJoinedSession(sessionID, agentJID, false);
} else {
if (occupantAdded) {
// Notify the request that the user has joined a support session
if (occupantAdded) {
initialRequest.userJoinedRoom(new JID(packet.getFrom().toBareJID()), presenceFullJID);
// If just the user has left the room, just persist the transcript
boolean isAgent = false;
try {
isAgent = agentManager.getAgentSession(presenceFullJID) != null;
} catch (AgentNotFoundException e) {
// Ignore.
if (!((Presence) packet).isAvailable() && !isAgent) {
// Build the XML for the transcript
Map<Packet, java.util.Date> map = transcripts.get(roomID);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (Packet p : map.keySet()) {
java.util.Date date = map.get(p);
// Add the delay information
if (p instanceof Message) {
Message storedMessage = (Message) p;
Element delay = storedMessage.addChildElement("x", "jabber:x:delay");
delay.addAttribute("stamp", UTC_FORMAT.format(date));
if (ModelUtil.hasLength(storedMessage.getBody())) {
} else {
Presence storedPresence = (Presence) p;
Element delay = storedPresence.addChildElement("x", "jabber:x:delay");
delay.addAttribute("stamp", UTC_FORMAT.format(date));
// Append an XML representation of the packet to the string buffer
// Save the transcript (in XML) to the DB
DbWorkgroup.updateTranscript(sessionID, buf.toString(), new java.util.Date());
// the DB and destroy the room
if (!((Presence) packet).isAvailable() && set.isEmpty()) {
// Delete the counter of occupants for this room
initialRequest = requests.remove(sessionID);
if (initialRequest != null && initialRequest.hasJoinedRoom()) {
// Notify the request that the support session has finished
// Build the XML for the transcript
Map<Packet, java.util.Date> map = transcripts.get(roomID);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (Packet p : map.keySet()) {
java.util.Date date = map.get(p);
// Add the delay information
if (p instanceof Message) {
Message storedMessage = (Message) p;
Element delay = storedMessage.addChildElement("x", "jabber:x:delay");
delay.addAttribute("stamp", UTC_FORMAT.format(date));
if (ModelUtil.hasLength(storedMessage.getBody())) {
} else {
Presence storedPresence = (Presence) p;
Element delay = storedPresence.addChildElement("x", "jabber:x:delay");
delay.addAttribute("stamp", UTC_FORMAT.format(date));
// Append an XML representation of the packet to the string buffer
// Save the transcript (in XML) to the DB
//DbWorkgroup.updateTranscript(sessionID, buf.toString(), new java.util.Date());
// Leave Chat Room (the room will be destroyed)
String roomJID = packet.getFrom().toString() + "/" + getJID().getNode();
LeaveRoom leaveRoom = new LeaveRoom(getFullJID().toString(), roomJID);
// Remove the transcript information of this room since the room no
// longer exists
// Trigger the event that a chat support has finished
WorkgroupEventDispatcher.chatSupportFinished(this, sessionID);
// Invoke the room interceptor after the presence has been processed
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(getJID().toBareJID(), packet, false, true);
} else if (packet instanceof Message) {
// transcript to include things like "room locked"
if (packet.getFrom().getResource() != null) {
// Invoke the room interceptor before processing the presence
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(getJID().toBareJID(), packet, false, false);
// Add the new message to the list of sent packets
Map<Packet, java.util.Date> messageList = transcripts.get(roomID);
if (messageList == null) {
messageList = new LinkedHashMap<Packet, java.util.Date>();
transcripts.put(roomID, messageList);
messageList.put(packet.createCopy(), new java.util.Date());
// Invoke the room interceptor after the presence has been processed
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(getJID().toBareJID(), packet, false, true);
use of org.xmpp.packet.Packet in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class PacketCounter method start.
* Resets all counters, and starts counting.
public void start() {
// Register a packet listener so that we can track packet traffic.
interceptor = new PacketInterceptor() {
public void interceptPacket(final Packet packet, final Session session, final boolean incoming, final boolean processed) {
if (!processed) {
// don't count packets twice!
if (packet instanceof Message) {
if (packet instanceof Presence) {
if (packet instanceof IQ) {
switch(((IQ) packet).getType()) {
case get:
case set:
case result:
case error:
// reset counters
// register listener